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Madhusheel Arora

98 posts
Feb 22 2022

A writer looking to dig deep into how language shapes human behavior.

  1. Top 10 Strategy Meeting Templates with Samples and Examples

    Top 10 Strategy Meeting Templates with Samples and Examples

    It was 2005, a time when the world economy appeared to be headed only one way—up. The 2008 global housing crisis was a distant nightmare and did not feature in any global policymakers’ thoughts.     A global strategy meeting at this time on how to ensure the world deals with the bubbling economy will […]

    Madhusheel Arora Madhusheel Arora June 5 2024
  2. Top 5 Employee Incident Report Samples with Templates and Examples

    Top 5 Employee Incident Report Samples with Templates and Examples

    Business is nothing but a combination of bright people coming together for a goal to achieve in consideration of wages, social status, and creating a safety net. Even as the three variables listed here are strong drivers of human behavior, the workplace needs to be an even more significant driver. For that, the most significant […]

    Madhusheel Arora Madhusheel Arora May 28 2024
  3. Top 10 PR Media Plan Samples with Templates and Examples 

    Top 10 PR Media Plan Samples with Templates and Examples 

    Once, the leader of a country was asked for comments on a refugee and his three-year-old son. The refugee’s plight had made international headlines, as he had been robbed and thrown on a railway track to die. It was just luck and the intervention of a good Samaritan that saved their lives.     “This does […]

    Madhusheel Arora Madhusheel Arora May 28 2024
  4. Top 10 Brand Voice Templates with Examples and Samples

    Top 10 Brand Voice Templates with Examples and Samples

    Why does a five-star hotel charge you the prices it does for a room? Why must Apple price its phone, where it is more of a luxury than a device that is ultimately only meant for routine use? Finally, what justifies the price tags of luxury cars and perfumes?  Well, the answer lies in the […]

    Madhusheel Arora Madhusheel Arora May 28 2024
  5. Top 10 Market Assessment Templates with Examples and Samples

    Top 10 Market Assessment Templates with Examples and Samples

    In Shark Tank Global, the well-known formula for getting the sharks to want a piece of your business is to showcase the strength of your market assessment. It could be a small product that solves a problem in the kitchen, like Scrub Daddy; if there was a market, sharks would go for it.    Defined as the slightly […]

    Madhusheel Arora Madhusheel Arora May 17 2024
  6. Must-Have Talent Profile Templates with Examples and Samples

    Must-Have Talent Profile Templates with Examples and Samples

    Businesses live and die based on the attention to detail the management pays. The more purposefully and deeply you can dig into an activity or a train of thought, the better it is for all stakeholders. For instance, consider McDonald’s. In the developing world, they measure the size of the potatoes they buy for their […]

    Madhusheel Arora Madhusheel Arora March 21 2024
  7. Top 10 Comparative Analysis Templates with Examples and Samples

    Top 10 Comparative Analysis Templates with Examples and Samples

    Comparisons and contrasts are a way of life. The business world knows this well, as no two companies make the same version of any product or service. One company charges customers extra for ketchup with its burger; another offers two types of condiments for free. One business specializes in offering comfort wear, and another offers […]

    Madhusheel Arora Madhusheel Arora March 18 2024
  8. Top 7 Weekly Business Review Templates With Samples And Examples

    Top 7 Weekly Business Review Templates With Samples And Examples

    The power of business review is immense. Without it, people can continue to work in silos within their departments. Depending on the domain of the business, reviews can be daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly. Operationally, these are timeframes. A yearly review is imperative for strategic purposes and in times of crisis.   Examples include quarterly […]

    Madhusheel Arora Madhusheel Arora March 20 2024
  9. Must-Have Country Comparison Templates with Samples and Examples

    Must-Have Country Comparison Templates with Samples and Examples

    The US News & World Report, a major news magazine in the US, compared 87 countries based on a survey of 17,000 global citizens just six months ago, in September 2023. Respondents gave views on dozens of variables, with sub-rankings of about a dozen. These included perceptions of power, influence, social purpose, and even something […]

    Madhusheel Arora Madhusheel Arora March 8 2024
  10. Top 5 Percentage Chart PowerPoint Templates with Samples and Examples

    Top 5 Percentage Chart PowerPoint Templates with Samples and Examples

    “That’s a percentage shot,” we hear this in sports commentary on baseball, American football, lawn tennis, and other popular sports as well. Translated into English, it means the shot was played after considering the chances of success. Businesses need this skill of acing their ‘percentage shots’ every time. For them, this means getting the growth […]

    Madhusheel Arora Madhusheel Arora March 1 2024

Items 1 to 10 of 98 total