
Nonverbal Communication Training Module On Business Communication Edu Ppt


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Presenting Training Module on Nonverbal Communication. This deck contains 117 uniquely designed slides. Our PowerPoint experts have included all the necessary templates, designs, icons, graphs and other essential material. This deck is well crafted by extensive research. Slides consists of amazing visuals and appropriate content. These PPT slides can be instantly downloaded with just a click. Compatible with all screen types and monitors. Supports Google Slides. Premium Customer Support available. Suitable for use by managers, employees and organizations. These slides are easily customizable. You can edit the color, text, icon and font size to suit your requirement.

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Slide 4

This slide provides information regarding the definition of nonverbal communication.

Slide 5

This slide illustrates the key difference between verbal and nonverbal communication. The multiple comparison factors used to differentiate are the usage of words, ease of understanding, structure, information distortion, feedback, documentary evidence, and physical presence.

Slide 6

This slide showcases the activity for nonverbal training. It also contains the questions to ask in nonverbal communication training session.

Slide 7

Instructor’s Notes:

·        Ask trainees to answer the questions in each section as per their comfort level

·        Guide them to answer the questions honestly without overthinking as there are no right or wrong answers

·        Once answered, ask them to calculate the score

·        If any question does not apply to them, ask them to mark it as N/A

Slide 8

Instructor’s Notes:

·        Ask training attendees to answer the questions in each section as per their comfort level

·        Guide them to answer the questions honestly without overthinking as there are no right or wrong answers

·        Once answered, ask them to calculate the score

·        If any question does not apply to them, ask them to mark it as N/A

Slide 9

Instructor’s Notes:

·        Ask training attendees to answer the questions in each section as per their comfort level

·        Guide them to answer the questions honestly without overthinking as there are no right or wrong answers

·        Once answered, ask them to calculate the score

·        If any question does not apply to them, ask them to mark it as N/A

Slide 11

This slide highlights the 7-38-55 Mehrabian Formula of communication indicating the significance of nonverbal communication.

Slide 12

This slide lists the significance of nonverbal communication at the workplace, such as supporting verbal communication, building trust and credibility, increasing workplace efficiency, overcoming cultural barriers, and communicating with persons with hearing disabilities.

Instructor’s Notes:

Nonverbal communication is important due to following reasons:

·        Supports Verbal Communication: Nonverbal communication adds value to verbal communication with the use of gestures, facial expressions, eye contact, and posture. All of this non-verbal information when paired with the verbal communication adds punch and increases the effectiveness of the message

·        Builds Trust And Credibility: Nonverbal cues help gain trust and build credibility. In situations when the spoken word cannot be verified or the written note analyzed, non-verbal cues are critical

·        Increases Workplace Efficiency: Positive non-verbal cues boost employee satisfaction, resulting in decreased absenteeism and enhanced workplace efficiency

·        Overcome Cultural Barriers: In intercultural situations, nonverbal communication helps understand the undercurrent of the conveyed message by going beyond the literal meanings the spoken words

·        Communicate with Persons with Hearing Disabilities: At workplace, nonverbal communication makes it possible to communicate with employees having hearing disabilities

Slide 13

The purpose of this slide is to showcase a nonverbal meme to add humor to the business communication session.

Slide 14

This slide provides a snapshot of multiple facets of the nonverbal communication such as repetition, contradiction, substitution, complement, and accent.

Instructor’s Notes:

The major roles played by nonverbal communication are as follows:

·        Repetition: Nonverbal communication helps strengthen the conveyed verbal message by repeating it

·        For example, when a person nods their head while saying yes, it leads to repetition

·        Contradiction: Nonverbal communication can reveal our actual feelings about a situation

·        For example, if a manager is asking an employee to come to office on Saturdays regularly for faster project completion. The employee may agree, but facial expressions may convey his reluctance

·        Substitution: Nonverbal cues can be used as a substitute for verbal communication in stressful/challenging work situations

·        Complement: Nonverbal signals can be used to complement the verbal message

·        For example, a manager's firm handshake with an employee after promoting him/her signals confidence and firm belief in the employee's ability

·        Accent: Nonverbal cues, if used appropriately, can emphasize the key part of the message

·        For example, when motivating the workforce, a leader pounds the lecture stand

Slide 15

This slide list down the directions for observation activity for the training session. It also explains the instructions that are essential for successful conduct of the activity.

Slide 17

This slide highlights the major types of nonverbal communication such as facial expressions, gestures, proximity, touch, eye contact and appearance.

Slide 18

The purpose of this slide is to provide information regarding facial expression, a type of nonverbal communication. It also visually showcases universal facial expressions of anger, happiness, surprise, disgust, sadness, and fear.

Slide 19

This slide indicates the details of gestures as a type of nonverbal communication. It also highlights the common gestures such as waving, pointing, and using fingers and hands.

Slide 20

The purpose of this slide is to provide information regarding proximity in nonverbal communication. It also includes information regarding the four zones of proximity which are intimate, personal, social, and public.

Slide 21

The purpose of this slide is to provide information regarding touch in nonverbal communication. It also includes information regarding the appropriate touch behavior such as a pat on the back, handshakes, and a hug.

Slide 22

This slide provides an overview of the significance of eye contact in nonverbal communication.

Slide 23

This slide highlights the role of physical appearance in nonverbal business communication.

Slide 24

This slide list down the directions for guess the initial mood activity for the training session. It also explains the instructions that are essential for conducting the activity successfully.

Instructor’s Notes:


·        This activity helps demonstrate an essential point on how to understand the body language

·        As soon as we see a person, we scan their body language to establish their mood

Slide 26

This slide list down the multiple factors that impact nonverbal communication in an individual. The major factors are culture, environment, time, and senses.

Slide 27

This slide provides information regarding the impact of cultural differences on nonverbal communication. It also includes details regarding the higher and lower context cultures.

Instructor’s Notes:

·        High Context countries are: Japan/China/UAE/Brazil

·        Individuals from such countries use nonverbal cues to relay meanings in the conversation

·        Low Context countries are: USA, Australia, and most European countries

·        Individuals from such countries prefer verbal communication over nonverbal communication

·        Some examples of nonverbal communication in context with specific cultural differences are as follows:

·        Facial Expressions: Facial expression smiling is deemed

·        Acceptable and friendly in low context cultures such as USA/Canada

·        Weakness in Russia

·        Physical Space:  In the USA, people prefer to have more physical distance between the person they are conversing with, while Arabs would often come close to better interact with their counterparts

·        Eye Contact: Long eye contact in Asia might seem intimidating and offensive, while it shows sincerity in the Americas and Europe

Slide 28

This slide highlights the impact of environment on nonverbal communication. It also includes details regarding multiple environmental factors such as atmosphere and scent.

Instructor’s Notes:

The key constituents of the environment that impact nonverbal communication are as follows:

·        Atmosphere: The temperature, lighting, color, and sound all impact human nonverbal behavior

·        For example, replacing a square table with a circular one in the training room increases participants' interaction

·        Scent: The fragrance of an environment is an essential factor in predicting how people will behave as it triggers memories and can be meaningful in different ways to different individuals

Slide 29

This slide provides information regarding the impact of conversation’s context and timing on nonverbal communication.

Slide 30

This slide illustrates the one talker/one not, an activity for a business communication training session. It also explains the instructions that are necessary to conduct the activity.

Instructor’s Notes:

Situation:  The customer is not satisfied with the product of the company


·        Once, a customer entered a business office and immediately demanded to see the boss

·        The customer clearly states that if he/she is not allowed to meet the boss, he/she will sue the company


·        Only a few customers try to sue the company; his/her words need to be taken seriously

·        The staff members must calm that customer and try to understand his/her problem

·        Assure the customer that the current issue will be resolved immediately and that he/she won't face any problems again

·        Then get the details of the product and the issues he/she is facing with the product

·        Carefully listen to the customer, collect facts. Ask questions, if necessary

·        Try to thrash the issue out then and there

·        Do not have him/her leave, without offering tangible, workable solutions

Slide 32

This slide provides information about tips to have better facial expressions while conversing. The multiple recommendations listed are matching facial expressions with spoken words, practicing controlled breathing, keeping a smile on the face, and keeping jaw and tongue relaxed.

Instructor’s Notes:
While conversing, improve facial expressions using the following tips:

·        Match Facial Expressions with Spoken Words: Always ensure that facial expressions match the spoken words and the context of the conversation

·        Keep Jaw and Tongue Relaxed: Keep jaw and tongue relaxed inside the mouth to look at ease and avoid seriousness

·        Practice Controlled Breathing: Practice controlled breathing by breathing through the nose and exhaling through the mouth

·        Keep a Smile on Face: Keep a smile on your face to come across as more likable and relatable to others

Slide 33

This slide showcases information about the tips to improve gestures usage in communication. The multiple recommendations listed are using fingers, hands, the ‘listen up’ gesture, pointing, and weighing up.

Instructor’s Notes:

Deploy following tips to ensure your gestures are goal-oriented and effective in business communication:

·        Use Fingers Sparingly: Use fingers only to count (if any) or emphasize essential details during the conversation

·        Use Hands: Use hands to reinforce a point and communicate the scale of the message physically. For example, achievement of big sales target with the risen hand

·        Use the ‘Listen Up’ Gesture: For more significant impact in conversation, use the ‘listen up’ action (open palms with one hand slightly raised) to make a point

·        Pointing: Though a sign of confrontation, it can be used to make a counterargument

·        Weighing Up: Use hands like a set of balancing scales to communicate alternative scenarios in conversation

Slide 34

The slide provides information regarding the proximity guide in nonverbal communication. It also tabulates the details of proxemics practised in both contact and noncontact culture.

Slide 35

This slide provides information regarding recommendations on how to use touch effectively to communicate better. The tips listed are reward with a pat on the back, commence discussions with touch and practice extended handshakes.

Instructor’s Notes:

Deploy following tips to use touch to communicate effectively:

·        Reward with a Pat on the Back: A part of the brain orbitofrontal cortex controls feelings associated with reward and compassion. This part of the brain gets activated during touch. To activate an individual's sense of accomplishment, give him/her a pat on the back when rewarding them on any professional achievement. Ensure cultural mores allow this, especially when the genders are different

·        Commence Discussions with Touch: Always start a discussion related to change with touch as it increases an individual's willingness to cooperate due to the creation of a bond at the subconscious level

·        Practice Extended Handshakes: Develop trust with others by giving a longer but firm handshake as it calms them and eases cardiovascular stress

·        Adjust touch as per Social Milieu: When communicating through touch, extra caution should be practiced in accordance with cultural norms and personal boundaries of an individual. So adjust touch behavior accordingly

Slide 36

This slide showcases the multiple recommendations to improve nonverbal communication using eye contact. The numerous tips listed are applying the 50/70 rule, keeping eyes on the face, and using the triangle method.

Instructor’s Notes:

Tips to improve eye contact skills are as follows:

·        Make Eye Contact Right Away: Always establish eye contact first before starting conversation with someone

·        Apply 50/70 Rule: Maintain eye contact in the following proportion while communicating

·        When Speaking: 50% of the time

·        When Listening: 70% of the time

·        Limit Duration 4–5 Seconds: While gazing into someone's eyes during conversation, don't go beyond five seconds, as it then turns into staring

·        Use Triangle Method:  Imagine an inverted triangle on the face of another person connecting eyes and mouth. Post five seconds, change the gazing point of the triangle

·        Keep Eyes on Face: To avoid constant looking into eyes, look at the multiple spots on the face such as nose, lips, and chin

·        Make a Gesture: Avoid abrupt break in eye contact with a gesture such as the nodding of head

·        Turn Away Slowly: Avoid darting eyes as another person may perceive it as a sign of nervousness and shyness

Slide 37

This slide contains details of dos and don’ts for office dressing to have an impactful appearance.

Slide 38

This slide provides information regarding office dressing tips for both formal and casual clothing.

Slide 40

In this slide, multiple nonverbal communication barriers are listed, such as silence, paralanguage, inappropriate body language, and inappropriate facial expression. It also includes information regarding the techniques to overcome each barrier.

Slide 41

This slide illustrates information on a person can create an impactful first impression with nonverbal communication.

Slide 42

This slide illustrates the concept of mirroring for nonverbal communication. It also contains the techniques to improve mirroring using nonverbal cues such as build a connection, maintaining eye contact, nodding, and fronting.

Instructor’s Notes:

Techniques to improve mirroring using nonverbal cues are as follows:

·        Build A Connection: Facing the person while talking and giving them your full attention helps to build a better connection

·        Maintain Eye Contact:

·        Eye contact is a powerful social cue to improve interpersonal interactions

·        Maintain natural eye contact to let the other person know that you’re listening

·        Nodding:

·        It is a great way to show that you’re paying complete attention

·        While talking to someone, always smiling and nodding to make them feel that you are fully involved in the conversation

·        Fronting:

·        Fronting means aiming our toes and top towards the person with whom we are communicating

·        When you face your entire body towards someone, they feel your engagement in creating a connection

Slide 43

This slide provides information regarding the tips to improve rapport and trust-building using nonverbal communication such as body posture and movements, eye contact, facial expression, and hand gestures

Instructor’s Notes:

Tips to build trust and rapport using nonverbal communication are as follows:

·        Posture:

·        The posture will help a person to remain comfortable during conversation

·        People who feel threatened by someone they are talking to tend to take a closed body posture

·        During interaction with individuals, your body position should communicate confidence, openness, and attentiveness

·        Body positions such as slouching or crossing your arms give the impression of low confidence that leads to a poor conversation

·        Eye Contact:

·        Human beings like to have undivided attention while conversing with another person

·        Maintaining friendly eye contact not only shows that a person is attentive and self-confident but is also a sign of how much value recipients in your opinion

·        Facial Expression:

·        Facial expression speaks more than words

·        People can easily judge others' responses through facial expressions

·        Your expressions should match your conversation, or else the person would feel disconnected

·        Gestures:

·        It is essential to maintain relaxed and sweeping movements with your hands

·        It helps the person to remain calm and comfortable while interacting. Distracted, nervous, or pointed hand gestures can send the wrong message

Slide 45

This slide list down the multiple tips for nonverbal communication to make virtual meetings more impactful.

Instructor’s Notes:

Bring together the following nonverbal tips in the next virtual meeting to come across confident, attentive, and engaged.

·        Always Maintain Eye Contact: Look directly into the webcam to give a perception of genuine eye contact

·        Maintain Right Posture: Choose a chair that helps in sitting confidently upright without slouching. Also, try to keep shoulders square and lean slightly into the camera to mimic active listening on-screen

·        Smile and Nod: Throughout the conversation, give nonverbal cues such as smiling, head nodding to reflect high engagement with the speaker

·        Dress for Success: Always dress appropriately for virtual meetings. For meetings with top and middle management individuals, wear formal clothes, and for meetings with same-level associates, one can wear business causals

·        Don't Touch Face: To minimize distractions avoid touching hair or face while you speak. Instead, use hands gestures alongside words to make an impact during the conversation

·        Look at Ease: To make expression appear more natural, tape an image of a family member to the wall behind the online meeting setup

·        Don't Cross Arms: Avoid crossing arms to create an unnecessary psychological barrier in online conversation

·        Practice Breathing: Before starting and during the meeting, remember to breathe regularly to calm nerves

·        Use Neutral Background: Set up a clean and uncluttered background to keep the audience focused on the message

·        Resist the Urge to Search: When an online meeting is in progress, avoid an urge to search. Also, keep unnecessary notifications on devices off to avoid distractions

Slide 46

This slide depicts the information regarding negative body language in nonverbal communication. The toxic body language behavior highlighted are poor posture, crossed arms, overuse of hands, frowning, staring, finger pointing, avoidance of eye contact, becoming rigid, touching or fixing your hair, looking at watch, clock or phone, and space invasion.

Instructor’s Note:

The toxic body language behavior in nonverbal communication are:

·        Poor posture: Poor posture can indicate a lack of assertiveness or self-assurance. Poised people are treated with more respect and are perceived to be more knowledgeable and trustworthy

·        Crossed arms: Folding your arms while speaking is inappropriate. It portrays a defensive posture, and the best way to avoid it is to practice holding your hands behind your back instead

·        Overuse of hands: These signs can be found in someone who speaks rapidly while their hands flying all over the place. It determines whether a person is nervous

·        Frowning: It is a clear indicator of sadness, sympathy, discontent, or anger. A wrinkle between the eyes or facial tightness can both indicate the same thing

·        Starring: Too much eye contact can make one appear overly eager and result in an awkward exchange. The recipient of the eye contact will feel a sense of unease

·        Finger pointing: People immediately perceive it as aggressive, and it frequently feels like a stab. While finger-pointers may choose to point at others to 'get their point across and provide direction, it comes across as difficult and problematic

·        Avoidance of eye contact: Inability to make eye contact can indicate that a person is unsure of himself. This unease can be attributed to low self-esteem, lack of confidence, or fear of lying

·        Becoming rigid: When we are nervous, many of us freeze. Our arms and legs stiffen, and it appears as if we have just seen a ghost. When it comes to client meetings and job interviews, becoming rigid or freezing up shows you cannot handle pressure

·        Touching or fixing your hair: Assume you're in a meeting and you're constantly trying to fix your hair. It demonstrates that you are distracted and may even indicate that you are unsure about something

·        Looking at watch, clock or phone: When people look at their phone, watch, or clock during a conversation, it is usually a sign that they are eager for it to end.

·        Entering personal territory: Personal space invasion has a negative impact on business relationships. A good rule of thumb is never to get closer than 1.5 feet to a coworker and never treat a coworker's personal space as your own

Slide 47

This slide provides information regarding spotting nonverbal deception in business conversations.

Slide 48

This slide highlights a nonverbal communication meme. It can be used by trainer to add humor to the business communication training session.

Slide 50

This slide depicts the summary of nonverbal communication training session.

Slide 72 to 83

These slides depict energizer activities to engage the audience of the training session.

Slide 86

The above slide displays the activity for the team members found less energetic and enthusiastic. It will ensure an increase in energy levels and the productivity of employees at the workplace.

Instructor's Notes:

·        Multiple chairs are to be adjusted in the empty and spacious room in a random order 

·        The chairs should be put in a manner that every chair points in a different direction and all the chairs are occupied


·        Ask for a volunteer from the batch. (Batch may include a maximum of 15 people for a regular size room)

·        The volunteer is supposed to walk slowly and approach his/her empty chair and sit down. If the chair is already occupied, then he/she is expected to occupy the other/next alternative empty chair available

·        All other members will try to stop the person from approaching the relevant chair

Strategy Formulation:

·        Multiple teams can be made to conduct the activity

·        Each team can be allotted 2 minutes for planning

·        Each round is to be reviewed for the outcomes achieved from the activity

·        Each team should have a different volunteer, preferably the person with the lowest energy levels from the batch

·        The volunteer should move cautiously so as to not bump into any of the props or persons in the room

Activity Review/Outcomes:

·        How did the activity influence the teamwork and engagement skills of all the participants?

·        How was the experience while planning and working with 15-20 members at a time?

·        Was everybody clear about the purpose and conduct of the respective activity?

·        Did you observe any flaws that you wish to improve? Or any other instructions you want to include to make the activity conduct easier?

Slide 88

This slide highlights the cover letter for the training proposal. It includes details regarding what the company providing corporate training can accomplish for the client.

Slide 91

The purpose of this slide is to showcase the multiple types of courses offered by the training company.

Slide 93

This slide indicates the major deliverables that the corporate training firm will provide to the client. The key deliverables highlighted are session plans, PowerPoint deck, evaluation material, and training handouts.

Slide 95

This slide represents the multiple additional services offered by the training firm to the client, such as webinars, planning journals, and e-learning design solutions.

Slide 97

This slide tabulates the major deliverables offered by the training company to the client along with their associated costs.

Slide 98

The purpose of this slide is to highlight the multiple additional services offered by the training firm along with their cost details.

Slide 100

This slide provides an overview of the corporate training firm's vision and mission statements, core values, and key clients.

Slide 102

This slide highlights the major awards and recognition won by the training firm for their exceptional service to clients.

Slide 104

The slide provides information regarding the team members that would be providing the training services to the client. It includes details of the trainer and their respective designations

Slide 105

The slide provides information regarding the team members that would be providing the training services to the client. It includes details of the employees names and their respective designations.

Slide 107

This slide provides information pertaining to testimonials given by satisfied clients of the training firm.

Slide 108

This slide highlights the testimonials from multiple satisfied clients of the training firm providing information regarding congratulatory messages, client name, and company details.

Slide 110

This slide showcases the case study for the training proposal. It includes information regarding the problem faced by the client and solutions offered by the training firm. It also covers details of the results and client testimonial.

Slide 112

This slide provides information regarding the contract terms and conditions of the training proposal. It also includes details of deliverables that the training company will provide to the client.

Slide 114

The purpose of this slide is to provide the contact information of the corporate training firm. It includes the firm’s official address, contact number, and email address.

Slide 115

This slide highlights the training evaluation form for instructor assessment. It also includes sections to fill details of training information and attendee details.

Slide 116

This slide showcases the questions for the assessment of the training content by the attendees.

Slide 117

The slide indicates the evaluation form for course assessment. It also includes questions pertaining to the future actions of the attendees.

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