Erstellen Sie Ihre Markenidentität und Glaubwürdigkeit mit dieser Computerdienst-Briefkopfvorlage. Diese Vorlage enthält Ihr Firmenlogo und Ihren Slogan für ein starkes Markenimage. Sie kann verwendet werden, um Verkaufsbriefe, Memos, interne Nachrichten und vieles mehr zu teilen, die perfekt zu Ihrer Marke passen. Sie müssen es nur herunterladen, die Elemente für einen persönlicheren Touch anpassen und es für die zukünftige Verwendung speichern. Sie können auch das Farbschema in PowerPoint bearbeiten und es auf einem A4-Blatt reproduzieren, um es schnell zu teilen. Darüber hinaus können Sie diese Gestaltung unzählige Male anpassen, bis Sie mit dem Endergebnis zufrieden sind, und das ohne jegliche Vorkenntnisse im Bereich Design. Das Hauptmerkmal dieses Briefkopf-Designs ist, dass es sich leicht an die von Ihnen vorgenommenen Änderungen bei Symbolen, Illustrationen und anderen Elementen anpassen lässt, wodurch es zu einem visuellen Verstärker wird. Greifen Sie also jetzt zu.
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Dies ist eine professionell gestaltete Computerdienst-Briefkopf-Designvorlage mit anpassbaren Symbolen, Illustrationen und anderen Elementen. Regenerieren Sie sie als PNG, PDF und JPG auf einem A4-Blatt, um Ihre wichtigen Briefe zu teilen. Da sie in PowerPoint erstellt wurde, kann sie so oft wie gewünscht personalisiert werden.
FAQ’s for Letterhead
- What kind of letterheads are available for download?
- Is the company logo an important part of the letterhead? If yes, where can I get it designed from?
- What elements does a professional letterhead have?
- How do I create a personalized letterhead design?
- How do I save and download my chosen letterhead template from your collection?
- What are the formats and sizes in which I can download a letterhead design from your website?
- Are these designs editable and customizable?
- Are these letterhead templates easily shareable?
What kinds of letterheads are available for download?
We have a rich collection of premium letterhead templates for a wide variety of professions and businesses like medical, restaurant, school, retail store, florist, law firm, etc. They include both personal and professional designs that cater to different genres and industry styles. So you will definitely find the one that suits your needs and requirements.
Is the company logo an important part of the letterhead? If yes, where can I get it designed from?
Absolutely! Company logo is an integral part of a letterhead design because of the following reasons: A vivid and clear image of a company’s logo is a great addition to any professional letterhead design. It is a trademark of your company and its ethical practices, something that should definitely be conveyed by a letterhead.
As the question of getting a customized logo design arises, SlideTeam’s experts can help you with that. You can get in touch with our designers at [email protected], share your needs, and get a customized logo as well as letterhead layout ready in minutes!
What elements does a professional letterhead have?
Traditionally, letterheads are must-have printing collaterals that include the following:
The company logo
The company name
Contact information
Business address
Slogan/objective/social media handles (if required)
Stylized fonts, paragraph spacing, line spacing, header, footer, and pre-set margins
How do I create a personalized letterhead design?
Creating a letterhead is best done with a template design at hand. There are a wide variety of letterhead templates available for immediate download that you can alter as per your needs. Each of these templates has the following characteristic elements:
Business logo
High-quality images and graphics
Information about your business and service
Once you have chosen the template that suits your needs, you can add finishing touches to it for a professional-looking design.
How do I save and download my chosen letterhead template from your collection?
Simply click on the “Download This Letterhead” button and save the design for further use. Once downloaded, a particular design can be used multiple times. Downloading also gives you access to share and use the design as per your needs and requirements.
What are the formats and sizes in which I can download a letterhead design from your website?
You can download the templates and designs in JPG, PNG, and PDF formats. These are also available in A4 size format for easy sharing and printing. All these formats work well with any social media channel you are targeting. Apart from that, we also offer customized sizes for which you can get in touch with our designing team at [email protected].
Are these designs editable and customizable?
These designs are sample representations that are fully customizable and editable in PowerPoint as per your needs and requirements. You can add your desired content and change the layout, color, theme, font, or other attributes. You can also get a customized design ready by contacting our team at [email protected].
Are these letterhead templates easily shareable?
Yes, these templates are designed using best industry practices, so they can be shared in different formats like PPT, PNG, JPG, PDF, and more. These can also be reproduced on A4 size sheets that can be shared across different domains for easy access.