With the advent of the E-commerce industry, everybody wants to have a slice of the market.


There is no denying that e-commerce is the future and is on a fast track to growth that doesn't seem to be slowing down. If you are strategic and have market insight within an e-commerce business, there is a good chance you will be able to fund it using investor funding from smart money investors.


The Boom in the E-commerce Industry


The e-commerce industry is booming these days and it is only prolonging


With the boom of e-commerce, there are billions of dollars flowing into the market which makes it one of the hot industries to invest in.


Whether you are a startup looking for investor funding or a big business seeking to acquire new customers, you'll have to pitch your case.


Why is this Pitch Deck Important for You?


A pitch deck is an all-important tool as it would bring forth the founder's skills to convince the investors and customers. A great Pitch Deck is likely to lead to investment and also boost faith in your brand. Your company's Pitch Deck must be descriptive, convincing, and attractive.


If you are looking to raise funds for your e-commerce business. You should know that there is a lot of convincing that needs to be done. Investors are getting flooded with pitches every day. To ensure your pitch stands out in front of your competition, you should have an ecommerce investor pitch deck.


Ecommerce Investor Pitch Deck Presentation 


E-Commerce industry is one of the highest growth and expanding industries in the world. With so many new business models coming up, the need to raise funds has never been greater. However, the e-Commerce market is highly competitive.


Therefore, it becomes quite challenging to get investor attention and successfully secure funding. Presenting an ecommerce investor pitch deck can help you cut through the clutter and increase your chances of raising some funds.


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The Cover Slide


Cover Slide of Ecommerce Pitch Deck

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This is the cover slide for the Investor Funding Elevator Pitch Deck that lets you jot down your company name. It is rightly said that “The first impression is the Last impression” and you can now create an everlasting first impression on your investors by grabbing this amazingly curated investor funding elevator pitch deck. The given template showcases a shopping trolley helping you talk about your ecommerce investor pitch deck in a pleasant way. Presenting your start up to prospective angles by utilizing this thoughtful template is sure to drive good revenue for your business.


Key Details of Our Organization 


Key Details of Organization

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In order to efficiently pitch your ideas to your potential investors you must present the key details of your organization in a seamless manner and this slide serves that purpose.


Every deck incorporates a slide that gives brief overview or details of the organization and your presentation is incomplete without this template.

Along with presenting the important key points, this template gives you space to elucidate company details in the form of a timeline, making it easier for your audience to grasp the information.


Your audience would be able to better understand your company’s information, if presented using a roadmap which shows the year it was founded in and other such chronological achievements.


Meet Our Team 


Meet Our Team Slide of Ecommerce Pitch Deck

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No pitch deck is complete without “The Team” slide, which is why we have included this creative template to help you introduce your team members to the venture capitalists.


To get the attention of your investors you can add the beautiful faces of your team members, specifying their name and designation and giving a brief description about their job roles.


You can also utilize this slide to speak about your story or your passion.


NOTE: Make sure that you are adding a high-definition photograph in your presentation instead of selfies clicked with mobile phone, this will leave a great impression on your angels.


Defining and Understanding the Problem


Defining and Understanding the Problem

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This slide will arm you talk about the problem you had been facing, which led to the inception of e-commerce platform.


One of the problems that are highlighted in this template is:


No one stop solution for Shopping – There was no one stop solution for shopping of multiple products and this problem gave rise to the inception of e-commerce platform. You can also highlight other such problems that you had been looking to resolve.


Solutions Slide 


Solution We Recommend

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Since every problem comes with a solution, this template highlights the solution that your organization is willing to provide to the customers for the problems being faced.


One of the solutions highlighted in this slide are:


A single website – It provides access to single website with multiple store options and varied products, where a customer can shop from a single platform.


You can also highlight other such solutions by joining hands with this editable solution slide that provides answer to the above stated problem.


One Stop Solution 


One Stop Solution for All the Products

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This slide showcases the key overview of the organization and also highlights the Big idea on which the organization was built. You can jot down similar key points related to your business like your organization’s aim, mission and vision.


Also, the list of solutions that your organization offers, can be displayed taking the assistance of the timeline depicted in the template.


Advertisement as Our Service 


Advertisement As Our Service

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This slide showcases advertisement as a service for any E-commerce organization. It talks about various multiple targeting techniques that are used by the organization in order to advertise their product.


The given slide elucidates different techniques of advertising that helps make people aware of the new product. Some of the techniques given in the template are – Lifestyle based advertising, Market based advertising, Contextual advertising, and Remarketing.


Aiming Flawless Service with Mobile Application


Services with Mobile Application

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This slide displays the overview of mobile application of the organization along with displaying the home screen. It also presents various key features of the application which are easy surfing of products, add to cart option, integration with other applications, online payment, etc.


  • Easy surfing of products: With such an application at your disposal, you can surf the products – anywhere and at any time.
  • Add to Cart option: This e-commerce application also allows the user to add the chosen items into a single place. “cart”.
  • Online Payment: Having an access to this e-commerce platform gives you an option to make the payments of the selected items online, just by sitting at the comfort of your home.


Business Model 


Business Model of ecommerce investor pitch deck

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Without having an exact knowledge of the business model of any organization, one cannot commence any business, and this is where this template comes in handy. It talks about the products and services your organization deals in. Also, one can talk about its revenue stream, future plans, customer relationships, and different customer segments in a seamless way.


Let’s have a look at the elements of business model, this template incorporates-

  • Products and Services – It gives your audience an insight of the products and service your organization deals in.
  • Revenue Stream- This segment provides a better picture of the way your company generates cash from different segments.
  • Future Plans – Your business model should also include your future plans like expanding any product line or diversifying your business; thereby giving your audience an idea of what you wish to implement in your business in near future.
  • Customer Relationships – Building customer relationship is another important aspect which should not be ignored while presenting your business model. Showcase how your organization delivers value to customers and entices them to pay for the value.
  • Customer Segments – This allows customers to make better utilization of resources keeping their marketing budget into consideration. You can segment your customers on different basis like gender, age, behaviour, like and dislikes.

Having this template at your disposal, you will be able to provide better insights into the working of the company to your investors.


Revenue Model 


Revenue Model of ecommerce investor pitch deck

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This slide presents the revenue model for the E-commerce industry highlighting the ways your business makes money. It talks about the major methods of earning revenue which are-


  • Advertising through PPC – This is an online advertising model in which advertiser pays a publisher each time someone clicks the advertisement. It is a Pay per click method which is used to drive traffic to websites.
  • Blogs and Affiliate marketing – Blogs and affiliate marketing are a good source to drive traffic to your business and can help you generate handsome revenue.
  • Publishers - Publishers also help in generating revenue by hosting different events. Readers are more comfortable to pay for getting an access to their favourite publications and advertisers are comfortable to pay for reaching their consumers online.


Total Investment We Require 


Total Investment We Require

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This slide walks you through the total investment you would be requiring for an E-commerce platform. It incorporates a pie chart that portrays the total funds generated from different sources in an intelligible way.


Additionally, one can use this slide to showcase different sources of fund generation. These are Public Funding, and Private investors. You can also add other sources of funds in this thoughtful template.


Understanding the Total Market


Understanding the Market

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This slide elucidates the entire market your E-commerce organization operates in. It incorporates an inverted pyramid showcasing your total addressable market at the top, service addressable market in the middle and service obtainable market in the end.


Understanding the Competition 


Understanding the Competition in the Market

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In order to survive in the market, you must be aware of the cut-throat competition, which is where this template comes in handy. This slide showcases key insights into the market competition and highlights the total market share of each company.


Also, you can utilize the table depicted in the given template to present competitor’s market share. Additionally, it gives you space to talk about their valuation, website and application details.




To establish your e-commerce platform and be in the game of the competitive world, it is imperative that you have sufficient finances. And, you can entice your venture capitalists to invest in your firm with a stellar presentation at your disposal, and this ecommerce investor pitch deck will help you do so.


We at SlideTeam have a team of professionals from diverse disciplines, i.e. marketing, research, and designing, who have curated this E-commerce pitch deck presentation to help you raise funds with ease.


Download this deck within a single click and get ready to rule the fundraising round now.


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