It is hard to imagine a world without information technology and the many ways it touches our lives today. Yet, just about half a century ago, very little sign appeared that predicts the lives that the average global citizen leads today. Internet, mobile phones, instant chat with anyone anywhere in the world! Wow! All this and more are at a touch of a button today.


What made all this possible? Well, successful execution and use of IT in projects have given us the interconnected globe of today. To ensure progress remains as fast and smooth, scientists, engineers, and businesses must synergize to ensure all IT project plans are executed well and achieve objectives.


Even the internet, after all, was an IT project disguised as an experiment of the US Defense Forces.


Suppose you want to install your software, transfer all your data (both transactional and financial), map your processes, and train your users to use this software. In that case, you need an Enterprise Resource Planning implementation plan. Find the world's best ERP Project Plan Templates with a click here.


Moving forward, it is clear that IT project plans are meant for individual businesses to flourish, take charge, and solve specific problems. Even then, doing this well with a professional ethos and at minimum cost and maximum ease is critical.


We at SlideTeam, have curated the best-in-class templates in IT Project Plan to ensure the business can competently draw up their schedules, handle crises, and make operations profitable and well worth it. From budgeting for an IT Project Plan to marketing activities lead generation growth, we have it all covered.


Each of the templates is 100% customizable and editable. The content-ready nature of the templates provides you with the necessary structure, while the editability feature lets you customize the presentation template to fit your exact business requirement.
Let's take a tour of the templates now!


Template 1: IT Project Plan and Timeline Marketing Activities Leads Generation Growth


Use this complete deck in 23 slides to showcase your knowledge of the A-Z of executing an IT Project Plan. From product design to marketing activities, we have it all covered. We start with how to record significant milestones in an IT design project, where the highlight of the slide is the five concepts it illustrates. These are concept development, system design, detail design, testing and refining, and production. Quality management and cost assessment are the major result areas that one looks at here. Then, we cover financials, timelines, and budgets in another slide. The USP of this template is the format for recording the Project Plan with Task Names and Dates. The tabular form allows you to keep a tab on the start date, end date, priority, status, and remarks, if any, from you. Use this deck to convince clients of your respect for the job and obsessive, meticulous planning. We even have a slide on the strategic plan for starting a new project and website design. An agile project plan slide is also part of the package for those wanting to be on the faster, iterative lane. Download now!


It project plan and timeline marketing activities leads generation growth


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Template 2 IT: Project Management Communication Planning


The real reason why projects fail is incorrect communication or team members failing to be alert enough to message the way they should. Study and download this PPT Layout to ensure your company can avoid such blunders. The slide displays the communication plan for sharing application and website development updates. It includes communication details such as goal, tool, audience, frequency, etc. The slide has space to document at least four such events. For instance, the communication goal could be 'Application and website development review'; thus, you can list its tool as a face-to-face meeting; the audience needs must be explored such as, the project team, project sponsor, and project manager. Finally, the frequency can also be mapped Weekly, with the day and time noted. Download now to take a wow to keep communication lines clear and working.


IT Project Management Communication Planning


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Template 3: Six-month IT Project Plan


This PPT Template depicts an IT product development plan spread over six months, including the major activities. One of the major tasks is conducting an audit of changing requirements, which is hence the first step. Once you have done this, you tackle the second major activity-head of development support, which starts with improving the architecture, testing support, management, etc. The third and last step includes developing a components/features plan, where you design, integrate, and test components. The dates of the six months, of course, are entirely editable. Download now!


Six months it project plan


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Template 4: IT Project Management Plan with Cost Control


Use this PPT Slide to highlight how successful the team's efforts at cost control, in an IT project, have been due to the strict managerial standards and attempts to boost efficiency. List how this can happen through mapping activities where you saved cost with the two figures of the estimated cost (in orange) and the actual cost. Also, list the two overarching steps that led to these savings. In the slide, these two steps are placed prominently yet tastefully in a horizontal manner. For instance, the sample example listed is 'Implemented a digital supply chain model for effective logistics.’ Download this template now to create an immediate monetary impact and save some money for the businesses.


It project management plan with cost control


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Template 5: IT Annual Project Planning Life Cycle


This PPT Layout depicts the lifecycle of an IT project plan that runs for a year. This slide shows all the necessary steps, having divided these into three phases. Three of the activities fall in phase 1. The three steps that will kick off the yearly project are plan quality assurance, plan project, and the third task of reviewing the plan. In Phase 2, the slide documents six significant works: resource planning, acceptance test plan, and phase review and approval. Between Phases 2 and 3, there is also the expectation of the milestone of more funds coming in. Phase 2, which eventually concludes the project has umpteen things to take care of, but things like 'defining interface requirements' is of critical importance. The strength of the slide is its straightforward depiction of a complex process. Download now!


IT Annual Project Planning Life Cycle


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Template 6: IT Project Iterative Execution Plan


This IT Project plan template provides businesses with guidance on how to create a five-step loop for flawless execution, with many iterations as well. Stage 1 is exploration, which aims to continuously discover feasible plans for the project with stakeholders' approval. Then, documentation starts with gathering the required information, and then you draw up a project charter. In the planning phase, resources are activities are mapped before the 4th iterative phase kicks in, where the elements of plan, design, build, test, and review come in before launch. The final stage is the closing, where you track performance and close the project. Download now to create a water-tight plan that is also flexible for revision!


It project iterative execution plan


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Template 7: IT Project Risk Communication Plan


The idea or principle guiding this project is simple and similar to the IT Communication Plan template outline. Here, the four columns of the tabular format are project risks, communication tools, audience, and frequency of the communication on the risk and the progress made to mitigate it. The significant project risks, as outlined in the PPT Layout, are IT systems risk, direct and indirect implementation risk, product schedule risk, and scope creep risk. The communication mode to tackle all of these risks should always be, preferably, an in-person meeting. Download this template to create a culture where calculated risks are taken head-on, but the focus remains on minimizing these. Download this presentation template now!


IT Project Risk Communication Plan


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Template 8: Determine Overall IT Project Budget Plan PMP Elements


This PPT Template depicts the top three significant costs that beset an IT project plan. These are, of course, personnel, software/tools, and other expenses. The professional design of this slide allows you to document the units used each, the rate, and the final amount that vendors will finally charge toward the IT project plan or any project plan, for that matter. These include personnel, licenses, tools, hardware, etc., and other costs like local transportation and office supplies. Download now to emerge as a master of managing IT projects at the lowest possible price. Download now!


Determine overall it project budget plan various pmp elements it projects


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Template 9: IT Project Management Plan with Timeline and Status


This PPT Template depicts the tasks involved in creating an IT project plan. These are the initiation, planning, and execution of the project charter. Next are recruiting project teams, project kick-off meetings, stakeholder analysis, project communication plans, etc. The timeline and status of each are also to be monitored of each. Download now to see how plans are put on paper for seamless execution by anybody reading them.


It project management plan with timeline and status


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Template 10: IT Project Set Up Plan with Problem and Solution


Use this comprehensive and business-like PPT Slide to create a one-page IT Plan that starts with the client's problem, the recommended solution, the project team, and the sprints and costs involved in executing that project. Of course, the detailing is superb as one gets to know the project name, client name, team entrusted with handling the client, etc. The solution team's head and designation are also to be prominently displayed, as this is the cost indication. Download this template now to create a blueprint for a template that serves any company wanting to implement IT project plans. Get it now!


It project setup plan with problem and solution


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With IT Project Plans usually involving a lot of coding work, plus managerial expertise, these projects can sometimes demand a lot of time and energy. As a business manager executing such a project, it is essential to ensure that logic takes precedence over everything else in IT projects, as computers are to take the final call to get the project the technical OK from enterprises.


Another business domain where technicalities matter is its diversity and its acceptance, though, on the face of it, this is a human issue. Study after study from institutions as renowned as Harvard documents that diversity helps businesses improve their numbers and the cultural fit, yet diversity and inclusion tend to get the short shrift.


Not anymore. Our training curriculum on diversity and inclusion includes hands-on activities, exercises, data, and case studies to document the power of being more diverse. We also offer practical, easy-to-do-immediately tips to ensure organizations, like yours, do not fall victim to a lack of diversity, inclusion, or inclusive leadership. Download this training course on diversity and inclusion, with training material included, with a click here!


P.S. Do you want to know how to retain existing customers? Check out our dashboard templates on customer retention with a click here to make your mark, and value your greatest business asset: The Customer.


P.P.S. Do you want to know how to retain existing customers? Check out our dashboard templates of customer retention with a click here to make your mark, and value your greatest business asset: The Customer.


FAQs on IT Project Plan Templates


What should be included in an IT project plan?


An IT project plan must include a pre-project study that documents the customer needs analysis. Then, a feasibility report needs to be prepared, which outlines the business plan from the investment in the IT project. A foundation for the program has to be drafted, clearly listing the solution required from the IT project. The other three inclusions must be a concept note on the exploration and engineering part of the plan; how the project will be deployed forms the penultimate inclusion, with the post-project scenarios also drawn up. Under each inclusion, tasks are given high or medium priority.


What are the 5 phases of IT projects?


The five phases of an IT project are:

1) Exploration
2) Initiation
3) Planning
4) An iterative Execution
5) Launch and closing


In the exploration phase, the key is to continuously work at discovering a feasible plan for the IT project with stakeholders' approval. In the initiation part, the emphasis is on gathering the required information and identifying the team for the project. In the planning stage, allocate activities and resources. The 4th phase is the utility execution, where you plan, design, build, test, and review. This can take time as you perfect the product here. Finally, you track performance and close the project in the last phase.