
Fundamentals Of Business Communication Training Module On Business Communication Edu Ppt


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Presenting Training Module on Fundamentals of Business Communication. This deck comprises of 116 slides. Each slide is well crafted and designed by our PowerPoint experts. This PPT presentation is thoroughly researched by the experts and every slide consists of an appropriate content. All slides are customizable. You can add or delete the content as per your need. Not just this, you can also make the required changes in the charts and graphs. Download this professionally designed business presentation, add your content and present it with confidence.

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Slide 7

This slide depicts an overview of business communication. It emphasizes that business communication is communication between business parties or individuals to carry out business-related tasks. It also entails exchanging information between individuals both within and outside the organization.

Instructor’s Notes:

Some examples of business communication are:

·        A group of employees is having a brainstorming session

·        Two co-workers sharing information to collaborate on a project

·        A supervisor providing feedback to a direct report

·        A leadership team communicating the company's vision to its employees

·        A client is presented with a deliverable by an account manager

·        A customer providing feedback on a deliverable

In addition to sharing information, effective communication is also required for carrying out day-to-day business processes and tasks such as:

·        Creating and disseminating plans and proposals

·        Introducing new concepts to clients, co-workers, or management

·        Having productive meetings

·        Making decisions as a group or organization

·        Order taking, sending, and fulfilment

Slide 8

This slide illustrates the communication process. It mentions that the communication process is a six-stage robust framework that defines how a message is transmitted through communication channels between a sender and a receiver. The framework elements are sender, encoding, message, channel, receiver, and decoding.

Instructor’s Notes:

Key Components of the Communication Process

·        Sender: The person who came up with the idea and wished it would be delivered to the recipient

·        Encoding: The process of describing or translating information into a message

·        Message: The concept, fact, or opinion that the sender wishes to convey

·        Communication channel: The method by which the message is delivered for example e-mail, voice message, telephone etc.

·        Receiver: intended audience of the message

·        Decoding: the process of interpretation of the message

·        Feedback: the response or action taken by a receiver after decoding a message

Slide 9

This slide illustrates information on the essential elements of business communication. The elements are sender, business information, receiver, and feedback.

Slide 11

This slide showcases the information regarding the two major types of business communication. The two major types of business communication are internal communication and external communication.

Slide 12

This slide shows information about upward communication. It emphasizes the use of the bottom-to-top management approach in internal communication. It also mentions that information flows from subordinates to managers or anyone higher up in the hierarchy in upward communication.

Instructor’s Notes:

The following are the characteristics of upward internal business communication:

·        It includes a bottom-to-top approach, in which subordinates report to superiors

·        It is participatory

·        The main goal is to provide timely feedback, suggestions, requests, and escalation of any issues or concerns to superiors, and so on

·        The information flows from lower to the upper levels

Slide 13

This slide depicts information regarding the advantages of upward communication. The benefits are improved relations, knowing employee attitude, prompt appreciation, decision making, motivation, creativity development, and favorable organizational environment, etc.

Instructor’s Notes:

Following are the advantages of upward business communication:

·        Improved Relations: Subordinates express their views through upward communication. As a result, there is a harmonious relationship between superiors and subordinates

·        Providing Suggestions: Through upward communication, subordinates can provide constructive feedback to superiors. These perspectives may be useful in achieving organizational objectives

·        Favorable Organizational Environment: Upward communication strengthens the bond between subordinates and superiors. As a result, the organization achieves continuous growth

·        Knowing Employee Attitude: Every company offers some kind of employee welfare program. If upward communication is active, the management will know how satisfied employees are with these welfare activities

·        Feedback: Subordinates communicate their reactions to the superiors' decisions via upward communication. As a result, upper-level management can check to see if lower-level employees have accepted the message that superiors sent

·        Prompt Appreciation: Subordinates have the opportunity to praise their boss for any positive or effective action as a result of upward communication. It eventually leads to a friendly relationship between superiors and subordinates

·        Decision Making: Before making decisions, upper management wants to know specific information about the production, procurement, marketing, and financial matters, among other things. Subordinates provide relevant information through upward communication, making decision-making more manageable and faster

·        Development of Creativity: Upward communication necessitates the development of a creative environment in which employees can demonstrate their development initiatives

·        Motivation: Lower-level employees can express their attitudes or opinions to upper-level employees through upward communication. As a result, subordinates are influenced to work harder to meet the target

·        Development of Plan: Through upward communication, upper-level management can gather information from lower-level management. The evidence gathered from such communication can be used to create and implement any plan

Slide 14

This slide depicts information on the disadvantages of upward communication. The disadvantages include providing only favorable information, a general reluctance to communicate the problem, willful manipulation of information, the threat of negative reaction from the superior, etc.

Instructor’s Notes:

The following are the disadvantages of upward business communication:

·        Provides only favorable information: Subordinates only provide information that is favorable to upper management

·        Discouraged due to lack of proper response: It may be discouraged as a result of top management's failure to respond appropriately

·        Takes time to communicate the problem: It takes a long time to communicate problems at a higher level due to the various levels they must pass

·        Willful manipulation of information: There could be deliberate manipulation of information to achieve personal goals

·        The threat of negative reaction of the superior: There is a risk that the superior will react negatively

Slide 15

This slide illustrates information regarding downward communication. In downward communication, the information flows from top-level management to employees in an organization. It also mentions that managers use downward communication to list out and define various goals, procedures, policies, guidelines, decisions, instructions, etc., to their subordinates.

Instructor’s Notes:

The following are the characteristics of downward internal business communication:

·        It includes a top-down approach, with superiors communicating with subordinates

·        It is directive in nature

·        The primary goal is to communicate organizational goals, plans, procedures, and instructions to subordinates

·        The information flows from the upper level to the lower level

Slide 16

This slide depicts the advantages of downward communication. The advantages are organizational discipline, efficiency, effective communication of goals, and ease of delegation.

Instructor’s Notes:

The following are the advantages of downward communication:

·        Organizational discipline: Downward communication follows the organization's hierarchy, making organizational discipline and member compliance much easier to maintain

·        Efficiency: Downward communication provides efficiencies because instructions and information are delivered from sources in power who can coordinate activities at the top of the organization. Employees receive feedback from the managers who supervise them

·        Effective communication of goals: Upper management can easily communicate goals and delegate responsibilities for meeting those goals

·        Ease of delegation: Delegation is much easier if it comes directly from the vertical communication structure representing the chain of command

Slide 17

This slide illustrates the disadvantages of downward communication. The disadvantages are time-consuming, distortion of information, lack of feedback, enthusiasm, and frustration.

Instructor’s Notes:

The disadvantages of downward communication are as follows:

·        Time consuming: Downward communication is a time-consuming process, as information flows through different levels of hierarchy. By the time when information reaches lower-level employees, it may have lost its significance

·        Distortion of information: People in downward communication tend to change or manipulate information. As a result, when information is passed from one level to another, the authenticity of the information is lost

·        Lack of feedback: Top-level executives usually give little or no importance to the messages received from subordinates. Subordinates rarely send feedback as a result of their superiors' negligence. Communication becomes ineffective as a result

·        Lack of enthusiasm: Managers use downward communication to send orders, instructions, and advice to subordinates. As a result, a delay in the downward flow of information harms employee enthusiasm

·        Creates frustration: Downward communication makes it difficult for subordinates to discuss any issues with their superiors. Furthermore, subordinates are forced to follow the orders and instructions of their superiors, which creates frustration in the minds of employees

Slide 19

This slide illustrates a case study on PayPal. It highlights background, approach, outcome, and learning from the case study.

Slide 20

This slide illustrates information about lateral communication. It emphasizes that lateral communication involves verbal or written communication between co-workers. It also mentions inter-departmental communication or communication across departments and between people of the same or similar rank within a company as lateral communication.

Slide 21

This slide depicts the advantages and disadvantages of lateral communication. The benefits of lateral communication are better understanding, improved coordination, increased productivity, end of misunderstanding, and job satisfaction. The disadvantages include lack of control, wastage of time, lack of cooperation & coordination, and low productivity in certain situations.

Slide 22

This slide illustrates information regarding external communication. It highlights that external business communication refers to interactions with people outside of the organization. These people can be customers, shareholders, suppliers, partners, regulatory bodies, etc.

Slide 25

This slide depicts information on the importance of business communication. The importance is efficient functioning, facilitation of decision making, minimizing organizational conflicts, job satisfaction and higher productivity, better labor relations, enhanced motivation and morale, and increased employee productivity.

Instructor’s Notes:

Importance of business communication:

·        Efficient functioning: Communication is essential in all types of organizations, whether small or large, public or private. An organization's employees' efficient performance is dependent on effective communication within the organization

·        Facilitates decision making: The desired outcomes of an organization are heavily reliant on making the right decision at the right time. An efficient communication system is vital to making sound decisions

·        Minimizes organizational conflicts: Most business conflicts are not basic but rather a result of misunderstanding and ignorance of the facts. Proper communication between interested parties reduces the point of friction and minimizes those that inevitably arise

·        Job satisfaction and higher productivity: Effective communication leads to improved performance because people are better able to understand their jobs and roles

·        Establish better labor relations: The need for industrial peace is crucial. Better management and labor relationships result from effective communication

·        Enhance motivation and morale: Employee morale improves as a result of communication because they are aware of their role in the business. It gives employees a feeling of assurance and motivates them to work. Employee motivation and morale can be improved through effective communication

·        Increases employee productivity: Four out of every five employees believe that effective business communication improves their job performance. Because of information overload, employees frequently waste time searching for content they require to do their jobs

Slide 26

This slide depicts the statistics on the importance of business communication. It highlights that 86% of employees and executives blame workplace failures on a lack of effective collaboration and communication. And teams that communicate effectively, on the other hand, can increase productivity by up to 25%. It also mentions that 78% of workers see the need to prioritize communication in their organization, and poor communication is cited by 28% of employees as the reason for not delivering work on time.

Slide 27

This slide illustrates the statistics on the cost of ineffective business communication, and it demonstrates that ineffective communication has resulted in poor financial outcomes for 52% of workers.

Instructor’s Notes:

Poor internal communication can lead to:

·        Strained interpersonal relationships between team members, which has a negative impact on collaboration

·        Misunderstandings about roles, responsibilities, or priorities disrupting workflows. This leads to missed deadlines, poorly executed projects, and other costly oversights

Erode company culture and employee satisfaction, leading to increased turnover and negative feedback on employer review websites

Poor external communication with other businesses and customers can:

·        Lower contract renewal rates and opportunities for upsells and collaboration (for B2B businesses)

·        It will result in dissatisfied customers and clients, who will be more likely to take their business elsewhere

·        Degrades the public's perception of your brand, potentially portraying your company as unprofessional, untrustworthy, or (worst-case scenario) unethical

Slide 29

This slide illustrates a case study on the cost of ineffective business communication. It mentions Bruce, a research chemist for a large petrochemical company, who wrote a lengthy report on some new compounds he synthesized in the lab from oil-refining byproducts. The report's main body consisted of tables listing their chemical and physical properties, molecular structure diagrams, chemical formulas, and computer printouts of toxicity tests. It also suggested, in a casual manner and buried at the end of the report, that one of the compounds might be a particularly effective pesticide.

Slide 30

This slide depicts a case study on the cost of ineffective business communication. It highlights that after seven years, the same oil company also launched a major research program to develop more effective but environmentally friendly insecticides. It also mentions that someone discovered Bruce's report and toxicity tests after six months. A few hours of additional testing confirmed that one of Bruce's compounds was the safe, cost-effective insecticide they were looking for.

Slide 32

This slide depicts the information regarding passive communication style. It mentions that passive communication is usually associated with people who agree to whatever the other group members want. It also demonstrates that passive communicators frequently lack eye contact, have poor body posture, and cannot say "no. "

Slide 33

This slide is an introduction to aggressive communication styles. It depicts that controlling, demanding, and sometimes hostile communication are characteristics of aggressive communication. It also mentions that an aggressive communicator will openly express their opinion without hesitation, usually in a loud and dominant voice.

Slide 34

This slide depicts information regarding Passive-Aggressive communication style. It highlights that passive-aggressive communicators are more likely to communicate with another person through body language.

Slide 35

This slide depicts information about the passive communication style. It states that assertive communicators can express themselves politely and respectfully, taking into account other people's opinions and feelings.

Slide 37

This slide illustrates the tips for effective workplace communication. The tips are face-to-to-face communication whenever possible, providing clear information, combining verbal and nonverbal communication, not just hearing, but listening, handling conflicts with diplomacy, avoiding being personal with your co-workers, avoiding discussing controversial topics, etc.

Instructor’s note:

The tips for effective workplace communication are as follows:

·        Communicate face-to-face whenever possible: Electronic communication can be potentially harmful to a relationship, particularly with co-workers. Electronic communication is often misunderstood. Prefer phone call or pay a visit to a coworker when you have something important to say

·        Provide clear information: When you fail to communicate clearly and accurately, it can lead to confusion rather than clarity. To avoid miscommunication, avoid sending emails written in haste and always plan what you want to say before speaking

·        Combine verbal and nonverbal communication: Only 7% of the message is conveyed by the words we choose. One must make sure that verbal and nonverbal messages are in sync. For example, if you're trying to obtain approval for your business proposal, make your nonverbal gestures positive and confident

·        Don’t just hear – listen: The majority of conflict arises as a result of poor listening skills. To improve listening skills, paraphrase what is said to confirm that you were paying attention and ensure accuracy. This will lessen the likelihood of a conflict and will assist you in becoming a more effective communicator

·        Ask questions: In addition to demonstrating that you were listening, asking questions confirms that you have understood the other person. A person can also use questions to elicit additional information and better comprehend the conversation

·        Handle conflict with diplomacy: If you believe someone misunderstood something that you said, speak with him/her as soon as possible to avoid unnecessary resentment and productivity loss. Handle minor misunderstandings as quickly as possible to prevent a conflict

·        Avoid being personal with your co-workers: Too much personal information must not be disclosed to co-workers. Aim to be friendly while remaining professional. If an employee gets too personal with co-workers, the risk of being perceived as less credible while communicating something important increases

·        Avoid discussing controversial topics: To avoid offending anyone, refrain from discussing politics or religion or other controversial topics in office. While it's a good idea to talk to and get to know your co-workers, it's best to avoid controversial topics

·        Offer positive feedback: Appreciate your coworker if they do an excellent job on a task. Positive feedback is a perfect way to improve workplace communication

Slide 38

This slide depicts an activity on a memory test that the trainees can perform. It demonstrates the steps of the activity. The steps are that the participants have to carefully listen to a list of words and not write down any of the words.

Instructor’s Notes:

·        Read out a list of words to test the participant’s memory

·        Instruct the participants to listen carefully

·        Repeat each of the words slowly. Give a pause between each words. The words could be-

·        Dream

·        Surgeon

·        Mattress

·        Flower

·        Nod

·        Chair

·        Truck

·        Snore

·        Parrot

·        Insomnia

·        Alarm

·        When you've finished reading the list of words, divert your audience's attention by talking about something else for at least one minute

·        After you've finished speaking, have each participant write down as many words from the list as they can remember

Takeaway: The participants will discover that remembering a list of somewhat random words is extremely difficult, especially when there is a time-lapse and another discussion between hearing them and recalling them. Connect this to real-life listening situation by emphasizing the importance of paying attention to people when they speak to you, especially if the conversation is crucial.

Slide 39

This slide depicts the benefits of effective communication in an organization. The benefits are less misunderstanding, healthy workspace culture, non-threatening environment, team spirit, clear direction, stronger teamwork, higher employee job satisfaction, and business success.

Slide 40

This slide categorizes communication channels based on formality and means of communication. It highlights that based on formality, the channels are divided into formal and informal and based on means of communication into digital, face-to-face, and written communication.

Instructor’s Notes:

Communication channels by formality

·        Formal communication entails the exchange of information such as an organization's goals, policies, and procedures

Example: Business plans, strategy, goals, annual reports, agreements, workplace safety guidelines and procedures, board presentations, etc.

·        Informal communication channels, on the other hand, are used to deliver official business messages in a more relaxed manner

Examples: Lunch time discussions and ongoing collaboration among team members

Communication channels by means of communication

·        Digital communication channels: Electronic means of communication include a variety of online tools that employees use to stay in touch with one another and stay up to date on company news and updates

Examples: email, internal communication platforms, and intranets

·        Face-to-face communication: Although electronic means of communication in the workplace are taking over, face-to-face communication is still essential. It is much more personal, as it has a more human touch to it

·        Written communication: Written communication refers to any message that uses the written word. Written communication is the most critical and effective mode of business communication

The various types of written communications used internally for business communication are:

·        Memos\Reports

·        Bulletins

·        Employee manuals

·        Emails

·        Instant Messages

Examples of written communications commonly used with clients or other businesses are:

·        Emails

·        Letters

·        Proposals

·        Telegrams\Faxes

·        Postcards

·        Contracts\Advertisements

·        Brochures

·        Publications

Slide 42

This slide depicts the information regarding Aristotle's communication model. It demonstrates that Aristotle's communication model is primarily speaker-centered in which the speaker, and speech is essential. The major component of the model is Speaker, Speech, Occasion, Audience, and Effect.

Instructor’s Notes:

The five primary elements of Aristotle Model of Communication are used in this example: speaker, speech, occasion, audience, and effect.

·        Speaker- The Leader

·        Speech - About war and victory

·        Occasion- Battlefield

·        Audience - Soldiers and other army personnel

·        Effect – Defeat the enemy and end the battle

Slide 43

This slide depicts the ABC model of business communication, and it highlights the elements of the ABC Model that are accuracy, brevity, and clarity.

Instructor’s Notes:

The ABC Model of Communication is as follows:

Accuracy: It is a critical aspect of communication. It includes correct information matching expression. The information must be accurate and well-expressed. Overwriting, misspellings and grammatically incorrect structures are all causes of misunderstanding. Accuracy of expression necessitates the absence of spelling, punctuation, grammar, or usage errors

Brevity: The quality of being brief is referred to as brevity. It's an eye-catching feature of written communication. Brevity means conveying as much information as possible in the fewest words. It is possible to achieve this by avoiding wordiness and repetition

Ways to achieve brevity in writing:

·        Replace several vague words with more powerful and specific ones

·        Join sentences

·        Eliminate redundant wording

·        Remove words that state the obvious or go into excessive detail

·        Begin each sentence with the subject

·        Eliminate redundancy

·        Long phrases and sentences are a big no

·        As far as possible, use the active voice

Clarity: The message should be clear, well-planned, and logically expressed. There should be no ambiguity. Clearly written messages reduce misunderstandings and save time. Expressions that are vague or ambiguous must be avoided. Readability is made possible by clarity. Clear, simple, familiar, precise, specific words, phrases, and expressions should improve readability.

The factors that influence clarity are as follows:

·        Always use words that are simple, common, and meaningful. Avoid using technical terms and jargon

·        Use short, simple sentences since long sentences can be confusing to the reader

·        While writing, use proper punctuation it aids comprehension

·        Provide definite and concrete details with facts and figures

Slide 44

This slide illustrates the AIDA model of communication with the respective letters standing for Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action. It is a marketing and advertising model that assists marketing managers in developing effective communication strategies.

Instructor’s Notes:

Here's what you can do to implement AIDA

·        Attention: Your target audience will become curious about what your company does if your content can capture their attention and deeply engage them. At this point, the consumer is wondering, "What is it? “ You must first get your content in front of them to get to this stage. This is accomplished through increased brand awareness and effective messaging

·        Interest: Once your target audience is interested in your product or service, they will want to learn more about your brand, the benefits of your solution, and how you might fit with them. The goal at this point is to get them to say, "I like it“

·        Desire: Create desire for your product or service by making an 'emotional connection' and displaying your brand's personality. Change the consumer's opinion from "liking" to "wanting" it

·        Action: Encourage the buyer to interact with your company and take the next step, such as downloading a brochure, making a phone call, signing up for your newsletter, or engaging in live chat, etc.

Slide 45

This slide depicts an effective copywriting conversion framework, i.e., PAS (Problem, Agitate, Solution). It highlights that PAS is one of the most commonly-used frameworks for structuring persuasive messages. It mentions that PAS is a market-centric model, and it forces an individual to think from the perspective of its audience.

Instructor’s Notes:

How PAS works:

·        Problem - Describe the issue that your prospect is experiencing

·        Agitation - Entails poking at a problem until it becomes emotive

·        Solution - Present your solution to the agitated problem


·        Problem: Finding the ideal hotel can be difficult. It's almost too stressful to bother with

·        Agitate: Researching all of your options, determining how far away the local hotspots are, and reading reviews from previous 'guests.' Then there's the matter of cost

·        Solution: makes it simple to find the best hotel deals. We compare hundreds of travel websites for you to ensure that you get the best hotel deal possible

Slide 47

This slide depicts an activity that trainees can perform during their training session to aid in the development of problem-solving skills and effective communication strategies. It mentions the requirements and the instructions of the activity.

Instructor’s Notes:

·        This game will help in discovering new ways to communicate in the face of barriers

·        It also aids in the development of problem-solving skills and effective communication strategies

·        Make it competition for larger groups by determining which team produced the most accurate drawing in the shortest amount of time

Slide 48

This slide illustrates the types of communication barriers. The barriers are organizational, individual, language or semantic barriers, etc.

Instructor’s Notes:

Organizational Barriers

·        Negative organizational climate: The main aspect of organizational climate that acts as a communication barrier is top management's negative attitude. The negative attitude of top management discourages communication initiative of the employees

·        Cultural barrier: Employees who do not understand each other's culture or background may encounter these types of organizational barriers. These types of barriers are becoming more common as organizations become more global

·        Absence of communication policies: A well-designed communication policy promotes communication throughout the organization. Employees fail or are hesitant to communicate in the absence of such policies

·        Filtering:  It implies the intentional distortion of information. Filtering is a common issue in upward communication. Employees tend to pass only those messages that create a positive impression about them

Individual Barriers

·        Differences in personality: Every individual has a distinct personality. This uniqueness of character creates a barrier to communication. For example, if this attitude is unfavorable, there is a greater chance that messages will not be sent from or to superiors on time

·        Fear: Fear of attack or being criticized for knowing very little can cause communication problems

·        Stereotyping: Stereotyping is generalizing about a group of people or events that are held widely by a particular culture. People develop common statements and mindsets about others when they engage in stereotyping

·        Ignoring communication: Superiors may intentionally and consciously ignore communication from their subordinates in order to maintain their significance. This works against subordinates' eagerness to communicate

Language or Semantic Barrier: The semantic barrier in communication is defined as the misunderstanding (or different interpretation) of meaning that impedes effective communication. It can take the form of language, sign, or symbol e.g. swastika in India is a holy symbol while in Europe it symbolizes Nazism

Other Barriers

·        Information overload: Managers are flooded with information from a variety of sources. They may not always be able to keep the flow of information under control. As a result, communication effectiveness suffers

·        Noise: it refers to a barrier that slows or reduces the effectiveness of communication. Noise on the sender's end can interfere with their ability to transmit the message to the receiver. Noise can also occur at the receiver's end, influencing how they interpret the message

Slide 50

This slide showcases the summary or key takeaways on communication fundamentals.

Slide 71 to 82

These slides depict an energizer activity to engage the audience of the training session.

Slide 85

The above slide displays the activity for the team members found less energetic and enthusiastic. It will ensure an increase in energy levels and the productivity of employees at the workplace.

Instructor's Notes:

·        Multiple chairs are to be adjusted in the empty and spacious room in a random order 

·        The chairs should be put in a manner that every chair points in a different direction and all the chairs are occupied


·        Ask for a volunteer from the batch. (Batch may include a maximum of 15 people for a regular size room)

·        The volunteer is supposed to walk slowly and approach his/her empty chair and sit down. If the chair is already occupied, then he/she is expected to occupy the other/next alternative empty chair available

·        All other members will try to stop the person from approaching the relevant chair

Strategy Formulation:

·        Multiple teams can be made to conduct the activity

·        Each team can be allotted 2 minutes for planning

·        Each round is to be reviewed for the outcomes achieved from the activity

·        Each team should have a different volunteer, preferably the person with the lowest energy levels from the batch

·        The volunteer should move cautiously so as to not bump into any of the props or persons in the room

Activity Review/Outcomes:

·        How did the activity influence the teamwork and engagement skills of all the participants?

·        How was the experience while planning and working with 15-20 members at a time?

·        Was everybody clear about the purpose and conduct of the respective activity?

·        Did you observe any flaws that you wish to improve? Or any other instructions you want to include to make the activity conduct easier?

Slide 87

This slide highlights the cover letter for the training proposal. It includes details regarding what the company providing corporate training can accomplish for the client.

Slide 90

The purpose of this slide is to showcase the multiple types of courses offered by the training company.

Slide 92

This slide indicates the major deliverables that the corporate training firm will provide to the client. The key deliverables highlighted are session plans, PowerPoint deck, evaluation material, and training handouts.

Slide 94

This slide represents the multiple additional services offered by the training firm to the client, such as webinars, planning journals, and e-learning design solutions.

Slide 96

This slide tabulates the major deliverables offered by the training company to the client along with their associated costs.

Slide 97

The purpose of this slide is to highlight the multiple additional services offered by the training firm along with their cost details.

Slide 99

This slide provides an overview of the corporate training firm's vision and mission statements, core values, and key clients.

Slide 101

This slide highlights the major awards and recognition won by the training firm for their exceptional service to clients.

Slide 103

The slide provides information regarding the team members that would be providing the training services to the client. It includes details of the trainer and their respective designations

Slide 104

The slide provides information regarding the team members that would be providing the training services to the client. It includes details of the employees names and their respective designations.

Slide 106

This slide provides information pertaining to testimonials given by satisfied clients of the training firm.

Slide 107

This slide highlights the testimonials from multiple satisfied clients of the training firm providing information regarding congratulatory messages, client name, and company details.

Slide 109

This slide showcases the case study for the training proposal. It includes information regarding the problem faced by the client and solutions offered by the training firm. It also covers details of the results and client testimonial.

Slide 111

This slide provides information regarding the contract terms and conditions of the training proposal. It also includes details of deliverables that the training company will provide to the client.

Slide 113

The purpose of this slide is to provide the contact information of the corporate training firm. It includes the firm’s official address, contact number, and email address.

Slide 114

This slide highlights the training evaluation form for instructor assessment. It also includes sections to fill details of training information and attendee details.

Slide 115

This slide showcases the questions for the assessment of the training content by the attendees.

Slide 116

The slide indicates the evaluation form for course assessment. It also includes questions pertaining to the future actions of the attendees.

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