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Kavesh Malhotra

195 posts
Nov 01 2022

A researcher, digital marketer, and intense content writer.

  1. Top 10 DevOps Roadmap Templates with Examples and Samples

    Top 10 DevOps Roadmap Templates with Examples and Samples

    The key to success is knowing how and why things work. A combination of these is of the utmost importance in DevOps. In this one word, we can integrate and automate the work of software and IT operations.   Here, the roadmap is the script and your team is the cast. This well-orchestrated performance leads […]
    Kavesh Malhotra Kavesh Malhotra December 27 2023
  2. Must-have Raid Log Templates with Examples and Samples

    Must-have Raid Log Templates with Examples and Samples

    Success hinges on foresight, detailed planning, and adept issue management in the fast-paced project management world. Navigating the intricacies of project issues demands more than talent; it requires a robust strategy. The Raid Log emerges as the knight in shining armor that stands as the vanguard against project uncertainties. It offers a systematic approach to identifying, documenting, and managing […]
    Kavesh Malhotra Kavesh Malhotra December 25 2023
  3. Top 10 Company Evaluation Templates with Samples and Examples

    Top 10 Company Evaluation Templates with Samples and Examples

    What value does a business bring to the table? Could anyone have predicted the meteoric rise of Meta (earlier Facebook) or the value of any of the internet service provider firms, at the time when these were all nascent ideas and companies? Whatever your answer, one theme is clear. Understanding the true worth of a […]
    Kavesh Malhotra Kavesh Malhotra December 24 2023
  4. Top 10 Sustainability Plan Templates with Samples and Examples

    Top 10 Sustainability Plan Templates with Samples and Examples

    “We won't have a society if we destroy the environment,” these words from American cultural anthropologist, Margaret Mead resonate even today. In today’s business environment, the concept of sustainability isn't just a buzzword but a fundamental strategy for success. As businesses evolve, the integration of sustainable practices becomes paramount and non-negotiable for success. A sustainability […]
    Kavesh Malhotra Kavesh Malhotra December 21 2023
  5. Top 10 Corporate Sustainability Templates with Samples and Examples

    Top 10 Corporate Sustainability Templates with Samples and Examples

    “Sustainability is no longer about doing less harm. It's about doing more good,” Jochen Zeitz, the CEO and chairman of Harley Davidson, has said.   With businesses increasingly held accountable for their acts of omission or commission, corporate sustainability has emerged as a guiding principle for businesses. Today, corporate sustainability goes beyond profits, focusing on […]
    Kavesh Malhotra Kavesh Malhotra December 21 2023
  6. Top 10 Activity Plan Templates with Samples and Examples

    Top 10 Activity Plan Templates with Samples and Examples

    “Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now,” Alan Lakein, American author.   In a world where time is money, the absence of a structured plan can lead to chaos. Businesses often grapple with managing activities, often resulting in missed deadlines, disorganized projects, and stressed-out teams. […]
    Kavesh Malhotra Kavesh Malhotra December 19 2023
  7. Top 9 Call Center Action Plan Templates with Samples and Examples

    Top 9 Call Center Action Plan Templates with Samples and Examples

    In the dynamic realm of customer service, call centers stand as the front line of interaction between businesses and their clientele. These communication hubs are pivotal in shaping the customer experience, serving as the voice and often the face of a company and the organization's process improvement. However, the challenges that call centers face are manifold, […]
    Kavesh Malhotra Kavesh Malhotra December 18 2023
  8. Top 10 Business Proposal Templates with Samples and Examples

    Top 10 Business Proposal Templates with Samples and Examples

    "In the business world, the rear-view mirror is always clearer than the windshield." - Warren Buffett, an American businessman, investor, and philanthropist.   Warren Buffett's words underscore the importance of reflection in business, and what better way to reflect than through a compelling business proposal? In the dynamic landscape of business, a well-crafted business proposal is […]
    Kavesh Malhotra Kavesh Malhotra December 13 2023
  9. Top 9 Campaign Proposal Templates with Examples and Samples

    Top 9 Campaign Proposal Templates with Examples and Samples

    As the renowned adage goes, "By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail," in the realm of campaigns, a well-crafted proposal is your preparation. A compelling proposal is your arsenal for success in the dynamic marketing world, where ideas shape destinies. It's not merely a document; it's a testament to your understanding of the […]
    Kavesh Malhotra Kavesh Malhotra December 13 2023
  10. Top 9 Recruiting Plan Templates with Samples and Examples

    Top 9 Recruiting Plan Templates with Samples and Examples

    Steve Jobs once remarked, "The secret of my success is that we have gone to exceptional lengths to hire the best people in the world." This sentiment echoes the essence of a strategic recruiting plan — the roadmap for securing the best talents.   In the competitive talent acquisition arena, having a well-thought-out employee recruitment plan is akin to […]
    Kavesh Malhotra Kavesh Malhotra December 13 2023

Items 71 to 80 of 195 total