‘Improve quality, you automatically improve productivity.’ – W. Edwards Deming


Ultimate focus of business is focusing on customer requirements and satisfying them in any way possible. Additionally, this customer-centric approach is an essential component of ISO 9001, as quality management processes & procedures ensure that the performance matches the standards set.



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What are Quality Management Standards?

Organizations keep a record of every activity performed in their premises to keep the status of quality standards set, expectations of customers, and actual results. Henceforth, the quality management standards are guidelines to meet the needs/requirements of the users. Also, the specifications and details mentioned in the quality standard documents ensure that the businesses consistently provide these results & meet the regulatory needs of customers.




Benefits of ISO 9001

Although the deck is a comprehensive guide on ISO 9001 standards for organizations. Let us take a quick call on some of the key benefits of ISO 9001. Top 8 benefits of robust and efficient quality management standards are as follows:


  • Hikes consistency in business practices
  • Improves the level of customer satisfaction
  • Business processes become streamlined
  • Improves job security & employee satisfaction
  • Management works effectively
  • Reduction in product/service root problems
  • Ensure the safety of products & management systems
  • Builds trust & credibility among stakeholders, etc.




Tear Down of Essential Components in ISO 9001 Template

While preparing your own template or buying & editing it from any other source, one must keep in mind some of the essential components of ISO 9001. These elements cannot be ignored while implementing the quality management system in your business. ISO 9001 standards have a lot of key requirements and procedures that must be followed while implementing the same in your business.


Check out those 12 key components to include in your ISO 9001 PowerPoint deck for successfully implementing a quality management system.


Read further details below.




# Cover Slide

ISO 9001 PPT presentation is useful for firms to create and integrate a quality management system in compliance with the requirements of the new standard & allow an audit carried out by a Certification Body. The cover slide for the deck ISO 9001 standards is as presentable as it is important for the organization. One can even display their company name on the cover slide. Moreover, one can edit the design, format, and other graphics as per their requirements and choice.



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# Current Situation of Firm

The insightful priority deck starts by describing your organization’s current situation. It shows reasons to implement ISO 9001 certification in the company. 40% of wasteful processes, poor products & services, and dissatisfied customers are some of the problems in management procedures. Other reasons to implement ISO 9001 in firm are lack of continuous improvement process, not having a formalized quality management system, lack of a document control system, etc.


Additionally, all the organizations are running to file their ISO certification. There are a lot of plus factors for the firms while doing so. Like ISO 9001 certification improves internal processes and enhances business prospects & profile/credibility. Moreover, after getting certification, firms can recommend ISO 9001 to other organizations & take advantage of internal benefits such as employee involvement, cost reduction, and operational efficiency.



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# Implement ISO 9001

Every team in the organization sets a standardized level of quality for their team members that they have to deliver. Likewise, there are expectations of quality from the team members. Thus, this section in the deck highlights the implementation program of ISO 9001, roadmap, complex design, simplified design, the gap in management procedures, etc. One of the slides showcases ISO 9001 implementation details covering details about different activities, phases, descriptions, responsibilities, start & finish dates, duration, etc.


Additionally, it covers quality management ISO 9001 twelve months implementation plan that exhibits standards like employee awareness training, gap assessment & planning, quality system implementation, internal audits, etc. One can even illustrate employee training schedules for ISO 9001 certification quality standards and business processes by including targets, lecture names, employees names, duration, outcomes, etc. Furthermore, the deck displays information about gaps in management procedures of the firm and the steps required to manage the process.


Consequently, organizations learn about the documentation checklist required to get ISO 9001 & quality management certification. Documents defined by the standards are quality manual, quality policy, quality objectives, quality records, etc. The template also exhibits the quality standards documentation pyramid along with documenting the process such as records, work instructions, processes for business & quality manual.



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# Preparing Businesses for Quality Management System

Organizations have to prepare a quality management system to achieve sustainable success. It can be done by building & retaining customers' and other stakeholders' trust. This section in the deck shows details for the quality management methodological design framework, including a professional practice environment to artifact meet relevant needs.


Moreover, it shows details regarding normative requirements in ISO 9001, requirements or checklist for quality audit, and statements about QMS. Similarly, one can display information using a quality procedures scorecard illustrating index by section, quality management system company's statements, score for elements such as needs an action plan, needs improvement, & requirement met.


To prepare the business for quality management systems, they need to file agreements from the registrar that defines the rights and obligations of the involved parties, including registration and report fees, type of audit, location, employees, company name, etc. Some of the major quality management principles of ISO 9001 mentioned in the template are customer focus, leadership, people engagement, improvement, relationship management, etc. Additionally, you will get details about ISO 9001 auditable requirements to define & assign them based on the relationship between production and administrative support.



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# Business Internal Audits

This slide shows details for the business internal audits table. Additionally, it covers information such as audit reference number, auditor name, audit scope, audit criteria, audit date, auditee name, etc. Business internal audit table highlights details such as clause reference, evidence evaluated, requirements, finding, comments, document references, a summary of findings, the sign of auditee and auditor, etc.



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# Management Review & Corrective Actions

Implementing ISO 9001 standards require review from management. Henceforth, this slide displays a business management review and corrective action table. It presents key elements like name, designation, initial review remarks, etc. Current meeting minutes exhibit descriptions of items, details of the discussion, decisions taken, actions taken, responsibility details, target date, remarks, etc.



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# Root Causes to Problem & its Solutions

To successfully implement ISO 9001 standards in business, one must study the root causes and their proven solutions & have to be prepared in advance. This slide depicts those root cause problems of the organization & solutions for successful implementation of ISO 9001. Root causes include too many projects/activities in the process, fatigue from many improvement initiatives, lack of knowledge, lack of progress in previously launched projects, etc.


Likewise, proven solutions mentioned in the slide are as follows: show key differences, select the best people as trainers in your organization, demonstrate leadership belief, show examples of other similar companies registered according to ISO 9001, etc.



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# Audit Registration Process

Audit registration process involves three steps: pre-registration audit procedures, 1 and 2 audit registration stage, and post-audit registration procedures. The ISO 9001 template covers details for all three steps. Pre-registration audit procedures include the following 5 steps: obtaining information application, survey and other initial documentation, establishing registration scope and cost, audit team selection, pre-assessment, and audit plan.


On-site registration stage 1 displays information related to the audit plan. Similarly, on-site audit stage 2 presents details for team pre-audit meetings, pre-audit conferences, physical audits, final day team meetings, meeting with the management representative, post-audit conferences, etc.


Consequently, steps in post-audit registration procedures involve reporting, corrective action plan, evidence, follow-up audit, the decision on registration, appeals, registration, etc.



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# Process-Based Quality Management System Structure

Quality management system structure works on the input-output model, where customer needs are input and customer satisfaction is output. This slide showcases the structure of the process-based quality management system. Five steps involved in the system structure are as follows: product realization, measurement-analysis-improvement, the responsibility of management, resource management, and continual improvement of the quality management system.



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# Performance/Process View of Systems

This slide highlights a new and organized performance or process view of systems after achieving quality standards which is more effective & improves the performance of your organization. It also illustrates that capital and profits are related to owners & orders, and products are related to customers. Moreover, key takeaways highlighted in the slide for process view of systems are as follows: new QMS is 55% more than a comprehensive set of rules, managing business 65% more effectively & improves the performance of your organization on an ongoing basis, etc.



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# Results after Implementation

Implementation of ISO 9001 quality systems provides tremendous results to organizations like improved management control, greater consistency across sites, improved customer service, reduced costs, improved efficiency/productivity, etc. This slide displays the results of implications of QMS ISO 9001 certification, such as reduced employee turnover, reduced waste, profitability, export sales, and others. Moreover, on-time delivery increases 20% customer satisfaction. It even improves the position of operations, like, 89% greater operational efficiency, 48% increased profitability, 76% increased marketing benefits, etc.



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# Dashboard and KPIs

This section in the ISO 9001 deck exhibits details for different KPIs using suitable dashboards. Quality management system dashboard presents information for the following KPIs: bar chart for document type, yearly bar chart for MRM action plans, yearly bar chart for customer complaints, pie chart for department-wise nonconformance, summary, etc. Similarly, ISO 9001 and QMS dashboard showcases KPIs such as pie chart for displaying risk, risk matrix, yearly bar chart for enquiry, pie chart for suppliers, yearly bar chart for training, etc.


Furthermore, the business quality management and audit schedule dashboard illustrate KPIs such as a monthly line chart presenting process reviews, complaints, and schedules audits, details for outstanding actions, date-wise action details, monthly audit details, etc.



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There is enough information online to confuse & wander anyone on how to implement ISO 9001 standards within the organization. This PPT template design solves that by providing you with a concise plan to explain and implement ISO 9001 at every level. This template bundle is the right tool to detail the dimensions of the quality management system in organizations.


Download now and get access!


Implementing ISO 9001 can be challenging, but the rewards are worth it. To perform it like a pro, every department of the business has to be aligned, which is impossible if even a single individual remains unconvinced.


Hit the ground running through assistance from our skilled research team!


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