“Progress is the comparison of where you are to where you've been,” 


Comparing one's current performance with past performances is a great way to analyze the evolution. Businesses do this every now and then to ensure they are on the right track to achieve their goals. Comparison can be a great metric to judge one's progress. Such a detailed analysis of one’s performance can be a great way to develop a system for better growth. The best part about comparison? Businesses can learn from their past mistakes and prevent repetitions.   


Recently, McKinsey & Company published a study based on multiple organizations. This study revealed that organizations that used analytics to compare their past and present performance are 20% more likely to get an edge in the market. So, it doesn't take an IQ of 200 to understand why comparison with past performance should be mandatory. While doing so, you can understand the historical trends and make sure your organization does not repeat past errors. But how exactly can organizations perform such a detailed analysis?


That’s where our templates come in. These 100% content-ready and editable templates are well-designed to help decision-makers make the right choice. Instead of diving deeper into the numbers and data, this template focuses more on visual cues. The attractive and visually appealing icons, layouts, and graphs ensure your viewers don't get bored with the presentation. 


So, let's move ahead and take a brief look at these templates one by one. 


Template 1: 2 Years Company Performance Scenario Comparison

This template compares key performance indicators like cycle production time, profit, task efficiency, and employee productivity over any year. Result? You can easily highlight areas of growth, decline, or stability. On top of that, the template simplifies complex data with attractive graphics. It also gives an at-a-glance analysis of the entire performance. Overall, this template can help decision-makers identify trends and make year-over-year comparisons. The colour-coding and percentage displays can come in handy when it comes to readability and ensure that the data is accessible and actionable.


2 Years Company Performance


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Template 2: Graph Showing Sales Performance Comparison Across Two Years

This bar graph template resolves the difficulty of tracking and comparing sales performance over a two-year period. However, maintaining a pulse on sales trends can be cumbersome when faced with raw numbers. This template offers a solution by depicting monthly sales data for two consecutive years side by side. Presenters can offer a straightforward visual comparison that quickly reveals patterns, seasonal impacts, and overall growth or decline in sales.


Graph Showing Sales Performance Comparison Across 2 Years


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Template 3: 2 Years Expense Scenario Comparison

This PPT Slide can help track expenses over multiple fiscal periods. The graph shows annual expenses across multiple sectors, including instruction, support services, and maintenance, and offers a better comparison. This template simplifies the understanding of expense allocation by offering a visual of costs in a horizontal bar format. Such visualization can be extremely helpful when businesses are doing financial planning and budget reviews. Finally, the template has an "Insights" section that prompts users to add key observations. 


2 Years Expense Scenario Comparison


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Template 4: 2-Year Comparison Graph of Company Sales Revenue

This template gives a simple and visual representation of sales revenue over two years. This template plots monthly data points and can help reveal trends. On top of that, this template also shows the change in percentage year-over-year. Businesses can use it to identify seasonal impacts, market dynamics, and the effectiveness of sales strategies. The best thing about this template is its combination of the bar and line graph. Benefit? Such a combination allows for a detailed analysis of the entire company's sales revenue over two years. Here, the bars give a quick comparison of the sales figures between the two years. Similarly, the line graph represents the rate of change across the year. Download it today!


2 Year Comparison Graph of Company Sales Revenue


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Template 5: 2-Year Quarterly Comparison of Company Sales Profit

If you are a financial expert or strategist for any organization, this template can prove to be extremely helpful. It focuses on the quarterly comparison of sales profit percentage over two financial years. With an attractive layout and clutter-free visuals, you can get a clear picture of performance shifts. For example, the stark contrast between the green bars for FY 2018 and the yellow bars for FY 2019 clearly indicates that there is a change in profitability. So, if you are working where there is a strong need for constant comparison and analysis based on the performance of the past year, this template could be a great start. 


2 Year Quarterly Comparison of Company Sales Profit


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Template 6: Year In Review Checklist Two-Year Comparison

One major challenge for businesses is goal tracking and achievement evaluation over a specific period. This is vital if a business wants to grow and develop. This template offers a clear comparison between the planned goals for one year and the actual outcomes for the next year. It has a checklist format that ensures businesses can quickly gauge whether their specific objectives were achieved. These objectives could be anything like units sold, revenue generated, or percentage increase in performance. With the visual cues of check marks and crosses provided, viewers can understand the shortfalls right away.  


Year In Review Checklist Two Year Comparison


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Template 7: Yearly Timeline Comparison of Loyal Customers

Retaining your customers is one of the most powerful sources of income for businesses! Remember, a returning customer is willing to pay more as they are more satisfied with your product or service. However, for businesses, tracking customer retention is quite tricky. But fret no! This template can help you fix that problem. It can help compare customer loyalty metrics over time between two companies. Businesses can easily spot trends, dips, and improvements in terms of customer loyalty percentage. As the template has a clear timeline and percentage indications, it's easy to understand how a particular company’s customer retention has evolved. Result? The decision-makers can quickly come to a certain decision in no time. 


Yearly Timeline Comparison of Loyal Customers


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Template 8: Balance Sheet Analysis with Comparison For Two Years PPT Slides

This template can be of great help when it comes to performing a detailed financial analysis of any company. You can present a crystal-clear and side-by-side comparison table of two fiscal years. It covers critical details like changes in assets, liabilities, and equity. Result? You can quickly assess the financial health, growth, and potential risk areas. As the annual changes are described with the help of absolute and percentage terms, your viewers can get a clear idea of the company's growth. 


Balance Sheet Analysis with Comparison for Two Years


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Template 9: 2-Year GDP Comparison Graph of Various Countries

This GDP comparison template clearly compares economic data from multiple countries. It simplifies the complexities of comparing national economic performance by displaying the GDP growth rates for various countries over two consecutive years. It gives crystal-clear visuals of economic trends in any particular section. With detailed insights, analysts can easily understand a particular economy. This template can be very helpful for government agencies, investors, economists, and policy-makers.


2 Year GDP Comparison Graph of Various Countries


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Compare, Optimize, and Lead


Comparison is not a bad thing if done with proper planning, especially for businesses. It can help businesses understand where they are falling short and what they can do about it, leading to a performance increase. Our templates can also come to the rescue of those who are struggling with comparison and analysis. Using these templates, you can easily get your message across without much effort. Download now and start editing right away.