We vividly remember our parent-teacher meets, especially, when we didn't fare well. The pressure to stir competition was so intense, that the purpose of highlighting improvement areas and motivating children never crossed stakeholders’ minds. 




Today, we know that while identifying one’s improvement areas a.k.a. gaps can be stressful, it expands our horizons and makes us realize what we can do! Thus, gap assessment helps us to strive better for our professional and personal milestones.


How Gap Assessment Works?


The journey to fill the gap between current state and ideal destination is highly dependent on an effective gap analysis. For this, identification of the current and the target (future/desired state) is the first step, followed by finding ways to close or narrow this gap. The roadmap from the current to the target state involves remedial techniques and actions that will help individuals, organizations, even machines perform to the best of their potential.


Use of Gap Assessment


Gap analysis has many uses. Employers can use it to identify lags in employees’ skill sets. Gap assessment can also be used by leaders of the same organization to establish their true work potential and then aim for it. As such every organizational department will want to implement this technique of knowing its true potential and, accordingly, devise the roadmap to achieve those milestones. 


Gap assessments are also conducted to identify points of possible failure, loop-holes, and sources of inefficiency. Consequently, the results of this assessment may be used to guide future operations, thus making them more effective.


Thus, a thorough analysis from discussing what went wrong to how you can reach the optimum level lies at the heart of gap assessment. To perform these analyses, report them, and deduce from them, gap assessment templates will be pursued. SlideTeam presents a ready-made collection of gap assessment templates designed for departments to identify and work toward realizing their true potentials. Reposition your targets, as an individual, a department, or an organization by identifying where your potential horizons lie using our ready-made and 100% editable gap assessment templates. Download now.

Let’s explore!

Template 1: Process Gaps Assessment PowerPoint Presentation 

Here’s a multi-layout PPT Presentation to perform gap assessment for departments with your organization. Compare present and desired states for systems, processes, and even team members and suggest ways to reduce the gap as you strive for the ideal state. Keep track of parameters as you strive for perfection in your performance and working. Download now. 


Process Gaps Assessment Presentation Template


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Template 2: Gap Analysis Current State Future State Actions to Close Gap

Looking for a single slide to explain the essence of gap assessment of your team? This PPT Template is the perfect training material. List the four main processes of gap assessment namely identification of current state, future state, gap, and actions to close the gap. Finally, showcase what other characteristics need to be defined for these four parameters. These will be the what,where, when, who, and how of each of the four steps. Use his editable template to share examples.


Gap Analysis PPT Template


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Template 3: Market Gap Assessment Framework for Organization Template

Here is a multi-purpose presentation template to record and preset market gap assessment. Monitor parameters like branding, product marketing,demand creation, and social media and rate the current state between 1-5. Then, calculate the gap to arrive at an ideal scenario and actions required to bridge that gap. You can record any dependencies aside from the action plan and investments that the execution demands. Download now.


Market Gap Assessment Framework for Organization


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Template 4: Gap Assessment Plan in Organization Current State Template

Conduct gap assessment of your organization with this PPT presentation layout. Point out the criteria to determine alignment with organizational mission, strategic plan, work culture, and resource availability and exhaustion. Assess if these conditions are completely aligned or there is a hindrance or these could be lagging behind. Mark the status of each criteria as shown and revise your goals.


Gap Assessment Plan in Organization Current State Template


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Template 5: Monthly Sales Gap Assessment Sheet Template

Monitor monthly sales for annual, quarterly, or half-yearly reports with this PPT Diagram. Register your current sales value along with potential values for different months to calculate the gap. Understand the reason behind it and record it with this PPT Layout. Finally, suggest action plans to merge the two levels and thus achieve ideal sales. Download now. 


Monthly sales gap assessment sheet Template


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Template 6: Capability Gap Assessment of CRM Components Template

Assess your Customer Relationship Management (CRM) with this template by highlighting the main gaps in its successful delivery. The primary areas will be marketing, customer service, technology, etc. Mention the current state of affairs and the desirable future state. In this way, you can locate the gaps and also the remedies that need to be in place. Go ahead and download this editable PPT Layout now. 


Capability Gap Assessment of CRM Components Template


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Template 6: Four-Stage Gaps Assessment Process Template

Use this single-slide PPT Template to illuminate the importance of gap assessment. List the four core steps involved in gap analysis; these are reporting the current state, identifying the desired state, deducing the gap, and finally researching on the remedial actions to help coalesce/narrow this gap. Customize this gap assessment template to analyze business scenarios and identify areas of improvement and excellence. Download now. 


4 Stage Gaps Assessment Process Template


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Template 7: Gap Assessment Highlighting Need for Product Management

As a product management team leader, you must engage in gap assessment to improve end quality as well as customer experience, and thereby help your business get points for the product you created and are managing. Monitor parameters like product headcount, sales percentage, new product sales, new product releases, etc. Compare their current states with respect to desired ones. Clearly mention that gap as shown in this PPT Chart. Finally, list key strategies that could help bridge this gap; this distance can be expressed in number or percentages to ensure verifiable results. Download now. 


Product Management Gap assessment


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Template 8: Project Budget Gap Assessment Dashboard Template

Use this content-ready template to assess your project budget expectations and identity gaps between budgeted vs actual costs. Report figures in terms of cost anticipated for employee survey conduction, employee training,and other project activities. Then, trace the graph of whether expenses are on track, behind, schedule, or trailing. Report budget vs actual stats and you can do so with Excel-Linked charts imbibed in this presentation template. Download now. 


Project budget gap assessment dashboard Template


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Template 9: Gaps Assessment Process With Remedial Actions Template

Assess organizational goals and suggest actions to achieve the results you want and desire. Help your audience bridge the gap between current and target state that could be improving employee turnover, profitability, or enhancing employee morale. Define corrective actions that would help your organization reach the desired levels of performance. Get it all done with this content-ready PPT Layout. Download now.


Gaps Assessment Process with Remedial Actions Template


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Template 10: Sales Team Skills Gap Assessment Sheet Template

Create a skills gap assessment card of your sales team with this editable PPT Template. Assess individual performance of employees and rate their sales business-relevant skills between basic and expert. Corresponding to each skill, prescribe relevant training and also mention the priority of upskilling required in each employee. Go ahead and download it now.


Sales team skills gap assessment sheet Template


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Identify the Link

Deploy these content-ready gap assessment templates and identify what it will take to arrive at optimum state. 


P.S. Bridge the gaps in learning by executing a knowledge transfer plan with our dedicated presentation templates listed in this blog.