
Leadership PowerPoint Stock Images, Presentation Images and PPT Templates

Leadership Powerpoint StockPhoto Images, Illustrations, Graphics and Icons in PNG and JPG format. Some are born leaders.Some are trained for leadership. Whatever the background leaders are required. There are, no doubt, certain basic traits necessary for one. Many believe that some of them are innate to one's personality. A few can be taught and developed. Our leadership stock images display a lot of qualities that make them leaders in their field. They are committed to maintaining high standards. They believe in facing up to challenges that crop up. They believe in being accurate with the information they give. They always strive to appear attractive. They will also help you exhibit your inherent ability to lead. They will prove a useful tool in providing guidance to others. Clearly lay down the path for them to follow. They will faithfully abide by your directions. Develop them into a strong team. A group that actively engages to achieve common goals. Our leadership stock images are also an excellent training aid. Use them to develop the qualities of a leader. There are many eager young folks waiting to be shown the way. Bring to them the wisdom of the ages. Recount for them the tales of great leaders of the past. Highlight the many attributes possessed by these people. Go into details about their abilities. Explain how young aspirants can gear themselves up to imbibe these traits. Watch them evolve into trend setters before your very eyes. They will confidently stride forward to grab the reins. They will endeavor to get to the forefront of activity. They will deal with others with due care and concern. Become the leader in creating leaders.
  1. Aiming and hitting business targets stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Aiming and hitting business targets stock photo

    We are proud to present our aiming and hitting business targets stock photo. This image is in jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000. This image is a visual representation of target concept. This image helps explains the logic of your detailed thought process to take your company forward. Deliver amazing presentations to mesmerize your audience.

  2. Aiming and hitting target stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Aiming and hitting target stock photo

    We are proud to present our aiming and hitting target stock photo. This image is in jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000. This Aiming and Hitting Target stock photo can be used in Business Power Point Presentations. Use this Image to make your presentation a visual masterpiece. It outlines the depth of your thought process.

  3. Aiming high business targets stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Aiming high business targets stock photo

    We are proud to present our aiming high business targets stock photo. This image is in jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000. The above Image contains a graphic of aiming on business targets. It can be used to show the order of a task. After examining every element down to the finest detail, It helps you to explain your plans in all earnest to your colleagues and raise the bar for all.

  4. Arrow on target success concept stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Arrow on target success concept stock photo

    We are proud to present our arrow on target success concept stock photo. This image is in jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000. Determine your targets and sequence them as per your priorities. Unravel each one for the audience while setting key timelines as you go along. Educate your listeners on the relevance and importance of each one as per your plan.

  5. Arrow on target success illustration stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Arrow on target success illustration stock photo

    High resolution presentation image as can be anticipated on wide screen. PPT stock photo is available in size 2500x2000. Easily adjustable with maximum number of software i.e. JPG and PDF. PPT visual easy to use with Google slides. Suitable for demonstrating target realization, success, goal setting etc. Popular and in demand due to their easy use and accessibility.

  6. Arrows hits in center target stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Arrows hits in center target stock photo

    We are proud to present our arrows hits in center target stock photo. This image is in jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000. Use this colorful PPT image to decorate your well wrapped ideas and colorful thoughts. Determine your targets and sequence them as per the priorities. This Image will help pinpoint their viability.

  7. Arrows hitting the center of target Slide 1 of 1
    Arrows hitting the center of target

    We are proud to present our arrows hitting the center of target. This image is in jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000. Develop competitive advantage with this Image which contains an image of hitting the target. There are different paths to gain the necessary knowledge to achieve target. Transmit this concern to your staff using this helpful Image.

  8. Arrows illustration competition concept stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Arrows illustration competition concept stock photo

    We are proud to present our arrows illustration competition concept stock photo. This image is in jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000. Visually support your Microsoft office PPT Presentation with this Image. You can present your opinions using this impressive Image. It helps your team to align the arrows to consistently be accurate. Use this Image to highlight your thought process.

  9. Asphalted road and billboard stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Asphalted road and billboard stock photo

    PPT image compatible with Google slides. Slide can be easily inserted in an ongoing presentation. PPT image designed with high quality pixels. The image is also available in Widescreen slide size. Adaptable presentation design as available in JPG format and in size 2500x2000. Downloading is easy and can be effortlessly inserted in the presentation. Helpful for advertising, marketing, promotion, billboard advertising, etc.

  10. Blue arrow ahead of white arrows stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Blue arrow ahead of white arrows stock photo

    We are proud to present our blue arrow ahead of white arrows stock photo. This image is in jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000. Develop competitive advantage with this above Image. This image signifies the concept of leadership. It is a useful powerful tool conceived to enable you to define your message in your business PPT presentations.

  11. 3d graphic of team leader stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    3d graphic of team leader stock photo

    We are proud to present our 3d graphic of team leader stock photo. Deliver amazing Presentations with this image. It portrays the concept of key success factors. Use this diagram to inspire the prospective clients who may find your corporate displays distinct from others.

  12. 3d graphic for dislike stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    3d graphic for dislike stock photo

    We are proud to present our 3d graphic for dislike stock photo. In social media, we use thumbs down symbol to express Dis- like feeling. To show the same, use this professional image with colorful symbols and to enhance the effect of presentation.

  13. Concept of excellence stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Concept of excellence stock photo

    Right to modify the template stock images as indicated by the business need. Template stock photos are regular consistent with Google slides. Easy to understand and straightforward information on template. When displayed on large screen does not influence the yield photos quality. Attractively created introduction format with noteworthy picture quality. Templates can be brought with various hubs and stages. Downloading of template is simple.

  14. Find the solution stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Find the solution stock photo

    Right to alter the introduction chart as indicated by the business need. PPT layout consistent with Google slides. Precise and straightforward data on PowerPoint outline. Wide screen projection does not influence the yield image quality. Attractively created introduction format with noteworthy picture quality. PowerPoint slides can be brought with various hubs and stages. Downloading is quick sharing is simple with the gathering of people. Editing of graphics, hues, background, images is simple as instructional slides are provide with the templates.

  15. Graphic for target stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Graphic for target stock photo

    Simple, easy and swift download. Fully editable text without any limits on the number of words. Totally modifiable color, orientation, size and contrast of PPT images. Convert into JPG or PDF formats and runs easily with Google slides. No loss of high resolution of PPT infographics on editing. Ideal for business advisers, project managers, product developers, strategists etc.

  16. 3d map of location stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    3d map of location stock photo

    We are proud to present our 3d map of location stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000. It is very important to display the concept to location, and if you need to make any travel related presentation, it is crucial. You may use this image, which is well crafted with map graphic to represent location status.

  17. Chess pawns with leadership concept stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Chess pawns with leadership concept stock photo

    We are proud to present our chess pawns with leadership concept stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000. This image has been designed with graphic of chess pawns to show leadership. Concept of leadership is well explained in this image. This image may be used to give professional look to your presentation.

  18. Graphic for network of leadership stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Graphic for network of leadership stock photo

    We are proud to present our graphic for network of leadership stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000. This image has been designed with graphic of networking to show leadership. Concept of leadership is well explained in this image. Use this image to give professional look to your presentations.

  19. Red arrow crossing the hurdle stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Red arrow crossing the hurdle stock photo

    We are proud to present our red arrow crossing the hurdle stock photo. This image is in jpg format is is available in size 3000x2000. Cross the barriers, this massage is displayed in this image. This image is designed with red arrow which exhibits crossing the hurdle.

  20. Red arrow moving ahead stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Red arrow moving ahead stock photo

    We are proud to present our red arrow moving ahead stock photo. This image is in jpg format is is available in size 2500x2000. In business moving ahead is very important, same massage is being displayed in this image. This image is designed with red arrow graphic, which is well crafted for business presentations.

  21. Red arrow under wall stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Red arrow under wall stock photo

    We are proud to present our red arrow under wall stock photo. This image is in jpg format is is available in size 3000x2000. This image is designed with red arrow passing through wall. This image has been conceptually designed for illustration of business goals.

  22. Red gear standing out stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Red gear standing out stock photo

    We are proud to present our red gear standing out stock photo. This image is in jpg format is is available in size 2500x2000. Concept of leadership is displayed in this image by red gear standing out from theremaining gears in the line. Use this image for your presentation and get noticed.

  23. Unique blue gear in black gears stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Unique blue gear in black gears stock photo

    Use of pixel rich images and the graphics. Access to edit the backgrounds, layouts and the entire slide design once downloaded. Trouble-free insertion of the company’s logo or the brand name while replacing the traditional watermark. Fit well with the Google slides and other offline presentation templates. Offer instructions to customize the slide design. Useful for the business managers, marketing professionals and the strategy designers.

  24. 3d pyramid of balls with silver ball on top stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    3d pyramid of balls with silver ball on top stock photo

    We are proud to present our 3d pyramid of balls with silver ball on top stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000.This is a conceptual image to mesmerize your viewers with 3D graphic of golden balls. This image is used to display the leadership concept. Use this image to prove your ability of presentation making.

  25. Golden egg on top of white eggs stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Golden egg on top of white eggs stock photo

    We are proud to present our golden egg on top of white eggs stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000.In business related presentations if you have to display any leadership concept or you have to show uniqueness of skills, you may use this image. This image is designed by professional designers keeping the thought of uniqueness in mind.

  26. Graphic of eggs showing concept of leadership stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Graphic of eggs showing concept of leadership stock photo

    We are proud to present our graphic of eggs showing concept of leadership stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000.3D graphic of metal balls has been used in this image to show the concept of leadership. Become a leader of making business presentations by using this ideal image.

  27. Pyramid of wrong balls with right ball on top stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Pyramid of wrong balls with right ball on top stock photo

    We are proud to present our pyramid of wrong balls with right ball on top stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000.This creative graphic image has been designed with 3D graphic of balls in pyramid shape. Use this image in any business presentations to display leadership related concepts.

  28. Gears team with yellow leader in center stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Gears team with yellow leader in center stock photo

    We are proud to present our gears team with yellow leader in center stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 This image has been designed with golden gear graphic. Use this image to display process control in any business presentation.

  29. Green and blue molecular structure on white background stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Green and blue molecular structure on white background stock photo

    We are proud to present our green and blue molecular structure on white background stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 In science related presentations, it is important to show the molecular structure sometime. Use this graphic image with molecular structure to get good remarks from your teachers during presentations.

  30. Red gear in black gears showing concept of leadership stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Red gear in black gears showing concept of leadership stock photo

    We are proud to present our red gear in black gears showing concept of leadership stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 This creative graphic has been designed with 3D graphic of red and black gears to display variety of process control in a single presentation. Go ahead show your creativity with this mind blowing collection of images.

  31. Grey gears showing concept of standing out stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Grey gears showing concept of standing out stock photo

    We are proud to present our grey gears showing concept of standing out stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 In business related presentations, if you need to display any leadership concept or you need to show uniqueness of skills, you may use this image. This image is designed by professional designers by keeping the thought of uniqueness in mind.

  32. 3d network graphic with blue balls and one red ball stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    3d network graphic with blue balls and one red ball stock photo

    We are proud to present our 3d network graphic with blue balls and one red ball stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000Visually support your ideas with this image which contains a network graphic. This image clearly defines the concept of business network. Transmit your beliefs to your eager colleagues with the help of this image.

  33. Professional network concept with green and blue balls stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Professional network concept with green and blue balls stock photo

    We are proud to present our professional network concept with green and blue balls stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000This Creative image is an awesome design that you may download to prepare business presentations. It portrays the concept of professional network. Go ahead and add charm to your presentations with this colorful and attractive image

  34. Pyramid of white balls and red on top leadership stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Pyramid of white balls and red on top leadership stock photo

    We are proud to present our pyramid of white balls and red on top leadership stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000This pre-designed and appealing pyramid graphics offer an optimized possibility to illustrate your business strategy. Your audience will easily understand all key benefits. This image is editable and can be easily adjusted.

  35. Team balance concept with green ball and golden balls stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Team balance concept with green ball and golden balls stock photo

    We are proud to present our team balance concept with green ball and golden balls stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000The vision of being the market leader is clear to you. Transmit your thoughts via this team balance image and prod your team to action. It helps to focus the thoughts of your listeners. This image helps you to make well-organized presentations.

  36. Unique discount symbol on blue balls stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Unique discount symbol on blue balls stock photo

    We are proud to present our unique discount symbol on blue balls stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000This image is designed with unique discount symbols. It helps to lay down your views. Go ahead and add charm to your presentations with this high quality image.

  37. Arrows hit on target board showing concept of meeting goals stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Arrows hit on target board showing concept of meeting goals stock photo

    We are proud to present our arrows hit on target board showing concept of meeting goals stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000. This amazing image is designed with arrows hitting the target board. This professional image may be used to describe business and sales target. Use this image to set targets and to measure performance in your presentations.

  38. Hitting a target on a board showing focus on goal stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Hitting a target on a board showing focus on goal stock photo

    We are proud to present our hitting a target on a board showing focus on goal stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000. Use this image to display business and sales targets in any presentation. This image with target board and darts may be used to describe the ways to stay focused on your goals and objectives. Imprint your concepts with this image in your presentations.

  39. 7 shopping bags with one red and 6 blue stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    7 shopping bags with one red and 6 blue stock photo

    We are proud to present our 7 shopping bags with one red and 6 blue stock photo. Graphic of seven shopping bags with one red and six blue in color have been used to decorate this image. Graphic of bags define the concept of sales and one unique red bag displays leadership. Use this image to show leadership, sale and business concept in any presentation.

  40. Red colored checklist with one green cross stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Red colored checklist with one green cross stock photo

    We are proud to present our red colored checklist with one green cross stock photo. This image has been designed with graphic of red colored checklist with one green cross. This graphic image reflects importance of maintaining checklist for any business process or work. Display process check, product check or business checklist with the help of this image.

  41. Blue colored like hoardings on white background stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Blue colored like hoardings on white background stock photo

    We are proud to present our blue colored like hoardings on white background stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 This image displays thumbs up like hoardings on white background. Set your imagination with this image to represent positivity or liking towards a specified task. Use this image to make interactive presentations.

  42. Green cube on top as leader with white cube pyramid stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Green cube on top as leader with white cube pyramid stock photo

    We are proud to present our green cube on top as leader with white cube pyramid stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 Use this amazing image to define concept of leadership. This image has been designed using pyramid of white cubes along with one green cube on top as a leader. This image may also used to define roles and responsibilities of a leader in any business presentation.

  43. Multiple chairs in circle with one red chair stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Multiple chairs in circle with one red chair stock photo

    We are proud to present our multiple chairs in circle with one red chair stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 3000x2000 This image displays multiple chairs in circle with one red chair. Use this image in teamwork and leadership related presentations. This is a conceptual image of team meeting with a leader. Grab the attention of your team with this eye catching image.

  44. Silver metal balls with blue color ball in front as leader stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Silver metal balls with blue color ball in front as leader stock photo

    We are proud to present our silver metal balls with blue color ball in front as leader stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000. This image is very innovative and crafted to display leadership. We have used graphic of silver metal balls with one blue color ball in front as leader. Use this image to display leadership in any business presentation. This image may be used for business, sales or marketing presentations.

  45. Wall made of white cubes with a blue cube as leader stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Wall made of white cubes with a blue cube as leader stock photo

    We are proud to present our wall made of white cubes with a blue cube as leader stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000. This image is a wall of white cubes and one blue cube. The blue cube displays leadership. Use this image to display business leadership and teamwork. Express your views with this creative image.

  46. White bulbs with one green bulb as leader stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    White bulbs with one green bulb as leader stock photo

    We are proud to present our white bulbs with one green bulb as leader stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000. This image is designed with multile white bulbs and one green bulb. Graphic of green bulb displays the concept of leadership. Use this image to display leadership in business presentations. Follow the path of success with this good quality image.

  47. White cubes wall with one red block as leader stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    White cubes wall with one red block as leader stock photo

    We are proud to present our white cubes wall with one red block as leader stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000. This image is designed with white cubes wall with one red block. This distinguished red block displays leadership. Use this image to display importance of leadership in business. Enhance the effect of your views with this creative image.

  48. Three rounded arrows in maze showing leadership by red arrow stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Three rounded arrows in maze showing leadership by red arrow stock photo

    We are proud to present our three rounded arrows in maze showing leadership by red arrow stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 Graphic of three arrows and maze has been used in this image. This image simplifies the concept of problem solving and leadership techniques. We have used one red arrow in between two grey arrows to show leadership while maze is used to depict business problems. Use this image for explaining business, leadership and problem solving topics.

  49. White multiple sockets in line with plugs and green plug for leadership stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    White multiple sockets in line with plugs and green plug for leadership stock photo

    We are proud to present our white multiple sockets in line with plugs and green plug for leadership stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 3000x2000 This image is self suggestive, we have used multiple electrical sockets in a line with various plugs and one green plug. This image is based on concept of leadership and green plug is used to depict this concept. Lead the world with this creative image collection. Display business, sales and marketing leadership concepts in any presentation by using this image.

  50. White plugs with one blue plug to show leadership stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    White plugs with one blue plug to show leadership stock photo

    We are proud to present our white plugs with one blue plug to show leadership stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 This image has been designed with graphic of white plugs with one blue plug. In this image blue plug symbolizes the leader and displays the concept of leadership. Use this image in your presentation to explain leadership quality. This image is useful for business, sales and marketing presentations.

  51. White plugs with sockets and one red plug for leadership stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    White plugs with sockets and one red plug for leadership stock photo

    We are proud to present our white plugs with sockets and one red plug for leadership stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 3000x2000 Show your creative skills to make an extra-ordinary presentation. In addition to this requirement we have added on new image in our collection. Graphic of white plugs with socket and one red plug is used to display leadership skills. Use this image for business, sales and leadership related presentations. Create an impression on your audience by choosing modern way of presentation making.

  52. Go text with target dart arrows for business and marketing stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Go text with target dart arrows for business and marketing stock photo

    We are proud to present our go text with target dart arrows for business and marketing stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 Develop competitive advantage with this image which contains a graphic of target dart with go text. This image is designed to portray the concept of goal achievement process and steps towards goal achievement. Use this image to enhance the effect of your views in your presentations.

  53. Green plug with white plugs and one socket for leadership stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Green plug with white plugs and one socket for leadership stock photo

    We are proud to present our green plug with white plugs and one socket for leadership stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 This image displays green plug near to a white socket placed on the wall instead of others white plugs. This conceptual image depicts action and effort toward goal-related activities. This image is designed to display the concept of completion, racing, fight etc.

  54. Grey gears with one green gear as leader stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Grey gears with one green gear as leader stock photo

    We are proud to present our grey gears with one green gear as leader stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 Visually support your presentations with this image of grey gears with one green gear as leader. This image displays number of grey gears with the green colored gear depicting leadership or differentiation. Interlink your thoughts with this image for your message to stand out loud and clear.

  55. Leadership displayed with three white and one red football graphic stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Leadership displayed with three white and one red football graphic stock photo

    We are proud to present our leadership displayed with three white and one red football graphic stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 This image displays graphic of four footballs with one different in red color. This image depicts unique characteristics of a great leader. This image is well designed with the concept of teamwork and leadership and delivers practical thinking.

  56. Leadership within team displayed by multiple white footballs and one blue football stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Leadership within team displayed by multiple white footballs and one blue football stock photo

    We are proud to present our leadership within team displayed by multiple white footballs and one blue football stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 This image is creatively designed with graphic of multiple footballs with one different in blue color. This image depicts unique characteristics of a great leader. This image is well designed with the concept of teamwork and leadership and delivers practical thinking.

  57. 3d men as a team with one leader on puzzle base displaying teamwork stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    3d men as a team with one leader on puzzle base displaying teamwork stock photo

    We are proud to present our 3d men as a team with one leader on puzzle base displaying teamwork stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2000x2500 Display the concept of teamwork and leadership with this amazing image. We have used graphic of 3d men standing over a puzzle base to depict teamwork while one yellow colored 3d man represents the concept of leadership. Use this image in business, sales or marketing presentations to explain leadership and teamwork.

  58. Cube made of silver metal balls with red ball in corner as leader stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Cube made of silver metal balls with red ball in corner as leader stock photo

    We are proud to present our cube made of silver metal balls with red ball in corner as leader stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 In this business image, we have used a graphic of cube. This cube is made of silver metal balls with one red metal ball in corner. This structure is designed to display the concept of leadership. Explain leadership in business, sales and marketing presentations and be an innovative developer with this extra ordinary collection.

  59. Multicolored cubes with 3d effect with one red cube as leader stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Multicolored cubes with 3d effect with one red cube as leader stock photo

    We are proud to present our multicolored cubes with 3d effect with one red cube as leader stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2000x2000 Explain the concept of leadership and teamwork with the help of this graphic image. In this image graphic of multi-coloured cubes with 3d effect display the team and one red cube explains the importance of leadership. Use this image in business, success and marketing presentations to display importance of teamwork and leadership.

  60. Red and green arrows in different directions stock photo Slide 1 of 1
    Red and green arrows in different directions stock photo

    We are proud to present our red and green arrows in different directions stock photo. This image is in .jpg format and is available in size 2500x2000 This conceptual image is designed with two arrows in different directions. This image may be used for process display for business, sales and marketing. Use this image for business, sales and marketing presentations to depict path followed in a business process.

Item 1 to 60 of 210 total items

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Ratings and Reviews

89.4% of 100
Most Relevant Reviews
  1. 100%

    by Curt Bryant

    Easily Editable.
  2. 100%

    by Liam Perez

    Use of different colors is good. It's simple and attractive.
  3. 100%

    by Dewey Stephens

    I discovered this website through a google search, the services matched my needs perfectly and the pricing was very reasonable. I was thrilled with the product and the customer service. I will definitely use their slides again for my presentations and recommend them to other colleagues.
  4. 100%

    by Deandre Munoz

    Visually stunning presentation, love the content.
  5. 80%

    by Brown Murphy

    Good research work and creative work done on every template.
  6. 100%

    by Edmundo Watkins

    Perfect template with attractive color combination.
  7. 80%

    by Cruz Hayes

    Awesomely designed templates, Easy to understand.
  8. 100%

    by Del Holmes

    Great designs, Easily Editable.
  9. 80%

    by Rodriguez Morgan

    Excellent design and quick turnaround.
  10. 80%

    by Damon Castro

    Use of icon with content is very relateable, informative and appealing.

Items 1 to 10 of 120 total

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