In today’s time, everyone is investing in real estate either for their personal use or for the purpose of earning rental income. Properties are also used as mortgages in banks and other financial institutions. But, we know that the value of Real Estate tends to fluctuate a lot. And mostly the value of real estate tends to be appraised. So, Real Estate Appraisal and Review of Valuation comes in the picture.


Real Estate Appraisal & Review of Valuation

A real estate appraisal is the process to evaluate the market value of the property. It is the valuation of property to arrive at the true value of property in the existing circumstance.


Methods Of Valuation

There are two prime methods:

  • Sales Comparison Method

In this method, appraisal compares the quoted price of the property with recent property transactions that happened in the neighborhood. The information usually calculated is taken from sales deed registration data available with the sub-registrar’s office or any third-party website.


  • Cost Approach

Under this method, the value got ascertained by estimating the cost incurred to rebuild the property from scratch in case the existing structure is destroyed. The worth of land will be then added to the cost to get the value.


Benefits of Real Estate Appraisal

  • Setting a bias-free and realistic ask price for your home.
  • Assist the bank with the home loan approval.
  • Base for price negotiation.
  • Aids in understanding the market forces and conditions.


Real Estate Appraisal and a Review of Valuation Template

Introducing our real estate appraisal and a review of valuation PowerPoint presentation slides. Analyse the key real estate market with the help of our PowerPoint deck. This estate analysis PPT theme consists of a slide that talks about the key takeaways related to real estate valuation.


Incorporating this readily-designed Real Estate Appraisal PPT theme lets you state the factors influencing the market value of the real estate without much hassle.


Here are a few key slides that should be part of your deck:


Slide 1: Cover Slide

The first slide that you should incorporate in your Real Estate PPT should be the cover slide. Add the name of your company and title in bold highlighted words. It will immediately attract the client’s attention to your company.


An eye-catching cover slide can instantly draw the attention of the audience and prepare them for further slides.


Download it now to create an excellent impression on the client.


 Real Estate Appraisal and a Review of ValuationDownload this Template Now


Slide 2: Key Takeaways Related to Real Estate Valuation

In this slide, you will showcase the real estate valuation, difficulties in real estate valuation, general real estate market concept, and ascertaining fair value.


This slide will provide you with an overview of the whole PPT, which will give your clients a glimpse of real estate appraisal and its valuation.


Some of the key takeaways included in this slide are:


  • Valuing property is a complex process because each property has unique features such as venue, lot size, floor plan, and amenities.
  • Concepts of the general real estate market such as supply and demand in each area will surely factor into the overall value of a particular property.
  • Nevertheless, individual properties must be subject to valuation to determine a reasonable value, using one of several methods.

You can add and edit the key takeaways as per your company’s requirements.


Real Estate Appraisal and a Review of Valuation


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Slide 3: Company Introduction and Client Information in Brief

This slide presents the basic introduction related to the company which includes valuation type, property type, property name, location, etc.


It also presents the client information which includes the client name, domain, location, contact person, etc.


This template will give the audience an idea about basic information about the business as well as a client. This template is 100% editable, so you can customize it as per your requirement.


Real Estate Appraisal and a Review of Valuation

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Slide 4: Main Purpose for the Property Valuation

This slide shows the main reasons behind the demand for the valuation of the property by the client which include acquisition purposes, selling purposes, private fundraising, public fundraising, internal decision making, etc.


Highlight the purpose of property valuation and name the purposes to draw the attention of various toward the essence of this PPT.


A few purposes highlighted in the slides are:


  • Acquisition purpose
  • Public fundraising
  • Insurance purpose
  • Selling purpose
  • Liquidation purpose

You can add various other purposes to this slide to highlight the viewer the main reason behind property valuation.


Real Estate Appraisal and a Review of Valuation

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Slide 5: Basis for Valuation and Factors Influencing Market Value

This slide shows basis for valuation such as market value, exchange of assets, etc., and factors influencing market value which include supply, demand, economy, purpose, location, and specifications.


This slide includes a table where you can mention the basis of valuation including a description of each basis.


You can mention the factors influencing the market value below the table, the purpose of this slide is to draw the attention of the audience toward the basis of valuation.


Real Estate Appraisal and a Review of Valuation

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Slide 6: Methods Used by the Real Estate Valuation Company

This slide shows various methods used by the real estate valuation company which include DRC, comparable, income cap, DCF, RLV, etc.


You can make a table, and mention the method in each category i.e., Land, building and overall property.


Real Estate Appraisal and a Review of Valuation

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Slide 7: Property Description Related to the Valuation

This slide shows the description of the property which is going to be valued such as land details, infrastructural faculties details, building specifications, property images, etc.


Give the description of each property and mention the aspects of the valuation of each property in this slide. This gives the idea to the audience, that how the valuation of a different property is done.


You can edit the text as per the requirement of your company.


Real Estate Appraisal and a Review of Valuation

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Slide 8: Constructions and Building Details for Valuation

This slide shows the construction and building details for valuation such as construction permit type, property type, basement details, ground floor, mezzanine, restaurant floor, etc.


Start the slide by highlighting the type of property, and mention the subject property by giving the detail such as:


  • Construction permit type
  • Property type
  • Construction permit no
  • Construction permit date


Add the details of construction and building, like under the heading of the description you can mention the details of Basement, Ground floor, Restaurant floor. Also mention the no of units of each description with its Area (sqm) and its use of it to give a glimpse to the audience.


You can also provide details related to the actual age of the property and the status of the property.


The best part about these slides is that they are 100% editable and you can customize the text as per you want.


Real Estate Appraisal and a Review of Valuation

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Slide 9: Land Specification and Infrastructural Facilities

This slide shows land specification details and infrastructural facilities which include current land status, current land use, current land grading, current surrounding property, etc.


Under Current Land Status you can mention:

  • Vacant
  • Constructed
  • Under Construction
  • Excavated


Under Current Land USE you can mention:

  • Commercial
  • Industrial
  • Residential
  • Agricultural
  • Mix use


Under Current Land Grading you can mention:

  • Graded
  • Semi-Graded
  • Mountain
  • Slope


Highlight the infrastructure facilities like water, electricity, telecommunication, and sewage that is connected to the property and available in the surrounding. You can add images of a facility in this slide to make it more professional and presentable.


Real Estate Appraisal and a Review of Valuation

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Slide 10: Real Estate Valuation in Different Approaches

This slide shows the real estate calculated values in different approaches such as income-market methodology, DRC approach, Income-contract method, etc.


Under this slide, you can insert a table and highlight the column i.e. methodology, subject of valuation, value in numbers, and value in letters.


For instance,


Under methodology mention the approach like Income – Market, then under the subject of valuation, you can mention the property than its value both in numbers and letters. Likely highlight the other methodologies and their subject of valuation with its value.


You can mention the value of property in this slide to attract the viewer to the PPT.


Real Estate Appraisal and a Review of Valuation

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Wrapping -up

So, this deck “Real Estate Appraisal and Review of Valuation” gives you all idea on what basis the valuation of property has been done and the reason behind it. The viewer will get to know about the approaches and methodologies used in valuation.


Avoid the hassle by just downloading this 100% editable playbook template. And you can also make changes as per the requirement of the company. Call directly at +1-408-659-4170 for further queries and our team will respond you in best possible way.


Download the free Real Estate Appraisal and Review of Valuation PDF.