
Sermons PowerPoint Templates, Presentation Layouts and PPT Slides

Download professional Church Sermon PowerPoint templates and slides to deliver an unforgettable sermon. Also check out our free sermon templates from our Share and Download section. These Church templates are perfect for preachers, Church leaders, pastors and sermon speakers. A sermon PPT has today become a necessary part of any Church service since it visually enhances your message. Those looking for Christian presentation templates will find hundreds of professionally designed, inspiring PPT slides here. Passages from the New Testament along with stunning images have been used by our design team to create these sermon presentations. If your Church service is due in a few days, you need not worry about designing the PowerPoint presentation. Simply download ready-made Church slides graphics and concentrate on what you are going to say. To make finding the right sermon template easy for you, we have divided our Church presentation slides into subcategories depending on your sermon theme. For instance, you will find ready-made slides on anger, anxiety, forgiveness, grace, happiness, healing, love, marriage, money, sadness, salvation, success and so on. To spread Jesus’s message amongst the followers, deliver a well-designed Church PowerPoint that they remember long after the service is over. Each image slide in the collection has been designed to evoke the emotion you wish to generate- image of the Cross, Holy Bible, stairway to Heaven, sunset, clouds, birds in sky, etc. along with the inspiring message will help you grab the attention of the audience. If you are looking for a sermon theme, Church presentation backgrounds for the PPT, don’t forget to check out the same under our PowerPoint Themes section.
  1. 0514 john 216 stop turning my father powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 john 216 stop turning my father powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 john 216 stop turning my father powerpoint church sermon. John 2.16 To those who sold doves he said, Get these out of here Stop turning my Fathers house into a market Inspire your followers with our John 216. Their belief in the Church will get firmer. Generate firmer belief with our Home PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Followers of the Church will feel greatly inspired.

  2. 0514 mark 21 a few days later when jesus powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 mark 21 a few days later when jesus powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 mark 21 a few days later when jesus powerpoint church sermon. Mark 2.1 A few days later, when Jesus again entered Capernaum, the people heard that he had come home. Spread the good word with our Mark 21. Extol the virtues of the Church. Extol the virtues of the Church with our Home PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. They help spread the good word.

  3. 0514 matthew 724 a wise man who built powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 matthew 724 a wise man who built powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 matthew 724 a wise man who built powerpoint church sermon. Matthew 7.24 Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. Build firm belief in the Church with our Matthew 724. The doctrine will become clear. Our Home PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors ensure the doctrine becomes clear. Help build firm belief in the Church.

  4. 0514 matthew 726 who hears these words powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 matthew 726 who hears these words powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 matthew 726 who hears these words powerpoint church sermon. But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. Matthew 7.26 Display deep compassion with our Matthew 726. Demonstrate that you care greatly. Demonstrate great caring with our Home PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. You will display deep compassion.

  5. 0514 numbers 12 the whole israelite community powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 numbers 12 the whole israelite community powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 numbers 12 the whole israelite community powerpoint church sermon. Take a census of the whole Israelite community by their clans and families, listing every man by name, one by one. Numbers 1.2 Reveal the glory of the Church with our Numbers 12. Give everyone a glimpse of its grandeur. Give everyone a glimpse of grandeur with our Home PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Allow them to experience the glory of the Church.

  6. 0514 zechariah 1210 they will look on me powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 zechariah 1210 they will look on me powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 zechariah 1210 they will look on me powerpoint church sermon. Zechariah 12.10 And I will pour out on the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and supplication. They will look on me, the one they have pierced, and they will mourn for him as one mourns for an only child, and grieve bitterly for him as one grieves for a firstborn son. The Church helps folks connect. Our Zechariah 1210 too are an excellent conduit. Use our Home PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors as a conduit. Help folks connect with the Church.

  7. 0514 1 chronicles 253 who prophesied using the harp powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 1 chronicles 253 who prophesied using the harp powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 1 chronicles 253 who prophesied using the harp powerpoint church sermon. 1 Chronicles 25.3 As for Jeduthun, from his sons Gedaliah, Zeri, Jeshaiah, Shimei, Hashabiah and Mattithiah, six in all, under the supervision of their father Jeduthun, who prophesied, using the harp in thanking and praising the LORD. Hail the Glorious with our 1 Chronicles 253. Extol the brilliance of His creation. Extol the Glorious with our Inspiration PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Hail His brilliant creation.

  8. 0514 exodus 346 the compassionate and gracious powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 exodus 346 the compassionate and gracious powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 exodus 346 the compassionate and gracious powerpoint church sermon. Exodus 34.6 And he passed in front of Moses, proclaiming, The LORD, the LORD, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, Lighten the burden with our Exodus 346. They assist you in carrying the cross. Bear the cross with our Kindness PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. They help carry any burden.

  9. 0514 jeremiah 313 i have drawn you powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 jeremiah 313 i have drawn you powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 jeremiah 313 i have drawn you powerpoint church sermon. The LORD appeared to us in the past, saying I have loved you with an everlasting love I have drawn you with unfailing kindness. Jeremiah 31.3 Direct their eyes to Heaven with our Jeremiah 313 Acquaint them with the glory of the Lord. Acquaint them with Lords glory with our Kindness PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Their eyes will get directed to Heaven.

  10. 0514 joel 213 return to the lord your god powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 joel 213 return to the lord your god powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 joel 213 return to the lord your god powerpoint church sermon. Rend your heart and not your garments. Return to the LORD your God, for he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love, and he relents from sending calamity. Joel 2.13 Honor thy Church with our Joel 213. See devotion build in their eyes. Our Kindness PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors will fill their eyes with devotion. Bring great honor to the Church.

  11. 0514 lamentations 322 love we are not consumed power powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 lamentations 322 love we are not consumed power powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 lamentations 322 love we are not consumed power powerpoint church sermon. Because of the LORDs great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. Lamentations 3.22 Inspire your followers with our Lamentations 322. Their belief in the Church will get firmer. Generate firmer belief with our Kindness PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Followers of the Church will feel greatly inspired.

  12. 0514 luke 130 you have found favor powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 luke 130 you have found favor powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 luke 130 you have found favor powerpoint church sermon. Luke 1.30 But the angel said to her, Do not be afraid, Mary you have found favor with God. Spread the good word with our Luke 130. Extol the virtues of the Church. Extol the virtues of the Church with our Kindness PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. They help spread the good word.

  13. 0514 psalms 511 spirit into the wilderness power powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 psalms 511 spirit into the wilderness power powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 psalms 511 spirit into the wilderness power powerpoint church sermon. Psalms 51.1 For the director of music. A psalm of David. When the prophet Nathan came to him after David had committed adultery with Bathsheba. Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions. Spirit into the wilderness Display deep compassion with our Psalms 511. Demonstrate that you care greatly. Demonstrate great caring with our Kindness PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. You will display deep compassion.

  14. 0514 psalms 1382 i will bow down toward powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 psalms 1382 i will bow down toward powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 psalms 1382 i will bow down toward powerpoint church sermon. I will bow down toward your holy temple and will praise your name for your unfailing love and your faithfulness, for you have so exalted your solemn decree that it surpasses your fame. Psalms 138.2 Reveal the glory of the Church with our Psalms 1382. Give everyone a glimpse of its grandeur. Give everyone a glimpse of grandeur with our Kindness PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Allow them to experience the glory of the Church.

  15. 0514 romans 24 god kindness is intended powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 romans 24 god kindness is intended powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 romans 24 god kindness is intended powerpoint church sermon. Romans 2.4 Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, forbearance and patience, not realizing that Gods kindness is intended to lead you to repentance The Church helps folks connect. Our Romans 24 too are an excellent conduit. Use our Kindness PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors as a conduit. Help folks connect with the Church.

  16. 0514 1 samuel 23 god who knows and by powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 1 samuel 23 god who knows and by powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 1 samuel 23 god who knows and by powerpoint church sermon. Do not keep talking so proudly or let your mouth speak such arrogance, for the LORD is a God who knows, and by him deeds are weighed. 1 Samuel 2.3 Hail the Glorious with our 1 Samuel 23. Extol the brilliance of His creation. Extol the Glorious with our Knowledge PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Hail His brilliant creation.

  17. 0514 1 thessalonians 45 not in passionate lust like powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 1 thessalonians 45 not in passionate lust like powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 1 thessalonians 45 not in passionate lust like powerpoint church sermon. Not in passionate lust like the pagans, who do not know God 1 Thessalonians 4.5 Lighten the burden with our 1 Thessalonians 45. They assist you in carrying the cross. Bear the cross with our Knowledge PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. They help carry any burden.

  18. 0514 2 peter 18 unproductive in your knowledge power powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 2 peter 18 unproductive in your knowledge power powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 2 peter 18 unproductive in your knowledge power powerpoint church sermon. For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. 2 Peter 1.8 Direct their eyes to Heaven with our 2 Peter 18. Acquaint them with the glory of the Lord. Acquaint them with Lords glory with our Knowledge PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Their eyes will get directed to Heaven.

  19. 0514 acts 1616 she earned a great deal powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 acts 1616 she earned a great deal powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 acts 1616 she earned a great deal powerpoint church sermon. Acts 16.16 Once when we were going to the place of prayer, we were met by a female slave who had a spirit by which she predicted the future. She earned a great deal of money for her owners by fortune telling. Honor thy Church with our Acts 1616. See devotion build in their eyes. Our Knowledge PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors will fill their eyes with devotion. Bring great honor to the Church.

  20. 0514 genesis 217 you must not eat from powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 genesis 217 you must not eat from powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 genesis 217 you must not eat from powerpoint church sermon. Genesis 2.17 But you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will certainly die. Inspire your followers with our Genesis 217. Their belief in the Church will get firmer. Generate firmer belief with our Knowledge PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Followers of the Church will feel greatly inspired.

  21. 0514 hebrews 1026 the truth no sacrifice powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 hebrews 1026 the truth no sacrifice powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 hebrews 1026 the truth no sacrifice powerpoint church sermon. Hebrews 10.26 If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left Spread the good word with our Hebrews 1026. Extol the virtues of the Church. Extol the virtues of the Church with our Knowledge PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. They help spread the good word.

  22. 0514 jeremiah 333 call to me and i will powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 jeremiah 333 call to me and i will powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 jeremiah 333 call to me and i will powerpoint church sermon. Jeremiah 33.3 Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. Build firm belief in the Church with our Jeremiah 333. The doctrine will become clear. Our Knowledge PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors ensure the doctrine becomes clear. Help build firm belief in the Church.

  23. 0514 john 1711 the name you gave me powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 john 1711 the name you gave me powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 john 1711 the name you gave me powerpoint church sermon. I will remain in the world no longer, but they are still in the world, and I am coming to you. Holy Father, protect them by the power of your name, the name you gave me, so that they may be one as we are one. John 17.11 Display deep compassion with our John 1711. Demonstrate that you care greatly. Demonstrate great caring with our Knowledge PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. You will display deep compassion.

  24. 0514 romans 320 the law we become conscious power powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 romans 320 the law we become conscious power powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 romans 320 the law we become conscious power powerpoint church sermon. Romans 3.20 Therefore no one will be declared righteous in Gods sight by observing the law rather, through the law we become conscious of our sin. Reveal the glory of the Church with our Romans 320. Give everyone a glimpse of its grandeur. Give everyone a glimpse of grandeur with our Knowledge PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Allow them to experience the glory of the Church.

  25. 0514 romans 1133 how unsearchable his judgments powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 romans 1133 how unsearchable his judgments powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 romans 1133 how unsearchable his judgments powerpoint church sermon. Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God How unsearchable his judgments, and his paths beyond tracing out Romans 11.33 The Church helps folks connect. Our Romans 1133 too are an excellent conduit. Use our Knowledge PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors as a conduit. Help folks connect with the Church.

  26. 0514 colossians 31 christ is seated at the right powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 colossians 31 christ is seated at the right powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 colossians 31 christ is seated at the right powerpoint church sermon. Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Colossians 3.1 Hail the Glorious with our Colossians 31. Extol the brilliance of His creation. Extol the Glorious with our Life PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Hail His brilliant creation.

  27. 0514 ephesians 41 i urge you to live power powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 ephesians 41 i urge you to live power powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 ephesians 41 i urge you to live power powerpoint church sermon. Ephesians 4.1 As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Lighten the burden with our Ephesians 41. They assist you in carrying the cross. Bear the cross with our Life PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. They help carry any burden.

  28. 0514 ephesians 210 christ jesus to do good powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 ephesians 210 christ jesus to do good powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 ephesians 210 christ jesus to do good powerpoint church sermon. For we are Gods handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2.10 Direct their eyes to Heaven with our Ephesians 210. Acquaint them with the glory of the Lord. Acquaint them with Lords glory with our Life PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Their eyes will get directed to Heaven.

  29. 0514 romans 89 they do not belong powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 romans 89 they do not belong powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 romans 89 they do not belong powerpoint church sermon. You, however, are not controlled by the sinful nature but are in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God lives in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, they do not belong to Christ. Romans 8.9 The Church helps folks connect. Our Romans 89, too, are an excellent conduit. Use our Life PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors as a conduit. Help folks connect with the Church.

  30. 0514 john 336 the son will not see life power powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 john 336 the son will not see life power powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 john 336 the son will not see life power powerpoint church sermon. Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for Gods wrath remains on them. John 3.36 Honor thy Church with our John 336. See devotion build in their eyes. Our Life PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors will fill their eyes with devotion. Bring great honor to the Church.

  31. 0514 john 812 i am the light powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 john 812 i am the light powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 john 812 i am the light powerpoint church sermon. John 8.12 When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life. Spread the good word with our John 812. Extol the virtues of the Church. Extol the virtues of the Church with our Life PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. They help spread the good word.

  32. 0514 john 1011 i am the good powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 john 1011 i am the good powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 john 1011 i am the good powerpoint church sermon. John 10.11 I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. Build firm belief in the Church with our John 1011. The doctrine will become clear. Our Life PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors ensure the doctrine becomes clear. Help build firm belief in the Church.

  33. 0514 john 1513 lay down one life powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 john 1513 lay down one life powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 john 1513 lay down one life powerpoint church sermon. Greater love has no one than this. to lay down ones life for ones friends. John 15.13 Display deep compassion with our John 1513. Demonstrate that you care greatly. Demonstrate great caring with our Life PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. You will display deep compassion.

  34. 0514 luke 11 many have undertaken powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 luke 11 many have undertaken powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 luke 11 many have undertaken powerpoint church sermon. Luke 1.1 Many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things that have been fulfilled among us. Hail the Glorious with our Luke 11. Extol the brilliance of His creation. Extol the Glorious with our Luke PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Hail His brilliant creation.

  35. 0514 luke 17 they both were now well power powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 luke 17 they both were now well power powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 luke 17 they both were now well power powerpoint church sermon. Luke 1.7 And they had no child, because that Elisabeth was barren, and they both were now well stricken in years. Lighten the burden with our Luke 17. They assist you in carrying the cross. Bear the cross with our Luke PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. They help carry any burden.

  36. 0514 luke 23 and everyone went to their powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 luke 23 and everyone went to their powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 luke 23 and everyone went to their powerpoint church sermon. Luke 2.3 And everyone went to their own town to register. Direct their eyes to Heaven with our Luke 23. Acquaint them with the glory of the Lord. Acquaint them with Lords glory with our Luke PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Their eyes will get directed to Heaven.

  37. 0514 luke 41 the jordan and was led power powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 luke 41 the jordan and was led power powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 luke 41 the jordan and was led power powerpoint church sermon. Luke 4.1 Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, left the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness. Honor thy Church with our Luke 41. See devotion build in their eyes. Our Luke PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors will fill their eyes with devotion. Bring great honor to the Church.

  38. 0514 luke 101 him to every town and place powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 luke 101 him to every town and place powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 luke 101 him to every town and place powerpoint church sermon. Luke 10.1 After this the Lord appointed seventy two others and sent them two by two ahead of him to every town and place where he was about to go. Inspire your followers with our Luke 101. Their belief in the Church will get firmer. Generate firmer belief with our Luke PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Followers of the Church will feel greatly inspired.

  39. 0514 luke 111 one day jesus was praying power powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 luke 111 one day jesus was praying power powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 luke 111 one day jesus was praying power powerpoint church sermon. One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said to him, Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples. Luke 11.1 Spread the good word with our Luke 111. Extol the virtues of the Church. Extol the virtues of the Church with our Luke PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. They help spread the good word.

  40. 0514 luke 181 they should always pray powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 7
    0514 luke 181 they should always pray powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 luke 181 they should always pray powerpoint church sermon. Luke 18.1 Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up. Build firm belief in the Church with our Luke 181. The doctrine will become clear. Our Luke PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors ensure the doctrine becomes clear. Help build firm belief in the Church.

  41. 0514 luke 736 they were both well advanced powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 luke 736 they were both well advanced powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 luke 736 they were both well advanced powerpoint church sermon. But they were childless because Elizabeth was not able to conceive, and they were both well advanced in years. Luke 7.36 Display deep compassion with our Luke 736. Demonstrate that you care greatly. Demonstrate great caring with our Luke PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. You will display deep compassion.

  42. 0514 luke 923 wants to be my disciple powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 luke 923 wants to be my disciple powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 luke 923 wants to be my disciple powerpoint church sermon. Luke 9.23 Then he said to them all. Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me. Reveal the glory of the Church with our Luke 923. Give everyone a glimpse of its grandeur. Give everyone a glimpse of grandeur with our Luke PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Allow them to experience the glory of the Church.

  43. 0514 luke 1038 jesus and his disciples powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 luke 1038 jesus and his disciples powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 luke 1038 jesus and his disciples powerpoint church sermon. As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him. Luke 10.38 The Church helps folks connect. Our Luke 1038, too, are an excellent conduit. Use our Luke PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors as a conduit. Help folks connect with the Church.

  44. 0514 luke 1425 large crowds were traveling powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 luke 1425 large crowds were traveling powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 luke 1425 large crowds were traveling powerpoint church sermon. Luke 14.25 Large crowds were traveling with Jesus, and turning to them he said. Get folks believing with our Luke 1425. Bring them to the Churchs doors. Our Luke PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors will bring them to the doors of the Church. Your thoughts will encourage them to enter.

  45. 0514 1 corinthians 134 love is patient powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 1 corinthians 134 love is patient powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 1 corinthians 134 love is patient powerpoint church sermon. 1 Corinthians 13.4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. Hail the Glorious with our 1 Corinthians 134. Extol the brilliance of His creation. Extol the Glorious with our Love PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Hail His brilliant creation.

  46. 0514 1 john 31 that we should be called powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 1 john 31 that we should be called powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 1 john 31 that we should be called powerpoint church sermon. 1 John 3.1 See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God. And that is what we are. The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him. Lighten the burden with our 1 John 31. They assist you in carrying the cross. Bear the cross with our Love PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. They help carry any burden.

  47. 0514 1 john 47 love one another for love powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 1 john 47 love one another for love powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 1 john 47 love one another for love powerpoint church sermon. Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. 1 John 4.7 Direct their eyes to Heaven with our 1 John 47. Acquaint them with the glory of the Lord. Acquaint them with Lords glory with our Love PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Their eyes will get directed to Heaven.

  48. 0514 1 john 215 love the world love powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 1 john 215 love the world love powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 1 john 215 love the world love powerpoint church sermon. 1 John 2.15 Do not love the world or anything in the world. If you love the world, love for the Father is not in you. Honor thy Church with our 1 John 215. See devotion build in their eyes. Our Love PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors will fill their eyes with devotion. Bring great honor to the Church.

  49. 0514 ephesians 14 the creation of the world powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 ephesians 14 the creation of the world powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 ephesians 14 the creation of the world powerpoint church sermon. Ephesians 1.4 For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love. Inspire your followers with our Ephesians 14. Their belief in the Church will get firmer. Generate firmer belief with our Love PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Followers of the Church will feel greatly inspired.

  50. 0514 hebrews 1024 we may spur one another powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 hebrews 1024 we may spur one another powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 hebrews 1024 we may spur one another powerpoint church sermon. Hebrews 10.24 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Spread the good word with our Hebrews 1024. Extol the virtues of the Church. Extol the virtues of the Church with our Love PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. They help spread the good word.

  51. 0514 john 1423 my father will love power powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 john 1423 my father will love power powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 john 1423 my father will love power powerpoint church sermon. John 14.23 Jesus replied, Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them. Build firm belief in the Church with our John 1423. The doctrine will become clear. Our Love PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors ensure the doctrine becomes clear. Help build firm belief in the Church.

  52. 0514 john 2115 feed my lambs power powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 john 2115 feed my lambs power powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 john 2115 feed my lambs power powerpoint church sermon. John 21.15 When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, Simon son of John, do you love me more than these. Yes, Lord, he said, you know that I love you. Jesus said, Feed my lambs. Display deep compassion with our John 2115. Demonstrate that you care greatly. Demonstrate great caring with our Love PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. You will display deep compassion.

  53. 0514 jude 12 mercy peace and love powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 jude 12 mercy peace and love powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 jude 12 mercy peace and love powerpoint church sermon. Jude 1.2 Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance. Reveal the glory of the Church with our Jude 12. Give everyone a glimpse of its grandeur. Give everyone a glimpse of grandeur with our Love PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Allow them to experience the glory of the Church.

  54. 0514 philippians 21 any encouragement from being powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 philippians 21 any encouragement from being powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 philippians 21 any encouragement from being powerpoint church sermon. Philippians 2.1 Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion. The Church helps folks connect. Our Philippians 21, too, are an excellent conduit. Use our Love PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors as a conduit. Help folks connect with the Church.

  55. 0514 mark 19 time jesus came from nazareth powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 mark 19 time jesus came from nazareth powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 mark 19 time jesus came from nazareth powerpoint church sermon. At that time Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan. Mark 1.9 Hail the Glorious with our Mark 19. Extol the brilliance of His creation. Extol the Glorious with our Mark PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Hail His brilliant creation.

  56. 0514 mark 21 jesus again entered capernaum powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 mark 21 jesus again entered capernaum powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 mark 21 jesus again entered capernaum powerpoint church sermon. Mark 2.1 A few days later, when Jesus again entered Capernaum, the people heard that he had come home. Lighten the burden with our Mark 21. They assist you in carrying the cross. Bear the cross with our Mark PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. They help carry any burden.

  57. 0514 mark 161 that they might go to anoint powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 mark 161 that they might go to anoint powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 mark 161 that they might go to anoint powerpoint church sermon. When the Sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices so that they might go to anoint Jesus body. Mark 16.1 Direct their eyes to Heaven with our Mark 161. Acquaint them with the glory of the Lord. Acquaint them with Lords glory with our Mark PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Their eyes will get directed to Heaven.

  58. 0514 mark 834 my disciple must deny powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 mark 834 my disciple must deny powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 mark 834 my disciple must deny powerpoint church sermon. Then he called the crowd to him along with his disciples and said Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. Mark 8.34 Honor thy Church with our Mark 834. See devotion build in their eyes. Our Mark PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors will fill their eyes with devotion. Bring great honor to the Church.

  59. 0514 mark 910 they kept the matter powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 mark 910 they kept the matter powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 mark 910 they kept the matter powerpoint church sermon. They kept the matter to themselves, discussing what rising from the dead meant. Mark 9.10 Inspire your followers with our Mark 910. Their belief in the Church will get firmer. Generate firmer belief with our Mark PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. Followers of the Church will feel greatly inspired.

  60. 0514 mark 923 everything is possible for one powerpoint church sermon Slide 1 of 8
    0514 mark 923 everything is possible for one powerpoint church sermon

    We are proud to present our 0514 mark 923 everything is possible for one powerpoint church sermon. If you can said Jesus. Everything is possible for one who believes. Mark 9.23 Spread the good word with our Mark 923. Extol the virtues of the Church. Extol the virtues of the Church with our Mark PowerPoint sermon slides for pastors. They help spread the good word.

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