“If I believe in something, I sell it,” this quote, available for free on the IInternet, goes to the heart of the sales process. The best salespersons never try to sell, they just be themselves, and the sale happens.


Yet, with belief comes the pressure for numbers, and no business has 100% of its sales staff made up of sales geniuses. Hence, there will always be the need to train sales personnel, offer them guidelines, and help them achieve their targets. This is where SlideTeam steps in and offers two decades of experience in presentation services design to curate its best-in-class PPT Playbook on Salesperson Guidelines. The three major sales methodologies are also covered. The MEDDIC Sales Methodology for Client Qualification, SNAP Selling Sales Methodology for Representative Progress, and Gap Selling Sales Methodology for Deal Closure. Each is allotted a slide and figure at slides 19-21. Salesperson training is also included.


If you are looking for a B2B Sales Management Playbook, it is also available in our exclusive library, curated especially for businesses aiming to make it big. Click here to access our best-in-class Playbook on B2B Sales Management.   


Content-ready and available for immediate, off-the-shelf use, this presentation template aims to minimize the role of chance in sales. The complete deck in 50-odd slides gives insights into the scientific aspect of sales and gives you the principles that govern the execution of this uniquely-human art.


Each template is 100% editable and customizable to make it an even better deal. The content-ready feature means you get the starting point to have your sales team on board and get a structured way to make your point. The editability implies that you can tailor the message according to the audience you wish to address.


Let us study these templates now and move on to more effective sales, with personnel imparted adequate training and made aware of all major guidelines.


Template 1: Salesperson Guidelines Playbook PowerPoint Presentation


This presentation template depicts a training session in progress on the salesperson guidelines playbook. The idea is to indicate that no training on guidelines is as hands-on as this playbook. Since the sales staff deals with the sensitive matter of revenue, the main aim is to ensure that the deal is closed at the earliest. Of course, the complete deck of this slide deals with that. Let’s go there now and look at how the salesperson guidelines playbook prepares salespersons with a positive, skilled mindset that delivers. Get this now!


Salesperson Guidelines Playbook Powerpoint Presentation Slides


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Template 2: What’s on Offer: Table of Contents for Salesperson Guidelines Playbook

Use this presentation template to clarify how you will take the salespersons through the grand project of B2B selling. The seven critical things on the plate are informing them of the business offering and sales performance as of date. The eight clear guidelines to progress through the sales process journey will be eye-opening for some team members. Then, choosing the sales methodology is illustrated with examples. Learn initiatives that help manage team productivity, and build a brilliant team. As always, track metrics and performance with a dashboard. Download this template now to upgrade your sales performance.


Salesperson Guidelines Playbook Powerpoint Presentation Slides


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Template 3: How Salespersons make a difference: Services Packages to Clients PPT


The tabular format of the slide helps salespersons understand the importance of having business packages at their fingertips. This creates an aura of respectability and credibility around your salesperson if they can rattle off all service packages. The result: Selling your product or service becomes effortless, with the customer asking the salesperson for advice. The slide provides information on service packages about their purpose, features, and price. Remember, the names of the packages may vary across businesses. Here, it is standard, popular, and premium, but your choice of category name is also a crucial input to the sales process. Get this template now to help your sales staff master organization and remember your offerings portfolio.


Salesperson Guidelines Playbook Powerpoint Presentation Slides


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Template 4: Sales Process Explained: Activities Leading to Success PPT Template


No one sells anything by chance. This PPT Layout illustrates this beautifully through the six-stage process that makes good outcomes (a sale) nearer to certainty. Use this presentation template to showcase your expertise in all key activities in the sales process. The illustrative icons also appear to come to life as you immediately connect with the visual and take in the stages. These are prospecting, which is lead generation and lead research; preparation (discussed in the previous slide) regarding product knowledge. After these two preliminary stages comes Stage 3 of Qualification, where checking the readiness to buy becomes essential. The next stages are presentation, the all-important matter of closing the sale (many a fumble happen here), and the oft-ignored but critical stage of client follow-up. Download to engage, discuss, and improve the efficiency of your sales.


Salesperson Guidelines Playbook Powerpoint Presentation Slides


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Template 5: Determining Product Positioning and Messaging PPT Template Infographic


This PPT Template is a one-page ready reckoner for a sales professional and indispensable to delivering numbers consistently. It provides information on product positioning and messaging to showcase the value offered to customers. This presentation template outlines the three brand pillars of performance, design, and convenience; you can key in your unique value. Also, get the ready-to-use format to crack all other messaging related to your business’s value proposition, positioning statement, and elevator pitch. You can also analyze the brand pillars on key benefits and product features. A sales team that has mastered this slide will give you a performance worth remembering. Download to start the show!


Salesperson Guidelines Playbook Powerpoint Presentation Slides


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Template 6: Studying the Buyer: Aligning Customer Journey with Sales Process


The previous slides in the Playbook all dealt with the internal aspect related to sales. Now, we get into the field from theory and start interacting with the buyer. Use this presentation template to begin the process. This PPT Layout details how to align a buyer’s journey with the sales process by managing content, core messages, and influencers. This is a practical look into how the five buyer stages of requirement, discovery, consideration, the decision to purchase, and implementation interact with the sales strategies of starting from a prospect and converting it into a contract. Seller objectives act as the mediators, with content and core messages as the input. Remember, each buyer stage needs a new core question for a business to answer. Do you have all the answers? Download this template and see where you stand.


Salesperson Guidelines Playbook Powerpoint Presentation Slides


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Template 7: Customer Expectations and Experience Journey Mapping PPT Presentation 


At the end of the day, all sale begins and ends with the customer. Yet, it is shocking how many businesses choose not to know their customers (beyond the usual surface-level transactional interaction). Believe us; it pays to get into the deep end of the customer expectations and his experiential journey with your products and services across the entire buying process. The four major action points needed to do this well are managing customer goals, gaining some idea of customer thoughts and touch-points they use, and evoking an emotional response. Use this template to also color-code customer feedback or response. A pleased customer is a much better probability if your download this template immediately.


Salesperson Guidelines Playbook Powerpoint Presentation Slides


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Template 8: Sales Lead Follow-Up Planner PPT Template; Increase Process Efficiency


This presentation template serves the dual purpose of maximizing output from leads and tracking follow-up schedules. It also functions as a sales follow-up lead planner, with three major sections of particulars of the lead, the name of the company, and the meeting schedule that a salesperson might have tied up with representatives of the lead. Use this PPT Template to track meetings based on the proposed agenda, anticipated outcome, and client’s concerns and queries. A salesperson can also document the final result or the proposed next action. Get this template now to be a step ahead of the lead in planning.


Salesperson Guidelines Playbook Powerpoint Presentation Slides


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Template 9: Checklist on Sales Enhancement Activities PPT Template Infographic 


This Yes-No quiz, or checklist, on sales enhancement functions as the last check on whether a business sales team is on the right track. Essential activities included in this are referrals and sales team training. An important activity that all salespersons must do is focus on selling based on value instead of price to limit irrelevant discounting. Apart from the binary answers, there is space for Comments from the manager or anyone from the leadership space. Get this presentation template checklist now, and ensure peace of mind; all your salespersons did their job well if they filled this slide, as the management desired.


Salesperson Guidelines Playbook Powerpoint Presentation Slides


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Template 10: Key People Involved in Sales Management PPT Template


This presentation template lists the eight most-important people a sales team must have as businesses attempt to build a niche. This universe of people will take all strategic and operational decisions based on a set of rules for each level. The slide also outlines the major functions of each functionary in the food chain. Use this PPT Layout to ensure a similar structure, as the specifics vary according to the business industry and size. The sample examples outlined in the template are customer service managers, account managers, vice presidents or sales heads, etc. Get this template now to ensure each sales team member remembers the role he is to play and foster camaraderie and smooth workflow.


Salesperson Guidelines Playbook Powerpoint Presentation Slides


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Template 11: Sales Management Activities Tracking Dashboard PPT Dashboard


All this effort in creating guidelines for salespersons must be tracked for its efficient and honest evaluation. This PPT Template provides information on significant metrics related to sales team performance. The prominent figures tracked are the status of the pipeline on the major tracks of qualification, needs analysis, proposals/quotes, and negotiations. Then, you can also track month-over-month growth across clients as the growth forecast. Sales activity by the sales rep in terms of status the effort is in (color-coded according to whether it is preparatory, meeting email, or call) is documented. Then, the sales pipeline by sales representatives is also tracked in this practical dashboard, with a clean, neat design. Download now.


Salesperson Guidelines Playbook Powerpoint Presentation Slides


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It is only an ethical sale, made with the express purpose of delighting the customer, which helps businesses expand. Hence, all salespersons must carry clear guidelines in their minds and workstations before making a sale. These guidelines serve as the test for two major things. One is the salesperson’s skill level, a legitimate business input, and the second is his firmness against using lies to make a sale. Both are equally important.


Another area businesses must work on is introducing greater diversity, inclusion, and equity at their workplaces. For this, training all stakeholders is essential. SlideTeam’s courses on diversity and inclusion (with training material included) make for a must-have addition to your skills. We start from biases and take you to inclusive leadership. Click here to download this training package.


PS If you want to know how to make a practical sales playbook, click here to access our killer playbook templates.


FAQs on Salesperson Playbooks


What should a sales playbook include?


Meant as a sort of bible for sales personnel to guide them through the sales process; in a B2B setting, a sales playbook is a compendium of best practices. It is meant to guide taking the first step and staying focused until the last phase of closing a deal. It is needed because sales scenarios can take many forms, and salespersons need guidelines to ensure they are efficient and trained in their responses. Technically, a sales playbook must include three things: How to initiate discussions for sale, guiding the sellers to indulge or do something to indicate their interest in the sale, and having all the right resources in your kitty to ensure all stakeholders are happy and a deal happens. A good sales playbook also includes steps to ensure follow-up, which is critical for a repeat sale or word-of-mouth referral to get more business.


What is the sales playbook used for?


The most significant advantage of a sales playbook is that it allows for the codification of standard responses in the sales process. This makes it easier for the salesperson to decide if a lead is worthwhile. Also, businesses become more efficient with situations and scenarios covered (both theory and case studies). Salespersons stay true to the defined target or goal and can quickly evaluate which sales conversation will convert and which will not. It is, thus, most helpful in helping salespersons make more efficient, clear decisions and not find themselves without a sale, even as they pursue many leads.