What is Business Value for IT Success?


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Organization meetings held every time must result in the improvement in overall efficiency, cost reduction, established KPIs, etc. Business value plays a major role in the success of IT, and it is mainly visible in the company operations. Furthermore, to get a more comprehensive clarity about rules for demonstrating the business value of IT, organizations need to implement IT at both process levels, namely, competitive and efficient. The ready-made template for business value IT displays every bit of vital information.



How IT Creates Value for Business?

Today, IT operations are no different from business operations. To run the business long-run and achieve sustainable success over the years, they must go parallel to each other. IT success of an organization tends to give continuous results & consequently creates value for the business too. Look at some of the key ways through which IT develops your business value story. Some of them are as follows:


  • Let’s you get rid of redundant tasks
  • Save on your labor
  • Helps improve client satisfaction
  • Allow your company teams to connect virtually
  • Monitor business productivity as well as employee efficiency
  • Provides more comprehensive communication, etc.



Nine Rules for Demonstrating Business Value of IT Template

Slide Team has done extensive research and analysis to propose winning business value rules for IT success. And then converted all the information into a series of impactful slides. Through this blog post, we provide a brief on essential slides. Scroll down and learn about these slides.


Here, in this article, we’ll enlist the KEY VITALS you must have in your Business Value IT deck. So, let’s learn about these slides.



Essential Elements for Business Value of IT to Elevate Strategic Contribution

Top five elements one can’t miss out on showcasing in their business value IT template are discussed below. We have covered maximum slides for your thorough understanding.


Read the components to know about their importance and the guidelines that aid in elevating the strategic contribution.




# Cover Slide

Demonstrating business value IT templates will be of great use for managers to develop their value statements and support KPIs to explain how IT has influenced their actual business results. The competent presentation has an insightful cover slide that gives a concise overview of the vitals covered in the template. Furthermore, there is a significant role of the business value for IT success that is competently presented in this deck.


Moreover, one can showcase their company name on the cover slide and edit the design as per their requirements. SlideTeam’s PowerPoint decks are 100% editable & compatible with Google slides.



Rules for Demonstrating the Business Value of IT PowerPoint

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# Problems

Key goals of diversity and inclusion programs include creating employee resource groups, recruitment & retention of a diverse workforce, etc. The problem section of the template shows details regarding the need for the IT department to demonstrate its business value & the key issues or challenges faced while communicating the IT values. Henceforth, demonstrating the business value examines the impact of digital IT investments and educates business stakeholders on their TCO. Moreover, the major objective is to allocate more precise IT service costs so that operators can correlate return on investment.


Furthermore, the presentation template allows you to highlight the key challenges faced while communicating the IT values. Some of them include: managers fail to identify and capture the business’s unique pain issues early in the IT business value journey, IT is viewed as a cost center rather than a business facilitator, and managers tell about the performance of technology rather than communicating the business outcomes influenced by IT, etc.



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# Solutions

Managers seeking to increase their credibility, trust, and status with business stakeholders on IT finance, risk, and value must create business value benchmarks that extend the business value IT story. The solutions section in the template displays recommendations for overcoming the challenges, strategic planning for IT cost optimization and finance, 9 rules for delivering the business value of IT & plan for executing communication strategies. One can enhance the message of the business value of IT by outlining corporate and leadership goals & boost the IT value proposition by employing language and analytics.


Furthermore, to focus on IT cost optimization, finance, risk, and value company needs to target the executive leadership audiences & their essential requirements, focus on ‘above-the-line’ indicators that matter to executives, and use nine guidelines to maximize the effect of business value message and must ensure that the company understands the IT value story and the KPIs.


Likewise, the objectives and plans for execution of communication strategies include increasing financial approval rates and leading the firm to more effective elevation. Also, focus on technical deliverables rather than business-impacting outcomes. Moreover, the template presents the nine rules for delivering the business value of IT along with their implications, comments, and recommendations. These rules are that value is always determined by the consumer, a transaction is necessary to quantify the value, cash savings must outweigh efficiency improvements, business value language must be that of the consumer, not the producer, etc.



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# Implementation

When the target audience is the C-suite or the corporate leaders, three primary executive level objectives are prevalent: value creation, cost optimization, & communicating the impact of risk identification. Managers should urge IT teams to focus on the business goals, outcomes, pains, and points of business stakeholders rather than on enabling technology. Henceforth, this section in the presentation template shows information for building impactful business value for IT communications. The business value should be relevant, clear, and believable to make a huge impact. Furthermore, it must urge teams to focus on stakeholders' strategic goals, outputs, and pain points.


Executives care most about customer service, patient care, innovation through leadership, client reference, and others. Moreover, the template highlights the three elements to capture business value drivers that are fundamental success metrics. They are revenue impact, risk mitigation, and cost-efficiency. After documenting 3 key business value drivers, businesses need to shift towards how IT affects their company goals or results. Additionally, teams should select the top 5 IT service apps and projects that directly affect key business value drivers. Also, the indicators important to business leaders are availability, cost, and performance of mission-critical services, applications, etc.


Some of the key guidelines for validating the top value-added IT service apps or projects are as follows: rank the listed items within each category, starting with the most impacting business application, and limit the list in each section to the top 5 projects for improving concentration, exclude IT systems and projects with a minimal influence on relevant business risk, etc. Similarly, a set of common rules that will help businesses focus while metric selection are to prioritize indicators that show financial effect, reduce the number of metrics on the list to convey frequency, time, etc.



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# Collaborating IT Services Metrics to Business Values for Communication

Rather than getting buried in debates about technology performance, businesses must monitor & report inputs aligned with goals and outcomes. Its success is directly linked to an upsurge in the value of the business. This section of the template illustrates details for an IT value story from a business leader's perspective, recommendations for building a business value story, delivery metrics, innovation & agility metrics, business value metrics, and financial fundamental metrics.


Consequently, impactful business value language for achieving IT success includes statements like improvement in system performance, hiked sales contract closing rates by 22%, etc. Avoid telling executives that you virtualized the data center, IT delivered 99.9% up-time, etc. Also, tell the IT value narrative from the audience's point of view, be precise, be flexible, and concentrate on a few critical KPIs that communicate the company value narrative.


Moreover, limit information to one page of metrics summary/dashboard and two clicks of deep drill-down, talk about outcomes, not technologies, and more. To get the answers related to the money spent on business value, sectors taking more portion of the budget, etc., prepare fundamental financial metrics highlighting IT spend v.s. Service total cost details. Henceforth, prepare a yearly clustered bar chart showcasing IT project investments and a horizontal bar chart highlighting application & service total cost. It is going to align IT values with business value communication.


Delivery metrics measure the efficiency with which projects are completed and business-facing services are delivered. Likewise, these metrics include customer satisfaction surveys, budget and completion assessments, and data that impact labor and resourcing choices. Metrics for agility and innovation are concerned with prioritizing & pushing investments to alter or transform the business. And business value metrics assist CIOs in demonstrating how technology investments influence them.



Rules for Demonstrating the Business Value of IT Template Rules for Demonstrating the Business Value of IT Template Rules for Demonstrating the Business Value of IT Template Rules for Demonstrating the Business Value of IT Template Rules for Demonstrating the Business Value of IT Template Rules for Demonstrating IT Value Template

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Bottom Line

Designing a template takes a lot of persistent effort, creative energy, and practical industry knowledge. Henceforth, this is where our skilled PPT designers & researchers come into play.


We will draft a blueprint of your business value for IT success to know how the visuals & design flows and tells the story.


Moreover, you can suggest a revision to create a comprehensive template. It will wow your management at first sight and create the desired impact.


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P.S. Check out our blog on 'Top 12 Slides In Ultimate Practical Guide on Product Discovery Process'.