Try and visualize the mode of transport you took today, as you moved from point A to point B. As you do so, you will realize that no single business or enterprise created your luxury car or the more-humble public transport, if you happened to have used that. Each component was sold from one business to another, called B2B sales. The car's windscreen came from one business, the tires from another enterprise, and so on. As a new business, it will be worth remembering that B2B sales also requires expertise, dealing with competition, creating a niche domain, and ultimately retaining your customer (another business).


Another major factor that impinges on B2B Sales, albeit indirectly, is the diversity and inclusion practices. Ensure your business is updated on all norms of diversity and inclusion with a download of our training curriculum on this broad domain. Make sure your employees are free of bias as they are out to sell with a click here. The course also includes training material.


If you are into B2B Sales, you may face the issue of developing a suitable model that the other business wants; policies might need some tweaking on your supply cycles, credit payments, etc. As you handle all these complexities, you wish a single resource could guide you on doing B2B sales management, from that first cold call to closing the deal.


Well, the solution is here. SlideTeam presents a Comprehensive Playbook on B2B Sales Management to address all your queries, showcase answers to the most vexed questions, and provide complete one-stop remedies.


Each of the templates is 100% customizable and editable. The slides' content-ready nature provides a starting point, while the editability ensures easy molding to address specific audience preferences.


Let us explore these presentation templates now!


Template 1: B2B Sales Management Playbook Cover Slide


Mastering a business domain like B2B sales comes easy only by doing. This comprehensive, complete deck in 48 slides comes closest to getting you to visualize the process. From making that first cold call to a client to deducing a B2B buyer's journey, exploring B2B sales involves six major stages in this brilliant playbook. As you explore the slides to customize these or read through them, find attention to detail and practical hands-on tips interspersed as hidden jewels on this treasure hunt of having another business as your customer. Know all the lead actors in the B2B sales saga, their roles, and the liberties they can take in enacting their part to perfection. The story ends with an evaluation and top management feedback. To enable this objective, SlideTeam has curated three powerful dashboards reminding everyone that there is always room for improvement. Download this wonderfully-done opening slide to start a detailed, hands-on foray into the exciting but hard-working world of B2B sales.


B2B Sales Management Playbook Powerpoint Presentation Slides


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Template 2: B2B Sales Management Table of Content: What is What?


Before launching anything in your B2B sales effort, deciding which process model suits your enterprise best is critical. It depends on parameters like the complexity of the product, its price range, sales cycle time, etc. This forms the first chapter of this playbook and is worth spending time with. Then, the other chapters take you through the buyer’s journey to ensure it speeds up the buying decision; sales content management is also a domain you cannot ignore. In the following chapters, the playbook takes you through managing sales through partners and the sales workforce governance. In this, you learn about key considerations for B2B sales negotiations and a bonus mechanism for the company’s senior sales management team. The dashboards bring up the rear of this engaging presentation template.

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B2B Sales Management Playbook Powerpoint Presentation Slides


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Template 3: Three B2B Sales Management Model PPT Graphic


This fundamental PPT Slide depicts the sales effort and model you need to adopt. The parameters that come into play are the nature of the product and price. For instance, for a lowly-priced (less than $1,000 product or service), it will pay to adopt a self-service sales management model. An example could be water bottles in restaurants. Such businesses are usually into products with shorter sales cycles but high volume. The second business model this presentation template highlights is Inside Sales, where enterprises can push through these easy-to-build products at medium volume and price. The third model is field sales, which warrant the appointment of a special business representative to chase field sales; this is used for typically expensive products with low volume and high sales costs. Chart your path on this and nail subsequent sales efforts. Download this slide now!


B2B Sales Management Playbook Powerpoint Presentation Slides


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Template 4: Three B2B Sales Management Model PPT Graphic


This is the one presentation slide that is a must-have for businesses engaged in B2B sales management. It starts with lead identification and incoming leads that are subjected to vetting via cold calls. Then, we come across the spectrum from Marketing Qualifying Lead (MQL) to Sales Qualified Lead (SQL). These stages are business justification, negotiation, and evaluation. After this, the sales guy closes the deal, with the renewal proportion or repeat orders as the benchmark for post-sales customer success management. The tabular representation gives you a hands-on view of the roles involved, tasks to be done, and the stage of each step in the B2B interaction. For instance, just a glance at the table showcases that an in-depth product demo has a success rate of 50%. Download now to glean more such insights now!


B2B Sales Management Playbook Powerpoint Presentation Slides


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Template 5: Buyer Enablement Journey in B2B Sales: Prime Customers


This great slide in the playbook provides an introductory lesson on buyer enablement. The six-step process starts with problem identification, where the sales team does not offer products or services but offers expertise to the buyer in defining the problem and emerges as the solution provided. The second and third stages are solution exploration and requirements development. The 4th stage is vendor selection, where your effort will come into the picture, followed by delivering special assistance till the last mile for customer conversion. Stage six in buyer enablement deals with the creation of consensus. Follow these six steps, and you will never lose business customers. Download this presentation template now!


B2B Sales Management Playbook Powerpoint Presentation Slides


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Template 6: Demand Generation for B2B Sales: Top of the Funnel Idea


This PPT Presentation Template provides information on top-of-the-funnel initiatives for B2B demand generation in content marketing, public relations, rendering free trials, etc. In the first content domain, the slide offers the solution for developing valuable, educational, and actionable e-books, blogs, etc. Getting seen on websites, the authoritative publication is next, and then it's time to move on to free trials, demos, and examples. The middle and bottom parts of the funnel are also covered in this playbook and are placed in sequential order after this slide. Download this template now!


B2B Sales Management Playbook Powerpoint Presentation Slides


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Template 7: Optimizing Return on Sales Content for Tremendous Recall


The PPT Template is a primer for optimizing the return on sales content. Use this slide to showcase your expertise in upgrading the content generation process, reorganizing the sales content, and organizing the entire effort. For this, delivery and measurement come into play. Study how content governance and content reengineering gel to ensure you can repackage, re-use, and configure content in its many forms. Content architecture is also introduced through this slide, as is the planning and preparation of an editorial calendar. The template is also a primer on combining a management system with sales enablement and content tracking to create a fantastic measurable system to gauge the cost-effectiveness and the return on content generation and distribution efforts. Get this template now!


B2B Sales Management Playbook Powerpoint Presentation Slides


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Template 8: B2B Sales Playbook: Prospect Nurturing Content Program for Active Engagement


In today's hyper-connected world, distractions can creep up from anywhere. Hence, B2B sales must have a nurturing schedule for customers. This PPT Template does just that in an organized and logical manner. The first nurturing activity is sending an email regarding new opportunities that await if the business chooses to ink a deal with you. This is typically done during the first three months of getting to know the prospect or the customer. Nurturing also involves sending a new content alert four or more times yearly. This could be an article, white paper, or blog. Webinar event invitations also help build a knowledgeable base of customers, something that benefits the entire industry. Get this template now!


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Template 9: Key People Associated with B2B Sales Workforce Structure


With sales as the base of all businesses, it is critical that the best salespeople with the relevant skills are placed at the right place at the right time. This PPT Template highlights the structure deployed in B2B sales workforce. One starts with market development representatives, with sales engineers forming the next level. Then, owners must appoint account managers for their valuable customers. Account executives are roped into share expertise, with customer success managers making up the supervisory role. At the top of the tree is the vice-president sales, whose work involves a lot of cross-functionality to manage target quotas, compensation, and optimum team structure. Download now to give the desired shape to your sales team.


B2B Sales Management Playbook Powerpoint Presentation Slides


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Template 10: Win-Win negotiations for B2B Sales Team Part of Playbook


This presentation template provides initiatives and checklists for effective B2B sales negotiations. These are value-based negotiation agreements with prospects, listening and understanding prospects, and managing the non-monetary negotiation points. The critical point is that the product on offer must resolve the user’s problem. In step 2, businesses must obtain, and document information about the prospect, history, and competition is a must-have in this. In stage 3, plan for renewals beforehand to avoid making the negotiation effort all over again. This template is the answer to swiftly and efficiently bagging and closing the deal. Download this presentation template now to improve the success ratio of your efforts in B2B sales.


B2B Sales Management Playbook Powerpoint Presentation Slides


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Template 11: Sales Team Tracking Metrics in B2B Sales Management


After all this effort, it is paramount for the management team to get information related to sales team tracking in real-time to ensure more sales are closed at the lowest possible cost. This PPT Dashboard on sales team performance metrics does this for you in the form of sales team performance. The five metrics tracked in this slide are average revenue per account/customer/product. Also, follow the average number of monthly deals, the win rate in percentage terms, average weekly sales revenues, and the net promoter score. Track each salesperson's five parameters and compare them to the relevant benchmark against each. The major ones mapped in the slide are the number of opportunities created, lead response time, etc. The upselling and cross-selling rates are also out there for the team members to absorb and strive to improve their numbers. Get this template now!


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Template 12: Sales Management Activities Tracking


After the sales team's performance, it is always best to audit the activities of the sales staff. This dashboard is the best-in-class answer to the question of where the sales team focuses its efforts. Use this PPT Layout to track the sales pipeline and the sales activities by representatives. A beautiful bar graph tracks the five activities of preparation, meeting, email, or chat. You can also monitor month-over-month growth, monthly forecasts, and closed deals. Get this presentation template now to add that extra edge to your B2B sales effort, as you are now in a position to make a well-informed decision and exponentially grow your B2B sales.


B2B Sales Management Playbook Powerpoint Presentation Slides


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When a business sells to another business, it is important to go for a deal that satisfies both sides. In B2B sales, the key element is of trust and the team that manages the show on both sides. It is a people’s game, more than anything else. Use our presentation templates as a guide and close more deals, more frequently.


P.S. Want a perfect team of employees? Click here to access the top 15 employee coaching templates that work to give your employees every chance to shine, both for themselves and for the business.


FAQs on B2B Sales Management


What should a sales playbook include?


A sales playbook is a manual that sales representatives must use to ensure the closure of a contract. This document deals with the situation-specific responses that team members get daily as part of getting their job done. It has to include material and literature on the product or service, its key features, answers to common questions, and proper, neat logical exercises for developing or creating buyer personas. Then, for monitoring purposes, such a document also lists the key metrics to be tracked of staff deployed in the field or people who do the cold-calling.


How do you manage a B2B sales team?


Managing a sales team involves giving them the required coaching, then allocating targets and areas before demanding accountability on where their time goes. It starts with fostering a transparent team structure, ensuring technology is being optimally used, and ensuring that short-term sales do not take precedence over business first principles. The structure of the team and the supervisory staff skill-set is critical to developing and managing a B2B sales team in a professional, result-oriented manner.