Whether it is for sales territory expansion, strategizing on the channel partners, or experimenting with the traditional and modern video marketing tools, every company’s sales team must summon every once in a while to create high-yielding sales pipelines. 




In these meetings, everyone from the top management to sales executives should represent. Analyzing existing scenarios, revising the competition, evaluating customer journeys, and looking for ways to reach a greater audience are some of the top objectives of such sales team meeṭings. Whatever agenda summons the team, it should be clear and properly conveyed. For this, dedicated sales team meeting agenda templates must be created to send out. 


These should feature everything from the objective and time of meeting to venue and the order of flow of the program. If your company needs one, we have curated this ideal collection of must-have sales team meeting agenda templates. Grab these 100% editable PPT Layouts that are compatible across all PowerPoint Channels designed for the purpose of sharing information.


Template 1: Strategic Sales Team Meeting Agenda Template


Broadcast information about the upcoming sales meeting with this agenda Template. Mention the primary presenter and participants of this meet. Next, disclose the order of the program including time for each session, the topic to be discussed and its assigned presenter. Highlight the coffee and lunch breaks in between so that attendees prepare themselves and their timetable accordingly. Download it now!


Strategic sales team meeting agenda Template


Download this template


Template 2: Hourly Sales Calendar Meeting Agenda Template 


Use this premium PPT Template to lay down the hourly flow of events. Start with the general event details like dte, name of host and the nature of audience. Following this reveal the program information including timing and topic of discussion for prominent presenters of the meetings. The tabular format helps distinguish these three sections and icons are meant for better identification of sections. Get this sales team meeting agenda template from the link below now!


Hourly Sales Calendar Meeting Agenda Template


Download this template


Template 3: Meeting Schedule of Monthly Sales Review


To schedule a sales meet that involves evaluation of monthly performance, here’s a content-ready PPT Layout to lay down the agenda. Share information about the event order along with topics to be covered in each interval and the person presenting the session. Distribute the entire program into slots that allow your team to discuss all important topics as well as have a short break in between. Start planning better by downloading this sales team meeting agenda template now!



Meeting schedule of monthly sales review Template

Download this template


Direct Your Sales Gatherings


Plan actively and ahead of time for these intensive sales meetings by having an agenda in place. Our sales team meeting agenda meeting templates have been designed to keep this need in mind and are editable at a single click. 


PS: Want to stay ahead of the competition? Start having hourly agendas in place and ensure you fulfill them. Check out this guide featuring our ten best hourly agenda templates to help you manage time, resources, and your ability to bag successful results. 

FAQs on Sales Team Meeting Agenda

What do you discuss in a sales team meeting?

In a sales team meeting, discussions often cover:


  1. Performance Review: Assess individual and team progress against sales targets and KPIs.
  2. Pipeline and Forecasting: Analyze the status of sales opportunities and accuracy of forecasts.
  3. Lead Generation: Review lead quality, conversion rates, and strategies for improvement.
  4. Customer Updates: Share feedback, interactions, and insights from customers and prospects.
  5. Product Updates: Inform the team about new offerings and their value to customers.
  6. Competitive Landscape: Discuss competitors' strategies, strengths, and weaknesses.
  7. Sales Techniques: Conduct training sessions to enhance negotiation and presentation skills.
  8. Challenges: Address obstacles faced and brainstorm solutions as a team.
  9. Sales Process Review: Evaluate the efficiency and suggest improvements to the sales process.
  10. Goal Setting: Set sales goals aligned with company objectives and discuss strategies.
  11. Customer Success: Share stories showcasing successful sales strategies.
  12. Recognition: Acknowledge achievements and boost team morale.
  13. Feedback Loop: Encourage open communication for insights and concerns.
  14. Upcoming Initiatives: Discuss upcoming marketing campaigns or events affecting sales.
  15. Action Items: Summarize key takeaways and assign responsibilities for follow-up actions.
How do you prepare for a sales team meeting?

Preparing for a sales team meeting involves several key steps:


  1. Objective Setting: Define the meeting's purpose and goals.
  2. Agenda Creation: Outline discussion topics and time allocations.
  3. Data Gathering: Collect sales performance metrics and relevant data.
  4. Performance Review: Analyze individual/team achievements and areas for improvement.
  5. Information Update: Stay current on product updates and market trends.
  6. Previous Meeting Review: Check progress on previous action items.
  7. Visual Aids: Prepare slides or visuals to enhance presentations.
  8. Anticipate Questions: Have answers ready for potential queries.
  9. Engage Participants: Encourage input from team members.
  10. Role Assignment: Designate presenters and facilitators.
  11. Tech Check: Ensure technology for the meeting works smoothly.
  12. Time Management: Allocate time to each agenda item.
  13. Send Invitations: Provide meeting details and agenda in advance.
  14. Question Collection: Welcome questions before the meeting.
  15. Flexibility: Be open to adjusting the agenda if needed.
How do you create a sales agenda?

Creating a sales agenda involves the following steps:


  1. Objective: Define the purpose and goals of the meeting.
  2. Key Topics: Identify essential discussion points and areas to cover.
  3. Prioritization: Arrange topics by importance and relevance.
  4. Time Allocation: Allocate time for each agenda item based on complexity.
  5. Introduction: Start with a brief overview and the meeting's objectives.
  6. Performance Review: Analyze individual/team performance against targets.
  7. Pipeline Review: Discuss sales opportunities and their stages.
  8. Lead Generation: Evaluate lead quality and conversion rates.
  9. Strategy Discussion: Delve into sales strategies, challenges, and solutions.
  10. Q&A and Discussion: Allow time for open dialogue and questions.
  11. Visual Aids: Use visuals to illustrate data and enhance understanding.
  12. Action Items: Summarize key takeaways and assign responsibilities.
  13. Conclusion: Recap the meeting's outcomes and discuss follow-up steps.
  14. Preparation: Share the agenda with attendees in advance.
  15. Flexibility: Be ready to adapt if unexpected topics arise.