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We’ve helped raise funds worth 100 Million USD with these decks

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Top 5 Original Pitch Decks Which Proved To Be Fund Magnets

A pitch deck is a data-driven, graphic-rich, and concise presentation that articulates the story of a business in front of the angel investors and venture capitalists during pre-seed funding, Series C round & beyond.

It assures that the investment in a particular venture is worth the dollars.

A well-documented and captivating elevator deck may open the door to another investor meeting and eventually draw capital for the business.

An investor presentation is short and sweet with an average length of 20-30 slides, and each one further persuades prospective investors.

The text on the presentation needs to be uncomplicated, interesting, and easy to act on.

Next up, we shed light on the thirteen things every winning pitch deck has:-

14 Things Every Pitch Deck Needs

Wonder where do I start, devising an impeccable elevator deck that goes a long way in gaining the trust of investors?

Legendary pitch decks have the following things in common. So, let’s scroll down and learn about these:-

#1 Company Overview

No pitch deck is complete without the company overview slide. This slide aims to introduce the company to a room full of investors.

It covers vital details such as when the company was founded? Where is the company’s headquarters? And, what’s its employee strength?

The overview slide sets the stage for investors to have a rough idea of what’s coming.

Do not overload this slide with too much information. Otherwise, you will see your investors losing their attention at an early stage. Keep the information exciting and quick to digest.

#2 Problem & Solution

Every successful startup is born out of a problem and with a resolution to solve it. So, your pitch deck must reflect the same.

“A problem well stated is a problem half solved, said Charles Kettering” — An American inventor

Your investor deck should explain the problem that your business solves. It is an opportunity to showcase that there is a problem that you can resolve to generate revenue.

Once you have described the problem, the next step is to illustrate how your business deals with it.

Now, it’s your chance to introduce your product/service and highlight its USP.

Visual information is crucial. Therefore, use pictures and screenshots wherever possible for both the problem and solution demonstration.

#3 Company Offerings

There must be a dedicated slide that throws light on your company’s offerings.

In this slide, you need not explain each offering; putting forth the names along with an image is more than enough.

Maintain a readable font and color scheme to make the service headings easy to read from a wider distance within the room.

#4 Global Presence

In which geographical locations does your business operate? Your investors need this information before deciding whether to proceed with the investment.

The best approach to showcase your global presence is using a world map with pointers that define your business’s countries.

#5 Business Model

A business model aims to make potential investors aware of how your company functions and its business strategy.

The content of an apt business model slide includes a catchy phrase that summarizes the business model along with the major revenue streams.

After having a glance at the business model slide, your investors must have a fair idea of how your business will create revenue.

The slide must answer the following questions: how will the revenue be generated? What is the total revenue? What products will generate revenue?

#6 Growth Potential of Firm

Use this slide to prove to your angel investors and venture capitalists that your business model is viable in the real world by having statistics and data.

Here, you can also talk about the milestones your company has achieved so far. In addition, talk about the next steps you are planning to take on.

#7 Target Market

One of the deciding aspects that an angel investor mull over is whether the startup knows the target group.

Using the target market slide, showcase that you have done the groundwork and are well-versed with the ins and outs of your audience.

Although it is tempting to make your market as big as possible, be careful and provide only genuine information and accurate insights.

#8 Comparative Assessment

Represent your company as superior to other players in the market using competitive analysis in the tabular form.

Ensure that whatever information you include is unique and helps your company to stand out as a clear winner.

The competition slide must prove to your investors that you are self-aware, mindful of what sets your company apart.

After going through the competition slide, your potential investors must be compelled to engage with you further, and they have a fear of missing out.

#9 Financial Highlights

A financial highlights slide includes the income cash flows, balance sheet, and projections.

The financial highlights serve as a gauge for your potential investors to understand how strong your company’s growth has been and your burn rate.

If you are still in the pre-seed phase, substitute the financial highlights slide with a traction slide.

#10 Utilization of Funds

The slide put forth how the funds will be used. The information must be backed by objective analysis, including sound data and logic.

#11 Client Testimonial

The slide provides a glimpse of what your customers have to say concerning the effectiveness of your product/service.

Humanize the testimonials on the slide with the profile picture of your customers.

You can even include logos of your clients to draw the attention of your audience to the big companies and relevant companies in the industry.

#12 Key People Associated

Introduce your potential investors to the key people — founders, team members, investors, and advisors — in the core management of your company.

It must include the photos of each member, along with their designations.

#13 Key People Associated

The future initiatives slide needs to be brief and informative to provide information on what your company is heading in the next couple of years.

You can use images, graphs, and tables for a better explanation.

#14 Contact Us

Last but not least, the contact slide is indispensable. Otherwise, how will your potential investors get in touch with you after the presentation?

Put an email address and contact number to reach out on this slide. If possible, do add the social media profiles of your business.

Top 5 Original Pitch Decks

1. Youtube

"We started YouTube to democratize video distribution. Now, we are democratizing video creation," said Chad Hurley — First CEO of YouTube in 2005
What is YouTube? — An American Online Video Sharing Platform Owned by Google
The YouTube elevator deck is effective, well thought-out with a superb cover slide followed by a company purpose slide that puts YouTube's unique concept of 'Share, Browse, and Upload' to their target investor group. The problem slide presents an all-round view of the pain points faced by their audience. And, YouTube’s solution slide is cogent, addressing the problems which were discussed in the problem slide. The competitive landscape slide mentions the significant rivals in the industry. The product development cycle is also there on YouTube's investor deck. And, finally, the team slide introduces the key employees to invoke a sense of trust in the minds of the potential investors.


2. Uber

"The one who follows the crowd, never gets ahead of the crowd." said Travis Kalanick— Co-founder of Uber
What is Uber? — An American Technology Company
The Uber pitch deck follows the slide order as recommended by startup accelerators and successful entrepreneurs. The vital slides in Uber's investor template include the problem slide, solution slide, business model, traction, team slide, and more. The font size and color scheme of Uber's deck are well-thought and seizure their audience's attention. They have an endearing competition slide using a grid approach to stand out amongst the competitors.


3. WeWork

"As the world becomes a more digital place, we cannot forget about the human connection," said Adam Neumann— Co-founder of WeWork
What is WeWork? — An American Commercial Real Estate Company
WeWork pitch deck is clear, and conveying.The investor template uses graphs and flowcharts to show substantial financial projections and big plans.They have presented the text in a digestible manner. The entire design is consistent throughout the pitch deck, from the font, graphic styles to colors. Each slide, starting with the title slide, company overview, market opportunity, value proposition, to team slide, are in a sequence to tell an exciting tale.

4. Tinder

"Love, friendship, networking - these are all critical connections and the foundation of a healthy, happy life," said Whitney Wolfe Herd — Co-founder of Tinder
What is Tinder? — An American Geo-Social Networking & Online Dating App
On Tinder’s elevator deck, they have provided plenty of information at the beginning, including the fundraising round history. The title slide features the name and the company's logo, along with a catchy tagline having an impactful appeal. They exemplify the problem faced by the target audience of Tinder through the real-world example of Matt, who has a fear of rejection. The demo product is also there on Tinder’s investor deck to present a thorough functional overview to the inventors who haven’t used the App. After covering the problems and solutions, Tinder defines the USPs of the product. The images, bullet lists, icons, and other graphics are eyebrow-raising.

5. Shopify

"E-commerce is not an industry; e-commerce is a tactic," said Tobias Lutke — Founder and CEO of Shopify
What is Shopify? — A Canadian Multinational E-commerce Company
Shopify has an irresistible investor deck that provides highlights of its business model and financial plans. As investors do not read all the slides, Shopify has powered-packed their pitch deck with visual aids. The text in the slides is jargon-free and telling. They have made no exaggerated claims and superlatives.