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Nitish Sivaram

7 posts
May 24 2024
  1. Top 10 Network Infrastructure Templates with Samples and Examples

    Top 10 Network Infrastructure Templates with Samples and Examples

    “The foundation of any success is the establishment upon which it is built. ” This principle applies to every business activity and is especially relevant to the effectiveness of the network infrastructure. In the current world dominated by computers, it is crucial to have a good network infrastructure in place to support the organization. Hello! […]

    Nitish Sivaram Nitish Sivaram May 31 2024
  2. Top 10 Operational Readiness Templates with Samples and Examples

    Top 10 Operational Readiness Templates with Samples and Examples

    “Preparation comes before success, even in the dictionary.”   Shah Rukh Khan on Denver Deodorant   As the great man said it himself it is to be understood that it doesn’t just hold good for deodorants. To be prepared is to be war-ready, imagine turning up to an exam with the costliest pen but not […]

    Nitish Sivaram Nitish Sivaram May 29 2024
  3. Top 10 Nursing Research Proposal Templates with Samples and Examples

    Top 10 Nursing Research Proposal Templates with Samples and Examples

    A recently launched health center with loads of potential but lost in the ocean of staffing issues. Desperate for help but shorthanded at manpower. Enter our One Pager Nursing Research Proposal Examples Template PowerPoint bundle, your light in the mist. It steers its way through the rough waters of workforce sourcing and management, just like […]

    Nitish Sivaram Nitish Sivaram May 29 2024
  4. Top 10 Project Storyboard Templates with Examples and Samples

    Top 10 Project Storyboard Templates with Examples and Samples

    Recall the time in childhood when reading books was the rent we paid? Five pages a day, for starters, which eventually amounted to a whole syllabus. But as kids, when we were sent into a library and made to pick a book of our choice, it was always the most colorful one. The book with […]

    Nitish Sivaram Nitish Sivaram May 29 2024
  5. Top 10 Operating Model Templates with Examples and Samples

    Top 10 Operating Model Templates with Examples and Samples

    In the film The Karate Kid, Jackie Chan’s character, initially unassuming and anti-social, has a backstory of knowing kung-fu. When he took Jaden Smith under his wing, the words that resonated at the beginning of training were “jacket on, jacket off.” These words frustrated Jaden until he realized their significance. This principle applies to almost […]

    Nitish Sivaram Nitish Sivaram May 29 2024
  6. Top 7 Agile Development Transformation Roadmap PPT Templates with Examples and Samples

    Top 7 Agile Development Transformation Roadmap PPT Templates with Examples and Samples

    In a tech company, the development team was always under pressure. Schedules were not met, work was not completed, and the group’s morale was low. To add fuel to the fire they were not getting any new orders. They tried hiring personnel, but nothing changed apart from the growing expenses. Subsequently, they opted for Agile […]

    Nitish Sivaram Nitish Sivaram May 28 2024
  7. Top 7 Leadership Development Roadmap Templates with Samples and Examples

    Top 7 Leadership Development Roadmap Templates with Samples and Examples

    If there existed a game where the interviewer was to name a famous personality, and you had to mention the first thing that came to the top of your head, and the name was the great Barack Obama, the first thing you’d say is leadership. From the oratory skills to resolving issues with peace of […]

    Nitish Sivaram Nitish Sivaram May 24 2024

7 Item(s)