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Kavesh Malhotra

195 posts
Nov 01 2022

A researcher, digital marketer, and intense content writer.

  1. Top 10 Headwinds Tailwinds Templates with Samples and Examples

    Top 10 Headwinds Tailwinds Templates with Samples and Examples

    "If you look closely, most overnight successes took a long time."- Steve Jobs.   Steve Jobs was known for never mincing his words. This quote is a prime example of that! His golden words indicate how businesses are often caught in the crosshairs of headwinds and tailwinds. To be honest, no business can be the […]
    Kavesh Malhotra Kavesh Malhotra March 14 2024
  2. Top 5 Performance Review Matrix Templates with Samples and Examples

    Top 5 Performance Review Matrix Templates with Samples and Examples

    "Efficiency is doing better what is already being done."- Peter Drucker, globally renowned management consultant.    Peter Drucker's words reflect the performance challenge that almost every organization faces. Business is dynamic; hence, every organization must fine-tune its departments to match the changing needs of the industry and the organization itself. That's where performance reviews can […]
    Kavesh Malhotra Kavesh Malhotra March 28 2024
  3. Top 10 Project Status PowerPoint Templates with samples and examples

    Top 10 Project Status PowerPoint Templates with samples and examples

    “Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.” – Peter Drucker, globally renowned management consultant and educator.    These words from Peter Drucker perfectly summarise project management narratives today. The scale and complexities in project management are on the rise. It has evolved way beyond managing certain tasks and is now more […]
    Kavesh Malhotra Kavesh Malhotra March 7 2024
  4. Top 10 Financial Infographics Templates with Examples and Samples

    Top 10 Financial Infographics Templates with Examples and Samples

    "Financial management is at the heart of any business. It is one area that can help drive it forward”   These words from author Richard Harroch are eternal. No matter how technology evolves, what type of companies come up, or how humans perceive work in the future, financial management will always be the driving force […]
    Kavesh Malhotra Kavesh Malhotra March 6 2024
  5. Top 10 Sales Chart Templates with Samples and Examples

    Top 10 Sales Chart Templates with Samples and Examples

    "Every sale has five basic obstacles: no need, no money, no hurry, no desire, no trust."- Zig Ziglar   Zig Ziglar simplifies the entire sales process challenges in this one single quote! If a brand manages to eliminate these five obstacles, there is nothing that can stop the brand from experiencing exponential growth. But the […]
    Kavesh Malhotra Kavesh Malhotra March 2 2024
  6. Top 10 Transportation Presentation Templates with Examples and Samples

    Top 10 Transportation Presentation Templates with Examples and Samples

    Transportation is the lifeblood of any civilization. How effectively we move people and goods determines the health of our economy, society, and environment. - Henry Ford, inventor of motor car.    Ford’s wise words highlight the critical role transportation plays in our world. However, the evolving transportation industry presents a unique set of challenges every day. […]
    Kavesh Malhotra Kavesh Malhotra February 29 2024
  7. Top 7 Four Box Templates with Samples and Examples

    Top 7 Four Box Templates with Samples and Examples

    “Good business is the best art.” - Andy Warhol, US visual artist and film director   When Warhol equated business with art, he touched on the essence of creativity and structure coming together to form something impactful.  Today, there is no shortage of data for businesses.  But the true challenge lies in presenting that data […]
    Kavesh Malhotra Kavesh Malhotra February 29 2024
  8. Top 10 Customer Demographics Dashboard Templates with Examples and Samples

    Top 10 Customer Demographics Dashboard Templates with Examples and Samples

    “In diversity, there is beauty, and there is strength,” Maya Angelou, American poet.    This adage from this magician of words is the driving force behind many businesses and organizations today. As the world moves towards more inclusiveness and equality, brands are tapping every resource to connect with potential customers. These brands are devising strategies […]
    Kavesh Malhotra Kavesh Malhotra February 28 2024
  9. Top 10 People Strategy Templates with Samples and Examples

    Top 10 People Strategy Templates with Samples and Examples

    “Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.” - Michael Jordan, legendary basketball player and now businessperson   Michael’s words strongly remind us that people are the driving force behind the success of any organization. When you deploy effective strategies to manage and harness their potential, they deliver championship-level performance.    Organizations operate in […]
    Kavesh Malhotra Kavesh Malhotra February 28 2024
  10. Must-Have Operational Risk Dashboard Templates with Samples and Examples

    Must-Have Operational Risk Dashboard Templates with Samples and Examples

    "Risk comes from not knowing what you're doing" - Warren Buffet, American businessman, investor, and philanthropist.   When managing the business, ignoring the operational risk is not an option. The businesses that can succeed in this tough competition efficiently are those that manage operational risks. While there is no way to eliminate such risks, professionals […]
    Kavesh Malhotra Kavesh Malhotra February 25 2024

Items 31 to 40 of 195 total