Conflict happens. No matter how simpatico the employees might seem, disagreements are a natural part of any group dynamics, and penalizing their existence is unhealthy. What is needed is a constructive approach to managing and resolving conflicts. What is needed is SlideTeam’s Training Courses on Conflict Management.


Not only will this course improve the ability of your business to resolve workplace disputes and stop them from escalating, but also show you that these are opportunities to grow. A trainer can download this training module with a click here.


Why this Training Module on Conflict Management, aka The Benefits


Learning about conflict management offers valuable benefits.


Improved Relationships: 


Conflict management skills enable individuals to navigate disagreements and disputes effectively. By addressing conflicts constructively, people can maintain healthier and more positive relationships with colleagues, friends, and family members. This leads to greater trust and cooperation.


Enhanced Communication: 


Conflict management training often emphasizes effective communication techniques, such as active listening and assertiveness. These skills can extend beyond conflict resolution, improving overall communication abilities in both personal and professional settings.


Increased Productivity and Efficiency: 


Conflict can drain time and resources in workplaces and other environments. Learning to manage and resolve conflicts efficiently can lead to a more productive and harmonious atmosphere, where energy is focused on tasks rather than disputes, ultimately benefiting organizations and individuals alike.


We end each of our six sessions with our standard format of:


  1. Key Takeaways
  2. Let’s Discuss
  3. Let’s Test What We Have Learnt


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Session I: Conflict Resolution at Workplace


The first part of this training module begins with hard-hitting questions that everyone needs to introspect on. These make the trainees aware of how necessary it is to go through training to handle workplace conflicts (even those of a personal nature).


Our training begins from the basics. Workplace conflict is defined, and its types are presented: Interpersonal, intrapersonal, intragroup, etc. We also list its common causes like unclear job expectations, goal differences, personal differences, poor communication, and more. The following slides provide detailed information on each of these causes with many relatable examples. How many causes can you and your training identify in their career path?

A fun activity named “four words” helps the trainees work together to get through these conflicts.


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All your trainees will agree on this topic: How Managers Add to Conflict. They will have many examples, so please access the PowerPoint Deck slides on the four points this module focuses on.


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The trainer can then turn to statistics on conflict managementt to give everyone a big-picture look at this issue, followed by a discussion on the consequences of these disagreements. At this stage, another activity showcases a bad, non-productive way of approaching conflicts.


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Conflicts are not all bad. As we learn through this presentation, some are healthy, while some are unhealthy. To those who claim that this training module is unnecessary, we present some reasons why conflict management is important; as always, we bring a fresh perspective to the topic with another activity.


Session II: Conflict Management Styles


By the end of these Session I, we will have brought everyone involved with the training into a mental zone of self-awareness, where one just begins to get an idea of conflicts, and our role in it. Session II reinforces this. It starts with self-reflective questionnaire that uses the Likert Scale (the best tool to assess attitudes and views), with the interpretation slide following it.


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We introduce the matrix for the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI). The slide presents the five categories one can be put into, and the function of each box is also explained. They are: Competing, Collaborating, Avoiding, Accommodating, and Compromising. The slides that follow detail each of these categories and explain when to use them as well as their pros and cons.


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We revise the entire concept in an activity with four scenarios where you decide which TKI will best resolve the situation.


Session III: Workplace Conflict Prevention


We learn the techniques to prevent workplace conflict in this section. Prevention is better than cure, after all. These techniques are presented as a list on the first slide, after which each subsequent slide focuses on one method from the list and gives a detailed explanation.


Some of these include fostering clear communication, establishing rules for workplace behavior, being decisive in action, providing psychological safety, and more. These techniques are reinforced with a case study on job promotion, and it is a real thinker! See what the trainees feel is the best decision in this hypothetical scenario.


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Once this activity is done, we present ways to manage toxic situations at the workplace, of which there can be many. Perhaps you have an overly sarcastic co-worker, perhaps you regress into black-and-white thinking, or are your coworkers are playing the blame game and resorting to exaggeration?


These and more scenarios can happen to anyone, and we provide clear solutions to dealing with them. Access the training module to learn and implement these solutions. An activity is given to teach trainees to deal with a toxic situation with positivity!


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Speaking of toxic situations, we’ve talked about managing them. Let us now talk about survival and getting through them. There are many ways to do so, such as building a network of trusted co-workers, staying focused on important goals, striving for a healthy work-life balance, etc. You’ve got this!


We follow up these techniques with some rules for managing workplace conflict and a case study of taking (or not taking) a difficult work conflict to the tribunal at your workplace.


Session IV: Developing Conflict Resolution Skills


With some understanding of workplace conflicts, let us learn about conflict resolution. We begin this session with slides on what it is, why it’s important, and the factors influencing its success. We dive into the healthy and unhealthy responses to conflict and the Dos and Don’ts of conflict resolution.


Conflict resolution is a multi-step process, which we lay out in this training module section. Its steps include clarifying the disagreement, setting up a common goal for the parties involved, discussing approaches to arrive at this common ground, and more. Each step is explained in detail to allow the participants to execute them well. This is put into practice with an activity on learning what separates a dialogue from a debate!


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Next up, we have the essential skills needed to resolve workplace conflicts. These are effective communication, emotional intelligence, stress management, empathy, and impartiality. All five are equally important to maintaining an amicable work environment.


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Conflicts with a power dynamic between the parties are more difficult to resolve. We tackle this with a case study of a conflict with one’s manager. It is an interesting and valuable example presented in three slides to handle disagreements between unequal parties.


We also make the trainees aware of the resources available to them, such as the human resources personnel, ombudsman, conflict coaches, dispute restitution centers, etc.


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We then move on to mediation and all that it entails, including what it is, its guiding principles, the role of the mediator, etc. We end this discussion with a case study on mediation.


We finish the section with a discussion on Ombuds and Negotiation as strategies for workplace conflict resolution and provide a case study as an example.


Session V: Emotional Intelligence in Conflict Management


Emotional intelligence (EI) is a crucial yet oft-overlooked part of group dynamics. In this session, we focus on it, as it has a deep relationship with conflict resolution in the workplace.


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We begin the session with what emotional intelligence means and the life cycle it follows (perception, facilitation, understanding, and management). We learn of high vs low level forms in the EI and understand how emotions escalate in a conflict, from productive to polarized conflict.


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We move on to understand the ideal behaviors when in a situation like this and practice active listening. We teach the trainees the strategies for managing their fight-or-flight response in tense situations. Concepts such as our attitude during disagreements and positive psychology (the PERMA model) at the workplace are explained. The session concludes with an activity on behaviors that escalate and de-escalate conflict!


Session VI: Workplace Conflict Management Policies


This section of the training module introduces the organization to policies that must be implemented to resolve workplace conflicts better.  The slides begin with these policies' purpose, scope, and objectives, followed by roles and responsibilities of managers and employees in executing these frameworks.


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The policies presented in this section include communication rules, a conflict resolution flow chart, and procedures for when the manager is and is not involved. In the case of dissatisfaction with the resolution, the appeal process is introduced to ensure that personnel have the recourse to pursue the matter to its fullest extent.


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The Open Door Policy, Ombuds Policy, and Grievance Forms are explained in more detail as part of the implementation process.


With these six sessions, the hope is that your business ensures that employees feel heard and their grievances are taken seriously. Any business would prefer that all conflicts are resolved and this presentation deck provides you with the tools and the necessary training to do so. So why wait? Download this presentation now and bring more peace to your office!


FAQs on Conflict Management


What are the 5 Cs of conflict management with examples?


The 5 Cs of conflict management are:


  1. a) Communication: Effective communication is essential for resolving conflicts. For example, clear communication about expectations and concerns can help employees find common ground in a workplace dispute.
  2. b) Collaboration: Encouraging parties to work together to find mutually beneficial solutions. In a family conflict, siblings may collaborate to divide inherited assets fairly.
  3. c) Compromise: Finding a middle ground by both parties making concessions. In a marital disagreement about vacation plans, a compromise might involve choosing a destination that combines each partner's preferences.
  4. d) Containment: Preventing conflicts from escalating further. For instance, in a team project, a leader may intervene to contain a dispute before it disrupts the project's progress.
  5. e) Consensus-building: Striving for unanimous agreement among parties. In a community dispute over zoning changes, consensus-building might involve town hall meetings to reach a decision acceptable to all residents.


What are the key issues when dealing with conflict management?


Key issues in conflict management include:


  1. a) Miscommunication: Poor communication can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts. Clarifying messages and active listening are vital.
  2. b) Emotions: Emotions often fuel conflicts, making managing and addressing feelings constructively crucial.
  3. c) Power imbalances: Unequal power dynamics can complicate conflict resolution efforts. Addressing these disparities is essential for fairness.
  4. d) Resistance to change: People may resist conflict resolution efforts if they fear the outcomes. Managing resistance is a challenge.
  5. e) Cultural differences: Conflicts may arise due to cultural misunderstandings. Being culturally sensitive and aware can help navigate such issues.


What type of criticism is essential in conflict management?


Constructive criticism is essential in conflict management. It involves providing feedback that focuses on behavior or actions rather than attacking the individual. This type of criticism helps individuals understand their role in the conflict and identifies areas for improvement without causing harm or defensiveness. For example, in a team conflict, offering constructive criticism might involve discussing specific actions or behaviors that have affected the team's dynamics and suggesting ways to address them collaboratively.


Which skill is most critical in conflict resolution?


The most critical skill in conflict resolution is empathy. Empathy allows individuals to understand and appreciate the perspectives, emotions, and needs of others involved in the conflict. By genuinely putting themselves in others' shoes, conflict resolution practitioners can build trust, foster open communication, and find solutions that address the root causes of conflicts. Empathetic listening and responses demonstrate a willingness to understand and validate the feelings and concerns of all parties, paving the way for more effective conflict resolution.