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Tamana Gupta

186 posts
Aug 04 2022

I am commerce student who has turned into a content writer. Always fascinated by books and loves to write, because writing makes experience things more deeply. I always feel that writing force me to experience life more fully. I am a free spirit who loves to travel, enjoy good music, explore new places, meeting new people and ends the day with reading and writing.

  1. Top Slides on Digital Communication Strategy? Free PPT & PDF

    Top Slides on Digital Communication Strategy? Free PPT & PDF

    Communication isn’t about having conversations face-to-face or sending mails. With the help of technology connect with people anywhere in the world as if they’re right beside us. With a few taps and clicks you can easily share your ideas, feelings, and thoughts with someone. Isn’t that amazing?   What is a Digital Communication Strategy?   […]

    Tamana Gupta Tamana Gupta May 31 2024
  2. 6 Must Have Template on Restaurant Business- Free PPT & PDF

    6 Must Have Template on Restaurant Business- Free PPT & PDF

    In the bustling streets of food, where each flavor has a story to tell and every dish is a work of art infused with love and care involved, there lies an entrepreneurial dream- the restaurant business. Imagine stepping into a place where passion sizzles in the pan, imagination shows on dishes, and every customer’s smile […]

    Tamana Gupta Tamana Gupta May 31 2024
  3. Must Have Slides to Excel Your Marketing Strategy

    Must Have Slides to Excel Your Marketing Strategy

    In a market full of products and services, standing out as a brand is really a necessity to survive. And for that Marketing strategy is like a plan that guides a marketing team to direct them towards success. Marketing Strategy is not like advertising your product by shouting louder, it’s about whispering the right message […]

    Tamana Gupta Tamana Gupta May 31 2024
  4. Top 5 Templates You Need For Your Skincare Business- Free PPT & PDF

    Top 5 Templates You Need For Your Skincare Business- Free PPT & PDF

    Imagine waking up every morning with a glowing face, every glance fills you with joy by looking at your skin in the mirror. In today’s world, where stress and air pollutants cause damage to the skin, the need for skincare is escalating. From ancient remedies of our grandmother passed down through generations to innovations in […]

    Tamana Gupta Tamana Gupta May 31 2024
  5. Top 6 slides on Price Promotion- Free PPT & PDF

    Top 6 slides on Price Promotion- Free PPT & PDF

    What does a shopaholic love the most?  Is it Clothes, Sneakers or Makeup? Nah, none of it. The real love is for Sale! Yes, you heard it right. Ever wondered why people wait for the Black Friday Sale? It’s because customers can buy stuff at a much lower rate.  And for the company, it increases […]

    Tamana Gupta Tamana Gupta April 30 2024
  6. What is Financial Statement Analysis? Free PPT & PDF

    What is Financial Statement Analysis? Free PPT & PDF

    Imagine, you received a document filled with numbers, jargon, and tables. Your task? Figure out what it all means. It sounds like an episode of a detective series, where are a lot of plotlines. Well, in the world of finance, this is no fiction. Don’t get Scared. All you need is financial statement analysis.   […]

    Tamana Gupta Tamana Gupta April 30 2024
  7. Everything About Franchise Business Model- Free PPT

    Everything About Franchise Business Model- Free PPT

    The name McDonald’s became a global phenomenon not only because of its enticing taste but also because it landed itself into an easily available market. Name it, and the same burger that you had in Texas, can be available in Philadelphia or New York if you say. And who can negate the nostalgia that is […]

    Tamana Gupta Tamana Gupta April 30 2024
  8. Top Slides on Global Standardization- Free PPT & PDF

    Top Slides on Global Standardization- Free PPT & PDF

    Have you ever wondered, that whenever you travel anywhere in the world; one thing that remains constant no matter what? For me, it’s the taste of OG “Coca-Cola”. Coca-Cola is the go-to order whether grabbing it from nearby Burger King or picking it up from Walmart, as it always tastes the same. And do you […]

    Tamana Gupta Tamana Gupta April 14 2024
  9. Top 7 Slides on Sales Action Plan- Free PPT & PDF

    Top 7 Slides on Sales Action Plan- Free PPT & PDF

    Whether you’re a software entrepreneur, an executive, or a sales manager, crafting a sales action plan is among the most effective strategies to position yourself for success. This plan not only backs your company but also fosters its growth.   Regrettably, many Sales executive find it challenging to create a strategy that can enhance their […]

    Tamana Gupta Tamana Gupta April 11 2024
  10. Top 6 Slides on Communication & Collaboration Action Plan

    Top 6 Slides on Communication & Collaboration Action Plan

    Remember playing the telephone game as a kid? You whispered a message to a friend, and as it passed through several others, it often turned into a funny mix-up by the end, making everyone laugh.   Miscommunication isn’t a joke in the workplace.   As a leader, if you don’t take action to improve communication, […]

    Tamana Gupta Tamana Gupta May 11 2024

Items 1 to 10 of 186 total