Google! A giant in the tech industry grows impeccably with each passing day. It develops apps much faster than you could ever imagine, courtesy of an agile framework. Google has numerous applications that need a timely update and testing before rolling out to the users. That's where agile comes into the picture and fixes the bugs or issues quickly.


There are examples galore wherein agile gained popularity among software development stalwarts; Apple, IBM, Spotify, and PlayStation Network, to name a few. Agile works as a project control tool, helping managers and developers work on the errors more closely. But have you ever wondered how to track the issues, changes, and new implementations? Yes, you guessed it right. It's via reports!


In an agile world, user or project requirements shift consistently, maintaining status reports is the most pivotal thing. Do not ask why. It is the most dreaded question of all time. The essential purpose of agile project reporting is to assess the team's productivity and tackle issues to increase velocity. 


When you understand the value of generating reports, working on any kinks will be more accessible than ever. Your document must be locked and loaded perfectly and should be adhered to the agile essence. 


Here's a thing, most managers don't know how to craft actionable agile project status reports. 


But we have a quick fix for it.


Agile Project Status Report Templates To Download And Utilize


Agile project status reports give IT professionals a deep understanding of agile trends and how well your particular project is doing. It allows you to trim the backlog frequently and analyze the product’s quality effectively.


If you are lost in a sea of data, agile reporting will act as an anchor for you and pinpoint the impediments (if any). But in a frenzy to churn out reports in a specific timeframe, you fail to prepare a presentation-worthy report. Don’t worry! We have come up with the top 10 templates to help you create agile project status reports effortlessly!


So this is for the software developers, managers, and IT professionals, let’s get set and create agile project status reports without going off the rails.


Let’s check out the templates!


Template 1: Agile Task Board of Sprint Report

This agile sprint report template allows you to craft your project’s progress within a specified time or sprint. By utilizing this slide, you can deliver a foolproof report of your team’s work status to your bosses with ease.


Agile Task Board Of Sprint Report


Download Agile Task Board Of Sprint Report


Template 2: Agile Risk Mitigation Project Status Report PPT Template

Introducing the Agile Risk Mitigation Project Status Report PPT Template, the ultimate solution for creating inclusive reports that are both informative and visually appealing. Our template helps you clearly and concisely present your project's work status while identifying potential risks and offering mitigation strategies to address them. You can easily showcase the progress of your project and provide stakeholders with a comprehensive view of the status of your project using this PowerPoint presentation. Our user-friendly format ensures that your report will be accessible to all, making it an excellent tool for promoting transparency and inclusivity in your project reporting. With our PPT Slides, you can save time and streamline your reporting process while delivering a high-quality report that impresses your stakeholders. Download now.


Agile Risk Mitigation Project Status Report PPT Template


Download this template


Template 3: One Page Agile Sprint Plan Status Reporting Presentation PPT Slide

Here's our One-page Agile Sprint Plan Status Report PPT Template, the perfect solution for agile project managers looking to streamline their reporting process and improve team collaboration. It helps you create a comprehensive, informative, visually appealing sprint plan status report. With a pre-built project tracking sheet, you can easily prioritize tasks, track start and finish dates, monitor progress status, and measure completion percentage all in one place. Our template also includes a dedicated section for addressing risks and issues that may arise during the sprint. This section allows you to document potential problems and track the mitigation strategies being implemented, ensuring that all team members know potential roadblocks and the steps to overcome them. Download now.


One Page Agile Sprint Plan Status Reporting Presentation PPT Slide


Download this template


Template 4: One-page Agile Project Report Status PPT Template

This agile project status report template will not take a minute to enthrall your viewers. Our professionals have designed it with keen research that fits your business requirements perfectly. So get access to this slide and guide your bosses about your agile project update.


One Page Agile Project Report Status


Download One Page Agile Project Report Status Presentation Report


Template 5: One-page Agile Test Strategy for IT Project

Employ this template to tabulate your latest IT application metrics, team performance, key deliverables, and test environment. With the aid of this report template, you can portray your project's actual and expected status.


Agile Test Strategy For IT Project


Download One Page Agile Test Strategy For IT Project Presentation Report


Template 6: One-page Agile Test Strategy for Website Performance

Use this template to explain to your bosses how agile strategy helps boost your website performance. By utilizing this single pager template, you can provide a comprehensive view of your project’s status to the viewers with minimal effort.


Agile Test Strategy For Website Performance


Download One Page Agile Test Strategy For Website Performance Presentation Report


Template 7: Agile Project One-page Network Diagram

Take advantage of this slide to illustrate the key details of your tasks to the viewers. The template can be accessed and edited easily. Modify the content in one go and deliver an engaging agile project status report to your managers. 


Agile Project


Download Agile Project One Page Network Diagram Presentation Report


Template 8: Agile Sprint Report of Project with Task Name

Incorporate this template into your presentation and show stakeholders the tasks and projects your team has worked on. With the aid of this slide, you can mention your team members' names who are involved in the project. Grab this template and get your work started.


Agile Sprint Report Of Project With Task Name


Download Agile Sprint Report Of Project With Task Name


Template 9: Agile Project Status Dashboard with Story Details

Download this template to highlight the risks involved in executing the project or a specific task. By using this slide, you can jot down the summary, team velocity, and projected date of your projects. You can use this template to share the agile project status dashboard with your boss.


Agile Project Status Dashboard


Download Agile Project Status Dashboard With Story Details


Template 10: One-page Agile Project Goals and Methodology

Grab this one-page template and save hours to create a well-structured agile project status report. The single-page slide allows you to craft your report crisply and concisely. This one-page template comes in handy and is ready-made. Just edit the content and deliver the report.


Agile Project Goals And Methodology


Download One Page Agile Project Goals And Methodology Presentation Report


If you manage pseudo-agile, quasi-agile, or any other agile project, creating reports will now give you no nightmare. Download our templates and deliver insightful updates on your agile project to the stakeholders. Now communicating actionable project progress information with your stakeholders is just a click away!


Want to know about the 5-point formula for integrating agile into your marketing operations? Check out our blog featuring agile workflow templates here. 


FAQs on Agile Project Status Reports


How do you track project progress in Agile?

In Agile project management, progress tracking is an essential part of the process. Here are some ways to track project progress in Agile:


  1. Use Burndown Charts: Burndown charts represent the amount of work remaining in a sprint. It helps the team understand whether they are on track to meet their sprint goals or not.
  2. Conduct Daily Stand-up Meetings: Daily stand-up meetings are a quick and effective way to track progress. The team meets daily to discuss what they have accomplished since the last meeting, what they plan to work on next, and any obstacles that are impeding progress.
  3. Use Agile Boards: Agile boards such as Kanban boards or Scrum boards are an effective way to track the progress of work items. Teams can visualize the status of each item and move them across different stages of completion, such as 'to do,' 'in progress,' and 'done.'
  4. Measure Velocity: Velocity is a metric that measures how much work the team can accomplish in a sprint. By measuring velocity, the team can estimate how much work they can complete in future sprints and adjust their plans accordingly.
  5. Use Sprint Retrospectives: Sprint retrospectives are meetings held at the end of a sprint to reflect on the previous sprint and identify areas of improvement. By analyzing what went well and what didn't go well, the team can make adjustments to improve their progress tracking and overall performance.


How should the status be reported for Agile projects?

Here are some key considerations for reporting status in Agile projects:


  1. Focus on Transparency: Agile values transparency and status reports should reflect this. All team members should know what work has been completed, what is in progress, and what needs to be done. This can be achieved through daily stand-up meetings, sprint demos, and progress reports.
  2. Use Visual Aids: Agile status reports should be easy to understand and visually appealing. Consider using tools like burn-down charts, Kanban boards, or Gantt charts to help visualize progress and make it easier to understand.
  3. Report on User Stories: Agile projects are driven by user stories, which should be included in status reports. Report on the progress of each user story, including any roadblocks or issues that need to be resolved.
  4. Report on Risks: Agile projects involve risk management, and status reports should include updates on identified risks and how they are being managed.
  5. Report on Velocity: Agile projects measure progress through velocity, which measures the amount of work completed in each sprint. Include information on velocity in status reports to help the team understand their progress and plan for future sprints.
  6. Keep it Concise: Agile status reports should be concise and to the point. Focus on key metrics and progress updates, avoiding unnecessary detail.
  7. Make it Collaborative: Agile status reports should encourage collaboration among team members. Include updates from all team members and encourage feedback and discussion.


What are the 5 phases of Agile?

Agile is an iterative and incremental project management methodology that consists of five main phases:


  1. Initiate: The first phase of Agile is the initiation phase, where the project team identifies the project's goals, objectives, and scope. The team also defines the stakeholders, their expectations, and the high-level project requirements.
  2. Plan: In the planning phase, the project team creates a detailed project plan that includes a work breakdown into smaller, manageable pieces. This phase also involves creating a prioritized product backlog, defining the sprint backlog, and establishing the sprint goals.
  3. Execute: The execution phase is where the project team develops and delivers the product incrementally, in iterations or sprints. The team works collaboratively to complete the work items in the sprint backlog, conduct daily stand-up meetings, and resolve any issues or risks that arise during the sprint.
  4. Monitor and Control: The monitoring and control phase involves tracking project progress, monitoring performance metrics, and managing any project scope or requirements changes. The team also identifies and manages risks and issues that could impact project progress.
  5. Close: In the closing phase, the project team delivers the final product increment, conducts a sprint retrospective to reflect on the project's successes and areas for improvement, and documents any lessons learned. The team also completes administrative tasks, such as closing contracts and archiving project files.