Special offers, price drops, and heavy discounts from brands in advertisements and social media are now so frequent that customers scarcely pay attention. What does force one to sit and take notice is, however, instances of excellent customer service.


Here's an illustration of excellent customer service. See if you can remain unmoved.


In January 2013, Kerry Drake of San Francisco boarded a United Airlines flight to see his ailing mother in Lubbock. She was counting her last breaths and was hanging on, only to see her son one last time. 


Drake was aware that if he missed his connecting flight in Houston, he would be unable to meet his mom before she passed away. As it turned out, his first flight itself was delayed; a distraught Kerry broke down mid-flight. The crew relayed Drake's dilemma to the flight captain, who radioed ahead to Drake's next flight.


The crew at Houston responded well and delayed the departure to Lubbock. The Houston Airport ground crew even ensured that his luggage arrived on time. Finally, he did meet his mother.


United Airlines drew a lot of public support for its compassionate service to a stranded passenger. The media, too, made sure this incident got the widespread coverage it deserved. If you are an owner, CEO, or manager of a business, you can also turn such incidents into an opportunity for exemplary customer service with an effective customer service plan.


Customer Service Plan: A Comprehensive Business Strategy


A customer service plan is the blueprint of the strategy businesses use to improve the level of their interaction with customers. It is a well-thought-out plan for customer service, which needs to get far greater attention as a field of study than what it is getting at the moment. 


It comprises policies and procedures to help the support team provide a splendid experience throughout the customer journey. A well-forged customer service plan is a brilliant tool for businesses to establish and maintain excellent communication with their customers. 


What Are the Components of a Customer Service Plan?

A customer service plan has the following components:


1. Understanding the nature of the customers: Based on your customer base, develop a basic customer profile that defines the essential characteristics of all (or most) customers. It includes demographical information, gender, age, and other factors.


2. Needs of customers: Spend resources to understand customers' needs and expectations from your brands and products. These expectations can be in terms of quality, durability, and price. Organizations can do it with the help of support personnel, surveys, questionnaires, etc.


3. Plan development: This includes documenting the process, training client care personnel, defining support hours, and the forms of contact available for real-time and off-peak assistance.


4. Educating the customers: A beneficial customer service plan seeks to train not only client support personnel but also customers. Educating customer service representatives on handling varying categories of customers, concerns, and situations is imperative. You also need to be proactive in educating customers on products, basic troubleshooting, and how to get help hassle-free will develop strong partnerships.


5. Continuous Improvement: There is no such thing as a perfect customer service plan. What works well today may be unsuitable a year later. Review the performance of your customer service department regularly to ensure they are meeting (and possibly exceeding) customer expectations.


Implementing these components in a customer support strategy may vary with the mode of communication, demographics, target audience, etc.


Delighted customers are the end goal of every business. Happy and loyal customers not only provide revenue through frequent purchases but also bring business through word-of-mouth (customer advocacy). A customer service plan is a tool that has the capability to convert unhappy customers into happy and happy customers to loyal advocates.


The Best Way To Draft A Customer Service Plan:


Want to draft a customer service plan in an easy way? Follow these three simple steps. First, click on this link. Second, find a pre-designed template or presentation deck from an exclusive collection of well-researched customer service plan templates. Third, and most importantly, use it to develop and illustrate the strategy to management, team members, stakeholders, and, if you want, customers.


1. Customer Service Strategy Presentation Deck


Customer Service Strategy Presentation Deck


Addressing customer needs is critical for a business to breathe. This PPT set will help you design a competitive customer service strategy for maximum customer retention. It covers the domain area topics of business excellence, customer service strategy for small businesses, strategy for improving customer service, etc.


Download this template


2. Customer Service Process PowerPoint Presentation


Customer Service Process PowerPoint Presentation


The only cardinal rule businesses should remember while drafting a customer service plan is the "Customer is king." Our designers have structured this exceptional customer service process design with the same thought. It will assist you in planning case management, flow chart, operational strategy, line support, online inquiry strategy, and other related topics.


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3. Customer Service Training PPT Presentation Deck 


Customer Service Training PPT Presentation Deck


Although planning precedes training in business, it is vital for success. This PowerPoint set will help you draft a practical training module for your customer service team to be abreast to speed on their skill level. It will transform your executives into expert service care representatives and refine their customer handling skills. 


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4. Value Of A Complaint In Customer Service PPT


Value Of A Complaint PPT Presentation


It is true that not all customers complain. Only loyal customers who have expectations from your brand take time to complain and improve you. Take complaints as an opportunity to improve. Use this presentation deck to make a foolproof strategy to resolve customer complaints and satisfy them. Set the Service Recovery Paradox (customer satisfaction level is higher if a complaint is resolved with speed and ease than what it would have been if there had been no mistake or error on your part; in essence, resolving grievances is a huge opportunity) into action with the help of this PPT layout.


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5. HEARD Framework For Customer Service Recovery PowerPoint Deck


HEARD Framework For Customer Service Recovery PowerPoint Deck


The secret of happy Disney customers is cloaked in these five words — HEARD. It is short for Hear (listen), Empathize, Apologize, Resolve, and Diagnose. Train your customer support team on these parameters using this presentation deck, and increase the Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) like Disney.


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6. Customer Management Service Ecosystem PPT Slide


Customer Management Service Ecosystem PPT Slide


A customer journey does not end with a purchase; it begins from there. This PPT set will help you build an ecosystem and absorb your customers into it. It will be your Wanda Maximoff (Marvel's Character) that helps turn customers to brand advocates.


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7. Customer Service Excellence PowerPoint Template


Customer Service Excellence PowerPoint Template


"Excellence is doing ordinary things extraordinarily well." This template will help your customer service to a level where you can crush your rivals with this competitive edge. Plan strategy with templates such as four models of service excellence, Innovation & Culture, Maturity Model, Need Analysis, and more.


Download this template 


8. Internal Customer Service Plan PowerPoint Presentation


Internal Customer Service Plan PowerPoint Presentation


You can keep customers happy only if your employees are happy. Train your employee support and service desk team with this all-encompassing internal customer service PowerPoint presentation to support your business operations backbone. Use this template to make the team more professional and empathetic towards each other.


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9. Customer Engagement And Experience Presentation Deck


Customer Engagement And Experience Presentation Deck


A financially attached customer will give you just some business, but an emotionally attached customer will give your business value. This template will help you craft an effective customer service plan that engages and involve your customers on a human and emotional level. It will take your customer service beyond expectations and prepare you to deliver a fantastic customer experience.


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10. Customer Interview Business Research PPT Slide


Customer Interview Business Research PPT Slide


Knowing your customers is essential to know your business and bridge the gap in the market. This PPT layout will help you plan and conduct customer interviews in a comfortable way. Inputs from loyal customers will ultimately make you understand the strengths and flaws of your customer service plan and make it more concrete and action-oriented.


Download this template

Bon Voyage! Win Your Customers' Hearts

To win your customers' hearts, it is critical to understand that the person on the other side is also a human with feelings. That is what flight attendants of United Airlines felt and understood, transforming them into heroes by setting an example of exceptional customer service.


A customer service plan will take your business and support team to preeminence. Our customer service plan templates will set the path and partner with you in this. Hurry! Pack your bag and start this journey today with this blog on major customer service templates. 


FAQS on Customer Service Plan




A customer service plan is a thorough and well-documented strategy that helps businesses handle customer interactions. It is a blueprint, specific to companies and businesses, on how the customer experience has to be prioritized and kept at a consistent level of excellence throughout his/her journey with the company. A customer service plan is in place to provide excellent service to your customers and make them happy. 




A customer service plan must have the following three primary goals that need to be achieved. These also need to be written down objectives with specifics on how to actually meet these goals: 


1. Customer Retention: With good customer support and a detailed customer service plan in place, you can ensure that you help buyers with issues with your product or service and encourage them to stick to your brand. A prime example of this is Zappos, an online shoe and clothing retailer. They provide free shipping and a 365-day return policy if you are unhappy with your purchase. The smooth product return process and free shipping help them retain their customers. 


2. Employee Retention: When your employees see that you care about your customers and are willing to deliver an impeccable customer experience, they will become loyal brand advocates and engage in a far better manner with their work.


3. Increase Customer Life Value (CLV): It refers to the total business a customer provides during the time he remains in a business relationship with the brand. More CLV means more revenue at less cost, as it takes less to retain existing customers than to make new ones. A customer service plan helps as it is also meant to be used as a reference document to encourage users to purchase at regular intervals. 




The creation of a customer service plan is a detailed exercise that the entire business has to contribute to. It starts with an accurate, concise description of a customer's end goal and ends with the collection of feedback from customers. It is an iterative process that has to move in sync with the times. The seven-step process has to ensure that every experience of the customer with the business is geared to giving him/her the Aha! Moment. Defining great customer success metrics is also included in all customer service plans. 




To ensure that you are providing customer service as part of your business plan, you can deploy channels that customers can use. The major ones are walk-in centers, support over dedicated toll-free phone lines, and email; live chat is preferred for most of today's millennials. The other two significant avenues/channels used for customer service are creating a self-service platform for the customer (surprisingly popular, though a new addition) and using communities and forums.