Whether it’s life or business, we all reach a certain point (equilibrium) where growth stops, and you have to take the help of others to go further. This help can be in any form — wisdom, wealth, work, will, or maybe all. Whatever the requirement, there is a certain way to give and take it. In business, corporate pitches are one such (professional) way to ask others for their input. Now the question is…


What is a corporate pitch?


It is a business document or a presentation a corporation submits to potential investors or buyers — funding authorities, businesses, investing firms, etc. — to seek investment or sell your idea/product/service/company. A typical corporate pitch presentation is between 10 and 30 minutes and touches all important aspects of your business.


Creating a Corporate Pitch Deck


Drafting a corporate pitch has to be done with caution and without mistakes. A small error will make you lose investors. To save you from this, we are sharing simple steps and tricks to craft a killer corporate pitch deck.


1. To the point: The audience will lose interest in your presentation if it is difficult to understand, so make it simple and easy to understand. Don’t let your audience feel lost in the whirlpool of unnecessary information. Make your point in the first three minutes, please. 


Tip: Showcase your main point, but don’t bring it up repeatedly.


2. Elevator Pitch: Be prepared with a short and crisp informal introduction of your business idea. Who knows, someday you might find your angel investor’ in a hotel lobby or building lift. This pitch should be persuasive, leaving the audience hungry to get more.


Tip: You can create an excellent elevator pitch by describing three things — who, what, and why. Who are you or your organization, what is your idea, and why are you the best option for funding?


3. Practice makes a pitch perfect: Compelling clients to invest in your business/idea needs more than just describing an idea on paper.


Tip: Ask your colleague or senior to record your presentation timings and provide feedback on delivery, body language, and speech.


4. Detailed vs. big picture: You already provided a brief of your idea in the above elevator pitch or summary. It’s now time to go into details. Share market analysis, your company position, competitive advantages, financial projections, and how other investors look at you. These in-depth details will help you win investor confidence. Don’t let the big picture escape from the audience’s eye, and show them how your idea will impact the industry and society.


Tip: Use graphs and pie charts to present data & insights in a comprehensive way to investors.


5. For audience only: Do exclusive research about your investors. Show them how your corporation is a perfect match for their investment. Investors like to know about returns before investing, so let them know how there will be a demand for your product (or you create it) in the market.


Tip: A clear product roadmap and promising (but real) financial projections will help you win investors.


6. Reality Talks: An emotional angle connected to your idea will be a game-changer for you. It will increase your chances of getting funds as the audience will feel more connected with your vision. Share customer experiences, their problems, and how your product(s) become solutions. Told well, a real story sells.


Tip: You can use client testimonials or case studies. Be accurate without infringing on consumer privacy.


7. Visual Aids: Right use of graphics will make your corporate pitch deck more professional and aesthetic. Visual aids will boost your confidence and show the investors your dedication, love, and hard work for the project.


Tip: An excellent visual tool should add value to your presentation, easy-to-use, pocket, and user-friendly like PowerPoint Templates.


10 Ready-to-download Corporate Pitch Deck Templates


In this blog, we will share ten must-have corporate pitch deck templates with you. These sample PPT layouts are fully-editable, and you can add text and images to these corporate pitch deck templates to personalize your offering. Download this complete presentation by clicking the link here!


Corporate Pitch Deck Cover Slide


This PowerPoint image is the cover slide of the presentation deck. It is easy to customize, and you can change the images, color, text, style, and layout of this slide to match your presentation. Use it to present your elevator pitch to introduce the audience to the meeting agenda.


Download the Corporate Pitch Presentation Deck


1. Problem Definition Presentation Template For Corporate Pitch Deck


Problem Definition Presentation Template For Corporate Pitch Deck


Addressing the problem in your corporate pitch presentation will help your audience relate and get comfortable with the background concept. This slide will help you present the problem in a strategic manner to investors. Use this opportunity to bring a clear mindset and expectations to your audience!


Download the Problem Definition Template


2. Solution PPT Template For Corporate Pitch Deck


Solution PPT Template for Corporate Pitch Deck


A unique solution is what makes you different from the rest of the applicants and gets investors interested. Differentiation and comparison of your solution with existing and potential answers are crucial to clear investors’ doubts. This sample design will help you present your solution to the audience. Download now.


Download the Solution Template


3. Company Overview Presentation Template For Corporate Pitch Deck


Company Overview Presentation Template for Corporate Pitch Deck


Let potential investors know whom they are working with and how accomplished you are as a corporate. Showcase your company statistics, foundation, number of employees working, customer base, EBITDA margins, etc., to sound promising as a creditor. Other templates of this corporate pitch deck will also help you to share company objectives, milestones, and traction with their superior design. Download now!


Download the Company Overview Template


Presentation of company overview and its growth charts can be first point of communication with to investors. These company presentation templates will help you making a great first impression and lay a road for smooth communication.


4. Product Introduction PowerPoint Template For Corporate Pitch Deck


Product Introduction PowerPoint Template for Corporate Pitch Deck


You described your unique idea with the solution template above but how you will mold that solution as a product or service is what you answer here. It will brief the audience about your product development and distribution plans. Use this sample design to present your investments, user experience, and returns for the new product.


Download the Product Introduction Template


5. Target Audience PPT Template For Corporate Pitch Deck


Target Audience PPT Template For Corporate Pitch Deck


The elephant in the room to address in the corporate pitch presentation is the target audience (TA). It will help the investors conclude whether their business values align with theirs. They can also see if there is any chance of cross-selling or strategic partnership. All these factors will add up to the approval of your funding. 


Download the Targeted Customer Template


6. Business Model Template For Corporate Pitch Deck


Business Model Template For Corporate Pitch Deck


The next thing potential investors are interested to know is your business model, as it will have a significant impact on return. Discuss business models — affiliated marketing, subscription plans, free products, etc. — you have in your mind to take things to the next level. This sample design will help you discuss business models with factors like user activity tracking, cancellation management, application uses, etc.


Download the Business Model Template


7. Rollout Plan Sample Design For Corporate Pitch Deck


Rollout Plan Sample Design For Corporate Pitch Deck


This describes your action plan to continue revenue generation with your product/service, at least for the next three to five years. It gives assurance to the potential investors for long returns. A rollout plan is your roadmap to success and reflects your fine execution skills. This premium sample design will help you share a solid rollout plan with milestones like beta feature release, intelligence tracking, and monthly active user statistics. A perfect complementary slide for a rollout plan is a go-to-market strategy you get with a download of this corporate pitch presentation deck.


Download the Rollout Plan Template


8. Competitive Analysis Template For Corporate Pitch Deck


Competitive Analysis Template For Corporate Pitch Deck


A business is as strong as its rivals. Addressing direct and indirect market rivals with your competitive advantages will help you stand out and prove yourself a perfect vehicle for investment. Use this competitive analysis chart sample design to compare attributes, products, or services in a simplified and easy-to-understand manner. It will also show investors your market value, strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for growth.


Download the Competitive Analysis Template


9. Project Performance Template For Corporate Pitch Deck


Project Performance Template For Corporate Pitch Deck


Projecting the performance of your completed projects is a way to show the growth and success of your organization. It will add value to your pitch and show investors. This sample design has two graphs, one showing the number of completed projects over the past year. Another graphic shows your current and projected performance in the upcoming period. With this, you can share funding round investments data and company traction rate.


Download the Project Performance Template


10. Business Strategy Template For Corporate Pitch Deck


Business Strategy Template For Corporate Pitch Deck


This is the bigger picture of your rollout plan shared above. A business strategy includes practical aspects of product deployment, customer interaction, revenue, and scope of development. Use this PPT Template to walk the investors through the phases of your business strategy and its impact on organizational success. It will help you show a clear picture to investors by sharing key insights and statistics related to each phase of strategy.


Download the Business Strategy Template


Planning a comprehensive business strategy is necessary to keep you ahead of time and competitors. We offer you these pre-designed business strategy templates to ensure that you achieve your targets on time.


The Closure


A corporate pitch aims to secure a good funding amount for the growth of your organization. You can pitch a project, service, or organization with promising returns in your proposition and ask for funds, resources, tools, or partnerships through it. The only thing it requires is to convince potential investors with your pitch and presentation skills. 


We have shared critical points and these pre-designed sample templates to make this mountain-climbing task easy for you. You can download this all-inclusive corporate pitch deck template by clicking the links above. 


You can visit our website to explore an exclusive collection of customized designs and find the right PPT slides to create your corporate pitch deck. Another option is that you can reach our presentation service team with your requirements.


Start exploring your options now and draft a killer corporate pitch for your next venture without wasting a minute more!


FAQs on Corporate Pitch


1. How do you do a corporate pitch?


Presenting a compelling corporate pitch is challenging and time-consuming, especially If you are a beginner and do not have proper guidance. Here are a few tips:


1. Use simple audience-friendly language and reach the core idea in the initial two minutes.

2. Be prepared with a short and crisp elevator pitch.

3. Practice your pitch for timing, speech, and confident body language at least ten times before the final presentation.

4. Take care of minute details related to your business or idea, and be ready to answer tough questions.

5. Do your research right and understand your audience to show the alignment of goals and values.

6. Include real customer stories, client testimonials, and case studies to support your idea.

7. Present a detailed execution plan to win investors’ confidence.

8. Introduce your team and their expertise in the field. Show your organization’s project success, growth, and traction rate.


2. What is a pitch deck format?


There is no standard rule for the number of slides or presentation time limit for a pitch deck. You can decide how many slides you need to impress and compel the audience, while the time limit might be pre-decided by investors. Usually, a single corporate pitch takes 20-30 minutes, so we suggest including 10-20 slides. It will give you 2-3 minutes to present and illustrate a single presentation slide. You can consider adding these slides:


1. Title and introduction.

2. Problem Definition

3. Solution

4. Your organization overview.

5. Product Development plan.

6. Target Audience (TA).

7. Roll out plan.

8. Business models

9. Competitive analysis

10. Project performance

11. Business Strategy

12. Team introduction


You can decide the order of these slides per your pitch or download our complete pre-designed presentation.


3. What should a business pitch include?


A pitch is a tool businesses use to present their idea and ask investors — corporations, banks, financial institutions, or investment firms — for help in finance, resources, or partnership. It should include your idea description, product & service, projections, market analysis, and requirements.


4. What are the types of pitch decks?


Some types are:


1. Investor pitch decks.


2. Partnership pitch decks.


3. Sponsorship pitch decks.


4. Creative idea proposition pitch deck.


5. What is the objective of the pitch deck?


A pitch deck aims to propose your business/product/idea to investors in a compelling and persuasive way. It is used to seek support from other businesses, firms, or financial institutions through funds, resources, capital, partnerships, etc. It is an indispensable part of business life that dictates the difference between hearing an Investor say Yes or No.Â