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Leadership PowerPoint Stock Images, Presentation Images and PPT Templates

Leadership Powerpoint StockPhoto Images, Illustrations, Graphics and Icons in PNG and JPG format. Some are born leaders.Some are trained for leadership. Whatever the background leaders are required. There are, no doubt, certain basic traits necessary for one. Many believe that some of them are innate to one's personality. A few can be taught and developed. Our leadership stock images display a lot of qualities that make them leaders in their field. They are committed to maintaining high standards. They believe in facing up to challenges that crop up. They believe in being accurate with the information they give. They always strive to appear attractive. They will also help you exhibit your inherent ability to lead. They will prove a useful tool in providing guidance to others. Clearly lay down the path for them to follow. They will faithfully abide by your directions. Develop them into a strong team. A group that actively engages to achieve common goals. Our leadership stock images are also an excellent training aid. Use them to develop the qualities of a leader. There are many eager young folks waiting to be shown the way. Bring to them the wisdom of the ages. Recount for them the tales of great leaders of the past. Highlight the many attributes possessed by these people. Go into details about their abilities. Explain how young aspirants can gear themselves up to imbibe these traits. Watch them evolve into trend setters before your very eyes. They will confidently stride forward to grab the reins. They will endeavor to get to the forefront of activity. They will deal with others with due care and concern. Become the leader in creating leaders.
  1. Red ball as leader with silver balls background photo Slide 1 of 1
    Red ball as leader with silver balls background photo

    We are proud to present our red ball as leader with silver balls background photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 This decorative image is well suited for leadership theme and agenda representation in any presentation. Graphics of metal balls in two different colors red and silver have been used in this image. Red ball is leading the all silver balls which depicts leadership. Show business, teamwork and leadership agendas with this image.

  2. Yellow balls in line with red ball as leader stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Yellow balls in line with red ball as leader stock photo

    We are proud to present our yellow balls in line with red ball as leader stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 This decorative image is well suited for leadership theme and agenda representation in any presentation. Graphics of metal balls in two different colors yellow and red have been used in this image. Red ball is leading all the yellow balls which depicts the concept of leadership. Explain business, teamwork and leadership agendas with this image.

  3. Maze with three arrows with blue arrow leading shows business success stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Maze with three arrows with blue arrow leading shows business success stock photo

    We are proud to present our maze with three arrows with blue arrow leading shows business success stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 In this image, graphic of maze with three arrows has been used to describe the concept of problem solving. In this image, maze stands for problem and arrow reflects the found solution. In between three arrows one blue arrow depicts leadership concept. Because of graphics this is a dual concept image. Use this image for business presentations to explain hurdles and solutions in business ventures.

  4. Maze with two arrows with red arrow leading displaying leadership stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Maze with two arrows with red arrow leading displaying leadership stock photo

    We are proud to present our maze with two arrows with red arrow leading displaying leadership stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 This image is designed with maze graphic and two arrows to define the concept of problem solving and competition simultaneously. In this image maze stands for problem and arrows reflecting competition. In between the two arrows red arrow is the winne. Use this image for business presentations to display competition and success on achieving business goals.

  5. Multiple gears with one blue gear in the middle as leader stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Multiple gears with one blue gear in the middle as leader stock photo

    We are proud to present our multiple gears with one blue gear in the middle as leader stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 To explain the concept of process control and leadership in any presentation, you mqay use this image. We have used graphic of multiple gears with one blue gear in the middle as leader. This image is suitable for business, sales and leadership presentations. Create an exceptional presentation with this creative image.

  6. Multiple grey gears with one yellow gear as leader stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Multiple grey gears with one yellow gear as leader stock photo

    We are proud to present our multiple grey gears with one yellow gear as leader stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 Explain the concept of process control and leadership in any presentation with this image. We have used graphic of multiple grey gears with one yellow gear in the middle to explain leadership. This image is designed for business, sales and leadership presentations. Give shape to your imaginations with this innovative graphic image.

  7. Blue arrow passing down the wall to find way out stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Blue arrow passing down the wall to find way out stock photo

    We are proud to present our blue arrow passing down the wall to find way out stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 This image has been designed by our professional team with graphic of blue arrow passing down the wall to find a way out to surpass the hurdles. This image of blue arrow passing down the wall displays way out of problems and achieve targets. This image is best to communicate your ideas.

  8. Blue arrow passing through wall breaking hurdles stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Blue arrow passing through wall breaking hurdles stock photo

    Pre-designed presentation stock photo image. Easy to resize and add text as per the corporate requirement. High resolution PowerPoint graphic design. Show it with association details name and logo of your company. Well attuned with all the software’s and Google slides. Alterable into PDF or JPG formats. Useful for showing business growth concept, success, victory, triumph etc.

  9. Red plug ahead of white plugs targeting on electricity socket stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Red plug ahead of white plugs targeting on electricity socket stock photo

    We are proud to present our red plug ahead of white plugs targeting on electricity socket stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 Develop competitive advantage with this image which contains red plug ahead of white plugs targeting the electricity socket. This image has been designed with electricity plugs and socket to exhibit competition between colleagues and co-workers. Use this image to set targets and to measure performance in your presentations.

  10. Row of shopping carts with one cart standing ahead stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Row of shopping carts with one cart standing ahead stock photo

    We are proud to present our row of shopping carts with one cart standing ahead stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 This image displays shopping carts with one standing ahead. This conceptual image displays row of shopping carts with one standing out to portray concept of leadership or differentiation. Add this image to your presentation to visually support your content and to transmit your ideas to target audience.

  11. White and black power plugs for electricity connection stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    White and black power plugs for electricity connection stock photo

    We are proud to present our white and black power plugs for electricity connection stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 3000x2000 This image has a backdrop of white and black plugs for electricity connection. Use this image of power plugs to describe the concept of electricity connection and technology. Define your ideas in inspiring manner with this image to explain one task accomplishment at a time.

  12. Red arrow jumping the wall with white arrows for leadership stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Red arrow jumping the wall with white arrows for leadership stock photo

    We are proud to present our red arrow jumping the wall with white arrows for leadership stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 This image displays graphic of red arrow moving along with white arrow. This image is designed to define concepts like Progress, Competition, and Leadership. In this image red arrow leads the way and achieves success, leaving being white ones. Display the concept of competition using this image and show a way forward to your team.

  13. Red color plug in socket with multiple white plugs showing leadership stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Red color plug in socket with multiple white plugs showing leadership stock photo

    We are proud to present our red color plug in socket with multiple white plugs showing leadership stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 3000x2000 This image displays team of white plugs with red leader plug near into the socket. This image portrays the concepts of leadership, teamwork, target, team performance etc. Make impressive business presentations with this amazing image.

  14. Hanging light bulbs with one glowing as leader stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Hanging light bulbs with one glowing as leader stock photo

    We are proud to present our hanging light bulbs with one glowing as leader stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2000x1600 This image has been designed with graphic of hanging light bulbs with one glowing as leader. This glowing bulb depicts unique traits of leader, leading the team from the front. Use this image of one glowing light bulb standing out from others as a leader in your presentations.

  15. Network with leader at the center concept red ball stock photos Slide 1 of 1
    Network with leader at the center concept red ball stock photos

    We are proud to present our network with leader at the center concept red ball stock photos. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 This image displays a graphic of red ball as leader in center of a network. This image depicts unique characteristics of a great leader. This image is well designed with the concept of leadership, networking and teamwork. This image provides a fantastic explanation of the topic in your presentations.

  16. One glowing bulb as innovation with blue bulbs stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    One glowing bulb as innovation with blue bulbs stock photo

    Choice of insertion of corporate symbol and image for personalization. Presentable and easy to comprehend info graphic format. PPT slide can be presented in both standard and widescreen view. PPT templates are well-harmonized with Google slides. Easy to download and change into other format such as JPEG and PDF. This is a stock photo slide so color and design are non-editable. Valuable for entrepreneurs, sales leaders and professionals, marketing managers, business leaders etc.

  17. One umbrella as leader in middle of red umbrellas stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    One umbrella as leader in middle of red umbrellas stock photo

    We are proud to present our one umbrella as leader in middle of red umbrellas stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2000x1500 This image displays a graphic of green umbrella as leader in center of red umbrellas in a network. This image depicts unique characteristics of a great leader. This image is well designed with the concept of leadership, networking and teamwork. This image provides a fantastic explanation of the topic in your presentations.

  18. Red glossy sphere ahead of yellow spheres for leadership stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Red glossy sphere ahead of yellow spheres for leadership stock photo

    We are proud to present our red glossy sphere ahead of yellow spheres for leadership stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2000x1400 This image displays graphic of red sphere ahead of yellow spheres. This image is designed with team of yellow sphere with red leader ahead to define concepts like Progress, Competition and Leadership. In this image leader red sphere leading the way forward to its team.

  19. Red sphere as leader for silver chrome spheres as team stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Red sphere as leader for silver chrome spheres as team stock photo

    We are proud to present our red sphere as leader for silver chrome spheres as team stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2000x1400 This image displays the graphic of red sphere as leader of silver chrome spheres. This image is designed with team of silver chrome spheres with red leader ahead to define concepts like Progress, Competition, and Leadership. In this image red leading sphere leads the way forward to the team.

  20. Team of cubes standing behind blue leader cube stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Team of cubes standing behind blue leader cube stock photo

    We are proud to present our team of cubes standing behind blue leader cube stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2000x1500 This unique image of cubes team standing behind blue leader portrays the concepts of teamwork and leadership. This cubes image is well designed to display leadership and team dynamics. Add this image in your presentations to visually support your content..

  21. Global innovation symbol with a glowing light bulb stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Global innovation symbol with a glowing light bulb stock photo

    We are proud to present our global innovation symbol with a glowing light bulb stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 3000x2000 This image displays a glowing electric blub along with set of blubs which are not glowing. In this image, concept of innovation has been well explained. Use this image, in your presentations to explian concepts related to technology and innovation. This image will enhance the look of your presentations.

  22. Manager discussing work with his colleagues in business meeting stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Manager discussing work with his colleagues in business meeting stock photo

    We are proud to present our manager discussing work with his colleagues in business meeting stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 This image displays a manager discussing work with his colleagues. In this image, manager stands in the middle while the team is in green and all are linke through a network. This image represents relationship between manager and the team. This image may be used in presentations to represent buisness management and teamwork. This image will make your presentation look decent.

  23. Flying grey chess pieces with one blue unique piece stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Flying grey chess pieces with one blue unique piece stock photo

    We are proud to present our flying grey chess pieces with one blue unique piece stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 This image is designed with graphic of chess pieces one blue colored piece is standing unique in all pieces. This image explains the concept of leadership and teamwork with its suitable graphics. Show leadership, strategy and teamwork with the help of this image. Show your talent of making business oriented presentation.

  24. Golden shiny unique lamp among dull black lamps stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Golden shiny unique lamp among dull black lamps stock photo

    We are proud to present our golden shiny unique lamp among dull black lamps stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2000x1800 This conceptual image has been designed with graphic of golden shiny lamp with multiple dull lamps. In this image, glowing lamp stands for leadership while black lamps exhibit teamwork. Use this amazing image to build an innovative presentation.

  25. 3d character pyramid shows hierarchy and teamwork stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    3d character pyramid shows hierarchy and teamwork stock photo

    We are proud to present our 3d character pyramid shows hierarchy and teamwork stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 This image has a backdrop of 3d people in the shape of a pyramid. This image enables you to communicate your ideas to display hierarchy and teamwork in presentations. This image of pyramid may also be used to display management strategies. Create captivating presentations using this image.

  26. 3d men team connected through leadership network stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    3d men team connected through leadership network stock photo

    We are proud to present our 3d men team connected through leadership network stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 This image has been designed with 3d men team connected through a network. This image is suitable for presentations related to business networking, social media, communications, etc. Define your ideas in inspiring manner using this image of leadership network.

  27. Blue block as leader among red blocks stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Blue block as leader among red blocks stock photo

    We are proud to present our blue block as leader among red blocks stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 This image has a design of blue block as leader among red blocks. This conceptual image displays graphic of blocks with one standing out to portray concept of leadership or differentiation. Add this image to your presentations to visually support your content and to transmit your ideas to target audience.

  28. Blue glowing ball displaying individuality concept stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Blue glowing ball displaying individuality concept stock photo

    We are proud to present our blue glowing ball displaying individuality concept stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2000x1600 This image has a backdrop of Individuality symbol, blue ball and other balls. This symbolic image signifies the concepts like Individuality, leadership, differentiation. This attractive image may be used to create powerful presentations.

  29. Blue happy face among yellow unhappy face icons stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Blue happy face among yellow unhappy face icons stock photo

    We are proud to present our blue happy face among yellow unhappy face icons stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 1500x1000 Create dynamic presentations with this professional image containing blue happy face among yellow unhappy face icons. This image may be used to explain the concept of emotions, expression and feelings. Add this image in your presentations to visually support your content.

  30. Bowling blue ball strikes red and silver pins stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Bowling blue ball strikes red and silver pins stock photo

    We are proud to present our bowling blue ball strikes red and silver pins stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2000x1400 This image has background of bowling game. In this image, red and silver balls strikes at pins. You may download this image to make presentations on bowling sport and bowling training. Use this image to prepare awesome presentations on goals.

  31. 3d men following red man as leader stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    3d men following red man as leader stock photo

    We are proud to present our 3d men following red man as leader stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 This image displays group of 3d men following a red 3d man. This image depicts teamwork. Use this image in your presentations to explain views related to leadership and team communication and success. By using this image you may express your views clearly.

  32. 3d men in blue for team and green as leader stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    3d men in blue for team and green as leader stock photo

    We are proud to present our 3d men in blue for team and green as leader stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 This image displays group of 3d men. In this image there is a group of blue man standing opposite a green 3d men linked through arrows. This image depicts teamwork. Use this image in your presentations to explain views related to team communication, success and leadership. Use this image to enchance the quality of your presentations.

  33. 3d men standing in circular podium with one leader stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    3d men standing in circular podium with one leader stock photo

    We are proud to present our 3d men standing in circular podium with one leader stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 This image displays 3d men standing in circular podium with one leader. In this image there is a circular podium with colourful 3d men standing on different levels and one 3d man standing on top. This image depicts leader and team relationship. Use this image in your presentations to explain views related to communications, teamwork and leadership.This image will enchance the quality of your presentations.

  34. Blue colored 3d men with one in green as leader stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Blue colored 3d men with one in green as leader stock photo

    We are proud to present our blue colored 3d men with one in green as leader stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 This image displays blue colored 3d men with one in green. In this image, group of blue 3d men are following one 3d man in green. This image depicts Leadership and Teamwork. Use this image in your presentations to explain views related to Leadership, Teamwork and growth in any business and social concept. This will enhance the beauty of your presentations.

  35. Red 3d man defining skills to team as leader stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Red 3d man defining skills to team as leader stock photo

    We are proud to present our red 3d man defining skills to team as leader stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 This image displays red 3d men defining skills to a team as a leader. This image depicts leadership. Use this image in your presentations to explain views related to communication. This image will make your point clear in the presentations.

  36. White 3d men icons with blue man as a leader stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    White 3d men icons with blue man as a leader stock photo

    We are proud to present our white 3d men icons with blue man as a leader stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 3000x1800 This image displays white 3d men icons with blue man as a leader. This image depicts teamwork. Use this image in your presentations to explain views related to leadership, communication and success. This image will enchance the quality of your presentations.

  37. Business network concept with red and white balls stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Business network concept with red and white balls stock photo

    We are proud to present our business network concept with red and white balls stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 This innovative high resolution image is a fully editable creation from our collection. Graphic of red and white balls with interconnection depict business network. Use this image, to display network related concepts in your business presentations. This image is useful for leadership, networking and technology related topics.

  38. Green ball connected to so many blue balls show network stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Green ball connected to so many blue balls show network stock photo

    We are proud to present our green ball connected to so many blue balls show network stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 This image is dedicated to display the concept of networking. To highlight this concept, we have used graphic of green ball which is connected to the multiple blue balls. This image also depicts networking. Display leadership and networking concepts in your business or sales presentations with the help of this image.

  39. Half build cube with one red cube in side showing leadership concept stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Half build cube with one red cube in side showing leadership concept stock photo

    We are proud to present our half build cube with one red cube in side showing leadership concept stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 This image has been crafted with graphic of half build cube and one red cube is kept inside to display leadership concept. Red cube acts as the leader while grey cubes act as team. Display leadership and team related concepts by using this innovative graphic image. Enhance the effect of your thought and get excellent graphic touch in your presentations.

  40. Red single cube on white cube shows leadership concept stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Red single cube on white cube shows leadership concept stock photo

    We are proud to present our red single cube on white cube shows leadership concept stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 This graphic image is part of our traditional cube collection. In this image graphic of red single cube is kept over the multiple white cubes to explain the concept of leadership. Use this image to display leadership and success in any presentation. This image is suitable for business and sales presentations.

  41. White cube with one green cube shows leadership stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    White cube with one green cube shows leadership stock photo

    We are proud to present our white cube with one green cube shows leadership stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 Graphic of grey cube with one green cube is used to craft this image. In this image, grey cubes reflect the concept of team and green cube acts as a leader. Use this image in business presentation, where you need to focus on leadership or team concepts.

  42. Blue lego block as leader on yellow lego block background stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Blue lego block as leader on yellow lego block background stock photo

    We are proud to present our blue lego block as leader on yellow lego block background stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 3500x2500 This image is well crafted with graphic of blue and yellow Lego blocks. Blue Lego block depicts the concept of leadership while yellow blocks represent the concept of team. Use this image for business and finance related presentations.

  43. Green lego blocks background with one yellow block as leader stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Green lego blocks background with one yellow block as leader stock photo

    We are proud to present our green lego blocks background with one yellow block as leader stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 3000x2500 This image has been designed with graphic of green and yellow Lego blocks. Yellow Lego block explains the concept of leadership while green blocks represent the concept of team. Use this image for business and finance related presentations.

  44. Queue of piggies with one red piggy coming out from line as leader stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Queue of piggies with one red piggy coming out from line as leader stock photo

    We are proud to present our queue of piggies with one red piggy coming out from line as leader stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 3500x1500 This image explains the concept of leadership. We have used graphic of piggys to display the concept of leadership. One red piggy coming out from the queue of piggys display it as a leader and justifies the concept of leadership.

  45. Red and silver chain link showing leadership stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Red and silver chain link showing leadership stock photo

    We are proud to present our red and silver chain link showing leadership stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 This image display red and blue chain links. This image depicts leadership. Use this image, in your presentations to express view on leadership, teamwork and security.

  46. Chessboard and 3d dices business leadership stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Chessboard and 3d dices business leadership stock photo

    We are proud to present our chessboard and 3d dices business leadership stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 This image displays chessboard and 3d dices. This image has been designed with chessboard background with colored dices on top. This image depicts leadership and teamqork. Use this image, in your presentations to explain views related to teamwork, competition and leadership in business. This may also be used in games related presentations. This image will make your point clear in the presentations.

  47. Multiple house shaped dominoes with one red to show leadership stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Multiple house shaped dominoes with one red to show leadership stock photo

    We are proud to present our multiple house shaped dominoes with one red to show leadership stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 This image displays multiple house shaped dominoes with one red house. This image depicts leadership. Use this image, in your business presentations to explain views related to teamwork, management and leadership. This image will make your presentations impressive.

  48. Multiple white glossy dice with one blue dice to show leadership stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Multiple white glossy dice with one blue dice to show leadership stock photo

    We are proud to present our multiple white glossy dice with one blue dice to show leadership stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 This image displays multiple white glossy dice with one blue dice. This image depicts teamwork. Use this image, in your presentations to explain views related to teamwork, leadership and management in any business or social concepts. May also be used in gaming presentations. This image will make your presentations impressive.

  49. Apples in queue with one pear shows leadership stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Apples in queue with one pear shows leadership stock photo

    We are proud to present our apples in queue with one pear shows leadership stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 Emphatically define your message with this image which contains a queue of apple with one pear in center. This image portrays concepts like uniqueness, Leadership. Create captivating presentations with this professional image of fruits.

  50. Keys in row with one golden key to show solution stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Keys in row with one golden key to show solution stock photo

    We are proud to present our keys in row with one golden key to show solution stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 This image has been designed with 3d graphic of keys with one golden key. Concepts of team work, competition and management may be explained using this image. This image also represents leadership. This image will enhance the quality of your presentations.

  51. Multiple gears with currency symbol with one leadership concept stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Multiple gears with currency symbol with one leadership concept stock photo

    We are proud to present our multiple gears with currency symbol with one leadership concept stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 1024x819 This image has been designed with 3d graphic of currency icons in gears and one in golden color. Concepts of team work, competition, leadership and management may be explained using this image. This image also represents finance and monetary strategy. This image will enhance the quality of your presentations.

  52. White dices in row with one red dice displaying leadership stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    White dices in row with one red dice displaying leadership stock photo

    We are proud to present our white dices in row with one red dice displaying leadership stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 This is a wonderful image of white dices in a row with one red dice. Glossy graphic of white dices and individual red dice is used to design this image. This image is crafted to explain the concepts of team work and leadership. This image will help you beautifully express your views.

  53. 3d chain with one golden link stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    3d chain with one golden link stock photo

    We are proud to present our 3d chain with one golden link stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 3000x2000 This image has been designed with graphic of 3d chain including one golden link. This image contains the concept of teamwork and leadership. Use this image to display leadership and teamwork in your business presentations.

  54. Circle of 3d men with one blue man shows leadership stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Circle of 3d men with one blue man shows leadership stock photo

    We are proud to present our circle of 3d men with one blue man shows leadership stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 This image has been crafted with graphic of 3d men circle and one blue man showing leadership. Explain the concept of leadership with this exclusive image. Use this image in your business, sales and marketing presentation.

  55. Four dices on vertical position with deal word stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Four dices on vertical position with deal word stock photo

    We are proud to present our four dices on vertical position with deal word stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 Explain the concept of business deals with this professional image. We have used graphic of four dices in vertical position to display the concept of business deal. Use this image in business and marketing related presentation. Let your viewers feel the difference of making quality presentation with this innovative image.

  56. Line of white 3d men with one blue man showing leadership stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Line of white 3d men with one blue man showing leadership stock photo

    We are proud to present our line of white 3d men with one blue man showing leadership stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 Line of white 3d men with one blue man has been used to decorate this image. This image contains the concept of leadership and teamwork. White men show team and blue man reflects the concept of leadership. Explain these concepts in your business presentations by using this innovative graphic image.

  57. Silver chain with golden link in middle stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Silver chain with golden link in middle stock photo

    We are proud to present our silver chain with golden link in middle stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 3000x2000 This image has been created to display the concept of team unity with leadership. This quality image has been designed with graphic of silver chain and red colored link in the middle of the chain. Display leadership and teamwork in your business, sales or marketing presentations.

  58. Silver chain with red colored link in the middle stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Silver chain with red colored link in the middle stock photo

    We are proud to present our silver chain with red colored link in the middle stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 3000x2000 This image is designed with graphic of 3d silver chain connected with one red link in the middle. This image contains the concept of teamwork and leadership. Use this image to show leadership and teamwork in your business presentations.

  59. Support word written on dices on white background stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Support word written on dices on white background stock photo

    We are proud to present our support word written on dices on white background stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 This exclusive image has been designed with 3d graphic of dices. Support word text is written over the dices and these dices are kept on the white background to create a beautiful impact. This image focuses on teamwork and solution finding concepts. Use this image in your business, sales or marketing presentations and get good response from viewers.

  60. Two silver links with one red in the middle security stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Two silver links with one red in the middle security stock photo

    We are proud to present our two silver links with one red in the middle security stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 3000x2000 To display the concept of unity and strength, use this amazing conceptual image. This image contains the graphic of chain made with silver and red links. Links are reflecting the concept of unity while chain is symbolizing the strength. Make an innovative presentation with this unique image.

Item 61 to 120 of 210 total items

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Ratings and Reviews

88.8% of 100
Most Relevant Reviews
  1. 100%

    by Noah Hernandez

    Graphics are very appealing to eyes.
  2. 100%

    by Williams Morales

    Appreciate the research and its presentable format.
  3. 80%

    by Denis Rose

    Excellent design and quick turnaround.
  4. 80%

    by Dudley Delgado

    Editable templates with innovative design and color combination.
  5. 100%

    by Dale Tran

    Helpful product design for delivering presentation.
  6. 100%

    by Cortez Graham

    Qualitative and comprehensive slides.
  7. 100%

    by Christopher Wood

    Informative design.
  8. 100%

    by Donovan Cunningham

    Excellent design and quick turnaround.
  9. 80%

    by Donald Peters

    Excellent work done on template design and graphics.
  10. 80%

    by Roberts Roberts

    Very well designed and informative templates.

Items 31 to 40 of 120 total

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