
Guest Accommodations In Hospitality Industry Training Ppt


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Presenting Training Deck on Guest Accommodations in Hospitality Industry. This deck comprises of 57 slides. Each slide is well crafted and designed by our PowerPoint experts. This PPT presentation is thoroughly researched by the experts, and every slide consists of appropriate content. All slides are customizable. You can add or delete the content as per your need. Not just this, you can also make the required changes in the charts and graphs. Download this professionally designed business presentation, add your content, and present it with confidence.

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Slide 3

This slide illustrates stages in a guest life cycle such as pre-arrival, arrival, occupancy, and departure.

Instructor’s Notes:

Multiple stages of guest life cycle are:


  • In this stage, guests choose hotels before reaching, and the guest's choice is affected by the factors listed below:
    • Previous hotel experience
    • Hotel advertisement
    • Word of mouth
    • Referral by friends and associates
    • Location
    • Online rating and reviews


  • The arrival process commences via the front desk with the guest's registration and room assignment.
  • The Front office staff should clear guest queries and must attend to both, the guests with the reservation and guests without reservation
  • The registration process is completed once the guests’ payment process method and departure date has been confirmed


  • It is the period when the guests stay in their accommodation, and the hotel staff need focus on a better guest experience
  • The services provided by the hotel decide whether the guest will visit again or not
  • If the staff can offer something of value that can enhance the guest’s experience, it can be extremely valuable


  • The guest vacates the room and settles the accounts after returning the room keys and leaves the hotel
  • After the guest checks out of the hotel, the front office updates the room availability status and informs the housekeeping department to clean the room

Slide 4

This slide illustrates multiple strategies to provide better pre-arrival guest experience at hotel. The recommended tips are: Sending a welcome note with booking confirmation, share information of services provided, questionnaire to personalize experience, ask for special requests, make website mobile-friendly, and investing in an automation tool

Instructor’s Notes:

Strategies to enhance guests’ pre-arrival experience are as follows:

Send Welcome Note with Booking Confirmation:

  • Booking is the first interaction of any guest with the hotel, so it should be made appealing and interesting by sending a good welcome note with the booking confirmation via email

Share Information of Services Provided:

  • Also, send guests basic but important information about the special facilities being provided by the hotel such as tourists attraction places, indoor hotel facilities, etc.
  • This will help to guest feel welcome and feel confident about the services offered by the hotel before they arrive

Questionnaire to Personalize Experience:

  • The hotels must get a survey or questionnaire filled from guests to make better and prior arrangements for the guests
  • Sending the guest a survey link should also help to know the purpose of their visit
  • For example, if a guest is arriving with their family and small kids, it is important to have a baby bed with some toys that could help to personalize the relations with guests

Ask for Special Request:

  • Personalize the relations with guests by dropping a gentle reminder a day before their scheduled arrival 
  • Ask for any last-minute special request from the guest’s side that the hotel can fulfill to make their stay enriching

Make Website Mobile-Friendly:

  • For a better pre-arrival experience, the hotel should have a guest-friendly website that can be used easily either on mobile or computer
  • As the world relies on mobile phones, make sure the landing page of hotel website optimizes all information that guests require
  • The idea is to provide smooth and better communication to the guests

Invest in Automation Tool:

  • Automation features like web chat can assist in clearing guests’ queries, so it is essential for the hotel to invest in a good tool

Slide 5

This slide showcases the recommendations to enhance guests’ pre-arrival experience by sending a welcome note with booking confirmation.

Slide 6

This slide showcases the recommendations to enhance guests’ pre-arrival experience by share information of services provided.

Slide 7

This slide showcases the recommendations to enhance guests’ pre-arrival experience by sharing a questionnaire to personalize experience.

Slide 9

This slide showcases the recommendations to enhance guests’ pre-arrival experience by making website mobile-friendly.

Slide 10

This slide showcases recommendations to enhance guests’ pre-arrival experience by investing in an automation tool.

Slide 11

This slide illustrates multiple strategies to provide better on-arrival guest experience at hotel. The recommended tips are: Keep hotel property well maintained, welcome guests with greetings, serve them with beverages, smooth check-in process, and accompany guests to the room.

Instructor’s Notes:

Strategies to enhance guests’ on-arrival experience are:

Keep Hotel Property Well-Maintained:

  • When a guest arrives at the hotel, the first-impression they get is from the actual state of upkeep of the property
  • It is important for the hotel to leave an impeccable first-impression of the hotel property
  • The decoration of the hotel lobby should be an attractive feature of the hotel

Welcome Guests with Greetings:

  • It is important to ensure that the guest should be welcomed with a smiling face, and be greeted according to the time
  • The front desk office should quickly check guests’ details and start the check-in process by filling out registration form

Serve Guests Beverages:

  • The welcome drinks make guests feel acknowledged and comfortable
  • Types of welcome drinks to serve are:
    • Iced tea
    • Spritzers
    • Mock Mojito
    • Fresh fruit juice

Smooth Check-In Process:

Stages of check-in process are:

  • Reception and registration
  • Allocation of the room
  • Securing advance payment
  • Completing check-in formalities

Accompany the Guests to Room:

  • Help guests using card keys to open the door
  • Inform the guests about the in-room facilities available and emergency exit route
  • Before closing the door, always greet them with a wishes for a pleasant stay and then close the door gently

Slide 12

This slide showcases recommendations to enhance guests’ on-arrival experience by keeping well maintained hotel property.

Slide 13

This slide covers the recommendations to enhance guests’ on-arrival experience by welcoming them with greetings.

Slide 14

This slide showcases the recommendations to enhance guests’ on-arrival experience by serving them with beverages.

Slide 15

This slide highlights the recommendations to enhance guests’ on-arrival with a smooth and quick check-in process.

Slide 16

This slide illustrates steps for check-in process in a hotel. The stages are: receiving and registration, allocation of the room, securing advance payment, providing hotel services information, and completing check-in formalities.

Instructor’s Notes:

Multiple stages of smooth check-in process are:

Receiving and Registration:

  • Always welcome the guest with a smile and good cheer
  • Address the guest with the appropriate name and salutation
  • Ask guest for reservation details and sources of booking
  • Verify the information on the registration system against the reservation to ensure the accuracy of the details of the guest
  • Stamp check-in time on the registration card
  • Note details regarding the departure of the guests

Allocation of the Room:

  • Allocation of the room should be done by keeping in mind the preference of the guests
  • After the allocation, the hotel should label the room as occupied on the hotel website
  • Prepare a key card and allocate it to the guest as per the arrival and departure details
  • Record guest arrival on the daily arrival list

Secure Advance Payment:

  • The advance payment process should be created for security purposes
  • It can be done either by taking full cash or by depositing the credit card of the guests
  • Issue receipts for the cash/card and keep the record in the guests' ledger
  • Always check the credit limit of the card accepted for the payment process

Provide Hotel Services Information:

  • The front desk office is responsible for informing guests regarding the facilities and services that the hotel provides
  • It helps guests get familiar with the hotel facilities

Complete Check-in Formalities:

  • After the guest is checked in, the bellboy escorts the guests to the allocated room
  • Inform other departments about the arrival of the guest by arrival notification

Slide 17

This slide covers recommendations to enhance guests’ on-arrival experience by accompanying them to their room.

Slide 18

This slide illustrates multiple strategies to provide better guest stay experience at hotel. The recommendations are: Personalize a guest’s stay, ensure cleanliness and maintenance, always practice proactivity, maintain a robust guest profile, handle all complaints with care, be empathic and authentic to guests, and use hotel operations software.

Instructor’s Notes:

Strategies to enhance guests’ stay experience are:

Personalize a Guest’s Stay:

  • Post the interaction with the guests, for preferences in details food, beverages, and housekeeping and share them with other departments 
  • When the hotel staff is meets the preferences and desires of guests, they feel welcome and appreciated

Ensure Cleanliness and Maintenance: 

  • Cleanliness plays an important role in providing a better guest experience
  • The hotel staff should have data on cleaning status of all rooms from the housekeeping staff before allocating rooms to the guests
  • The room's electronic appliances should work properly
  • These day, hotels opt for smart maintenance by installing sensors that can detect any type of leakage or faulty lights

Always be Proactive:

  • The staff needs to make the first move and find the potential problem of the guest and try to solve it

Maintain a Detailed Guest Profile: 

  • Always take notes of all the issues and personal details in a guest's file
  • If guests return to the same hotel, they appreciate it when small details about them are remembered
  • When a guest profile is maintained properly, it helps all the staff members to develop a personal relationship with the guests

Handle Complaints with Care:

  • The hotel needs to treat every issue or complaint as a gift to showcase their high-class customer service
  • Hotel staff should learn, listen, apologize, and act to resolve the complaint; they must notify the guest once it is resolved
  • This helps to resolve complaints quickly 

Be Empathic and Authentic to Guests:

  • It is important to be more empathic and authentic to guests
  • Relationships are the core of hospitality, and it helps to develop a strong bond with customers
  • Place yourself in a guest’s shoes while resolving their complaints

Use Hotel Operations Software:

  • The hotel operation software helps the hotel staff to track guest’s requests and also build a better guest profile
  • Software can be used to send confirmation letters to the guests via SMS or Messenger
  • These advanced tech systems help the hotel staff to work efficiently, effectively, and seamlessly

Slide 19

This slide showcases the recommendations to enhance guests’ stay experience by offering personalized service. It can be accomplished by asking details such as food, beverages, and housekeeping preferences and share them with other departments.

Slide 20

This slide covers the recommendations to enhance guests’ stay experience by ensuring cleanliness and maintenance of the guests allocated room.

Slide 21

This slide highlights the recommendations to enhance guests’ stay experience by providing proactive service.

Slide 22

This slide showcases the recommendations to enhance guests’ stay experience by maintaining a detailed guest profile.

Slide 23

This slide highlights the recommendations to enhance guests’ stay experience by handling complaints with care.

Slide 24

This slide showcases the recommendations to enhance guests’ stay experience by being empathic and authentic to guests.

Slide 25

This slide covers the recommendations to enhance guests’ stay experience by using hotel operations software.

Slide 26

This slide illustrates recommendations to provide better departure experience to guests at a hotel. The steps are: Arrange paperwork, greet the customer, ask about the stay, review bill with guest, process payment, ask about other services, thank the customer, and report back.

Instructor’s Notes:

Strategies to enhance guests’ departure experience are:

Arrange Paperwork:

  • Front desk should have data on guests due for check out and must arrange their paperwork in advance
  • Then, check-out forms must be sent to appropriate rooms

Greet the Customer:

  • Always greet the guest, making eye contact, and always call them by their names
  • Ask if they have decided to check out and ask for the checkout form
  • Take the form and review the accuracy and ask for room keys to be given back before departure
  • Complete the check-out formalities in case the customer has not filled the checkout form

Ask About the Stay:

  • Ask the guests about their stay in the hotel and when will they return to the area again
  • In case their next visit is close, then ask if the guest wants to make advance reservation with your hotel
  • In case they want to visit someplace and the same hotel has their chain in those areas, then the staff must offer to help them make a reservation

Review Bill With Guest:

  • Converse with the guest while printing the final bills and review the charges
  • Ask staff to review room services like phone, mini bar, etc.
  • In case of any discrepancy, ask the guest about the disputed item and tell them that the hotel staff will look into it immediately
  • If there is no discrepancy, then refer the bill to the supervisor 

Process Payment:

  • Ask the guest about the payment process and after completing the payment process, present the customer with a receipt

Ask About other Services:

  • Always ask the guests if they require hotel transportation to the airport or if the guest wants to deposit any luggage 

Thank the Customer:

  • Thank the guest for their stay in the hotel and ask if there is anything they should have done to improve their stay
  • Give guests a survey form and guide them to the online review page

Report Back:

  • After the guests leave the hotel, report if there are any complaints or any future reservations to the supervisor and reservation department

Slide 27

This slide highlights the recommendations to enhance guests’ departure experience by arranging paperwork in advance.

Slide 28

This slide showcases the recommendations to enhance guests’ departure experience by greeting the customer during checkout.

Slide 29

This slide covers the recommendations to enhance guests’ departure experience by asking about the stay and when they will visit again.

Slide 30

This slide showcases the recommendations to enhance guests’ departure experience by reviewing bill with guest.

Slide 31

This slide covers the recommendations to enhance guests’ departure experience by processing payment.

Slide 32

This slide showcases the recommendations to enhance guests’ departure experience by asking about any other services required such as transportation or luggage store.

Slide 33

This slide showcases the recommendations to enhance guests’ departure experience by thanking the customer for their visit.

Slide 34

This slide highlights the recommendations to enhance guests’ departure experience by reporting any complaint to supervisor and future reservation to booking department.

Slide 35

This slide illustrates steps for guests’ post-departure process. These are: Use comment cards and in-room calls, monitor social media, use hotel property management system, conduct email surveys, create guest profiles, and send promotional emails.

Instructor’s Notes:

Strategies to enhance guests’ post-departure experience are:

Use Comment Cards and In-Room Calls:

  • Hotels can use comment cards to get post-departure feedback from guests
  • Hotels may go a step ahead and arrange an in-room call with guests on the last day of their stay to get feedback and address any issues they may have faced

 Monitor Social Media:

  • Hotels must review their guest's comments online regularly on various social media sites such as:
    • Trip Adviser
    • Expedia
  • It can also help hotels track negative comments and improve services

 Use Hotel Property Management System:

  • The hotel tracks the guest's current stay preferences and requests to understand what the guest can ask for when they visit the hotel again
  • The hotel (Property Management System) PMS system helps to record, store and analyze data which could help the hotel forecast guest demands or needs

Conduct Email Surveys:

  • It is the most inexpensive way to know feedback of guests about their stay
  • The key factor is the presentation of the email and what it seeks from guests
  • Guests are eager to provide honest feedback, provided it is solicited without spamming their emails

 Create Guest Profiles:

  • The hotel should create guest's individual profiles that include details and information about guests during departure and post-stay
  • The profile includes information like demographics, preferences, and past visits
  • This information turns out to be useful when the guests visit again

 Send Promotional Emails:

  • These emails should be sent only at the time of guests’ next visits informing them about offers and new services
  • When the targeting is done properly, it turns a marketing message into an undeniable opportunity
  • These emails and other outreach offers need careful targeting

Slide 36

This slide covers the recommendations to enhance guests’ post departure experience by using comment cards and in-room calls.

Slide 37 

This slide covers the recommendations to enhance guests’ post departure experience by monitoring social media. It is important for the hotel to review their guest's comments online regularly.

Slide 38

This slide highlights the recommendations to enhance guests’ post departure experience by using hotel property management system. It helps hotels tracks the guest's current stay preferences and requests to understand what the guests can ask for when they again visit the hotel.

Slide 39

This slide covers the recommendations to enhance guests’ post departure experience by conducting email surveys. It is the most inexpensive way to find feedback of guests about their stay.

Slide 40

This slide highlights the recommendations to enhance guests’ post departure experience by creating guest profiles. The profile includes information like demographics, preferences, and past visits.

Slide 41

This slide covers the recommendations to enhance guests’ post departure experience by sending promotional emails. These emails should be sent only at the time of guests’ next visits informing them about offers and new services.

Slide 42

This slide provides information on guest care in hospitality industry. It elaborates that the consistent delivery of services and products by meeting the guests’ expectations results in quality guest service.

Slide 43

This slide illustrates types of guests in hospitality industry which are: Boomers, business travelers, event attendees, millennials, and families.

Instructor’s Notes:

Types of guests in hospitality industry are:

Business Travelers:

  • These guests use the hotel for resting during their official work visits
  • These travelers can also use restaurants and coffee shops that are available for personal and business use
  • These types of travelers can stay at hotel for days due to a line-up of meetings

Event Attendees:

  • These types of guests visit for the purpose of conferences and meetings
  • These guests, after completing the conferences, travel and explore the city
  • They create links and connections with other attendees and visit entertainment places with them


  • These types of guests are usually people approaching retirement age
  • These guests mostly make their travel arrangements using hotel loyalty programs
  • During their trip, these travelers always want to connect with the locals to understand and experience their culture
  • The boomers always focus on holidays and don’t work while traveling


  • While traveling purpose of these guests is to focus on experiencing new adventures
  • These travelers want to enjoy the local culture and other novelties of the locality
  • They travel for a short time to balance their work schedules and lifestyle


  • Guests with families include millennials grown into parents, and they often travel with their kids
  • The travel destination and pattern of these guests is similar to that of millennials

Slide 44

This slide provides information about characteristics of business travelers in hospitality industry. It also explains the needs of business travelers which are: fast internet, transportation, and app-based customer service, 24-hour assistance, concierge service, and wellbeing facilities.

Instructor’s Notes:

The needs of business travelers in hospitality industry are:

Fast Internet:

  • Business travelers require good internet speed and connectivity while staying in hotels
  • It helps these travelers work online, connect with their business associates via video chats, and conduct their work smoothly


  • The hotel needs to provide rental cars to these business associates as they need to travel inter-city or other nearby locations for work

App-based Customer Service:

  • Customer service apps help these business travelers to choose preferred check-in-time, preferred housekeeping, a digital key for direct entry to the room, and a separate room for meditation purposes making their hotel stay hassle frees

24-hour Assistance:

  • Business travelers require 24-hour assistance for managing their hotel stays and flight tickets
  • Business travelers, after a long flight, do not want to spend their time worrying about accessing their room
  • The hotel should provide dedicated staff, which is available 24/7, to fulfill business travelers’ needs

Concierge Service:

  • Corporate travelers' trips are time-bound, and if they need to arrange a lunch meeting, they will require help from the concierge
  • Concierge have knowledge about local areas that can help these travelers select better places for important meetings
  • If the meeting time or place needs to be changed, then also the concierges are a reliable asset for the travelers

Wellbeing Facilities:

  • The hotel should provide access to the fitness center so that these business travelers can take care of their physical and mental health

Slide 45

This slide provides information about characteristics of event attendees in hospitality industry. It also explains the needs of event attendees which are: conducting business events, organizing social activities, and special deals and incentives.

Instructor’s Notes:

Needs of event attendee travelers in hospitality industry are as follows:

Conducting Business Events:

  • The event attendees expect the hotel staff to deliver a flawless event experience by taking care details; no carless mistakes that spoil the mood is an absolute must
  • They require justification of the time and money spent on the events and hiring the hotel for the preparation of the same

Organizing Social Activities:

  • The hotel should organize social activities for these travelers 
  • The social activities can range from poolside party, a dinner cruise, and other group activities at local attractions

Special Deals and Incentives:

  • The hotel should provide better deals and incentives for those who choose to stay in their hotel and attend business events like additional night stays and discounts and special experiences at exclusive table reservations at the hotel

Slide 46

This slide provides information about characteristics of boomers in hospitality industry. It also explains the needs of boomers which are: special treatment, luxurious designs, and seek best deals.

Instructor’s Notes:

Needs of Boomer travelers in hospitality industry are:

Special Treatment:

  • Boomer travelers feel happy and welcomed when they get special treatment in terms of ticket booking to a show, lounge, or any social club
  • Loyalty programs are popular with these travelers, and it helps the hotel marketing team test and advertise offers

Luxurious Services:

  • The travelers seek luxury services at hotel such as: 
    • Impressive interiors
    • Room with a view
    • Comfortable hotel bedding
    • Hotel robes and hotel slippers
    • Tea/coffee making services
    • A safe in their closets
  • Boomers spend extra money on traveling and experiencing luxury services
  • These boomer travelers are responsible for 80% of all luxury travel spending

Seek Best Deals:

  • Although these travelers seek luxury, but it is important for them to get a good deal
  • The hotels should offer them discount coupons on services to attract and retain them

Slide 47

This slide provides information about characteristics of millennials in hospitality industry. It also explains the needs of millennials which are: Gym access, pet-friendliness, and updated work centers

 Instructor’s Notes:

Needs of millennial travelers in hospitality industry are:

Gym Access:

  • The hotel must provide guests with 24/7 access to the gym, and it should be fully-functional with state-of-the-art equipment and machines
  • The gym should also have high-tech equipment like TVs and high-quality sound systems/music to keep the guests entertained
  • The gym should have professional trainers that help the guests with exercises


  • The millennials take their pets along with them on adventure trips, so hotels must provide pet-keeping space
  • Hotels should promote and update free stays for pets on their websites, blogs, and social media accounts to attract millennials

Updated Work Centers:

  • The hotels should provide dedicated workspaces for millennials with good machines such as efficient desktops, printer, etc.
  • Travelers can use these workspaces for internet-related work like printing boarding passes or uploading images on their social media sites

Slide 48

This slide provides information about characteristics of families in hospitality industry. It also explains the needs of families which are: Creating separate activities for both kids and parents, providing baby-sitting services, travelling trips for parents, and candy counter.

Instructor’s Notes:

Needs of families travelers in hospitality industry are:

Create Separate Activities for both Kids and Parents:

  • The hotel should organize separate entertainment activities for both parents and their kids. For parents, private dinners can be arranged where as for kids magic shows, painting events, gaming rooms can be organized

Provide Baby-sitting Services:

  • The hotel should provide nanny service for families with toddlers so that the parents can have a special time and enjoy their visit

Arrange Travelling Trips For Parents:

  • The hotel can also plan trips to local markets or renowned tourist destinations in those areas for parents while their children are busy with the gaming area or taken care of by the nanny

Candy Counters: 

  • The hotel must welcomes kids with candies and chocolates to delight them
  • If the staff makes the kids feel at home, then the parents will definitely rebook their next visit to the same property

Slide 49

This slide provides information about the needs and demands of guests in hospitality industry. The requirements are: Cleanliness, hotel security, internet access, comfortable bedding, attentive phone services, bathroom plumbing.

Instructor’s Notes:

General needs of guests in hospitality industry are:


  • Cleanliness is the basic need that a guest expects from the hotel
  • Housekeeping department must maintain cleanliness in the rooms, bathroom, bedding, all public spaces, and areas like remote control, light switches, air vents, and door handles

Hotel Security:

  • Safety and security of travelers in hotel is must as for some travelers, hotels are their home away from actual home
  • Hotels must provide personalized security for guest profiles like women, children and elders in hallways, stairwells and parking lots

Internet Access:

  • High speed Wi-Fi is the basic requirement for guests these days is a must-have for all hotels
  • The hotel should keep the Wi-Fi access system simple and seamless for guests with no difficult passwords or additional service charges

Comfortable Bedding:

  • Guests require comfortable bedding to rest 
  • The beds should be positioned properly to allow air circulation and accessibility

Attentive Phone Services:

  • The hotel should have qualified service personnel who can listen to and solve guests' queries
  • If the calls are not answered properly, guests are unlikely to forget the frustration and exasperation they feel. The result, loss of business

Bathroom Plumbing:

  • Guests require clean, 24-hours running water and well-functioning toilets
  • There should be no leakage in the bathroom

Slide 50

This slide lists advantages of guests satisfaction in hospitality industry. These are: Positive word of mouth, customer loyalty, boost in brand reputation and popularity, and improved sales revenues.

Instructor’s Notes:

Benefits of guests’ satisfaction in hospitality industry are:

Positive Word of Mouth:

  • Word of mouth is the most inexpensive way of branding the hotel, and it can be done by providing better services to the guests visiting the hotel
  • These guests will either give positive or negative reviews based on their experience with the hotel
  • The more the hotel makes their guests feel at home, the greater the possibility of getting good reviews

Customer Loyalty:

  • When the guests are satisfied with the provided services, they start believing in the brand and become loyal
  • These loyal customers not only visit the hotel again, but also bring with them new guests by sharing their experiences with friends, colleagues, and family

Boost to Brand Reputation and Popularity:

  • Guests' feedback based on their experience helps the hotel improve their brand reputation and popularity
  • The feedback also provides the hotel with an opportunity to upgrade its services 
  • Some hotel chains have separate teams who focus on taking honest feedback from guests and act on the basis of the improvement suggested

Improved Sales Revenues:

  • Satisfied guests helps the hotel to generate sales leads by referring hotel to other potential guests

Slide 51

This slide lists the key takeaways of guests accommodation in hospitality industry.

Slide 69 to 84

These slides contain energizer activities to engage the audience of the training session.

Slide 85 to 112

These slides contain a training proposal covering what the company providing corporate training can accomplish for the client.

Slide 113 to 115

These slides include a training evaluation form for instructor, content and course assessment.

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