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Kavesh Malhotra

195 posts
Nov 01 2022

A researcher, digital marketer, and intense content writer.

  1. Top 10 Technical Roadmap Templates with Examples and Samples

    Top 10 Technical Roadmap Templates with Examples and Samples

    "The best way to predict the future is to invent it." — Alan Kay, computer scientist.   We live in a hyper-dynamic world. Here, technology transfers at a lightning-fast pace, which causes many organizations to struggle to keep up. The issue is that if these organizations do not keep up with these changing trends, they […]
    Kavesh Malhotra Kavesh Malhotra May 6 2024
  2. Must-Have Product Information Sheet Templates with Samples and Examples

    Must-Have Product Information Sheet Templates with Samples and Examples

    "Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler," Albert Einstein    These amazing words of Albert Einstein are true even today when businesses are marred with complex data and a lot of documentation, they are always on the hunt for something that can help them simplify their tasks.   Similarly, even consumers and end […]
    Kavesh Malhotra Kavesh Malhotra May 2 2024
  3. Top 10 Working Capital Dashboard Templates with Examples and Samples

    Top 10 Working Capital Dashboard Templates with Examples and Samples

    “To win in the marketplace, you must first win in the workplace." - Doug Conant, former CEO of Campbell Soup.   Businesses need financial efficiency to stay ahead in the market. And if things are not ok on the home front, it's not possible for them to give a tough fight to the competitors. That's why Doug Conant's above statement seems to perfectly […]
    Kavesh Malhotra Kavesh Malhotra April 30 2024
  4. Top Ten 5-Year Roadmap Templates with Samples and Examples

    Top Ten 5-Year Roadmap Templates with Samples and Examples

    "Plans are of little importance, but planning is essential," Winston Churchill.   Although spoken more than half a century ago, Churchill's statement stands true even today. Planning and foresight are critical, especially for businesses. That's where business roadmaps come into play. Business roadmaps are like a blueprint of what a business wants to do in […]
    Kavesh Malhotra Kavesh Malhotra May 16 2024
  5. Top 10 Benchmarking Presentation Templates with Examples and Samples

    Top 10 Benchmarking Presentation Templates with Examples and Samples

    Every business is unique, so comparing it with others might seem like an impractical way to judge it. But that’s not true. Benchmarking is one of the most common ways in which businesses measure their own performance by comparing it with other companies. Technically, it's not rocket science.    All you have to do is […]
    Kavesh Malhotra Kavesh Malhotra April 25 2024
  6. Top 7 Capacity Planning Dashboard Templates with Examples and Samples

    Top 7 Capacity Planning Dashboard Templates with Examples and Samples

    "Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe"- Abraham Lincoln.   Lincoln had amazing management skills that helped him manage the entire nation during the toughest times. These words of him are an apt example of it. Even today, his words keep guiding individuals […]
    Kavesh Malhotra Kavesh Malhotra April 23 2024
  7. Top 10 Congratulations PPT Templates with Samples and Examples

    Top 10 Congratulations PPT Templates with Samples and Examples

    "The deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciated”-William James,   Humans tend to become happy when they receive appreciation. It’s a human behavior that’s imprinted in almost every one of us. Some seek appreciation in terms of monetary rewards, while some are happy just with a heartfelt gratitude message! Such appreciation […]
    Kavesh Malhotra Kavesh Malhotra April 17 2024
  8. Top 10 Intelligence Analysis Templates with Examples and Samples

    Top 10 Intelligence Analysis Templates with Examples and Samples

    'The best way to predict the future is to create it.'- Peter Ducker   Today, organizations thrive on predicting the future. While it's true that no one knows what exactly is going to happen tomorrow, there are always signs. Analyzing signs, data, and patterns can be a powerful way to at least get a cue […]
    Kavesh Malhotra Kavesh Malhotra April 17 2024
  9. Top Seven 2 Years Comparison Templates with Examples and Samples

    Top Seven 2 Years Comparison Templates with Examples and Samples

    “Progress is the comparison of where you are to where you've been,”    Comparing one's current performance with past performances is a great way to analyze the evolution. Businesses do this every now and then to ensure they are on the right track to achieve their goals. Comparison can be a great metric to judge […]
    Kavesh Malhotra Kavesh Malhotra April 16 2024
  10. Top 10 Survey Data Analysis Templates with Examples and Samples

    Top 10 Survey Data Analysis Templates with Examples and Samples

    "In God we trust; all others must bring data." – W. Edwards Deming.   These witty words from Deming are enough to highlight how important data is in today's world! Businesses and researchers are always on the hunt to harvest insights from the data they have collected via surveys and research. But there is a […]
    Kavesh Malhotra Kavesh Malhotra April 16 2024

Items 11 to 20 of 195 total