Successful business strategies involve marketers asking this fundamental question of business. 


Why will the customer buy our product?




The answer that emerges becomes the basis of their success.


If your product is new to the market, with the right awareness of its utility, you can urge the consumers to become its users. That is mindful advertising. If the market, however, is flooded with competitors, which is generally the case, what will make the consumer choose your product or service over your competitor? Hence the need for competitor analysis.


Now suppose, you made your first sale, why would the consumer transact with you again. Typically, this is every time he/she wants to purchase this product. If your advertising isn’t effective, your brand name might be forgotten amid the competition that exists. Not only this, any bad press or negative event can have your sales drop southward. For e.g. a negative Customer Relationship Management (CRM) can even push your business out of business. Thus the need for customer feedback, running quality checks, and studying and simulating the buyer’s psychology. 


A customer journey roadmap is what helps businesses address the customer’s uniqueness and turn them into brand advocates.


As the saying goes, the first impression is the last impression; customers hold onto this quotation dearly. They wouldn't want to re-encounter the bad experience with respect to quality, price, or performance of a product or service. If a negative event does happen, it is fundamental that you interact with customers and set right the perception as soon as possible. Businesses will do well to keep the importance of word-of-mouth marketing here. 


Not only is the moment of purchase important for a seller, the customer journey before and after the product is delivered is of extreme importance. Thus the need to improvise your touch-points, including brand messaging. Be it the awareness you create on social media, or your readiness at addressing queries, the totality of it all will determine how well you fare before your customers.


Remember, nothing is indispensable. After the awareness about the journey as an institution, businesses need to develop a framework of strategies and contingencies for which you must rely upon a customer roadmap template. 


With a customer roadmap template, businesses create a user journey map to optimize the likelihood of being their customer’s ideal seller. By performing customer journey mapping, you become aware of potential customers, develop their personas ,and plan your customized strategies towards retaining them.


We now move on to our content-ready customer roadmap templates that are indispensable in this journey mapping. Let’s go!


Template 1: Customer Journey Step by Step Analysis PowerPoint Presentation


Charting a customer journey to maneuver your way around their disappointments is an important instinct that helps businesses handle competition. Ensure your readiness with our fully-furnished PPT Deck. Use this template to use your strengths well. For intense strategization, delve into buyer personas to understand how your business can be projected better. Download now!


Customer Journey Step by Step Analysis PowerPoint Presentation Slides


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Template 2: Customer Journey Framework Steps PowerPoint Presentation


Identifying your need to develop a customer journey roadmap is as important as being thorough in its framework. Use this slide to identify the steps towards creating a fruitful framework that led you to create a fully-functional lead generation strategy. This study will also help you identify ways to nurture leads into loyal customers. By keeping tabs on your leads, you can check the effectiveness of your strategies . All these steps are beautifully covered with the editable templates of this PPT Presentation. Use this for any marketing campaign that you are planning. 


Customer Journey Framework Steps PowerPoint Presentation Slides


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Template 3: Customer Journey Funnel Diagram PPT


This inverted funnel diagram presentation will impart necessary visualization when charting out your customers’ journey. Delve into the intricacies of a customer’s journey to discovering and embracing your brand with the well-labeled diagrams of this PPT Thematic. Devise strategies for better brand awareness, discovery, and lead generation with this guided approach. Download now.


Customer Journey Funnel Diagram PPT


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Template 4: Customer Journey Analysis PPT Presentation


To perform a thorough analysis on your target customer’s journey from brand discovery to developing brand loyalty and its advocacy, use this pictorial PPT Presentation. Analyze your brand performance at common touch points such as website, social media, etc. With the use of this template, also get better insights into customer pain-points, expectations, and post purchase opportunities. Download now!


Customer Journey Analysis PPT


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Template 5: Customer Engagement on Online Platform Customer Journey Roadmap PPT


Every customer journey roadmap is marked with five milestones. It starts with awareness. Then, the customer goes through consideration, purchase, service retention, and advocacy. Track your customer’s behaviors towards your business via feedback forms, website visits, etc to fill in the blanks. With this PowerPoint Design, connect every mode of brand communication with the reciprocated behavior of customers. Use the roadmap layout of this customer roadmap template to identify the best link between leads and loyal customers. Download now!


Customer Engagement on Online Platform Customer Journey Roadmap PPT PowerPoint Presentation


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Template 6: Customer Experience Design Roadmap Customer Retention and Engagement Planning PPT


Once you have devised the path between leads and loyal customers, it’s time to work on improving customer experience at major touchpoints. Use this PowerPoint Template to refine your communication on your website, social media, email, etc. With this presentation template record the mobile-friendliness of your service and gather information from web analytics. You can also track your user’s interests toward you on social media for a year. Pointers from this template will help you revise your marketing strategy. Download now!


Customer Experience Design Roadmap Customer Retention and Engagement Planning PPT Icons


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Template 7: Team Workflow for Customer Purchase Order PPT Template


For a wonderful brand experience, it is important that the customer’s purchase is made as smooth as possible. Use this PPT Template to do this better. The first step has to be to identify the steps that mark customer purchase. Use this PPT Template to ensure a secure and highly convenient through the use of a customer support cell to help in purchases. Download now!


Team Workflow for Customer Purchase Order PPT


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Template 8: Six-Month Technical Customer Service Roadmap PPT Design


Resolving customer issues is of essence in rendering a smooth user experience of your products or services. You need to have an algorithm in place to make this resolution effective and possible at the earliest. Use this PPT Template to connect the dots between customers, sales department, technical department, testers, and developers. Monitor the resolution over months and find out the quickest way to ease your customer woes with this PowerPoint Slide. Download this presentation template now! 


Six Months Technical Customer Service Roadmap PPT


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Template 9: Six-month Customer Experience and Technical Support Roadmap


Monitoring a customer roadmap needs planning. This PPT Template acts as a guide on how you must go about it. Set a six-month goal of putting the results of your assessment to the best interests of the business. This involves evaluation of the data, planning around it, and executing the monitoring effort. With the help of this in-built editable Gantt Chart representation, you can operate and monitor performances of strategies in action. Download this customer experience and technical support roadmap now!


6 Months Customer Experience and Technical Support Roadmap PPT


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Template 10: Six-Month Customer Experience Maturity Roadmap


Do you require an educational template to help your team unravel a customer’s journey? Look no further than this tabular PPT design. Specify which behavior via your customers categorizes under which category. Use this Template to guide your team on creating loyalty out of stray visitors. Download now!


Six Months Customer Experience Maturity Roadmap PPT


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Here’s hoping that the variety of customer roadmap templates showcased above served you well. You can also explore other content-ready templates relevant to any of your professional or academic needs by visiting our home page today!


PS: Customer Journey Mapping is accompanied by scenario analysis because that's how you strategize and plan for contingencies. We have just the relevant guide with presentation templates ready to reinforce your strategy efforts. Click here.




What are the five stages in a customer journey?

A customer journey has five broad milestones that are relevant for a business:

  1. Awareness: It is the phase of exploration where customers explore and navigate through websites, or come across social media ads, etc promoting a business. Sometimes, it is the Word-of-Mouth marketing that brings a product and even a brand into limelight. 
  2. Consideration: Once a potential customer has identified sources where your product is available, they simultaneously move onto research on whether these challenges are working for them. This, they do either by scrolling past customer reviews, learning about a business from your peers, or from the business website directly.
  3. Purchase: Once the customer is convinced of a product’s utility, they move onto the purchase which can be online or offline depending on the product/service availability. Next,customers experience the modes of payment, return/refund policies, etc. These shape their perspective of the brand.
  4. Retention: Once the purchase is made, while many brands may call it a win, it’s not until they have created a satisfied customer who likes and shares their positive experience with their community, that the brand should finally relax. It involves checking in for customer feedback, prompting them to pursue your loyalty programs, and keeping them hooked and curious about future offers.  
  5. Advocacy: Lastly, in the making of loyal customers, the brand reaps its real reward , once the customer promotes the product or service. If your products or service have not been upto mark, they can also become agents for negative marketing. Businesses exist for the customer. 

How do you ensure a smooth customer experience?

 Businesses have several avenues to improve their customer service and experience. These are: :

  1. Collecting feedback, suggestions, and addressing their customer grievances 
  2. Mapping your customer roadmap.
  3. Keeping a close eye on competitors to imbibe the best traits in yourself.
  4. Deducing and strategizing to ensure the customer roadmap actually works and can be monitored.
  5. Measuring success, backlash, and identifying areas of improvement. 

What are the variety of customers you come across while mapping user journeys? 

While drafting a customer roadmap, businesses will identify many types of visitors who interact with them through their experience of your products or services. Some of these kinds of visitors are stray visitors, bargain hunters (in search of sale and discounted prices), actual buyers, researchers, new customers, dissatisfied customers, and the loyal ones. Depending on your approach at targeting them, there is a continuous state of flux among these types. Yet, successful businesses do ensure that over time, their pool of loyal customers is the largest and has the fastest growth rate.