
Sermons PowerPoint Templates, Presentation Layouts and PPT Slides

Download professional Church Sermon PowerPoint templates and slides to deliver an unforgettable sermon. Also check out our free sermon templates from our Share and Download section. These Church templates are perfect for preachers, Church leaders, pastors and sermon speakers. A sermon PPT has today become a necessary part of any Church service since it visually enhances your message. Those looking for Christian presentation templates will find hundreds of professionally designed, inspiring PPT slides here. Passages from the New Testament along with stunning images have been used by our design team to create these sermon presentations. If your Church service is due in a few days, you need not worry about designing the PowerPoint presentation. Simply download ready-made Church slides graphics and concentrate on what you are going to say. To make finding the right sermon template easy for you, we have divided our Church presentation slides into subcategories depending on your sermon theme. For instance, you will find ready-made slides on anger, anxiety, forgiveness, grace, happiness, healing, love, marriage, money, sadness, salvation, success and so on. To spread Jesus’s message amongst the followers, deliver a well-designed Church PowerPoint that they remember long after the service is over. Each image slide in the collection has been designed to evoke the emotion you wish to generate- image of the Cross, Holy Bible, stairway to Heaven, sunset, clouds, birds in sky, etc. along with the inspiring message will help you grab the attention of the audience. If you are looking for a sermon theme, Church presentation backgrounds for the PPT, don’t forget to check out the same under our PowerPoint Themes section.
  1. 0514 matthew 85 centurion came to him powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 matthew 85 centurion came to him powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 matthew 85 centurion came to him powerpoint church sermon. Matthew 8.5 When Jesus had entered Capernaum, a centurion came to him, asking for help. Display deep compassion with our Matthew 85. Demonstrate that you care greatly. Demonstrate great caring with our Help PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. You will display deep compassion.

  2. 0514 psalms 461 god is our refuge and powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 psalms 461 god is our refuge and powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 psalms 461 god is our refuge and powerpoint church sermon. For the director of music. Of the Sons of Korah. According to alamode. A song. God is our refuge and strength, an ever present help in trouble. Psalms 46.1 Reveal the glory of the Church with our Psalms 461. Give everyone a glimpse of its grandeur. Give everyone a glimpse of grandeur with our Help PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Allow them to experience the glory of the Church.

  3. 0514 romans 151 the weak and not to please powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 romans 151 the weak and not to please powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 romans 151 the weak and not to please powerpoint church sermon. Romans 15.1 We who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the weak and not to please ourselves The Church helps folks connect. Our Romans 151 too are an excellent conduit. Use our Help PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors as a conduit. Help folks connect with the Church.

  4. 0514 1 john 57 for there are three that powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 1 john 57 for there are three that powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 1 john 57 for there are three that powerpoint church sermon. For there are three that testify 1 John 5.7 Hail the Glorious with our 1 John 57. Extol the brilliance of His creation. Extol the Glorious with our Holy Spirit PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Hail His brilliant creation.

  5. 0514 2 peter 121 they were carried along powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 2 peter 121 they were carried along powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 2 peter 121 they were carried along powerpoint church sermon. 2 Peter 1.21 For prophecy never had its origin in the human will, but prophets, though human, spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit. Lighten the burden with our 2 Peter 121. They assist you in carrying the cross. Bear the cross with our Holy Spirit PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. They help carry any burden.

  6. 0514 ephesians 113 you were marked in him power powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 ephesians 113 you were marked in him power powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 ephesians 113 you were marked in him power powerpoint church sermon. Ephesians 1.13 And you also were included in Christ when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation. When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit Direct their eyes to Heaven with our Ephesians 113. Acquaint them with the glory of the Lord. Acquaint them with Lords glory with our Holy Spirit PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Their eyes will get directed to Heaven.

  7. 0514 ephesians 518 do not get drunk on wine power powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 ephesians 518 do not get drunk on wine power powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 ephesians 518 do not get drunk on wine power powerpoint church sermon. Ephesians 5.18 Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit Honor thy Church with our Ephesians 518. See devotion build in their eyes. Our Holy Spirit PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors will fill their eyes with devotion. Bring great honor to the Church.

  8. 0514 galatians 516 you will not gratify the powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 galatians 516 you will not gratify the powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 galatians 516 you will not gratify the powerpoint church sermon. Galatians 5.16 So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. Inspire your followers with our Galatians 516. Their belief in the Church will get firmer. Generate firmer belief with our Holy Spirit PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Followers of the Church will feel greatly inspired.

  9. 0514 luke 135 the holy one to be born power powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 luke 135 the holy one to be born power powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 luke 135 the holy one to be born power powerpoint church sermon. The angel answered, The Holy Spirit will come on you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God. Luke 1.35 Spread the good word with our Luke 135. Extol the virtues of the Church. Extol the virtues of the Church with our Holy Spirit PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. They help spread the good word.

  10. 0514 matthew 41 then jesus was led by powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 matthew 41 then jesus was led by powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 matthew 41 then jesus was led by powerpoint church sermon. Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. Matthew 4.1 Build firm belief in the Church with our Matthew 41. The doctrine will become clear. Our Holy Spirit PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors ensure the doctrine becomes clear. Help build firm belief in the Church.

  11. 0514 romans 89 they do not belong to powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 romans 89 they do not belong to powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 romans 89 they do not belong to powerpoint church sermon. Romans 8.9 You, however, are not controlled by the sinful nature but are in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God lives in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, they do not belong to Christ. Reveal the glory of the Church with our Romans 89. Give everyone a glimpse of its grandeur. Give everyone a glimpse of grandeur with our Holy Spirit PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Allow them to experience the glory of the Church.

  12. 0514 romans 826 the same way the spirit powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 romans 826 the same way the spirit powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 romans 826 the same way the spirit powerpoint church sermon. Romans 8.26 In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. The Church helps folks connect. Our Romans 826 too are an excellent conduit. Use our Holy Spirit PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors as a conduit. Help folks connect with the Church.

  13. 0514 1 timothy 41 abandon the faith powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 1 timothy 41 abandon the faith powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 1 timothy 41 abandon the faith powerpoint church sermon. 1 Timothy 4.1 The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. Hail the Glorious with our 1 Timothy 41. Extol the brilliance of His creation. Extol the Glorious with our Faith PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Hail His brilliant creation.

  14. 0514 1corinthians 151 you of the gospel powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 1corinthians 151 you of the gospel powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 1corinthians 151 you of the gospel powerpoint church sermon. 1 Corinthians 15.1 Now, brothers and sisters, I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you, which you received and on which you have taken your stand. Lighten the burden with our 1Corinthians 151. They assist you in carrying the cross. Bear the cross with our Faith PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. They help carry any burden.

  15. 0514 2 corinthians 614 fellowship can light have with darkness powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 2 corinthians 614 fellowship can light have with darkness powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 2 corinthians 614 fellowship can light have with darkness powerpoint church sermon. 2 Corinthians 6.14 Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common Or what fellowship can light have with darkness Direct their eyes to Heaven with our 2 Corinthians 614. Acquaint them with the glory of the Lord. Acquaint them with Lords glory with our Faith PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Their eyes will get directed to Heaven.

  16. 0514 2 timothy 315 you wise for salvation through faith powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 2 timothy 315 you wise for salvation through faith powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 2 timothy 315 you wise for salvation through faith powerpoint church sermon. 2 Timothy 3.15 And how from infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. Honor thy Church with our 2 Timothy 315. See devotion build in their eyes. Our Faith PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors will fill their eyes with devotion. Bring great honor to the Church.

  17. 0514 galatians 326 you are all children of god powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 galatians 326 you are all children of god powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 galatians 326 you are all children of god powerpoint church sermon. Galatians 3.26 So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith Inspire your followers with our Galatians 326. Their belief in the Church will get firmer. Generate firmer belief with our Faith PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Followers of the Church will feel greatly inspired.

  18. 0514 hebrews 122 the pioneer and perfecter of faith powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 hebrews 122 the pioneer and perfecter of faith powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 hebrews 122 the pioneer and perfecter of faith powerpoint church sermon. Hebrews 12.2 Fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Spread the good word with our Hebrews 122. Extol the virtues of the Church. Extol the virtues of the Church with our Faith PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. They help spread the good word.

  19. 0514 hebrews 414 let us hold firmly powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 hebrews 414 let us hold firmly powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 hebrews 414 let us hold firmly powerpoint church sermon. Hebrews 4.14 Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has ascended into heaven, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess. Build firm belief in the Church with our Hebrews 414. The doctrine will become clear. Our Faith PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors ensure the doctrine becomes clear. Help build firm belief in the Church.

  20. 0514 james 214 my brothers and sisters if people powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 james 214 my brothers and sisters if people powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 james 214 my brothers and sisters if people powerpoint church sermon. James 2.14 What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if people claim to have faith but have no deeds Can such faith save them Display deep compassion with our James 214. Demonstrate that you care greatly. Demonstrate great caring with our Faith PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. You will display deep compassion.

  21. 0514 romans 123 the faith god has distributed powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 romans 123 the faith god has distributed powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 romans 123 the faith god has distributed powerpoint church sermon. For by the grace given me I say to every one of you Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the faith God has distributed to each of you. Romans 12.3 Reveal the glory of the Church with our Romans 123. Give everyone a glimpse of its grandeur. Give everyone a glimpse of grandeur with our Grace PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Allow them to experience the glory of the Church.

  22. 0514 2 chronicles 714 i will forgive their sin power powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 2 chronicles 714 i will forgive their sin power powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 2 chronicles 714 i will forgive their sin power powerpoint church sermon. 2 Chronicles 7.14 If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. Hail the Glorious with our 2 Chronicles. Extol the brilliance of His creation. Extol the Glorious with our Heaven PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Hail His brilliant creation.

  23. 0514 ecclesiastes 31 there is a time for powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 ecclesiastes 31 there is a time for powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 ecclesiastes 31 there is a time for powerpoint church sermon. Ecclesiastes 3.1 There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens Lighten the burden with our Ecclesiastes 31. They assist you in carrying the cross. Bear the cross with our Heaven PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. They help carry any burden.

  24. 0514 hebrews 13 the son is the radiance powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 hebrews 13 the son is the radiance powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 hebrews 13 the son is the radiance powerpoint church sermon. Hebrews 1.3 The Son is the radiance of Gods glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven. Direct their eyes to Heaven with our Hebrews 13. Acquaint them with the glory of the Lord. Acquaint them with Lords glory with our Heaven PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Their eyes will get directed to Heaven.

  25. 0514 hebrews 414 the son of god let us powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 hebrews 414 the son of god let us powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 hebrews 414 the son of god let us powerpoint church sermon. Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has ascended into heaven, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess. Hebrews 4.14 Honor thy Church with our Hebrews 414. See devotion build in their eyes. Our Heaven PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors will fill their eyes with devotion. Bring great honor to the Church.

  26. 0514 matthew 53 the kingdom of heaven powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 matthew 53 the kingdom of heaven powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 matthew 53 the kingdom of heaven powerpoint church sermon. Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5.3 Spread the good word with our Matthew 53. Extol the virtues of the Church. Extol the virtues of the Church with our Heaven PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. They help spread the good word.

  27. 0514 matthew 516 that they may see your power powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 matthew 516 that they may see your power powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 matthew 516 that they may see your power powerpoint church sermon. Matthew 5.16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. Display deep compassion with our Matthew 516. Demonstrate that you care greatly. Demonstrate great caring with our Heaven PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. You will display deep compassion.

Item 2941 to 2967 of 2967 total items

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Ratings and Reviews

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Most Relevant Reviews
  1. 100%

    by Claud Hughes

    Professional and unique presentations.
  2. 80%

    by Dan Marshall

    Design layout is very impressive.
  3. 100%

    by Denny Salazar

    Use of icon with content is very relateable, informative and appealing.
  4. 80%

    by Liam Perez

    Nice and innovative design.
  5. 100%

    by O'Sullivan Evans

    Excellent design and quick turnaround.
  6. 80%

    by Delbert Palmer

    Awesome presentation, really professional and easy to edit.
  7. 80%

    by Dion Dunn

    Much better than the original! Thanks for the quick turnaround.
  8. 80%

    by Collin Gonzales

    Awesomely designed templates, Easy to understand.
  9. 100%

    by Thomas Garcia

    Graphics are very appealing to eyes.
  10. 80%

    by Wilson Cooper

    I discovered this website through a google search, the services matched my needs perfectly and the pricing was very reasonable. I was thrilled with the product and the customer service. I will definitely use their slides again for my presentations and recommend them to other colleagues.

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