Humanity’s need to socialize has endured the test of time. We might say we like working alone, but even then technology plays a role, making sure that we are never really alone.


The most relevant example of this is our dependence on social media. AI’s personalization of our social media feed equates to how our loved ones would remember our choices; hence, we do have a hint of the social life there as well. Another instance is that of the sense of security that anti-virus software (again a by-product of AI) grants. We feel blessed at the concern that, previously, only one’s well-wishers would shower. For all good effect then, AI is the closest thing to a best friend that we are increasingly relying on in our everyday lives. 




As hinted at in the first sentence of this blog, our workspaces are no stranger to its influence. AI powered tools are the backbone of every smart office. From your grammarly writing assistant, to voice assistants, from beautiful cabins to the sense of having a secure and well-trained email sending system, AI is the reason our work quality is retained.


Elon Musk has predicted that by 2040, AI technology will be performing better than humans at everything. Organizations have to prepare themselves to work with AI, and start now, to reap the limitless benefits it brings. 


Of course, some of today’s workspaces have recognized the potential of AI and want to integrate it into their working. These organizations, however, want the much-needed funding to ease the process. To this end, A-I startups are wooing investors and tech enthusiasts to fund their next big gift to humanity. AI pitch decks are, therefore, bound to come in handy. We, at SlideTeam, have created and put together this ready-made collection of presentation templates to help your cause of integrating AI into your workplaces. Let’s have a look and understand the format that every AI pitch deck must abide by:


Components of AI Pitch Decks:


To pitch a winning AI project proposal, you need clarity of purpose, financial analysis report, the project model simulation, and the will to make it a reality. An intelligent mix of all these primary ingredients is the sign of real preparedness. Let’s now create an ideal Pitch Deck with these PPT Designs:


Template 1: AI Pitch Deck PPT Template With Title


This PowerPoint Pitch Deck emphasizes the importance of elements of an AI proposal, in particular the title page. Identify the proposal marking it as that of an AI pitch deck, along with your company name and the ideal you stand for. Make your title page a page-turner and use this PPT Presentation to put forth a winning proposal. It has the aesthetics and the customization is a huge help. Download now!


AI Pitch Deck PPT Template With Title


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Template 2: Table of Contents AI Analytics Investor Pitch Deck


We have this perfect design to contemplate the contents of your AI pitch deck. Download this slide to enlist all major highlights of your pitch deck so that the investors can have a valuable discussion in the follow-up slide. Include headings like company purpose, problem statement, product solution features, financial projections, etc as exhibited in this PowerPoint Template. To download the complete deck click here.


Table of Contents AI Analytics Investor Pitch Deck


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Template 3: Elements of the Problem AI Analytics Investor Pitch Deck


Here is a PowerPoint Layout that addresses the problem elements being targeted by your proposed project. Segregate the results of your qualitative and quantitative assessment of the problem with this slide. Whether you have used polls,or discussions, report the problems that you have assembled to tackle and make this slide an essential part of your proposal. Download now!


Elements of the Problem AI Analytics Investor Pitch Deck


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Template 4: The Solution PPT Template


Using this slide, highlight as many as three distinct solutions that your proposal offers. You can further go in detail to discuss the key features of the solutions and their areas of addressal using bullet points. Add images to enhance the visualization of the solutions provided and make use of this PPT Slide to the fullest. Download now.


The Solution PPT Template


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Template 5: Business Model for Successful Operations Pitch Deck


Here is a template that serves as the perfect way to represent your project model. This divides the model into five divisions namely: our clients, key products, key structure, core business activities, business partners, and revenue sources. Your pitch deck is now organized and in order. Using bullet points, elaborate on these six divisions to help your clients get a better visualization. Download now!


Business Model for Successful Operations Pitch Deck


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Template 6: Creative Agency Pricing Branding Pitch Deck


Here is a tabular slide to share your pricing details that spans across project expenses and benefits that stakeholders can enjoy simultaneously out of them. Share the level of accountability under each pricing plan so that the stakeholders understand the impact they will have in the project completion. Download now!


Creative Agency Pricing Branding Pitch Deck


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Template 7: Machine Learning Solution Team for AI Pitch Deck PPT Slides Summary


Use this slide to identify the core members of your project or duplicate it to label the entire crew for this undertaking. Associate their title with a look into their background and expertise with this PPT Design. Go ahead and download this editable PowerPoint Template now!


Machine Learning Solution Team for AI Pitch Deck PPT Slides Summary


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Template 8: Lead Generation Strategy PPT Icon


Share the facets of your lead generation strategy with this PPT Template. The vibrant tree diagram as shown in PowerPoint Design allows you to point out the diverse strategies related to analytics, conversation, promotion, etc that you need to follow, along with their sub-elements. Deploy this slide to identify all pressure points of the market and customer psychology that you can tap into.


Lead Generation Strategy PPT Icon


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Your roadmap looks fine, and the financial estimates sound achievable as well. Might as well throw in your company evolution, a pictorial representation of how you excelled over the years. Reserve a section of your proposal to discuss your feats.


Template 9: The Historical Context AI Pitch Deck PPT Presentation


Showcase your prowess in the field of AI with respect to your evolving curve and the milestones you have touched along the way with this PPT Presentation. With this timeline template, record as many as six feats that would do their job at impressing your potential investors. Download now!


The Historical Context AI Pitch Deck PPT Presentation


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Template 10: Artificial Intelligence Closing Thoughts PPT Slide


Here is the most pursued layout to make your company accessible to your potential investors. You want to include your contact number, email ID, and the office location, in case they want to come down to meet. Ensure it is up to date and functional contact information is shared with them. Download this creative slide to share your closing thoughts now! You can also download the complete pitch deck here.


Artificial Intelligence Closing Thoughts PPT Slide


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Follow this step by step while pitching a convincing proposal and align the stars in your favor. Follow the download link to assemble the individual slide components and create an AI pitch deck the stakeholders can’t resist. 


PS: AI and automation is increasingly becoming a part of the modern workplace. For example, before a product launch, it is important to avoid wastage and preserve the company reputation. To achieve both the twin goals, it is important to run automated quality checks for the prototypes and the bulk aso that neither the company image nor the customer suffers. With this thoroughly researched guide, you have an opportunity to devise a foolproof automation test plan with your team. Explore the templates now!

FAQs on AI Pitch Decks

What is the future scope of AI?

Ai is getting better and better every passing day, with science now molding it in the way of making human lives better. Our vision is to develop technologies that can make real-time decisions for us and also ones that can ease the work of humans by replacing labor with machine work. In this way humans can focus better on channeling their creativity while the AI (robotics) does assembly line jobs for us. Currently, AI has already penetrated the fields of perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and language translation. Cyber security, data analysis, transport, and home assistance are some fields that can witness major AI advancements, 

What are some fascinating examples of AI in service of mankind?
  1. Transport: From self-driving cars to robots exploring space for us, AI is here to minimize the risk to human lives and enhance convenience manifold. 
  2. Virtual Assistant: To take you places, and to help you find stuff from the depth of the internet, AI in conjunction with the search engine is the irreplaceable utility in your hand.
  3. Humanoid AIs like Nadine, Geminoid DK, JUNCO CHIHIRA, Jia Jia, and Sophia are already making heads turn, with their ability to understand and reflect back emotion.Â