Powerpoint Templates and Google slides for Dashboard Profit Margin Analysis Template
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Dashboard of profit margin analysis with net sales and expenses powerpoint template
This slide Showcases the Graphical Representation of Profit Margin Analysis. Data covered in this dashboard includes Net Sales Vs Net Profit with expenses by segments. This is a Dashboard Of Profit Margin Analysis With Net Sales And Expenses Powerpoint Template drafted with a diverse set of graphics, that can be reformulated and edited as per your needs and requirements. Just download it in your system and make use of it in PowerPoint or Google Slides, depending upon your presentation preferences.
Profit margin analysis dashboard with cogs breakdown powerpoint template
This Template Showcases the Graphical Representation of Profit Margin Analysis. Data covered in this dashboard includes Net profit and net sales, Profitability indicator ratios, cost of goods sold breakdown with net profit by past year vs target and actual and by region and channels. This is a Profit Margin Analysis Dashboard With Cogs Breakdown Powerpoint Template featuring in built editable components to add your personal touches. Tailor this template as per your liking and display it on a widescreen or standard screen, the choice is yours.
Profit margin analysis dashboard snapshot slide for candidate selection powerpoint template
This Profit Margin Analysis Dashboard Snapshot Slide For Candidate Selection Powerpoint Template is designed using a data-driven approach to help you display important stats, figures, insights, and metrics related to the topic of your choice. You can also deploy this slide to present reports on a specific business project and strategy. It is tailor-made using a mix of KPIs that make the information easily understandable. Project managers, executives, or other department heads can grab this readily available PowerPoint presentation slide to present relevant information. It can be further used for monitoring and identifying various trends doing rounds in the industry of your choice. The biggest feature of this PowerPoint layout is that it is designed using vector-based and high-quality graphics that can be reproduced as PNGs, JPGs, and PDFs. It also works well with Google Slides and PowerPoint. Therefore, giving a lot of options to work with.