“Preparation comes before success, even in the dictionary.”


  • Shah Rukh Khan on Denver Deodorant


As the great man said it himself it is to be understood that it doesn't just hold good for deodorants. To be prepared is to be war-ready, imagine turning up to an exam with the costliest pen but not being prepared for the subject you were writing that day. Preparation doesn't just entail having the sharpest of tools or the wealthiest of people around but also understanding the requirement of constant scrutiny of your own actions. 


This is synonymous with the differences between perfection and excellence. Imagine a situation where Richard, the CEO of a finance company, takes part in a golf tournament. He sets a schedule where he trains the same shot for 3 hours every day, the one from a few yards. He reaches the finals and he is now dealt with a situation where the golf hole or the cup is 10 yards away. Richard trained with perfection every day but in the final round of the tournament, he was awestruck at the fact that his target was much farther than what he had trained for. On the other hand, his competitor, Jacob too had a schedule where he trained for all potential possibilities and ended up winning. One chased perfection, and the latter chased excellence. Who do you think was better prepared? 


Obviously, it was Jacob. It is imperative to understand that excellence is about doing the right thing. Similarly in businesses, the operations need to be carefully reviewed and looked into as it could to a make-or-break situation. Hence, today we present to you our plethora of templates that analyze the preparedness or act as a readiness review tool. Explore our offerings and choose what suits you the best.


Template 1: Business Project Operational Readiness Assessment

This PPT bundle includes a six-phase process that begins with project initiation and concludes with post-implementation. This is a quantifying material is used to assess the processes and completion of any project. Our PPT layout can be seamlessly incorporated and consolidated into your work as this layout showcases the operational assessment that is required throughout any assessment. Preparedness is the key to success, and constant self-evaluation helps you obtain the desired results. 


Business project operational readniness assesment


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Template 2: Operational Readiness Review

This PPT slide layout can also be known as the readiness review. Just like checking your bags before a vacation, this ppt medium acts as a proper reviewer of your business operations readiness. This template covers all the bases of determining if the project has its basics covered correctly. It underlines the steps, such as the approach, agenda, and a few exhaustive cycles that should be considered before executing a project. Download this template now to ascertain your readiness to begin the operations of something mammoth. 


operational readiness review


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Template 3: Key Elements of Operational Readiness Assessment

The Operational Readiness Assessment (ORA) is essential for assessing the extent to which an organization is ready to commence a new operation or project. This slide, therefore, highlights the six core stages of an ORA. This is followed by the Planning phase in which the scope, objectives, and methodologies for the project are defined. The next phase is the Assessment phase where one is supposed to assess existing capabilities and determine the gaps. The Design phase comes next, which is involved in developing the intervention strategies that will close the gaps that have been observed. In the Implementation phase, these action plans are implemented, and changes are made as and when required. The Testing phase then practices for preparedness and efficiency of the testing process. In the same regard, the last phase is the Review and Handover, whereby a conclusive assessment is made and the system becomes fully operational. These phases organize the ORA, allowing organizations to move through the process systematically from preparation, implementation, and evaluation so that no detail is overlooked in the process of a successful launch.


Key elements of operation readiness assessment


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Template 4: Need for Operational Readiness

The Need for Operational Readiness plays a significant role in the achievement of successful and efficient use of resources in the implementation of any project through the entire life cycle. This slide highlights the three most important factors: development procedures, scheduling, and commissioning. Development makes sure that all the required resources, activities, and facilities are available and are performing efficiently. Scheduling is crucial because it helps in respecting time, meeting set timelines and planning on how best to execute activities. Commissioning ensures that all the systems and parts are developed, incorporated, examined, operated, and maintained as per the functional specifications. This slide is fully editable to suit the needs of a particular project. 


need for opeaertion readiness


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Template 5: Operational Readiness Review Powerpoint Ppt Template Bundles

This PPT slid,e bundleers arhe core of its need. A median that helps quantify the readiness of operations is highly valued among organizations that are structured and streamlined. This bundle is a readiness assessment tool used to determine the roles and best practices of operations and it also comes along with icons that are fairly comprehensive and easy to understand. Most of our templates are handmade with little to no requirement of doctoring, but if you please, it is easily editable and much easier to incorporate it. Download this template now!


Operational Readiness Review


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Template 6: Benefits of Conducting Operational Readiness Review

The advantages of an Operational Readiness Review are as follows: This is essential in risk management and, more so, in achieving better business continuity. This operational readiness review helps in planning for disasters that may occur in business hence helping in business continuity, it helps in decision-making since there will be a comprehensive evaluation of different aspects of business, and finally, it helps in building a good reputation of the business since it shows the customer that the business is committed in providing quality and reliable products. Also, it helps in improving resource management by pointing out and filling capability deficiencies and helps in communication by ensuring everyone is on the same page. This template helps organizations improve their operational qualities and guarantees that organizational growth is constant and unhampered. 


Benefits of conducting operational readiness review


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Template 7: Process of Building Operational Readiness Review Team

The Methodology of forming the Operational Readiness Review Team is important to have a smoothly running project start. This entails the following five steps. First, stakeholders’ identification helps in considering all of them and including them in the process. Third, the formation of a cross-functional team implies the involvement of personnel with the required body of knowledge and skills needed for the assessment of readiness. When one appoints a team leader, then there is clear direction and leadership in the undertaking. Hiring subordinates and defining their roles and responsibilities means that every person knows what is expected from him or her to do, thus, making it easier to check on their performance. Last but not least, communication channels ensure that there is an effective and efficient flow of information and coordination among the team members. The above structure helps the team to prepare adequately for any difficulties that the project may encounter and makes the project successful.


Process of building operational readiness review team


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Template  8: Staff Training Plan for Operational Readiness Review

This staff training plan for operational readiness review is intended to ensure that all team members are aware of the necessary skills and knowledge required to conduct an assessment. The elements in this PPT template are designed to help in easy training and preparation. The factors section specifies the areas of concern that the training will address, thus capturing all essential aspects of operational preparedness. The objective section defines the purpose of the training program in more detail, for instance, to increase the level of competency in assessment skills and to increase the level of preparedness for projects. Training days show the plan of training, which is why it gives a clear idea of the training timeline and all the training modules. The training provider section identifies who will be conducting the training, if it’s from within the organization or from outside hence establishing credibility and expertise. Lastly, the target audience defines the group of people that will receive the training and make sure that only appropriate people get the skills needed for the successful operational readiness review. This structured plan helps the team to be ready for any contingencies and assists in proper project implementation.


Staff training plan for operational readiness review


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Template 9: Commissioning Procedure For Ensuring Operational Readiness

This PPT template isn't entirely centered on a Readiness review or a Readiness assessment but rather a comprehensive guide to glory. This slide template has a 4 step commissioning procedure that ensures operational readiness, which is optimally set up to deliver the desired outcomes. The 4 stages used to ensure operational readiness are Stages, Inputs, Activities, and Outputs. Incorporate this template to navigate through the stages as the procedures ensure the completion of operation readiness. Download this template now! 


Commissioning procedure for ensuring operational readiness


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Template 10: Flowchart to Implement Operational Readiness in ITIL Service Transition

And the final template touches base on the implementation rather than quantification. This comprehensive flowchart is used to execute operational readiness in the ITIL service transition. Planning is the basis of any operation, and this flowchart highlights the same as it moves on to the changes and non-functional requirements and finally looks upon the compliances that have to be met to complete a legitimate process. Implementation is the 


Flowchart to implement operational readiness in ITIL service transition


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Final Word


Stoicism says that he who constantly analyzes his actions is the one who ends up improving. From the time we were all in high school until now, before the submission of any project, is when we get jitters. To avoid the fear of missing out on intricacies and details, we have created operational readiness templates that serve as readiness reviewers. Execution is key, but proper execution is the roadmap to success. To properly execute your actions, judiciously scrutinize the steps and avoid last-minute mishaps. Download the templates now!