
Discovery Stage In Sales Process Training Ppt


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Presenting Training Deck on Discovery Stage in Sales Process. This presentation deck contains 87 well-researched and uniquely designed slides. These slides are 100 percent made in PowerPoint and are compatible with all screen types and monitors. They also support Google Slides. Premium Customer Support available. Suitable for use by managers, employees, and organizations. These slides are easily customizable. You can edit the color, text, icon, and font size to suit your requirements.

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Slide 4

This slide provides information about a potential sales opportunity. It highlights that a sales opportunity occurs when a prospect is actively engaged in your sales process and is identified as a qualified potential buyer. Once identified as an opportunity a sales representative can add a prospect to their sales pipeline. It also mentions the difference between a prospect and a qualified prospect.

Slide 5

This slide depicts a graphical representation of how contacts progress from leads to prospects to opportunities.

Slide 6

This slide provides information about sales qualification. It emphasizes the importance of sales qualification in determining whether a lead or prospect is a good fit for your product/service. It occurs during sales calls and determines which customers will remain loyal to you in the long run. It also states that without sales qualification, a sales representative will likely talk to hundreds of leads daily, only to close an unacceptably low percentage.

Slide 7

This slide emphasizes the significance of sales qualification. Sales representatives can shift their focus away from unqualified leads and toward prospects who are more likely to buy, sales qualification allows sales reps to focus on a smaller, more targeted group of buyers; and sales reps can learn about the buyer's problems and pain points to provide a better solution.

Slide 8

This slide holds information about a qualified prospect. It demonstrates that a qualified prospect has completed the lead qualification process and is ready to be added to the sales pipeline. It also mentions that a salesperson continuously evaluates prospects for more specific characteristics at each stage of the sales process.

Slide 9

This slide depicts prospect qualification at the organizational level. It highlights that the most fundamental level of qualification is at the organizational level. A salesperson should use buyer personas while qualifying a prospect to ensure that the buyer fits the demographics of a specific persona.

Slide 10

This slide depicts prospect qualification at the opportunity level. It highlights that opportunity-level sales qualification determines whether your prospect has a specific need or challenge that your product or service can address. It also mentions that opportunity-level characteristics indicate whether or not a prospect would benefit from your offering.

Slide 11

This slide depicts prospect qualification at the opportunity level. It highlights that opportunity-level sales qualification determines whether your prospect has a specific need or challenge that your product or service can address. It also mentions that opportunity-level characteristics indicate whether or not a prospect would benefit from your offering.

Slide 12

This slide explains how to qualify for a business opportunity. It emphasizes that an opportunity should be qualified if it meets the criteria established for your product or company. Prospect discovery can help you learn about the buyer's environment and whether the opportunity meets the criteria. It also states that the qualification criteria should align with your sales process and ideal buyer persona.

Slide 13

This slide depicts the BANT (Budget Authority Need Timeline) qualification framework. The framework's components are as follows: Budget, authority, need, and timeline.

Slide 15

This slide discusses what can help make selling easier. It highlights that curiosity is the secret sauce that makes selling easier. It also mentions that when prospects become curious, they are less suspicious, are more open to conversation, and ask more questions.

Slide 16

This slide explains how a sales representative can pique a customer's interest and engage them further in the sales process. It highlights that a salesperson should begin by providing some "value snapshots" to pique your prospect's interest while also beginning to qualify them. It also mentions that a sales rep can choose the top challenges or pain points that your target prospects are experiencing (and that you can help them solve) and engage them by asking questions.

Slide 17

This slide depicts the tricks experts use to gain prospects’ trust. The tricks are: Research on prospects and stakeholders, recognize prospect's needs and objectives, demonstrate understanding of the prospect’s business, schedule a meeting early on, provide an honest response to prospect's questions, share previous customer experiences, recognize the prospect's previous negative experiences, and show consideration for the prospect's time.

Slide 18

This slide explains a trick which is to research on prospects and stakeholders that a salesperson can use to gain the trust of prospects. It highlights that prospects are cautious of salespeople who treat them as numbers on a list. It also states that the sales rep should learn as much as possible about the stakeholders with whom they will be speaking, their job description, and their primary responsibilities. Enquire about the stakeholder's personality, decision-making style, and communication preferences.

Slide 19

This slide explains how recognizing prospect’s needs and objectives can help gain the trust of prospects. It highlights that a sales rep must examine their pitch through the prospect's requirements and objectives. If the prospect's needs differ from what you expected, you should be able to adjust your pitch. 

Slide 20

This slide explains demonstrating your understanding of the prospect’s business as a tip to gain their trust. It highlights that to establish trust, a sales rep should enter into initial conversations with a good understanding of the prospect's business history. 

Slide 21

This slide explains how to gain clients’ trust by scheduling a meeting early on. It highlights that a sales representative should schedule a meeting with their prospects as soon as possible in the process. It also mentions that Body language also plays an important role in establishing trust, so a sales rep must have a firm handshake, eye contact, and trustworthy body language with their prospects.

Slide 22

This slide explains how to respond honestly to a prospects’ question to gain their trust. It highlights the importance of open and honest communication in building trust and credibility with current and prospective customers. It also states that failing to meet your client's expectations and queries means losing a repeat sale, which is more profitable than acquiring new customers.

Slide 23

This slide explains how sharing stories about previous customer experiences can help you gain the trust of prospects. It emphasizes how a sales representative can demonstrate social proof in conversations with prospects by telling stories. It also mentions the importance of telling an engaging story and discussing how your product solved a customer's problem to gain prospects' trust.

Slide 24

This slide explains how recognizing prospect’s previous negative experiences can help gain their trust. It highlights that your prospect may have had negative experiences with your business, which has impacted their ability to trust you. Instead of attempting to ignore this obstacle, the sales rep must acknowledge it and enquire as much as they can about the prospect's negative experiences.

Slide 25

This slide explains how showing consideration for the prospects' time can help gain their trust, and it highlights that details can make or break trust. As a result, a salesperson should always arrive on time (or early) for appointments and be grateful for the prospects' time. 

Slide 26

This slide explains the significance of establishing credibility with prospects. It emphasizes that credibility is the ability to be trusted and believed in. Customers tend to buy from salespeople they know, trust, and like. It also mentions that if customers trust you, they will buy from you repeatedly, which is the goal of any sales professional in establishing long-term relationships.

Slide 27

This slide illustrates the tips that can be used to establish credibility with prospects. The tips are: Stay true to your word, share success stories, focus on building rapport, do excellent work and receive recommendations, always be consistent, leverage third-party endorsements, and inform prospects who is and isn't a fit for your offerings.

Slide 28

This slide explains how staying true to your word can help you build trust with prospects. It highlights the significance of following through on promises made to prospects to build credibility and trust. 

Slide 29

This slide explains how telling success stories can help you gain credibility with prospects. It emphasizes that prospects want to imagine themselves succeeding with your product or service, and sharing success stories can assist them in doing so. Because the majority of prospects you deal with will face similar difficulties, demonstrating how you helped a peer solve a similar problem significantly boosts the credibility of the message you're delivering to the prospect.

Slide 30

This slide explains the significance of developing rapport with prospects to establish credibility. It highlights the importance of building rapport to increase credibility and close a deal. It also states that sales representatives should learn about their prospects and share a story they will find interesting. You will become a trusted advisor when you combine this with providing value in the sales process.

Slide 31

This slide explains how doing good work and receiving recommendations can help you establish credibility with prospects. It emphasizes the importance of excellent work and receiving positive client feedback to establish credibility. It also mentions that the outcome is effective when the work is combined with genuine client feedback.

Slide 32

This slide explains how consistency can aid in establishing credibility with prospects. It highlights the importance of a sales representative developing a strategy and communicating expectations to prospects. It also states that once you've built a reputation, the emphasis should be on consistency in keeping your promises.

Slide 33

This slide explains how using third-party endorsements can help establish credibility with prospects. It highlights the limitations of sale rep’s own endorsement of their company products hence the importance of third-party endorsements to establish the credibility of your products/services and how it offers more value than the competition.

Slide 34

This slide explains about informing prospects who is and Who isn't a fit for your offerings to establish credibility with them. It highlights that salespeople have a bad reputation for being "dishonest" because they keep hidden agendas in the conversation. It also mentions that to build credibility, a sales representative must be open and honest about who is and who isn't a good fit for their products.

Slide 35

This slide explains the tips that can help develop prospects’ need for your product easily. The tips are: Understand Prospects’ Problems and Real Needs, set the stage for a discussion about their pain, refrain from rushing ahead, ask discovery questions, don't assume you’re a good match for your prospect, and the indirect approach.

Slide 36

This slide depicts understanding prospects’ problems and real needs as a tip for getting them to buy your product. It highlights that prospects are not always aware of what they genuinely require. They frequently have a vague understanding of their needs, but they are rarely aware of their actual needs and the implications of those needs. It also states that it is the salesperson's responsibility to help them become aware of the full extent of their actual needs and to bring the pain associated with those needs to their attention.

Slide 37

This slide explains how to set the stage for discussion about your prospects' pain to persuade them to buy your product. It also states that a salesperson should gather basic prospects’ information and lay the groundwork for a more in-depth discussion about the prospect's needs. It also emphasizes the importance of sales reps progressing from asking simple questions about the prospects' situation to more profound, emotion-based questions that reveal the emotional side of the prospects' needs.

Slide 38

This slide depicts the importance of not rushing to get prospects to buy your product. It mentions the importance of a sales representative resisting the urge to rush through the sales process. If you ask more personal questions too soon, your prospect will shut down, and your chances of closing the sale will drop sharply.

Slide 39

This slide depicts information regarding asking discovery questions to get prospects to buy your product. It highlights that once the foundation has been established with the prospect, it is time to delve deeper and begin discovering and developing the prospect's actual needs. It also mentions that to get your prospect to start sharing more, you can ask specific strategic, more open-ended "Needs Discovery Questions."

Slide 40

This slide illustrates that salespeople should not assume they are a good fit for their prospects to persuade them to buy your product. It also highlights that a salesperson should not assume that their product/service is a good fit for their prospect’s requirement, and their attitude should be that they are there to see if they can genuinely help the prospect.

Slide 41

This slide depicts that a salesperson can use an indirect approach to get prospects to buy your product. It highlights that another strategy for asking needs discovery questions is to introduce prospects with references to similar or existing clients. It also mentions that this approach is effective with prospects who aren't opening up or responding in the manner you want.

Slide 42

This slide explains the importance of determining customer pain points, and it also highlights the ways to identify customer pain points. The ways are: Conduct qualitative market research, use live chat data, spend time on social media, and sales and marketing team alignment.

Slide 43

This slide explains conducting qualitative market research to identify customer pain points. It highlights that identifying customers' pain points is critical. As a result, businesses should conduct a qualitative market study that includes mapping customer journeys and analyzing data about their pain points. 

Slide 44

This slide discusses how to identify customer pain points using live chat data. It highlights that incorporating live chat is a great way to learn about customer needs and issues. Using live chat, businesses can quickly determine their customers' needs and provide products/services that best meet their interests. It also mentions that sales representatives can analyze live chat data with the help of the customer service department to gain insights into issues that frequently frustrate their customers.

 Slide 45

This slide provides information regarding spending time on social media to identify customer pain points. It highlights that most customers seek assistance through social media platforms, and businesses should spend more time learning about their customers' interests and what troubles them the most.

Slide 46

This slide provides information regarding aligning sales and marketing team to identify customer pain points. It highlights that aligning sales and marketing is critical for identifying customer pain points. Use emotional triggers that address specific pain points in your marketing activities, such as ads and landing pages. 

Slide 48

This slide depicts information regarding buyer persona. It highlights that a buyer persona is a fictional profile based on research representing a target customer. Buyer personas describe your ideal customers, their days, their challenges, and how they make decisions. It's a detailed description of who is researching, purchasing, and sharing your product/services. It also mentions the importance of creating buyer persona.

Slide 49

This slide depicts types of buyer persona such as business-to-consumer and business-to-business buyer persona. It highlights that in the B2C market, you deal with the final purchaser of a product or service. In other words, your customer wants to fulfill their needs and wants. Business-to-business buyer personas have unique characteristics and combine the needs and conditions of the businesses that employ them with the personality traits of the people in charge of closing deals.

Slide 50

This slide explains the steps to create a buyer persona. The steps are: Research your target audience, identify the most common details, craft separate personas, give each persona a name and a backstory, and craft a marketing strategy.

Slide 51

This slide depicts how a sales representative must research their target audience to create a buyer persona. It highlights that researching your audience can assist businesses in developing a realistic persona and may reveal interesting details about your customers that you were previously unaware of. It also suggests that you start by thinking about your current customer base. By identifying commonalities among your best customers, you can create a persona that will help you attract great customers.

Slide 52

This slide shows how to identify the most common details while creating a buyer persona. It emphasizes that after conducting the research, businesses can narrow their findings by identifying the most common responses from customers and subscribers. Then, filter through the research to find the essential details influencing how you communicate with your target audience. This step will also include demographics, geographic location, behaviors, problems, and interests.

Slide 53

This slide explains how businesses can create distinct buyer personas. It highlights the importance of organizing the most common details about customers into distinct personas after businesses have narrowed them down. It also mentions that to do so, identify people in your audience who share similar challenges and goals and categorize them to represent such personas.

Slide 54

This slide explains how companies can give each persona a name and a backstory. It highlights the importance of giving your buyer persona a name and story to write for and think about them. It also says that giving your persona a name will help you remember talking to a real person, and hearing their story will help you understand their problems and difficulties.

Slide 55

This slide explains about making a marketing strategy to create a buyer persona. It highlights that businesses can begin developing marketing strategy once they have a buyer persona with a name, face, and details. It also mentions that while writing emails and content, keep your personas in mind. Use email personalization to send personalized messages to each persona.

Slide 56

This slide contains information about an ideal buyer profile of businesses. It highlights that a buyer profile is a more detailed description of a company with whom you want to do business, including company size, industry, budget, etc. It also states that an ideal buyer profile should represent the type of organization that your business can best support.

Slide 57

This slide contains information about best practices for creating buyer profiles. The best practices are: Profiles should be evidence-based, based on customer interviews and research, validated through additional interviews or focus groups, and should be sorted according to their impact and importance.

Slide 58

This slide contains a list of sample questions businesses should consider when developing their buyer profile.

Slide 72 to 87

These slides contain energizer activities to engage the audience of the training session.

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