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The SlideTeam Blog All About PowerPoint, Presentations & Life


122 posts
Dec 27 2021

With a knack for writing, I prefer to keep my blogs simple and informative. Wit and creativity being my forte, I try to captivate the audiences’ interest by exploring different ideas and offering a fresh perspective. If you don’t find me writing, I most certainly would be out for a walk, playing with a pet, or cooking. I aspire to fulfill the learner’s quench for knowledge, ensuring that every minute spent reading my blogs is worth it.

  1. Top 5 Hotel Reservation Templates with Examples and Samples

    Top 5 Hotel Reservation Templates with Examples and Samples

    Even though the idea of hosting a large number of visitors is thrilling (and profitable, too), we can’t deny that managing hotel bookings can be a Herculean task. Because, hey, trying to keep track of customer’s varying needs and expectations is not as simple as it sounds. Even the idea of sifting through emails, online […]

    Yogyata Yogyata May 30 2024
  2. Top 10 Acquisition Communication Plan Templates with Examples and Samples

    Top 10 Acquisition Communication Plan Templates with Examples and Samples

    In a game of chess every strategy and calculated move plays a vital role in ensuring success! If you play the movies right you can redefine the entire game in a manner no one could have anticipated. Well, applying that to a business scenario, effective, thorough communication in acquisition is something similar. Whether your organization […]

    Yogyata Yogyata May 27 2024
  3. Top 10 Weighted Scoring Model Samples with Templates and Examples

    Top 10 Weighted Scoring Model Samples with Templates and Examples

    It’s no hidden fact that businesses are often faced with difficult situations involving projects, products, marketing, strategy, plan of action, etc., and have to make some tough decisions along the way. The ones that shy away often fall behind in the race of competition only to disappear into the thin air. If that’s not the […]

    Yogyata Yogyata May 8 2024
  4. Top 7 Calendar Planner Templates with Examples and Samples

    Top 7 Calendar Planner Templates with Examples and Samples

    We all know the feeling of a never-ending to-do list and the constant sense of being pulled in a million directions. And I’m sure you’d agree it’s not a happy feeling! In fact, It’s far from happy (and a bit uncomfortable, too!). While tired of feeling this way, we continue to juggle and simultaneously look […]

    Yogyata Yogyata May 6 2024
  5. Top 10 Market Intelligence Report Samples with templates and examples

    Top 10 Market Intelligence Report Samples with templates and examples

    Competitive intelligence, product intelligence, market understanding, and customer understanding.    Well, if you haven’t guessed it already, these are the four types of market intelligence. But the question is, why do you even need to focus on these aspects, or more precisely, market intelligence? The answer is quick and simple. Market intelligence enables businesses to […]

    Yogyata Yogyata May 6 2024
  6. Top 7 Agriculture Technology PPT Templates with Samples and Examples

    Top 7 Agriculture Technology PPT Templates with Samples and Examples

    If agriculture goes wrong, nothing else will have a chance to go right. This statement highlights the integral role of agriculture in our lives. For thousands of years, it has been the foundation of civilization. But now, the agriculture sector is witnessing a major shift because of technological and innovative breakthroughs. That’s right! Tools and […]

    Yogyata Yogyata April 29 2024
  7. Top 10 HR Budget Templates with Samples and Examples

    Top 10 HR Budget Templates with Samples and Examples

    Have you ever felt like you’re juggling a thousand balls in the air where each ball represents an HR expense? Hiring, salaries, benefits, training, and more! Even though you try to track every penny carefully, you still feel like you’re constantly chasing the numbers game. Well, you’re not alone. HR budgeting can be a complex […]

    Yogyata Yogyata March 24 2024
  8. Top 10 Software Project Management Templates with Samples and Examples

    Top 10 Software Project Management Templates with Samples and Examples

    Sarah, a software project manager, was excited as she started on her first task. Confident in her abilities to lead a team and manage a project, she soon realized that it was not all rosy, as it seemed.   The team was unorganized, the processes were unclear, and the deadlines were being pushed back with […]

    Yogyata Yogyata December 8 2023
  9. Top 11 Work Order Templates with Samples and Examples (Free PDF Attached)

    Top 11 Work Order Templates with Samples and Examples (Free PDF Attached)

    Let’s start with something simple. Once you have built your house, you maintain it well with efficient execution of daily chores cleaning, watering the plants, taking the trash out, dusting, etc, and some occasional tasks like repainting, repairing the fence, changing the doorbell, repairing the leaking tap, and more.   But WHY?   If we […]

    Yogyata Yogyata November 29 2022
  10. Las 10 mejores plantillas de estrategias y planes de marketing de adquisición de clientes para expandir su base de clientes

    Las 10 mejores plantillas de estrategias y planes de marketing de adquisición de clientes para expandir su base de clientes

    La adquisición de clientes es el aspecto más crítico de cualquier negocio. Sin nuevos clientes, su empresa eventualmente se estancará y morirá. Entonces, ¿cuál es el mejor enfoque para adquirir nuevos clientes?   Bueno, el mejor enfoque tiene que ser específico para las empresas individuales y el entorno en el que operan. Dicho esto, hay […]

    Yogyata Yogyata September 30 2022

Items 1 to 10 of 122 total