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Geetanjali Singh

7 posts
Nov 22 2023
  1. Top 10 Project Milestones Examples with Templates  and Samples

    Top 10 Project Milestones Examples with Templates and Samples

    “Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things bought together.” Vincent van Gogh, legendary Dutch painter of the 19th century.    No one lives and implements this quote better than project managers, with arriving at milestones itself a mini-project. Once a milestone is reached, one starts the next mini-project […]

    Geetanjali Singh Geetanjali Singh January 4 2024
  2. Top 7 Marketing Reporting Dashboard Templates with Examples and Samples

    Top 7 Marketing Reporting Dashboard Templates with Examples and Samples

    John founded an online store to offer a pleasant and hassle-free experience. From sourcing the products to researching the competitors, choosing a selling channel, and understanding the customer profile, he planned out everything. However, he didn’t find preparing regular marketing reports crucial and experimented with every marketing strategy he knew without analyzing the results. Soon, […]

    Geetanjali Singh Geetanjali Singh December 21 2023
  3. Top 7 Work Action Plan Templates with Examples and Samples

    Top 7 Work Action Plan Templates with Examples and Samples

    “A goal without an action plan is a daydream,”  – Nathaniel Branden, psychotherapist and writer   You have a vision and wish to turn it into reality. You have the resources to achieve the goal too. And what about the challenges you would encounter during the journey? That’s where an action plan enters the picture […]

    Geetanjali Singh Geetanjali Singh December 13 2023
  4. Top 10 Competency Gap Analysis Templates with Samples and Examples

    Top 10 Competency Gap Analysis Templates with Samples and Examples

    “Jean applied for the UX Designer role to create a business’s new application. Although she didn’t have a background in user experience, she’d done a crash course in graphic design and HTML. Unfortunately, the employer was looking for a candidate with hands-on experience in UX and found a gap between what she had to offer […]

    Geetanjali Singh Geetanjali Singh December 7 2023
  5. Top 5 Training Gap Analysis Templates with Samples and Examples

    Top 5 Training Gap Analysis Templates with Samples and Examples

    “Being a newbie, John was overwhelmed but excited about his first day at the remote office. He turned the laptop on and waited for someone to guide him. But, no response. He opened the training platform, but there were no instructions. He tried creating an account, but it showed an error. He didn’t know who […]

    Geetanjali Singh Geetanjali Singh November 29 2023
  6. Top 10 Sales Call Templates with Examples and Samples

    Top 10 Sales Call Templates with Examples and Samples

    “Sales is a hard enough job as it is. If you don’t believe in what you’re selling, then it’s 1,000 times harder,” John Barrows, world-renowned sales trainer, has said.   Whether looking for a way to do more business or moving to the next step of market research and prospect qualification, a clear and balanced […]

    Geetanjali Singh Geetanjali Singh November 24 2023
  7. Top 5 Software Project Plan Templates with Examples and Samples

    Top 5 Software Project Plan Templates with Examples and Samples

    “Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe and upon which we must vigorously act. There’s no other route to success,” said Pablo Picasso.   As the world-renowned painter said, one must recognize the importance of a plan. After all, it is the roadmap for […]

    Geetanjali Singh Geetanjali Singh November 22 2023

7 Item(s)