“Performance is the best measure of success”-John Wooden.


Today, organizations are vying for a competitive edge, and the only way to achieve this is by delivering better performance. There comes the real challenge. How can an organization improve its performance? By doing better, someone would say. But that's not enough. First, you have to understand how well your team or organization is performing. That's where performance tracking comes into play. 


A Deloitte study indicates that high-performing companies are five times more likely to use performance analytics effectively than their peers. Moreover, another study from the Harvard Business Review suggests that the top companies that use data-driven decisions are three times more productive and six percent more profitable than their competitors. In short, the indications are clear. An organization that focuses on data and performance always stays ahead of the competition. 


But how do you track and analyze performance? Well, that's the exact challenge that our custom-designed templates are crafted to overcome. Our experts have designed a set of these 100% editable and content-ready templates to help businesses and experts track performance. 

Let's look at them one by one. 


Template 1: Agile Team Performance Tracking Metrics Dashboard

This template offers an at-a-glance view of key performance indicators for an agile team. It covers every detail that leaders can use to determine the performance of the team. For example, this template covers data such as total resources, task completion rates, and the current status of bugs based on priority. With engaging and visual elements like a donut chart for team responsibility allocation and bar graphs comparing planned versus actual task completion, tacking becomes super easy. On top of that, the template also has a status wheel for jobs and a comprehensive job summary by resource. Finally, the template offers a visual representation of total employed work hours and a color-coded chart for bug status. Result? You can determine exactly what’s going on with your team and what you can do to enhance their performance.  


Agile team performance tracking metrics dashboard


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Template 2: Fixed Asset Management Dashboard for Tracking Equipment Performance

The major problem here is tracking and optimizing the performance of assets. Only meticulous tracking can help reduce downtime and improve operational efficiency. The visually attractive elements in this template can fix this problem. The elements like visual indicators of equipment maintenance work with no downtime, no failure data, work order statuses, and waiting times for approval make this template a perfect pick. It also includes detailed breakdowns for labor analysis, purchasing spending, and a section dedicated to reactive work, allowing for a meticulous review of labor drafts and costs. Moreover, the components like graphs for overdue and backlog work, alongside a map highlighting work not completed, offer actionable insights.


Fixed Asset Management Dashboard for Tracking Equipment Performance


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Template 3: AIOps Playbook KPI Dashboard for Tracking Business Performance PPT Structure

This template is focused on monitoring and analyzing key performance indicators of a business post-AI implementation. It fixes the critical challenge of measuring the tangible impact of AI on business operations. It's loaded with elements that include a timeline of major events, circular progress indicators for ongoing projects, and comparative bar charts that show hours spent on tasks before and after AI implementation, which can help identify the AI's impact on business operations. The best part? The template also helps assess the potential risks and issues with a categorized count. Such a detailed visualization helps in evaluating progress and growth.


KPI Dashboard for Tracking Business Performance


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Template 4: Performance Tracking PowerPoint PPT Template Bundles

This template is designed to optimize transparency and accountability within project management. It gives detailed oversight across various project types and the contribution of diverse roles within the organization. It has a clear structure that displays project types with the percentage involvement of each role. The template includes blended rates and offers a financial overview of the cost associated with each role. This practical approach can help leadership assess engagement and financial resource allocation at a glance. In short, this template can help enhance the leadership's decision-making abilities.


Performance Tracking


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Template 5: Dashboard For Tracking Supplier Performance and Procurement Cycle

Finding the right and reliable supplier is a big challenge for organizations. This template helps streamline supplier management by tracking key performance metrics. This template gives a quick and detailed insight into the total number of suppliers and contracted suppliers and highlights top-performing suppliers. Result? Organizations can quickly identify and deal with reliable suppliers. The template dissects the average procurement cycle into 4  stages—placing orders, confirming, delivering, and invoicing. Such detailed oversight clearly shows businesses' effective cost management. The template seamlessly integrates multiple elements and offers an option to optimize operational workflow.


Dashboard for tracking supplier performance and procurement cycle


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Template 6: E-Commerce Strategy Playbook Dashboard Tracking Essential KPIs For E-Commerce Performance

Digital is the new of life. So, businesses have to maintain and manage their online presence to make sure they don't get left out. This template gives a comprehensive overview of essential Performance KPIs that are critical for analyzing an online business's health. It covers some of the most important metrics like average bounce rate, differences between new and returning customers, channel revenue versus acquisition costs, and average conversion rates. Moreover, the graphs show the trends over time and provide a temporal dimension to the bounce rates and customer types. Finally, this channel revenue template also gives a quick comparison of projected and actual sales alongside the average order value per customer. In short, this template is perfect for strategic planning and performance optimization in e-commerce.


Dashboard Tracking Essential KPIs for Ecommerce Performance


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Template 7: Online Purchase Performance Tracking Dashboard

If you are running an e-commerce business, it's important to keep track of your sales numbers. However, as the sheer volume of data is too high, the job is challenging. Thankfully, our experts have crafted this sales monitoring dashboard to streamline this entire process. The template showcases revenue, total customer count, average transaction price, and units per customer. This gives a business owner a quick glance at the sales performance. This sales monitoring dashboard breaks down visitor and transaction trends and highlights the top-selling items and highest-earning collections. This is critical for inventory and marketing tactics. On the top, the template presents purchases by city in a pie chart and offers a geographical perspective on market reach.


Online purchase performance tracking dashboard


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Template 8: Vendor Performance Tracking System Process

This template is a great tool for evaluating vendor performance. This Vendor performance tracking system is simple yet effective. This categorizes all vendor reports in grades A, B, and C for automatically generated reports and D and F reports that have to be submitted within 30 days. If a vendor does not respond within the specified timeframe, the report is automatically published. This amazing feature ensures accountability. This Vendor performance tracking system also gives a brief overview of actions by both the agency and the vendor. On top of that, this Vendor performance tracking system also outlines the agency's role in finalizing changes to the Vendor Performance Report (VPR).


Vendor performance tracking system process


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Template 9: Sales Performance tracking PPT Examples Slides

This template gives information about vital sales metrics for the businesses. It gives a clear idea about a list of companies and potential revenue values. Such an overview helps understand where the highest gains can be made. The 'Sales Goal YTD' (Year To Date) pie chart shows the progress towards annual sales targets. A 'Sales Funnel' graphic offers a breakdown of the customer journey from visitors to leads and then to repeat customers. The slide also gives lists of 'Top Sales Representatives' and showcases the individual performance by revenue and 'Top Selling Plans.' Finally, a graph showing the acquisition of 'New Customers' over the year gives a measure of business growth and market expansion.


Sales Performance Tracking PPT Examples Slides


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Template 10: Website Performance Tracking PowerPoint Graphics

Your website is the first touchpoint between you and your potential customers. So it has to be top-notch. This template provides a clear and comprehensive view of key metrics for website analysis. The template covers key elements like a total visit count to assess traffic, a line graph showing visit trends over time, and a cost analysis to evaluate marketing spend. The pie chart breaks down visits by category and offers insight into user behavior. The gauge chart showcases the average visit value, a critical measure of revenue per visitor. Overall, this template is a perfect way to monitor a website's maximum ROI performance.


Website Performance Tracking PowerPoint Graphics


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The Final Thought


Performance tracking is critical for businesses that want to improvise and grow exponentially. But to do so, they must have a reliable method to track performance. Our highly customizable templates offer exactly that. So don't wait—download the one that suits your needs and enhance your performance tracking like never before.