A significant endeavor we most easily associate a coach with is sports. Here, coaching involves getting a bunch of individuals engaged in games like golf, lawn tennis, etc., to perform at their best with obsessive attention to detail.


Coaching also has a role in businesses as they perfect their processes for the employee’s well-being and engagement. The art and science of coaching acts like a magic potion to get employees to perform at their best.


An employee coaching playbook is, in fact, an essential requirement in today’s day and age. Technology and the associated paraphernalia see a change at least every six months, and thus, employee coaching is as necessary as the appraisal process.


Employee coaching playbook or plan must be a permanent feature in your company. At SlideTeam, we have developed an expert-curated ‘Employee Coaching Playbook’ with the three significant agendas as stated below:


  1. It acts as your training guide for employees at the workplace.
  2. It is a content-ready game plan for maximizing employee performance and leveraging the existing talent pool. This means you have the structure you need that aids you in starting with your unique employee coaching plan/playbook.
  3. Each template in the playbook offers you the complete freedom to edit and customize it to the extent of 100%. This means that your employees and you, as the management, can combine forces to draw up an employee coaching plan if you so desire.


Template 1: The Start: The Employee Coaching Playbook Plan Explained


Here is the start of a journey into coaching plans for your employees that will act as your go-to guide for all your needs. The complete deck in 54 slides is a comprehensive game plan for maximizing employee performance and leveraging the existing talent pool. The six central pillars of an employee coaching playbook are elaborated, in detail. These include a training overview, which is meant as a how-to guide for engaging employees; then, a clear roadmap for the objectives of training offered is also part of this well-designed playbook.


We take you through the four major global training modules that are a favorite of all Fortune 500 companies, as they successfully use our playbook after a download! The fourth piece of this employee coaching playbook is identifying and motivating critical people involved in providing employee training and giving a comprehensive insight into motivating employees for active participation in training programs.


The other modules deal with the processes and checks to determine the effectiveness of workforce training and sales estimation. The playbook also trains you on the cost estimation of these initiatives in employee coaching. Finally, we conclude the practical, hands-on module with a training dashboard analysis and learn how to create a performance-tracking workforce training dashboard.


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Template 2: Table of Contents for Employee Coaching Playbook


This comprehensive table of content gives you 29 key headers you must master using this PPT Slide on Employee Coaching Playbook. The six chapters on offer are a training overview, designing the workforce training program utilizing a Training Requirement Form, creating a schedule across departments, and checklists for Human Resources (HR) professionals. Tracking essential activities for the customer support team also forms part of Chapter 3, which deals with training modules. In the next chapter of this complete deck, we will continue on how coaching plays an essential role in minimizing employee conflicts. The section also provides hands-on tips on how to motivate employees to attend these coaching programs. As is expected from such a high-quality program, it also includes drawing up a dashboard to measure results and the effectiveness of the coaching. Download now to dive into a sea of learning, where employees emerge as the real stars after being coached in everything they need to do a perfect job.


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Template 3: Workforce Training Program Criteria Based on Different Learning Practices 


As a business that cares for its people, ensuring all your coaching efforts match your employees' learning needs is crucial. This PPT Preset tabulates the basis on which you choose the program in the first place. These could be any one or a permutation-combination of five significant criteria like the Learning Platform. Learn how the training program transforms your enterprise into one with lagging practices in that criterion to the leading practitioner in the form of a table. For instance, if you chose content management as the central focus of employee coaching, the best-industry practice of a content catalog must be with your business by the end of the training sessions. Be as specific and target-oriented as this, using this hands-on, policy-defining presentation template.


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Template 4: Kinds of Employee Training Methods


For coaching to do its job, you must choose the predominant training method. Yes, you might still mix-and-match coaching styles of the three that have stood the test of time, like online, internal, or collaborative peer training. In the internal training method, which is face-to-face, the business hires experts, or the company buys material to address skill-set issues or enhance the domain knowledge of all. Online training involves employees accessing studying/accessing material at their convenience. Contrary to popular perception, it could be live or online. Finally, in-house experts should share information, experience, and practice expertise in collaborative employee coaching. It is essential to choose the method with care and adequate thought.


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Template 5: How to Engage Employees Across Firm


Employee coaching is not some esoteric concept that starts and stops; it is a continuous process of keeping the staff engaged and in love with what they do! Like our need for basic comforts, this is the Oxygen that powers business thought and creates new avenues for the growth of the enterprise. Hence, it would be best to employ coaching at all stages of employee interaction with their workplace. Attracting new employees, efficient onboarding, and retaining existing employees depend on how employees see themselves developing with a business. And an employee coaching program helps firm up that vision. For instance, the novelty factor at the workplace is linked to improved flow; hence, this PPT helps in getting new employees with an emphasis on job roles that offer opportunities to learn new skills, grow and make an impact. How can you find avenues to do this at the other stages? Well, download this template now to find out.


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Template 6: Roadmap for Successful Employee Training Program


Like businesses plan all successful innovations on paper first, this roadmap PPT, with timelines indicated, is the USP of this employee coaching playbook. The roadmap starts with assessing requirements and estimating resources for a great, purposeful employee coaching program; this takes 2-3 months. Over the next four months, you travel to Motivation, where the learner and trainer test their will to learn. The actual coaching begins when, as a business, you Design training appropriate for the targeted group of employees; this typically takes a week. Actual Delivery of the coaching takes place after all this groundwork. After it concludes, it is time for evaluation and repeating the roadmap of these five stages for brilliant employee coaching results. Get this marvelous, actionable PPT Template now!


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Template: 7 Objectives of Training Offered to Employees


Clear goals aid clear thinking, and all employee coaching and training programs have metrics or objectives. This PPT Slide lists the four objectives as seamless employee onboarding, improved sales performance, practical customer support training, and skills enhancement training. In each of these, specific targets will vary based on the business. Yet, it will pay to be as particular in this as possible to create stellar outcomes from brilliantly-designed training programs. For instance, the sales team improved performance objective is best expressed as: Learning how to close 20% of marketing-qualified leads within 60 days of opportunities opening. Beat that for an aim through your employee coaching with a download of this template.


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Template 8: Addressing Training Competency Assessment Matrix


Competency assessment is necessary to address the training needs of employees who need coaching to realize their full potential. Use this PPT Template to map the proficiency and interest of employees to skills: specific skills that coaching will impart. At least seven such skills are tabulated in this presentation template to give you the starting point to prepare this matrix. Proficiency is marked on a numbered scale, with proficiency level denoted with zero, meaning no capability, and 3 means advanced-level skill. Interest has a binary scale of 0 for no interest and 1 for wanting to acquire the capability. Map your employees on this assessment matric and create a vision for employees.


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Template 9: Determine Employee Skill Enhancement Plan at the Workplace


Matching or determining employee skill enhancement means putting all information about a staffer in a single place. Once you do this, clear patterns emerge for each employee at your workplace. It is vital that employees' goals and training required gel well together. Use this hands-on slide to draw up an engaging plan for employee skill enhancement with four major pieces in place. These are goals, training required, estimated costs, and completion date. Download now!


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Template 10: Workforce Upskilling Initiative through Training Delivery Channels


This PPT Template is a practical design that packs a punch and is a one-stop shop for workforce upskilling. The slide allows you to map five core workplace training areas. Business, Employee Onboarding, Customer Service, Human Resources, and Sales are covered. You can use the clutter-free design that gives you so much information to list the course name and duration. Then, the USP of this preset is the five training delivery channels we delineate. The checklist format makes for easy viewing, with the five channels listed. Whatever medium is available for a particular course is ticked to give flexibility and options to the employees ready for coaching. The channels listed are E-Learning, Collaborative Peer Learning, Internal training, offline training, and the blended channel. With such a comprehensive report template, you don't need to go anywhere. Download this template now!


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Template 11: Determine Sales Team Training Plan


Sales are the lifeblood of businesses, and mastering this field brings charisma. This presentation template provides three levels of training for a sales team. You can tabulate each against specific sales skills you want. The other four skills mapped across all three types of exercise are Sales effectiveness process and tools, knowledge areas covered, the kind of audience you want to address, and frequency of the coaching per se. List the topics covered that seamlessly lead to the acquisition of skills. For instance, just glancing at the table is enough to know that consultative sales team training has managers and executives as the audience. Businesses plan it once every quarter. Get this presentation template now!


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Template 12: Communication Skills Training for Executives, Employees, and Managers


No coaching of any kind is complete without touching upon communication skills. This employee coaching PPT presentation provides information on communication skills training for executives, employees, and managers. The functional areas covered are writing constructive feedback, storytelling, and relationship building. Showcase your command of these skills by categorizing each into operational areas. These are documenting the purpose and benefits of the sessions. Use this presentation preset to highlight the Delivery of each module. Download now to draw up a blueprint for communications skills that ensure your messaging to all stakeholders is top-class.


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Template 13: Motivating Employees for Active Participation


Often, the most well-designed training program fails as employees are not motivated enough to attend. Get rid of this issue with the use of this actionable PPT Template. Know the three steps businesses need to ensure it has motivated employees to make any coaching program a runaway success. Start with detecting employee strengths, emphasizing how each program is a step to career advancement. Supplement these two steps with rewards and compensation, and your business is ready to make its employee coaching programs into big-ticket events that enhance your brand. Get it now!


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Template 14: Employee Coaching Effectiveness Tracking Dashboard: Level of participation 


The importance of a well-executed employee coaching program means that a dashboard is the only format where you can measure its effectiveness. With 14 metrics on display, this dashboard provides you with critical information to take a call on which programs to give more importance to. See how much of the training target you achieved over a specified time frame and the total hours of coaching. The dashboard also allows for comparative analysis. Costs are, of course, also in focus. Get the cost per hour and the cost per participant at your fingertips. Get this template now to ensure your training programs always add value to your business offering.


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Template 15: Employee Coaching Effectiveness Tracking Dashboard: Total Cost Analysis


This presentation template dashboard focuses on the operational difference that employee coaching makes in a well-run business. For instance, a simple bar graph displays how much of the total training cost goes into changing behavioral aspects of employees versus upgrading their technical competencies. Also, know your top 5 training programs by total expense. Costs are the focus, again, with the slide devoting at least five segments to it. Download this template now to be abreast of all and every number related to employer coaching.


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In corporate life, coaching plays a significant role in helping employees do two things. One is developing a sense of ownership for the work they do, and the second is feeling a bit obligated to perform well for their organization. Taking ownership too far means employees can be ego-centric, while going overboard with obligations means employees open themselves to exploitation. Real, meaningful coaching help resolves this conundrum.


Another puzzle that businesses must resolve, and quickly, at that is the diversity and inclusion equation in their workplaces. It requires extensive training and coaching in diversity and inclusion for enterprises to reap its advantages and business gains. Click here to get Top 10 Courses on Diversity and Inclusion Training to embrace best-practices of this important area, where businesses can showcase their forward-looking DNA.


P.S. If you are looking to make a mark in the healthcare businesses, here are practical, hands-on pitch deck to impress your investors and create recall value of your business offering. Get world-class healthcare pitch decks with a click here. 


FAQs on Employee Coaching Playbook


What is the meaning of employee coaching?


Employee coaching means that the staffers in a business are coached into some of the finer nuances of delivering results in a business, and performing at their best. The USP of employee coaching is that these are customized to employee strengths and weaknesses and is, by definition, not a one-size-fits-all kind of training. Though for reasons of convenience, there will always be groups or teams coached together till the mid-management level, coaching is always meant to help individuals realize their potential and draw their own performance graph. Coaching helps optimize that graph.


How do you structure an employee coaching session?


An employee coaching session is structured around three basic psychological needs of individuals for acknowledgement, praise and recognition. Hence, an employee coaching session starts with a discussion on problems or issues employees face that are hindering their productivity; then, the second part is getting the employees to open up on what they are good at, and boosting their morale. Finally, the trainer shares some exercises and tips that appear fairly simple, but gets employees to change faulty thinking habits. At the end of it all, the third pillar of recognition is used to get employees to feel valued and treasured.


What are the key elements of a coaching plan?


Designing an employee coaching plan involves five major elements. These are:


  1. Establishing the training needs of employees
  2. Engaging a world-class trainer (may be internal or external)
  3. Drawing up a schedule for the coaching sessions and their spread
  4. Motivating the employees to join the coaching sessions, once crystallized.
  5. Deciding the specific behavioral or technical competencies that must manifest in some form or the other after the coaching.


After all of this, the management needs their numbers, for which our dashboards are always available for your use.