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The SlideTeam Blog All About PowerPoint, Presentations & Life

Heerak Singh Kaushal

96 posts
Aug 28 2023

I dangle between Philosophy, Literature, and Business.

  1. How to Prepare a Cleaning Service Business Plan?

    How to Prepare a Cleaning Service Business Plan?

    If any one thing we can't live without, it ought to be cleaning. And precisely we must NOT!   It is rightfully said that Cleanliness is next to Godliness.   Cleaning is not new to the human race, though having an industry in terms of Cleanliness was not that structured, but with time, it is […]
    Heerak Singh Kaushal Heerak Singh Kaushal April 2 2024
  2. Everything You Need to Know About Vending Machine Business Plan!- Free PPT & PDF.

    Everything You Need to Know About Vending Machine Business Plan!- Free PPT & PDF.

    Vending Machines can be a part of the upcoming Revolution too. Just look at it, in the very democratic free world, where the market is free, and everyone can act upon their choices but passively, the Vending Machine acts like an epitome of decisiveness, and the way the consumer wants to operate, OBJECTIVELY.  It’s a […]
    Heerak Singh Kaushal Heerak Singh Kaushal March 22 2024
  3. How IoT Technology is Transforming the Mining Industry?- Free PPT & PDF.

    How IoT Technology is Transforming the Mining Industry?- Free PPT & PDF.

    You woke up and hammered the alarm clock! Went to switch on the electricity for your usual daily chores, and made a sumptuous toast for breakfast. You were running late, took the car keys, and went on in your car for your job, also you used your laptop. In the evening you went to the […]
    Heerak Singh Kaushal Heerak Singh Kaushal March 21 2024
  4. Must Know Real-Time Marketing Guide for Improving Online Engagement- Free PPT & PDF.

    Must Know Real-Time Marketing Guide for Improving Online Engagement- Free PPT & PDF.

    Ever used Uber Eats?   You would have!  A fine app to meet your cravings whenever you are in dire need of taste. However, one thing you may ponder over their notifications is their Content style writing. At certain times they even used the reference of memes to make it more emblematic of the needs! […]
    Heerak Singh Kaushal Heerak Singh Kaushal March 18 2024
  5. How IoT Fleet Management is Transforming the Future of Transportation? - With Free PPT & PDF!

    How IoT Fleet Management is Transforming the Future of Transportation? - With Free PPT & PDF!

    You needed a book, a terrific crime thriller by Agatha Christie, and asked me about its availability. I told you to go and ask for it from your nearby library. You drove in your car to find out they didn't have it either. You were made to visit the District Library. Since the place is […]
    Heerak Singh Kaushal Heerak Singh Kaushal March 19 2024
  6. How IMC (Integrated Marketing Communication) Campaign is used to improve Brand Awareness? (PPT & PDF).

    How IMC (Integrated Marketing Communication) Campaign is used to improve Brand Awareness? (PPT & PDF).

    Know Starbucks? A renowned Coffee Business Venture that has revolutionized the market thoroughly. A go-to place for any sort of discussion that you need to have with your friends, or with your family. A place that extends a warm welcome to you in your dire hectic work days.   You do, don’t you?   It […]
    Heerak Singh Kaushal Heerak Singh Kaushal March 14 2024
  7. How can ChatGPT Assist in Recruitment? - Free PPT & PDF.

    How can ChatGPT Assist in Recruitment? - Free PPT & PDF.

    My friend was deeply stressed about the upcoming recession in recruitment that the whole media was talking about! He was very apprehensive about using the AI and negated its utility. He said that it was there so that the employment can be lowered. I, on the other hand, who is very much impressed with AI […]
    Heerak Singh Kaushal Heerak Singh Kaushal March 14 2024
  8. How to Use ChatGPT in Market Research? - With Free PPT & PDF.

    How to Use ChatGPT in Market Research? - With Free PPT & PDF.

    Hello there! Ever Wondered how the Generative Tools work, and can be helpful in the expansion of your brand? The idea is indeed different, and untapped. But highly important as technology is reshaping itself.    Advancement of Technology has helped the young researchers manifolds. Not only does it cater to the idea of online making […]
    Heerak Singh Kaushal Heerak Singh Kaushal March 19 2024
  9. How Google Quantum Computer Harnesses the Power of Advanced Computing? - Free PPT & PDF.

    How Google Quantum Computer Harnesses the Power of Advanced Computing? - Free PPT & PDF.

    Who does not want one solution for all?   Well all of us, duh!   And with modernization, we are becoming more and more reliant on technology for our tasks, hence comes the Quantum Computer!    And what is it? LET’S FIND OUT!   Standing as one of the most poised and pivotal tools revolutionizing […]
    Heerak Singh Kaushal Heerak Singh Kaushal March 12 2024
  10. Must-Have PowerPoint Templates on Scale AI- Free PPT & PDF.

    Must-Have PowerPoint Templates on Scale AI- Free PPT & PDF.

    I am sure that you can’t live a life in a messy room, where your charger has to be searched from the heap of clothes. Your slippers are so far, that you may have to run amok in case of emergency. Or maybe your ironed clothes don’t seem ironed anymore.   The whole scenario is […]
    Heerak Singh Kaushal Heerak Singh Kaushal March 12 2024

Items 21 to 30 of 96 total