Franchising, a nearly $1 trillion global business assuming a ballpark figure, is one of the best tools to expand your business. It allows you to interact with the franchise owners and gets them to invest in the hope of gaining from the brand identity and the sales potential your business is known for. The real muscle of the parent brand in a franchise, apart from the universally-liked nature of products or services, is marketing it. This serves two purposes: One; it ensures that uniform messaging goes out from the brand; second, it helps strengthen the new venture owners’ hand at getting customers.


For instance, McDonald’s marketing support remains uniform for all its franchises worldwide. This means that the Golden Arched M, the staff uniform, or the packaging remains the same, irrespective of the part of the world you consume your favorite Mac. As a business that has made it far enough to command a premium for its franchise, it also pays to have a strategic franchise marketing plan playbook prepared and ready for implementation.


At SlideTeam, we have curated a playbook for effective marketing management of your franchise. It acts as a guideline for franchisors in maintaining the tone of the corporate brand and aids franchisees in managing that tone for local marketing initiatives. The slides in the playbook also act as practical, hands-on tips for efficiently handling social marketing, word-of-mouth marketing, paid media marketing, email marketing, and co-partner marketing initiatives associated with the franchise’s audience management.


The playbook, a complete deck with 55 slides, segments the marketing plan into nine parts. From conceptualizing a franchise marketing program to co-partnering with word-of-mouth marketing, we end with a comprehensively-designed dashboard to track franchise marketing campaign performance. Each of the templates is 100% customizable and editable. The content-ready nature of the templates gives you the much-desired structure and the starting point; the editability feature allows you to tailor it to unique audience tastes.


Let’s explore these templates now and create a plan that grows your business.


Template 1: Strategic Franchise Marketing Plan Playbook


Use this master playbook slide as a comprehensive guide to drawing up a complete plan to help a franchise market itself with planning and clear-cut results. Start by providing it with an address on a world where most businesses thrive today, a website. Know how to design and operationalize a corporate-controlled website for efficient franchise management, including branding. Showcase your knowledge of how paid media works in franchise marketing as well. Build an effective strategy for Pay-Per-Click (PPC) campaign initiatives before making productive use of our slide on selecting a suitable social media marketing tool, which is also part of the playbook. Audience engagement, as always, remains the key aim of the initiative. Then, franchisees will be immense with downloading the slide on optimizing their email performance. The playbook offers slides on how to ensure word-of-mouth marketing makes its mark, ending with the dashboards that measure the meat of the entire marketing plan of the franchise. Download now to find a well-rounded product that resolves all pain points that mark a franchisor-franchisee relationship.


Strategic Franchise Marketing Plan Playbook Powerpoint Presentation Slides


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Template 2: Website Control Process for Efficient Franchise Management


The PPT Template provides information on the role of a corporate-controlled website in better franchise management. The principal aim is to maintain brand consistency among all franchises across locations. Use this slide to highlight the importance of a single website that the headquarters controls. Such marketing arrangements ensure minimum expenses and commitment to avoid additional assistance to manage the site that the franchise owner develops. It is also a safeguard against the websites of the franchisor and the franchisee competing against each other. Download now to ensure your franchise marketing starts on the right note.


Strategic Franchise Marketing Plan Playbook Powerpoint Presentation Slides


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Template 3: Local Audience Management Template; Using SEO to Enhance Reach 


With relevant statistics as your guide, this PPT Template provides numbers that hit home. For instance, do you know that 90% of consumers search for local businesses through smartphones at least once a week? This fact, and at least four other such well-researched and insightful figures, is included in this slide to emphasize the importance of local Search Engine Optimization (SEO) in assisting a franchise to improve its audience outreach. Use this presentation template to list important SEO initiatives for franchisees, the major being the inputs it provides for building an effective site structure. Download this slide now to ensure the franchise starts enjoying the process of local SEO and draws financial mileage from it.


Strategic Franchise Marketing Plan Playbook Powerpoint Presentation Slides


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Template 4: Role of Paid Media in Franchise Marketing


Paid media advertising enables franchises to generate more and better leads. It helps to increase the customer base through campaigns promoting brand awareness. This presentation template collates critical information about the medium in one place and helps increases the customer base. The slide also showcases the major advertisers in the paid media space, with the four kinds of ads explained concisely. The slide names these as search ads, display ads, social ads, and video ads. Unique keywords and interests related to the franchise are aptly covered through paid media initiatives. Download the template now to ensure the franchise is showcased across all relevant spaces where it needs to be seen.


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Template 5: Effective Franchise PPC Campaign Initiatives for Better Outreach


Effective digital marketing requires keyword research, managing these keywords into Ad Groups and then into campaigns. After these two preliminary ground-level tasks are done, one can begin developing high-quality ads before working on the last piece in the puzzle, landing page optimization. Better outreach is ensured once franchises can master and perfect this flowchart related to using a PPC campaign to its optimum. The budget acts as a constraint as franchises have to offer a cost each time the brand’s ad gets clicked after thorough keyword research. Download this template now and start building an infrastructure that results in better outreach.


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Template 6: Usage of Social Media Marketing for Franchise PPT Template


The corporate (franchisor) franchisee relationship needs defined boundaries, which also applies to their use of social media. Use this presentation template for options for corporate involvement in managing the franchise’s social media presence. Specifically, this deals with generating leads and leveraging brand awareness. Showcase your expertise in a corporate’s role in managing a franchise’s social media presence. Specifically, be clear on which social media platforms you will use. The goals are highlighted prominently: developing a community across each franchise and location with unique and locally-focused content. Download this template now and start creating waves on social media.


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Template 7: Selection of Social Media Marketing Guidelines PPT Presentation

This tabular format PPT Template provides concise, logical, and relevant information on social media marketing tools. The comparative analysis is based on price parameters, users, managed profiles, and features. The design provides for this comparison to be made across six software suites. As always, the slide can be edited to fit your unique number. The USP of the slide is its icons and the purpose it helps serve for organizations, giving them the features like platform accessibility. Download this presentation template to improve the critical decision of software choice.


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Template 8: Email Marketing of Franchise Illustration of Corporate Role PPT Presentation


Email marketing is by far the most effective digital marketing platform. This PPT Presentation Template provides information on a corporate’s role in the franchise’s email marketing process. The aim is to develop implementable guidelines for an email marketing program and the preparation of email lists. Some major guidelines are also provided in the color-coded segment, extending an email list through opt-in forms depicted in the lighter tone of pink. The significant corporate help is in preparing the mailing list through resources and guide creation with industry-specific content for interested audiences. Download this now to track an essential part of the digital marketing relationship between a corporate and a franchise.


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Template 9: Running Referral Programs Through Word-of-Mouth Marketing PPT Template


This presentation template answers the oft-repeated question of how to harness the power of the oldest marketing medium in the world, word-of-mouth. The slide provides information regarding referral programs through word-of-mouth marketing, such as contests or giveaways, exclusive events, referral discounts, fund-raisers, etc. This remarkable tool describes the central idea of each solution to help you create a brilliant marketing plan with word-of-mouth referral as the aim. The input you will have to keep ready is a referral kit that people can share with friends and contacts, like videos, e-books, testimonials, etc. Download this convenient tool now to create an impact.


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Template 10: Marketing Campaigns to Accelerate Sales PPT Template Infographic


Everybody agrees that increasing market share is different from enhancing brand awareness. Creating two separate marketing campaigns for each can sometimes be taxing and consume a disproportionate amount of your time and energy. Use this presentation template to map drives with defined goals to the actual marketing activities, target audience, campaign duration, and estimated cost. Download this template now to capture customer attention, raise brand and increase sales, all inputs to enhance outreach.


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Template 11: Online Reviews Management Template for Better Audience Engagement


Do you know that 86% of users consider online reviews when choosing between local business options? Also, remember that customer reviews are vital in increasing sales and generating more trust than brand descriptions. Showcase your expertise in promoting online reviews in the earmarked, dedicated space for this in the upper-left center of the presentation. The four one-liners with the accompanying icons make for expert-level, hands-on tips to ensure your management of the online reviews draws spontaneous applause from all stakeholders, especially the franchise. Increased business is a certainty with the correct evaluation of this program. Get this slide now!


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Template 12: Franchise Marketing Budget Plan PPT Template


This PPT Layout provides information on the franchise marketing budget plan with details about costs across different marketing channels such as paid ads, SEOs, email, social media, etc. The clutter-free minimalist design is the USP of the presentation. We mention the location and the budget year and tabulate at least eight marketing channels against spending on them across the year's four quarters. This budget plan aims to ensure that the franchise and the corporate agree on the judicious use of resources and create an impact. Get this template now!


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Template 13: Dashboard Template to Track the Performance of Franchise Marketing Campaign


In any marketing, it is pretty easy to fall into the trap of spending good money after bad. Hence, preparing a dashboard is a prerequisite to be consulted periodically to decide on the following action. This PPT Dashboard is a treasure of information designed to help the top management make decisions on the effectiveness and performance of the franchise marketing campaign. Track this in terms of clicks, impressions, conversion rate, cost-per-click, etc. In each of these metrics, the comparison against each is also given, adding immense value to the number under discussion. Get an overview of Google Ads in the color-coded bar graph of conversions, clicks, impressions, and cost. You also get the cost per thousand impressions and so on. Download now to ensure you know how to succeed at your franchise marketing.


Strategic Franchise Marketing Plan Playbook Powerpoint Presentation Slides

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The franchise business model is based on universal values 0f quality, convenience, and service. Hence, it is no surprise that a significant part of the franchise business is in food, as it is here that customers can easily discern what they are getting. Even as the franchise business model is more or less uniform in terms of sectors that can successfully take to it, uniformity per se is not suitable for business.

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FAQs on Strategic Franchise Marketing Plan


What is the marketing strategy for franchising, and what is its importance?


Growing your business is marketing, and franchising is just the platform you choose for growth. Franchise marketing aims to transfer some of the brand characteristics to the franchise and its key personnel in your community. Franchise marketing is a challenge in that some of the partners might be raw. Hence, it needs to be done carefully and with due regard to the local operating business environment of the franchise as well. It is of two kinds: Operational Franchise Marketing and Franchise Development Marketing. The difference is that in operational franchise marketing, the emphasis is on getting customers based on the activities on the online channel; the tools are SEO, Email marketing, social media marketing, and Pay-Per-Click, etc. On the development side, the critical endeavor is to ensure you have a clear picture of the target customer and can reach them with surgical precision. As with all brand marketing, messaging and consistency are critical to strategic franchise marketing.


What is a franchise marketing summary?


Franchise marketing is about placing a brand from the source of its origin across business environments and geographies. In it, one business wants to use an old enterprise's already established credibility and trust and offer its products and services in its milieu. The central idea is that the parent business gets additional investment, which can be given the name of technical business words like a franchise fee, royalty, etc. In return, the franchise’s path to paying customers is eased as it does not invest much time and money in acquiring new customers, which is a struggle for entirely new businesses. To summarize the franchise marketing summary, adequate publicity is needed for a targeted audience that a global brand franchise is in your community.