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Yajur Sharma

82 posts
Feb 09 2024
  1. Top 10 Percentage PowerPoint Templates with Samples and Examples

    Top 10 Percentage PowerPoint Templates with Samples and Examples

    The importance of percentage cannot be stressed enough. After every exam when we eagerly wait for results we don’t look for marks in every subject but the overall percentage that we have managed to score.    Percentage is used in multiple contexts like:   STATISTICS & DATA ANALYSIS: here percentage is used to represent distributions […]

    Yajur Sharma Yajur Sharma May 31 2024
  2. Must-Have Referral Tracker Templates with Samples and Examples

    Must-Have Referral Tracker Templates with Samples and Examples

    Do you think PayPal would be such a huge name today if it were not for its referrals?   Most likely NOT! Well PayPal’s success is due to its safe, secure and convenient solution for conducting online payment transactions which retained the users, but we cannot ignore its strategic referral program that attracted more than […]

    Yajur Sharma Yajur Sharma May 31 2024
  3. Top 10 System Deployment Templates with Examples and Samples

    Top 10 System Deployment Templates with Examples and Samples

    Can you imagine a single day without scrolling through Instagram reels? Probably not! Instagram has become a vital part of our lives. It keeps us entertained, informed, and connected. But, have you ever wondered how the app becomes ready for you to use it so efficiently? Well, the answer lies in SYSTEM DEPLOYMENT.   System […]

    Yajur Sharma Yajur Sharma May 30 2024
  4. Top 10 Quality Improvement Storyboard Templates with Examples and Samples

    Top 10 Quality Improvement Storyboard Templates with Examples and Samples

    “Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection.” -Mark Twain (American author and humorist)   Quality is essential in all facets of our lives, be it businesses or any other sphere of life. For businesses, delivering high-quality products and services is a game-changer in terms of customer satisfaction and retention, as well as cultivating a competitive […]

    Yajur Sharma Yajur Sharma May 29 2024
  5. Top 10 Performance Summary Templates with Examples and Samples

    Top 10 Performance Summary Templates with Examples and Samples

    Are you bored with the same traditional and not-so-creative reports? Let me tell you, you are not alone! 96% of the managers are dissatisfied with the way their teams present their performance summary reports.    A performance summary is a concise document that highlights the key achievements, contributions, and profit and loss that a business […]

    Yajur Sharma Yajur Sharma May 29 2024
  6. Must-Have Purchase Order Approval Process Templates with Samples and Examples

    Must-Have Purchase Order Approval Process Templates with Samples and Examples

    A purchase order is a document that a buyer drafts and sends to the seller as a request to purchase certain goods or services.    It highlights details like the name of the products the buyer wants to purchase, their quantities, agreed prices, the total amount to be paid by the buyer, the date when […]

    Yajur Sharma Yajur Sharma May 28 2024
  7. Must Have Employee Monthly Review Templates with Samples and Examples

    Must Have Employee Monthly Review Templates with Samples and Examples

    “AN EMPLOYEE’S MOTIVATION IS A DIRECT RESULT OF THE SUM OF INTERACTIONS WITH HIS OR HER MANAGER.” -Bob Nelson   Employee reviews are not just a formality that managers and the human resources department perform for the record. They are the foundation for an employee’s development and an organization’s progress.   According to a recent […]

    Yajur Sharma Yajur Sharma May 28 2024
  8. Top 10 Product Metrics Scorecard Templates with Examples and Samples

    Top 10 Product Metrics Scorecard Templates with Examples and Samples

    When you launch a new product or service in the market, how will you know if it is performing well? The answer lies in a well-crafted PRODUCT METRICS SCORECARD.   A product metrics scorecard is a tool which allows businesses to evaluate and monitor the performance of their product based on specified metrics. It showcases […]

    Yajur Sharma Yajur Sharma May 28 2024
  9. Top 5 Capsim Scorecard Templates with Samples and Examples

    Top 5 Capsim Scorecard Templates with Samples and Examples

    A Capsim scorecard is a performance evaluation matrix that is used in business simulations. It allows businesses to track their performance across metrics related to the company’s operations, market performance, and finance. This detailed view of the performance allows the stakeholders and team members to analyze the impact of their decisions on the business.   […]

    Yajur Sharma Yajur Sharma May 27 2024
  10. Top 7 Quality Control Checklist Templates with Samples and Examples

    Top 7 Quality Control Checklist Templates with Samples and Examples

    QUALITY IS FIRST! QUALITY IS EVERYTHING!   Quality is all about making sure that everything is on point. It’s like baking a cake and making sure that the sugar is on point and the center is well cooked, not some half-baked mess.    Quality control, on the other hand, is that trusted partner that makes […]

    Yajur Sharma Yajur Sharma May 24 2024

Items 1 to 10 of 82 total