Over 80% of new businesses fail to last over 1,000 days; the unofficial benchmark which decides whether it will succeed or not. This is just anecdotal evidence, yet we see it all around.


In the cruel, but realistic world of supply chains, logistics, demanding customers, and unforgiving regulations, the real reason of failure: No business plan.


Even if business owners launch their venture with some business sense and a mission and vision in mind, it is not written down. This ensures that when it is needed, the plan will not be executed, as it cannot be explained or transferred. Why don’t people write down a business plan, if it is so important? The answers are many: The prime one being it is just too hard to pause when an idea takes hold of you. Yet, this sows the seeds of failure, as business seeks patience as the first virtue.


If you are too busy to analyze your own idea fully, why would your target audience buy half-baked products or services from you?

In the world of business, processes often trump just the mere idea. A business summary helps you take the idea to fruition. Download our brilliant business summary ideas here.


All said and done, business plan summary is indispensable and we at SlideTeam offer it to you. Not just one, but 10 PPT Templates to choose from that will help you launch your business. Use these templates to see how your customers perceive you with respect and just love your value offering. Even for investors, entrepreneurs who can present a business plan to support their pitch have half the battle won, before they enter the room.


Let’s explore these templates.


Template 1: Business Plan Executive Summary PPT Slides


This business plan executive summary PPT Template gives your document the real push it needs in terms of design. This content-ready deck starts with agenda slide, which helps audience see your capacity for hard work and tenacity. An executive dashboard is also included, as are a number of sub-sections on sales, finance, and others. The summary of market opportunity slide convinces the investors that you have done your due diligence. This feeling of confidence gets further strengthened when the roomful of people sees such lovely, professional display of target group segment. Potential customers and geographical areas you target make this an indispensable presentation template to showcase your business plan. Download now!


Business plan executive summary powerpoint presentation slides



Template 2: Components of Business Plan Executive Summary PPT Guide


One of the best-in-class PPT Template that has proven to be of immense use of business leaders, this slide offers an executive summary. The four counts covered are the market, drivers and challenges, trends, and competitive landscape. All of these factors, part of the business environment, add to the making of the best business plan executive summary. As always, you can add your own information to the template and see the results. Use this presentation template to develop a clear and concise business plan that the investors will be pleased to back with funds. Experience success in action with the template. Download now!


Components of business plan executive summary powerpoint guide




Template 3: Business Plan Executive Summary Overview PPT Graphics

This business plan PPT Template provides an overview of the plan. It allows you to showcase the market opportunity and management team, one of the key components that go into the making of a successful business. Company and technology background is also included as part of the template to ensure that there is traction for the business you run. Use this presentation template to ensure you cover most of the bases of a business plan in action. Download now.


Business plan executive summary overview powerpoint graphics






Template 4: Business Plan Executive Summary Marketing Plan Company Goals Background


It is important that PPT Template on business plan be well-conversant with the decision-points that most investors have in mind. These are of course, the drivers and challenges in the market, and the market plan the business has or will have.  The second is the company description provided in the business plan, which needs to be top-notch. Use this presentation template to cover these major areas in your presentation effort. Company background, its goals, and the communication and marketing plan is laid out in detail here. This slide is compatible with all major software. Use this presentation template to highlight your mission, vision, goal, capabilities, background, etc. Download now!


Business plan executive summary marketing plan company goals background




Template 5: Business Plan Executive Summary Theme


Of the major areas a business plan needs to cover, this PPT Template covers all with its interesting design. You can choose a theme that you want to highlight and list its objectives with KPIs to be listed alongside. For instance, you might want to prove that your business plan will develop better customer experience than others in the field. This presentation template allows you to do this. Objectives are listed against each theme. For the content-ready template, we have given the examples of strengthening KPIs, developing new revenue streams. Download now!


Business plan executive summary theme objective initiatives





Template 6: New Business Plan Executive Summary PPT Ideas

If you are writing a business plan for a new venture, there are a few pointers you must consider for success. This PPT Template has all of these, and is guaranteed to attract angel investors as well as people who know their wares. Use this exclusive presentation template to showcase company overview in the product that you are targeting. Target audience description has to be a must in any business plan, and you have to get it right. Operationally, you have to highlight your expertise and efficiency. Finally, use this template to list out major milestones with dates; a good financial summary with realistic numbers rounds up the good work you have done in preparing this plan. Get it now.


New business plan executive summary powerpoint ideas




Template 7: Business Plan Executive Summary Model Good PPT Example


Innovation is the name of the game in most businesses today, as the internet emerges as the marketplace to target. This presentation template on business plan summary targets the turning of a challenge into an opportunity.  For instance, how should people network and in came Facebook (now Meta) with the business plan to bridge this and be ranked among the world’s most valuable companies. This PPT Template lists the challenges you identify as worth tackling with your approach and objectives alongside. Since experiments are costly, be prepared to lay that much extra emphasis on finances to back up your plans. Download this template now to start a journey for business riches!


Business plan executive summary model good ppt example




Template 8: Business Plan Executive Summary for Start-Up Sample of PPT

On the lines of our very popular one-page template on start-ups, this is a magical PPT presentation. With your logo designed to perfection, showcase it and put your best foot forward with this comprehensive one-pager on how to outline a business plan summary if you are a start-up. Touch upon your pitch; the problem and opportunity you are targeting; the solution; the business model (the revenue streams/sources); the execution plan and traction. As every chance to meet investors is a golden opportunity, make sure you capitalize on it. Don’t forget to use the space in the template to highlight your management team, the use of funds, and the advisors you are in touch with. Success beckons, with a download of this presentation template. Get it now!


Business plan executive summary for startup sample of ppt




Template 9: Company’s Executive Summary and Business Plan


If you want to showcase your business plan through well-done visuals and highlight relevant text, this PPT Template is for you. Like the strings of puppet, we show how business plans need solid anchoring and need to answer the five major questions of investors (this is customizable, so choose as per your industry). The first is a vision and mission statement, with some numbers and dates to make it a bit more concrete. The second is to outline the revenue stream; then, you need to shed light on your value offering and how you will deliver it to customers. Then, highlight the opportunity for the next 10 years or more. Finally, highlight the real implementation plan or the nuts and bolts, including tackling the last-mile connectivity issue that most businesses tend to ignore. Download now.


Strategic planning for startup executive summary and business plan




Template 10: One-Page Business Plan Summary for Investors


This compact PPT Presentation could hold the key to your business getting the chance to hit the market up and running. Use it to highlight your business summary; the total available market you can target; customer segments you want to serve and the problem statement your business addresses. Financial information is so critical and thus it has a graphical corner of its own. Value proposition and management team can make or break your chances of getting that cheque. Use this one-page business plan to make a difference and grab that funding you need to realize your vision. Download now!


One page business summary for investors document ppt pdf doc printable







A business plan summary that is not written down is no strategy at all. Make sure you check all bases in your business including the customer services department. Turn it into a revenue center and delight customers using our comprehensive training curriculum on customer service, with training material included. Download this module to ensure customers will love your products and services here.



PS: Even though a brief introduction of management team is the key requirement of a successful business plan summary, diversity in terms of people is always good to have. Make sure you give diversity and inclusion a place of pride in your business plan. Though a softer element, its power is unbelievable. Download our comprehensive training curriculum on diversity and inclusion, with training material included, here.


FAQs on Business Plan Summary


What is a business plan summary?


A business plan summary is a representation of the way the owners and top management want to see their vision of entrepreneurship transform into living reality. It is a document that draws up your company’s objectives and how you plan to achieve that vision. Management, marketing, finance, and customers are the key parts of any business plan. Mission and vision and investors are the other factors that go into a business plan. The idea is to bridge the gap between the idea and its business execution.


How do you write a business plan summary?


Writing a business plan summary is a cold, logical exercise that, however, also requires some use of imagination. Before writing it down, one needs to be able to answer many questions, the major ones of which include what is the company doing or dreams of doing? A business plan summary also includes specific sections where it talks about the operational/user experience of the customer; then the market place that it wants a share of and the competition. When showcasing your business plan to an investor, make sure you mention competition, your go-to-market strategy or roadmap, and revenue streams.


What are the seven steps of a business plan?


A business plan is not a casual document. It is a blueprint of a business which wants to make an impression/win market share and create new avenues. A typical plan then has to follow the following seven steps to actually command attention and draw the attention of investors. These are:

1. Intro of the company

  1. Management Team bio to help investors know who they are giving money to
  2. Who is the customer or what it the user experience?
  3. The identified workplace
  4. Why has this idea not been tried before?
  5. Expected time to reach a point of decision (is the idea working or not?)
  6. How much revenue generation is expected, over how much time