Artificial Intelligence (AI) is taking the world by storm and the less productive workers are at the risk of losing their jobs. If we are to keep our jobs, the thing that'll save us and our jobs is our creativity combied with efficiency.




Having tackled AI, we have to ensure that our business is doing better than that our competitors and our workers rising to the occasion everyday. This calls for productivity tracking. Even if the aim is to excel everyday, we must monitor productivity and look for ways to improve. For this, we must identify the loopholes and distractions.


Creating stress-free workplaces where workers feel accountable is yet another way to enhance productivity. All of this takes planning and our productivity templates are the perfect solution to all these issues. Of course, enhancing productivity takes repeated efforts so a continuous improvement process must be in place to reach the ideal goals of efficiency. Chart out the roadmap to re-iterate success with these practical presentation templates.


Track efficiencies within organizations, prepare workflows to be more effective, and inform your teams about the best ways to excel with these ten best productivity templates. These are 100% editable and compatible. Given below are dashboards, content-ready manuals, and highly engaging layouts to help you lead meaningful sessions. Let’s check these one by one.


Template 1: Employee Productivity Improvement PowerPoint Template


This PPT Template offers an actionable plan to ensure productivity flows in your organization. The wheels of any organization are its employees, so address ways to maximize their work output with this cllection of productivity templates. Identity distractions, monitor work efficiency, and deduce ways in which your organizational efficiency can be improved. Using graphs, charts and dashboards, create an accurate and practical analysis report of how things must be done. Download now.


Employee Productivity Improvement PowerPoint Presentation


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Template 2: Managing Staff Productivity PowerPoint Presentation


How do you intend to improve your staff’s productivity? Discuss techniques and chart out the roadmap to enhanced staff productivity with this dedicated PPT Presentation. It comprises dedicated sections to help you; these are communications and employee training as it is a crucial step in improving productivity. Moreover, you can track the effectiveness of the technique with dashboards and visualize it better with its Excel-linked graphs. Without any ado, own these productivity templates now!


Managing Staff Productivity PowerPoint Presentation


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Template 3: Employee Performance Management Framework To Boost Productivity


Create a performance improvement framework comprising practices and working that will rejuvenate employee performance within your organization. Use this content-ready collection of productivity improvement templates to evaluate current scenarios and then conduct the performance-management need analysis. Create a dedicated plan of performance management that includes planning, acting, tracking. This presentation template can also be used to review and present results of your evaluation using dynamic dashboards and charts. For every organization wishing to improve their performance, this PPT Template is a must-have. Get it now!


Effective Employee Performance Management Framework to Boost Productivity


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Template 4: Staff Productivity Enhancement Techniques PowerPoint Presentation


Use this content-ready set of dynamic PPT Slides to design and implement the best productivity enhancement techniques for your staff. Base your best techniques collection on the analysis of reports and findings you have collected over time. Evaluate the existing productivity management systems and revise the methods to push staff to perform better. Share reports of cost to be incurred in this new and updated productivity enhancement management system and anticipate the impact it will have on the overall organization. Graphs and dashboards in this PPT Presentation will help you present better. Get it now.


Staff Productivity Enhancement Techniques


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Template 5: Enhancing Workplace Productivity by Incorporating Technological Advancement PPT Presentation


Ease workload of employees with the use of technology, so that they focus on the thinking and creative part. Use this PPT to take attention to embedding technology in day to day work so that both employee performance and work output is optimized. Identify challenges, distractions, and hurdles in efficient working to offer counterintuitive technological solutions that also makes the tasks less tedious. With this PPT Presentation, you can offer deeper insights into productivity and technology to multiply it. Grab it now!


Enhancing Workplace Productivity by Incorporating Technological advancement


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Template 6: Key Initiatives to Enhance Productivity Powerpoint Presentation


 To revive and rejuvenate organizational productivity, summarize key initiatives to bring it about with this PPT Presentation. Analyze the current workplace productivity management system and identify the major loopholes in it. Then, suggest ways to fill these up while incorporating new tools and techniques along with the willingness of the team to make things happen. Cite successful work management systems and use your past experience to find out activities that will contribute to workplace productivity. Use this PPT Template collection to discuss everything in detail.


Key Initiatives To Enhance Productivity PowerPoint Presentation Slides


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Template 7: Comprehensive Training Curriculum Training PPT Template


Devise a training curriculum on how to effectively manage time, prioritize tasks, enhance productivity, and reduce procrastination within organizations using this PPT Layout. The content-ready framework allows you to devise your training module into sessions so that every aspect is easy to grasp by your audience. Inform your audience on everything from the slacks in productivity to ways you can improve these techniques. With an engaging set of slides comprising dynamic graphics and fully-editable slides to identify, improve, and present your evaluation. Grab it now!


Comprehensive Training Curriculum on Time Management, Prioritizing, Productivity and Procrastination Training PPT


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Template 8: Strategies To Increase Productivity and Effectiveness Training PPT Template 


Focus on strategies to improve productivity and effectiveness of work using this PPT Template. Specify how you have been measuring productivity and gather the results from such assessments. Then, move to improving those results while also setting tougher evaluation standards on productivity. Employ modern tools and technologies to boost existing productivity, while improving work-life balance within your organizations. Get this editable PPT Layout now.


Strateges to Increase Productivity and Effectiveness Training Module


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Template 9: Team Performance Plan To Increase Productivity Slide


Create a team performance plan to track and measure productivity. Highlight the prominent areas where improvement is possible and against each area, specify the goal, plan of action, and assessment criteria. It could be customer service work quality, productivity improvement, etc, as shown in this content-ready slide. You can claim this PPT Layout from the link below.


Team performance plan to increase productivity


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Template 10: Organizational Productivity Management Strategies for Personnel


Here’s a single-slide to showcase the best strategies to improve staff productivity. Use this content-ready template as it is, or embed it with an informative guide to ensure both productivity and performance is top-notch. Techniques like flexible schedules, improving working conditions, or employee training are some of the industry practices strategies which your organization can easily implement. State those and record the efficiency levels achieved thereof. Download now.


Organizational productivity management strategies for personnel


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Plan and Strike


Grab this collection of expert-designed productivity templates to plan, actuate, review, and implement techniques to take organizational efficiency to the next levels. 


PS: Employee productivity is directly proportional to the level to which they feel all is well in the organization, and it is always there to support them. Ensure your organization is leading from the front in this aspect too using our content-ready employee wellness playbook presented in this blog.

FAQs on Productivity Templates

What is productivity?

Productivity refers to the measure of how efficiently resources, such as time, labor, and capital, are used to produce goods, services, or outputs. It is a concept used in economics, business, and many other fields to assess the efficiency and effectiveness of production processes.


In essence, productivity is about achieving more output with the same or fewer inputs. It is a key driver of economic growth and can have significant implications for the well-being of a country, a company, or an individual.


Productivity can be calculated by dividing the total output (goods or services) produced by the total input (such as hours worked, labor, capital, and resources) used in the production process. Factors influencing productivity are technological advancements, worker skills, management practices, infrastructure, and overall organization efficiency.


For businesses, improving productivity can lead to increased profitability, better competitiveness, and the ability to meet customer demands more effectively. In the context of individuals, productivity often relates to how efficiently one manages their time and tasks to achieve their goals and desired outcomes.

What are the three ways of measuring productivity?
  • Labor Productivity: This method measures the amount of output produced per unit of labor input. It's often expressed as output per worker or output per labor hour. Labor productivity can be calculated by dividing total output by the number of workers or hours worked.

Formula: Labor Productivity = Total Output / Total Labor Input


  • Total Factor Productivity (TFP): TFP takes into account multiple inputs, not just labor, and assesses how efficiently inputs are used to produce output. It considers capital, materials, energy, and technology. TFP measures the portion of output that can't be attributed to individual inputs alone, capturing the overall efficiency of the production process.

Formula: TFP = Total Output / (A * Labor^a * Capital^b * ...)


Here, A, a, b, etc., represent coefficients that indicate the contribution of each input to production.


  • Multifactor Productivity: Similar to TFP, multifactor productivity evaluates the efficiency of multiple inputs, but it's calculated as a ratio of output to a combination of inputs, such as labor and capital. It provides a broader perspective on how factors contribute to productivity.


Formula: Multifactor Productivity = Total Output / (Labor + Capital + ...)

How to improve work productivity?

Improving productivity involves adopting effective techniques to enhance work efficiency and output. Firstly, set clear and specific goals.. Then, prioritize tasks using methods like the Eisenhower Matrix or ABCD prioritization to focus on high-impact activities. 


Next, employ time management techniques such as the Pomodoro Technique to maintain concentrated work intervals. You could create a distraction-free environment by minimizing interruptions and turning off non-essential notifications. 

What is key to productivity?
  1. Clear Goals: Set specific and achievable goals to provide direction and purpose.
  2. Prioritization: Identify and focus on tasks that have the highest impact on your objectives.
  3. Time Management: Allocate time efficiently, using techniques like scheduling and time-blocking.
  4. Focus: Minimize distractions and maintain concentrated attention on the task at hand.
  5. Organization: Keep a tidy workspace and organized digital files for quick access.
  6. Delegation: Assign tasks to others to leverage their skills and lighten your workload.
  7. Continuous Learning: Invest in personal and professional development to stay adaptable and skilled.
  8. Healthy Lifestyle: Maintain physical and mental well-being through proper sleep, exercise, and self-care.
  9. Automation: Use technology to automate repetitive tasks and streamline processes.
  10. Effective Communication: Clear and open communication minimizes misunderstandings and enhances collaboration.
  11. Feedback and Reflection: Regularly assess progress, seek feedback, and make necessary improvements.
  12. Adaptability: Embrace change and adjust strategies to evolving circumstances.
  13. Work-Life Balance: Set boundaries to prevent burnout and maintain a sustainable balance between work and personal life.