The snazzy car you just bought was manufactured due to a religious adherence to a product design process. Millions of small processes were put through deliberately-designed steps to create that gorgeous headlight shape. The value a product design process brings to a business is peerless.


Look closely, and you will find more instances of the product design process. The kitchen fittings, the butter-smooth drawers, and even each wardrobe went through a product design process before they reached you.

Remember, for a design process, the product/service distinction is not important. The ‘product’, for all practical purposes, could be a service as well.  The end-game is about whether the design process is adding value to the business and ensuring that the product offered is of the highest quality and of utility for you and me, the consumers.





The product design process is critical for many businesses for reasons beyond the obvious improvements in their offerings. It is the philosophical and technological prowess that creates the real magic. For instance, can you imagine the kind of product design process that Elon Musk’s Tesla is working on for its self-driven cars?


In the blog, we will dig deep into the processes that we consume as a matter of habit. For businesses executing these processes day-in-and-day-out, these PPT Templates work as guides on how to do it better (at a lower cost, maybe).


The aim of this blog is to provide your business with the germ of an idea for rethinking the product design process. Your way of working might be the easiest, but is it the most relevant for the customer? Here’s hoping that this blog reignites curiosity in your product design process for bringing about an improvement in the lives of all stakeholders in your business.


Even as the product design process is important for businesses, design plays a significant role in training your workforce on softer aspects, like diversity and inclusion. Find out how our well-designed courses on diversity and inclusion training are working to impact lives across global organizations. Get the comprehensive training module on diversity training here.


Let’s take a round of our editable presentation templates on the product design process! Some will appeal enough to you to make a download.


Template 1: Product Design Process Template Presentation Visual Aids


This PPT Presentation is a primer on the product design process in six stages. As a product manager, use this presentation template to explain to your top management or investors how you see a product take shape. Showcase your expertise in product design from Idea Generation to something the customer will use. Developing the product and putting in features is also important and something this slide helps you with. Download it now!


Product design process template presentation visual aids




Template 2: Product Design Process in Five Stages with PPT Example


Products require research and in-sequence thinking which this PPT Template provides. Showcase your logical thinking ability to the management as you present them your ideas on developing a product in five stages. The top stages are, of course, market analysis and defining the user need. Once these are in place and are gathered correctly, the more analytical functions of mix segmentation and product use come in. Convince a roomful of people of your product design process skills, where this presentation template will play a key part. Get it now!


5 product design process example of ppt




Template 3: Business Flow Process for Product Design; Linking it All Together


As a business process, product design improvement is a domain that more managers need to master. Showcase your burning desire to this with a download of this template; with its use, convince your CEO of how keen you are to give the company a new product offering/range. The steps that need to be taken in flow to get that perfection in product design start with a hypothesis and end with monitoring the product or service created. Download now and be the expert your company needs!


Business flow process for product design




Template 4: Product Design and Deployment Management Process


Design is a talent, and like all other gifts from God to an individual, it deserves to be used well. In the product design process, it is critical that one is familiar with the 5Ds that govern the management of the process. With a download of this template, showcase your design knowledge as well as your wherewithal to turn it into a commercial venture. Such a flowchart is typical of industries where the product design process is a solution to a pain point. Example: a bus door opening to the road rather than inside the vehicle. Discover new ways to be relevant to changing business needs with a download. Get it now!


Product design and deployment management process




Template 5: Product Design Process Flow in Five Stages


This PPT Template will appeal to all businesses where a scientific bent of mind is appreciated. Starting with a hypothesis, this product design process makes sure you get to showcase your knowledge of building prototypes and monitoring feedback on the product. Give your career the turbo-boost it needs with a presentation template that is as elegantly designed as this one. Download it now!


Product design process flow in five stage




Template 6: NDP Process with Product Designing and Development 


The attractive backdrop is just the kind of flair you need to showcase how the design process can elevate a presentation. This PPT Template is an illustration on how design and process are inseparable twins. The timeless template shows unboxing, the creation of symmetry with the measurement device, and the power to pen down your destiny. Download now to showcase how design process works! Use the three customizable text segments to make this backdrop even more relevant to scenarios facing your employers or clients.


Npd process with product designing and development




Template 7: Product Design and Development Chevron Process


The new layout helps you link the 5Ds of design into a cohesive process. If you are a physical-product maker, then this PPT Template is for you. From the discovery that the market needs a product to defining the contours, design comes in as a third major consideration; remember though, the product design process proceeds to give product managers the freedom and the structure they want. Use this presentation template to show your bosses how your ability to handle confusion in product design process is a priceless skill. Download it now!


Product design and deployment chevron process




Template 8: Product Design in Four-segment Circle Process


Essentially, the modern business world today is about the experience that a product or service provides. Experience how this is true in the product designing process as well with building, testing and launching of products the key testing points. Use this slide to convince your investors/CEO/bosses of the importance of getting their hypothesis right before any product design decision. For instance, no one buys a Buggati or a Mercedes to go from Point A to Point B. The motivation is to prove you have arrived. Are there other products that help reinforce this? Mull over these and other questions that can mar or prime your product design process from scratch. Download this presentation template to accurately place your product design process in the business you are in!


4 segment circle process for product design




Template 9: Digital Product Design and Development Process


The world is moving towards printing 3D objects at scale than following the old-school physical manufacturing process. To accelerate this process, digital product design and development is the key tool. Use this slide to prove your core competency in this area, with research the first step in this product design process. Eventually, every business will go digital and depend on product design through this source. Be one of the early movers with a download of this PPT Template, and ace this space. Get it now!


Digital product design and development process




Template 10: Operational Process for a Product/Process Design


In any product design process, there is a tremendous amount of waste generated. Disposing of this in a professional manner is essential, or you could be clogged with junk. This PPT Template gives you a chance to show factors involved in the product design process, such as market research, competitor analysis, customers, suppliers, and sales research, R&D of product development, idea formulation, evaluating and testing the idea, initial test design, make improvement plans, and final design. Use the presentation template as a blueprint to find your choice of operational processes for the product design process you have in mind. Download it now!


Operational process for a product process design






Designer, Trendy, and Transformational


Ultimately, all design is in the human mind. It is a scientific interdisciplinary field of study that is about finding new ways to do the same thing. For instance, launching or thinking of cutlery that can function both as a spoon and a fork. The beauty of the design is that it is virtually impossible to reengineer. It appears so simple once it is done!! Continuing in this vein, please visit our blog on digital transformation for PPT Templates that makes implementing it across your organization easy, convenient, and cool!


PS: Designing anything appears so cool! Yet, it pays to remember that training with the proper attitude can help you master business and create handsome profits in the process. Begin your journey on this road to riches with a business communication training module that is guaranteed to have you say the right thing at the right time, at the workplace.


FAQs on the Product Design Process


What is Product Design and the Product Design Process?


Anything that solves a problem, usually at scale, of the end-customer is product design. In business terms, it is the process that sees a need of the customer, assesses the demand for it in terms of volume, and goes about producing it or creating a product to solve that need from scratch. Remember, product design is the application of science and process to that idea. The idea, per se, is also a result of years of observation, or it could also be an intuitive flash.


What is the four-product design process?


Once businesses get down to the product design process, it is always best to have a model in place to ensure documentation and ensure all ideas have a chance to be filtered. In a four-step design process, the idea is first given the shape of a hypothesis; this is akin to the idea that if this is in place, then that should result. People who use a car freshener also need a room freshener is an example of the hypothesis. Then, in the prototype, you build a room freshener that will work in a room as well; in the testing stage, you give some samples for free and see what quantity, etc, of the freshener, is needed for rooms. Finally, you launch the room freshener.


What are the six phases of product design?


This is another model for the product design process that starts with the Idea Generation, e.g., starting a valet car service outside busy markets or five-star hotels (even though this is a service, an increasingly common occurrence). Then comes Phase 2, product definition, where every detail of your offering is analyzed. In Phase 3, we build the product on paper, with the initial design making up Phase 4. The last two phases involve validation and testing, and commercialization. Depending on the business value offered, any one of the processes becomes super-critical. For example, internet services, globally, are totally commercialized.


What are the types of product design?


A product is useful only when it can be used. This means that the product design process has to create something which customers can use without any inconvenience. Broadly, here are three kinds of product designs. You can either have a system that places the customer in the central, main pedestal and is always at his/her service. E.g., Internet services. Then, you can have product design as a process, e.g., car buying as a process. Then, the interface is the key product-design philosophy. Think of the real-estate broker as the interface to getting that dream home. Now, blockchain is emerging as the technological product interface to replace it over the next decade or so.