Communication refers to the process of sending and receiving information. Business communication training is akin to an applied science of the broad principles of putting your word in. It concerns itself with the key question of how do you operate in different work environments, and what are the challenges and opportunities that your organization faces?


Business communication is categorized into internal, external, verbal, or non-verbal. It is integral to have an effective communication plan in business as it fosters competent management in all the key management disciplines of planning, organizing, directing, etc.


“Effective communication requires more than an exchange of information. When done right, communication fosters understanding, strengthens relationships, improves teamwork and build trust.”

— Kirk Hazlett




Business communication is more than just sending an email or making a phone call. It's about sharing information with the right people in the right manner. It enables collaboration and improves efficiency of business operations. At an internal or organizational level, it can help in conveying messages clearly, resulting in improved practices, reduced errors, or any other confusion.


A survey by Fierce Inc shows that 86% of employees and executives blame workplace failures on a lack of effective collaboration and communication. Teams that communicate effectively, on the other hand, can increase productivity by up to 25%. Effectiveness business communication, therefore, is a huge need of the business world today.


In this blog, we take you through the A-Z of business communication in a comprehensive, but concise manner. We also explain how business communication training needs to be on the calendar of all organizations.


The top 10 PPT templates that we showcase on business communication training are an integral part of harnessing the power that the discipline gives you.


For starters, the singular goal that any business communication training must achieve is help trainees internalize the ability to understand, adapt, and use language in a purposeful way. This encompasses skills such as verbal and nonverbal communication, listening, perception, persuasion, and negotiation.


The objectives of business communication varies depending on who you're talking to. Effective business communication enables people to work together, irrespective of department or any other siloes, thereby allowing the company to accomplish its goals and objectives.




Some basic preconditions are to be met before business communication actually happens. These are:

  • Sender
  • Business Information
  • Receiver
  • Feedback


Types of Business Communication


Internal Business Communication

When people within an organization communicate with each other, it is known as internal business communication. It includes memos, reports, office orders, circulars, fax, video conferencing, meetings, etc. It is further categorized into three types:


Upward Communication


In upward communication, information flows from lower level to higher level. This bottom-to-top approach in business communication is beneficial in obtaining feedback on organizational functions. It also enables subordinates to convey their concerns and performance to superiors. This method facilitates participatory decision-making. Some examples of upward communication are Grievance Redressal System, Complaint and Suggestion Box, Job Satisfaction surveys, manager feedback surveys, etc.


Downward Communication


In downward communication, information trickles from top to bottom. It is often used in the context of the chain of command, where the message is passed from seniors to subordinates. The message is such communication is work-related information for employees to receive and move towards meeting their objectives. It can also be deployed to provide performance feedback, share vision and mission, etc. Examples of downward communication are organizational publications, circulars, letter to employees, group meetings, etc.


Lateral Communication


Lateral communication occurs at the same level of hierarchy. This approach aids in task coordination and can act as a means of social and emotional assistance.


External Business Communication


When people of an organization communicate with anyone outside the organization, it is known as external communication. It is what and how you reach out to your clients, customers, dealers, distributors, media, etc.


Models of Business Communication


There are a number of models of business communication that are used in workplaces today. These are backed by extensive research; below we have curated a few of these business communication models. Let us have brief idea of each:


  1. Aristotle Model: One of the most well-known models is the Aristotle model, which the Greek philosopher proposed in his work "Rhetoric." This model describes three essential elements of communication: The source, the message, and the receiver. The source is the individual who starts the communication; the message is the information that is being communicated; and the receiver is the individual who receives and interprets the message. This model remains relevant for businesses as it helps choose the audience.
  2. ABC Model: The ABC model is one of the simplest and most popular models. It focuses on accuracy, brevity, and clarity, making it ideal for straightforward communications such as memos or emails. However, the ABC model is not applicable in more complex situations; especially when multiple stakeholders are involved.
  3. AIDA Model: Another popular model of business communication is the AIDA model. AIDA stands for Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action. The model argues that effective communication must get the attention of the audience, generate interest in the message, create a desire for the product or service, and finally prompt the audience to take action. The AIDA model is the favorite of advertisers and sales personnel, as it provides a framework for creating messages that are designed to prompt the audience to take action.
  4. PAS Model: The PAS model translates into Problem, Agitate, and Solve. It works by first defining the problem that needs to be solved, then creating an escalating need for that problem to be solved (giving rise to a sense of urgency), and finally offering a solution. The model is effective, but has to be applied with caution, as the target audience could feel manipulated.




Barriers in business communication refer to any hindrance or entity that distorts the effectiveness of the messaging. It can be at the either end of the spectrum, i.e., the sender or the receiver. Let’s explore some major barriers to business communication:


  1. Physical barriers: Physical barriers are obstacles that prevent people from hearing or seeing each other.
  2. Semantic barriers: Semantic barriers is confusion over the meaning of words or symbols.
  3. Organizational barriers: Organizational barriers can arise when there is little clarity on goals.
  4. Individual barriers: Individual barriers can result from personal factors, such as someone’s beliefs or attitudes.




The need for effective communication is obvious, but even when people believe this, it does not translate into action. 89% of people accept that effective communication is critical; eight of 10 people rate their company's communication as average or poor. 78% of workers feel the need to prioritize communication in their organization.


Realizing the importance of effective communication in business, it is essential to take adequate measures. Providing proper business communication training to your employees is a good way to ensure the same. It will give your employees a boost of confidence and your organization streamlined productivity, efficiency, and consistency.


If only designing the training curriculum was a piece of cake! But our predesigned deck on Business Communication will help you cover every aspect of effective communication with ease. Our hallmark of well-researched content, aesthetic appeal, and interactive design is all there. Let’s begin our quest for the perfect business communication training program here!


Template 1: Start with the best: business communication training cover slide


Get off to a flying start to your Business Communication training presentation with this engaging, PPT cover slide. It helps you introduce the topic in an effective manner and arouses curiosity in the audience about what to expect. The image shown compliments the text provided. The holistic image conveys the message that we are on to something important, the deep world of business communication training. Download it now!


Training Curriculum Business Communication PPT Template


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Template 2: Let your audience know; Learning outcomes slide


Incorporate this content-ready PPT slide to progress your presentation and highlight the learning outcomes of the business communication training. It offers you the functionality to list and explain important points. You also have the option to compile a convincing before and after training scenario. This is  Grab it today!


Learning Outcomes of Business Communication Training Curriculum


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Template 3: Give them an overview- Table of Content slide


Giving an overview of the course helps your audience understand the purpose of the training. It provides a framework that aids the division of their time and attention to topics as per their requirement. Get this template now!


Table of Contents for Business Communication Training Curriculum


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Template 4: Explain like a pro! What is business communication PPT template


Explaining the main topic can be tricky as it sets the stage for other elements that follow. Put your best foot forward with this educative and creative PowerPoint Slide. It will help you present the concept of business communication in a detailed manner. From definition to purpose, you can provide a brief summary that reflects the essence and fosters understanding. Download it right away!


What is Business Communication PPT Slide


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Template 5: Delve deep with basic elements of communication slide


Not being able to convey your message effectively while training others on business communication is just pure irony! Explain every element involved in business communication in a comprehensive manner with the help of this predesigned PPT layout. You can list the components, explaining them in a succinct manner to pave the way for effective and organized communication. Get it immediately!


Basic Elements of Business Communication PPT Template


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Template 6: Showcase the variety – Types of communication slide design


Use this PPT design to help your audience understand types of business communication. You can explain the usage and benefits of each type. It will help your audience in communication with purpose and to facilitate coordination in any group setting. Grab it today!


Types of Business Communication PPT Design


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Template 7: Importance of Business Communication PPT Slide


Knowing the value that a training or skill adds to your life is always appreciated. Leverage this PPT slide to convey the importance of business communication. Download this template now!


Importance of Business Communication PPT Design


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Template 8: Types of communication styles PPT design


A message can be communicated in multiple ways. Inform your audience about different types of communication styles. You can provide a brief about each method and discuss its application. You can also guide them on the characteristic traits or features of various styles and how to respond to each communication style. Grab this informative template now!


Types of Communication Styles PPT Template


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Template 9: The power of conviction; benefits of effective communication PowerPoint slide


Few skills are as essential for success in life as effective business communication. This is a universal truth irrespective of whether you are delivering a presentation at work, chatting with friends, or simply ordering a coffee. Enlist the benefits of effective communication with this ready-made slide and give your audience something to write home about. Get it today!


Benefits of Effective Communication PPT Slide


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Template 10: Channels of communication PPT sample


There are a variety of channels of communication that lend themselves to easy categorization, based on the situation at hand. Elucidate each medium in detail using the given content-equipped PPT slide. You can discuss the two categories of communication channels. You can go on to the subcategories, such as formal and informal channels. This design will help you demarcate formal and informal channels of communication.

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Channels of Communication PPT


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FAQs on Business Communication


What are the 7 Cs of business communication?


The 7 Cs of business communication are Clarity, Conciseness, Consideration, Consistency, Courtesy, Courage, and Correctness. Clarity means that the message communicated is clear and easy to understand. Being brief and
to-the-point defines Concise. When you are considerate, you make the effort to match your message to the needs of the receiver of the message. Consistency focuses on using the same style and format throughout your communication. Courtesy means that you maintain a polite and professional tone. Dealing with the Courage component can be tricky as it means communicating honestly, even if it is difficult news. Correctness ensures accurate grammar and staying clear of spelling mistakes. Any piece of effective business communication must have these seven Cs.


What is the importance of business communication?


Good communication is essential for any business to run smoothly. When done properly, business communication helps businesses develop and maintain better relationships with their employees, customers, and other stakeholders. With everyone on the same page, it is easier to make decisions and take action. Good communication also helps to build trust and foster a positive working environment. Customers who feel listened to and understood are more likely to remain loyal to a business. In short, effective communication is vital for businesses of all sizes.


Why is communication important?


Communication refers to the process of conveying information, ideas, and feelings between people. Without communication, we would be unable to express our needs or share our knowledge. We would also be unable to interact, build relationships, or work together to solve problems. In other words, communication is essential for our social and economic development. Good communication skills help us form better relationships, resolve conflicts, and make accurate decisions. When we communicate effectively, we are able to express ourselves clearly and understand others better.


What is effective business communication?


Effective business communication is goal-oriented exchange of information between two or more persons. It involves understanding the needs of the audience and conveying information in a way that is clear, concise, and easy to understand. Business communication can take many forms, including face-to-face meetings, teleconferences, memos, and emails. For communication to be effective, it must be timely, accurate, and free from any distractions or confusing jargon. Effective business communication facilitates better collaboration, solves problems, and increase productivity. Ignoring the principles of business communication can lead to miscommunication, misunderstandings, and frustration. Therefore, it is important to take time to plan and execute business communication with due diligence.