In December 1903, 120 years ago, the Wright Brothers of Dayton, Ohio, created a product that changed how the world traveled. It was, of course, the aircraft. The important thing: This product of the plane was designed, in principle, on the way a bicycle rider balances themself.


Since their marvelous invention, the world has seen, and developed zillions of years. Newer products, based on even more sophisticated technologies like the internet, have been invented and have duly taken the pride of in place in helping the world operate.


If your target is to capture market share and emerge as the bellwether in the sunrise business area of Internet of Things (IoT), please access our must-have IoT Industry Report Templates with a click here.   


One thing is, for sure, however, newer products will continue to come, even as now there is established literature on how businesses should go about it. Here, SlideTeam has done its bit in curating the world's wisdom into templates that depict the best practices in product development. From the concept to the execution and the end-user experience of the product, we cover it all.


Each of the templates is 100% editable and customizable. The content-ready nature means you get a starting point and the structure you longed for that perfect presentation. The editability feature allows you to tailor the template to the user profile.


Let's explore the templates now!


Template 1: Innovation and Product Development – Best Practices, Tools, and Templates


This PPT Template, a complete deck in 66 slides, is the best-ever resource you will ever need to understand, implement and evaluate global best practices related to product development. Use this presentation template to learn how to brainstorm, develop a business case for the product you have in mind, or have the concept screened through the eyes of experts or industry veterans. The aim is to showcase how businesses can go from thinking about a product to infusing design into their offering, winning market share and brand awareness. Get this template with a click on the download now button.


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Template 2: From Agile Development to Innovation Horizon, the 12-step Process PPT Template


Conceptual clarity is the fundamental bedrock of product development, and this template showcases how you can teach that in your processes. Use this template to showcase the 12 points you think are must-haves for product development. From agile innovation to customer-centric focus, this comprehensive slide gives you all.


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Template 3: Adaptive and Agile Process Funnel for User


In the software-driven world, a software-packaged product must deliver on all checkboxes to gain some traction and win customers. It all starts with filtering and screening ideas before it goes to development. From there, the funnel is testing, launching, and deployment review. The user experience moves in parallel, as shown in the bottom half of the template, from adaptive and flexible to accelerated.


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Template 4: Monthly Brainstorming and Development of Product in line with Business Objectives


This PPT Template covers brainstorming a business idea for developing a product every month through prototyping and experimentation. The cycle is of eight months that starts business objectives assessment in months 1, 2, and 3. Use this template to list the evaluation of the idea, planning for development if it passes the evaluation, and finally, its documentation and reporting. Then, the template lists the remaining two significant tasks as analysis of resources; after this, business idea observation, experimentation, and prototyping are done.


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Template 5: Business Idea Screening, Development, and Testing PPT Template


The god is always in the detail. Use this PPT Template to conduct a detailed investigation to develop and test a product for market launch. The presentation makes a visual impact with its icons, and the seven steps its lists to market launch are Idea, Screening, Evaluation, Detailed Investigation, Development, Testing, and Market Launch. Get this template now!


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Template 6: Business Model Canvas with Value Proposition and Revenue Streams


The PPT Template depicts an organization's business model canvas, with key partners and activities listed upfront. Use this presentation template to list the value proposition on offer, customer relationships, marketing channels used, essential resources, infrastructure needed, cost structure, and most importantly, revenue streams from the business plan depicted.


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Template 7: Concept Screening Matrix for Organizational Innovation PPT Report


Use this PPT Template to rate prototypes of product versions after first putting in place criteria that are to be fulfilled. For instance, the product under consideration could be a table lamp that runs on the Internet of Things (IoT). This slide lets you list the criteria you want to be mapped against concepts and how the prototype ranks on each criterion. For the lamp, the criteria could be light wattage, design, etc. This template will be a solid campaign to guide you on which product concept fits or satisfies the most predefined goals/criteria. Get this template now!



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Template 8: Four-Step Concept Screening and Rating Criteria Template Infographic


The concept behind a product is critical to product development and success, as the Wright brothers showed us over a century ago. This PPT Template showcases a four-step approach to concept screening based on criteria that align with business strategy and technical feasibility. Use this slide to compare many concepts (four are pre-designed in the template) on predefined criteria. The four screening levels start with new product or service development, ending with identifying concepts for development. The concepts are rated on criteria on a 1-5 scale, with one being the lowest and five being the highest.

The extra diligence on concept screening ensures the market laps up your product with that added zest.


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Template 9: Product Concept Analysis and Testing, Based on Customer Segment


Ultimately, everything produced in the business world and the entire industrial establishment must find a paying customer or the enterprise folds up. This PPT Template is a primer on knowing the purpose of the product concept and identifying customer segments through an analysis of participant responses. Identifying the customer segments through a survey resolves a significant issue for the product developer, with interpretation and presentation of results vital in establishing best practices.


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Template 10: PPT Template on Customer Empathy Map for determining Pain and Gain of Individuals


All product development targets hearing, seeing, thinking & feeling, and hearing customers. Hence, product development must be mindful of the need for the product to be seen; then, it has to be something that the customer can hear about or use social media to say something about it. In essence, a successful product had to maximize the gain for a customer and minimize the pain. Download this template now!


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Template 11: Analyzing Customer Problem Statement Chart Infographic PPT Template


Use this presentation template to present customer problem statements and understand the context of it as well. This will give you a close-to real-life idea of what your product development needs to change to resolve customers' pain points. The PPT Template tackles this with questions specially framed in the customer's context; the problem's root cause; how it impacts them quantifiably and emotionally; alternatives customers could already use, and how your product is better than the substitute products. With this detailed analysis, your product will surely rock, but you need to download this template and record this data first. Do it now!


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Template 12: Design Thinking to Provide Solutions to Customer Problems PowerPoint Presentation


This PPT Template showcases the process of design thinking that resolves customer problems through an agile and lean approach for customers. The problem-solving phase and the execution and solution phase are graphed on a scale of abstract to concrete on the Y-axis versus the movement from customer problem to customer solution on the X-axis. Use this template to resolve your pain point of going from ideation to products that work to customers' delight. Download now!


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Template 13: Design Thinking Process PPT on Testing and Design


Use this template to know the path to product development that starts with understanding customer needs and requirements through empathizing, where you conduct surveys to understand the customer. Then, the four other steps of defining, ideating, building a prototype, and testing follows. The five steps, together, put businesses on the journey to product development, where decisions are taken and personas are created in search of the following big product that creates waves. Get this template now to be where the action is on the road to product development.


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Template 14: Idea Innovation Funnel Management Process PPT Layout


An idea needs innovation management to ensure funding, and this PPT Template aptly illustrates the idea innovation funnel. The funnel is essential to gather support from sponsors and mentors. Use this template to list the stages that narrow the funnel as the product idea clears each one. The natural business end starts from the fourth stage of the funnel when a business plan is created to be presented as a demonstration of the product to the management. Finally, the management takes a call. Planned communication and the processes that decide the product is a good idea are inputs before the funnel is used. Download now!


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Template 15: Innovation Funnel Management Process with Three Filter Gates


As showcased in this PPT Template, market and customer requirements power an idea like the numerous light bulbs. As the next step, ensure the idea innovation funnel takes over for your business, with the three filters with the binary task of deciding whether an idea is a KILL or a GO. This presentation template also gives you the placement of this filter, which is extremely important, and the USP of the product. What are three filter placement slots? Well, download this template and find out in a jiffy.


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Template 16: Innovation Horizon Model with Operators, Business Builders and Visionaries


This last template on product development best practices plots time versus value on all the stages and the processes followed in search of that one elixir that becomes a star for any business. There are three horizons that companies crack in a hierarchy, which are operators (low value, products created in quick time), business builders (moderate value, take a lot of time), but develop opportunities and horizon 3 of excellent value, but consuming a lot of time as well to develop). Use this template to see product development from this value versus time perspective and decide on priorities in terms of product development.


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Product development best practices have an inherent, in-built problem. The concept is fluid, and as the lifestyle of people and technology change, newer, better products emerge. For instance, the laptop design changes every 6-8 months, as does the website of major corporations, as they incorporate new features to make it faster and better.


Ideally, then, businesses need to create a separate product development most enterprises are already doing. Our PPT Templates help resolve most problems businesses face in moving to a finished product from a hazy idea. Make these a part of your library now!


PS: Another design every business must adopt is to move toward a more diverse, inclusive, and equitable workplace. The key input to achieving this is through training in diversity and inclusion, with biases tackled in detail. Access our top 10 training courses on diversity and inclusion, training material included, here. 


FAQs on Product Development


What is product development?


Product development refers to all strategies, things, and materials required to create a working, practical, and useful product for the customer. It always starts with an idea and is usually an organic process that people within a business initiate. Remember, a product might or might not have a need, demand, or market when somebody created the idea, but its value lies in the future the idea creator imagines of its use. Again, significant products ultimately have their destiny.


What are the stages of product development?


Product development stages include Idea, Screening, Evaluation, Detailed Investigation, Development, Testing, and Market Launch. Each of these has a sequential movement with screening and evaluation of the stages where there is maximum meat. If a product brief passes through these two stages, it is nearly certain that it will see a market launch. The idea behind putting a formal process behind these stages is to ensure that businesses can sift out non-workable ideas and discuss only those with some merit for the investment of resources it seeks.