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Kavesh Malhotra

195 posts
Nov 01 2022

A researcher, digital marketer, and intense content writer.

  1. Top 10 Performance Tracking Templates with Samples and Examples

    Top 10 Performance Tracking Templates with Samples and Examples

    “Performance is the best measure of success”-John Wooden.   Today, organizations are vying for a competitive edge, and the only way to achieve this is by delivering better performance. There comes the real challenge. How can an organization improve its performance? By doing better, someone would say. But that's not enough. First, you have to […]
    Kavesh Malhotra Kavesh Malhotra May 14 2024
  2. Top 10 Audit Dashboard Templates with Samples and Examples

    Top 10 Audit Dashboard Templates with Samples and Examples

    Businesses have to deal with a large amount of data every day. They collect this pile of data in the hope of using it to grow their business. Problem? The data is in raw form and has to be audited to ensure better usage. So today, data audits have become a crucial part of almost […]
    Kavesh Malhotra Kavesh Malhotra April 10 2024
  3. Top 10 Introducing Yourself Templates with Examples and Samples

    Top 10 Introducing Yourself Templates with Examples and Samples

    "The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra," Jimmy Johnson, American sports coach.   Jimmy Johnson's words perfectly fit when it comes to introducing yourself. A personal introduction is a part of almost every career option you pick today. How you introduce yourself can open or close the doors of opportunities for you. […]
    Kavesh Malhotra Kavesh Malhotra March 29 2024
  4. Top 10 Data Engineering PPT Templates with Examples and Samples

    Top 10 Data Engineering PPT Templates with Examples and Samples

    "Information is the oil of the 21st century, and analytics is the combustion engine."- Peter Sondergaard, senior vice president and global head of Research at Gartner, Inc.   These words are pure gold, coming out from a thought leader in the data and analytics industry! They clearly showcase the importance of data in the current […]
    Kavesh Malhotra Kavesh Malhotra March 28 2024
  5. Top 5 Comparative Study Templates with Samples and Examples

    Top 5 Comparative Study Templates with Samples and Examples

    “In the absence of information, we jump to the worst conclusions” -Alexis Ohanian, co-founder of Reddit.   Data is today's gold mine for organizations, and we live in times when there is no shortage of raw data. However, an organization needs simplified information to help them make decisions. Decision-making without clear, comparative insights can lead […]
    Kavesh Malhotra Kavesh Malhotra March 26 2024
  6. Top 7 Accounting Roadmap Templates with Examples and Samples

    Top 7 Accounting Roadmap Templates with Examples and Samples

    Research by McKinsey reveals that top-performing finance departments that manage to account can cut operational costs significantly. On top of that, they can allocate 19% more time to value-added services for their organization. This research is a testament that if accounting and books are good, the team can think beyond and be innovative, resulting in […]
    Kavesh Malhotra Kavesh Malhotra March 26 2024
  7. Top 10 Number Icons PowerPoint Templates with Samples and Examples

    Top 10 Number Icons PowerPoint Templates with Samples and Examples

    "Simple and to the point is always the best way to get your point across." — Guy Kawasaki, American author.   Today, we live in times where information overload is an art. We all know data is a gold mine, but unfortunately, that gold is not available in chunks anymore. It's like mixed with sand, […]
    Kavesh Malhotra Kavesh Malhotra March 22 2024
  8. Top 10 Quantum Computing PPT Templates with Samples and Examples

    Top 10 Quantum Computing PPT Templates with Samples and Examples

    "Computers are like bicycles for our minds,"- Steve Jobs.   Steve Jobs was a visionary who said what others couldn't. In this context, too, he clearly understood the profound impact a technology can have on enhancing human capability. But when it comes to Quantum computing, this analogy needs a bit of a boost. The reason […]
    Kavesh Malhotra Kavesh Malhotra April 29 2024
  9. Top 10 Monthly Project Plan Templates with Samples and Examples

    Top 10 Monthly Project Plan Templates with Samples and Examples

    "Plans are nothing; planning is everything."- Dwight D. Eisenhower    The man was a legend himself, and so were his words! Being a WWII vet and a president, he knew the importance of planning. These words emphasize the importance of planning, even in today's corporate world.    That's why many strategists focus on preparing monthly […]
    Kavesh Malhotra Kavesh Malhotra March 16 2024
  10. Top 10 Project Health Dashboard Templates with Examples and Samples

    Top 10 Project Health Dashboard Templates with Examples and Samples

    "Measure what is measurable, and make measurable what is not so"- Galileo Galilei   Even after centuries, these words from Galileo emphasize the pursuit of perfection, and that's exactly what today's businesses and organizations want.  Especially with an ongoing project, it's vital for stakeholders of any organization to have detailed and tangible insights.  That's where […]
    Kavesh Malhotra Kavesh Malhotra March 16 2024

Items 21 to 30 of 195 total