AI is changing the way value is delivered to customers as it is integrated into all business areas. What is AI transformation? How is it essential for companies today? What impact does it have on all industries for raising the bar of awareness & competition?



Via Giphy


Get all your answers through this blog. Also, get to know all the vital guidelines businesses must go through while transforming their processes using AI. Moreover, we have a ready-made & efficient AI transformation playbook for your convenience.



What is AI Transformation?

AI transformation is the process of driving digital transformation through Artificial Intelligence. Consequently, adopting such transformations for businesses has almost become vital as integrating AI into all business areas gives them a solid advantage over their competitors.


Furthermore, organizations must act fast, smart and relevant to access AI’s potential. Similarly, it aids businesses in making better decisions, driving economies of scale through faster processes, and predicting outcomes efficiently.



How AI is Transforming the World?

Study tells us that 70% of the companies will adopt advanced AI models in one form or another by 2030. Additionally, transforming business models through AI helps companies in capturing & applying scarce knowledge. Moreover, it aids in improving product performance and reduces headcount using automation.


Henceforth, some of the key imperatives that show us that AI is transforming the world are as follows:


  • Provide businesses drive transformation through vendor-agnostic solutions with fully available source code and expert-verified architecture.
  • It starts the AI transformation of organizations with robust data pipelines, infrastructure, and a data lake.
  • Moreover, these AI transformation models use case-specific AI components for better computer vision and anomaly detection.
  • Achieves transparency through effective measurement and monitoring to gain visibility, etc.




Challenges of AI Transformation

AI transformation has affected businesses and customers both positively. As firms can manage their work remotely & and at the same time, it ensures that the demands of customers are met on time. Consequently, it is vital to note that AI transformation still faces many challenges while implementing AI techniques in the business. Additionally, some of the key challenges are:


  • Training & complex algorithms of AI Model - Performance and function of business models & operations heavily rely on AI algorithms. Once the AI models are implemented on the system, you will realize that continuous running of the techniques requires skilled human resources. Additionally, it becomes daunting for the enterprise.
  • Infrastructure - AI-based transformation systems require high-level computational speed. Henceforth, organizations have to replace their outdated infrastructure to achieve more speed in operations.
  • Determine the right data set - AI systems are developed & driven by leveraging quality data. Sometimes, it becomes difficult to find out what data to use. Thus, using and identifying the right data set is essential to enable transformative digital experiences.




AI Transformation is Must to Build Organizations of Tomorrow. Grab this Competent Playbook and Take Competitive Advantage

There are a few essential guidelines to keep in mind when it comes to AI transformation while preparing the process for your organization.


Henceforth, let's take a closer look at each of these slides.


We have jotted down 13 slides for your reference. Additionally, read them carefully and learn how you can apply them in your business process.


If you don't want to take on the responsibility of searching AI transformation guidelines on your own, use our competent, ready-made playbook.


Book a free demo with our research team now!



Slide 1: Cover Page

First slide of the playbook, i.e., the cover page, exhibits the name of the playbook and company name insightfully. This readymade AI Transformation playbook has a competent and efficient design for the cover page.


Moreover, it showcases what this playbook contains and for which company it is prepared. Also, one can edit the company name and utilize the same guidelines in their AI Transformation playbook.


Consequently, check out all the essential guidelines an AI playbook has to contain.



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Slide 2: AI Pilot Project Canvas

This slide shows a project canvas, managers can use to provide an overview of AI pilot projects. Additionally, key insights to be mentioned in the project canvas for the AI pilot are as follows:


  • Project name, date, project manager details
  • Ecosystem partners – AI tool, AI neural network setup
  • AI services – Speech and object recognition
  • Data sources – Historical & archived data, primary research
  • Benefits to business – Higher customer satisfaction, more revenue generation
  • Value-added to business – Automatic recognition of speech & object
  • Costing – Software & hardware costing
  • Key stakeholders – Internal customers, end-users
  • Channels for engagement – Sales process, customer service calls
  • Value proposition – Personalized experience, improved responsiveness



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Slide 3: Business Areas Where AI will Make an Impact

AI has shown its impact in almost every sphere of the industry, whether it is related to business, technology, healthcare, etc. This slide illustrates the business areas that will be affected by the post-introduction of AI technology.


Consequently, areas covered where AI will make an impact in the business include:


  • Smarter product – Likewise, on introducing an AI system, the organization will be able to create innovative products based on customers’ preferences or needs.
  • Seamless customer experience – Customer acquisition and retargeting processes will optimize post-AI implementation.
  • Autonomous processes – Thus, the organization can streamline its production processes, demand, and procurement using AI tools.
  • Risk Identification & management – With AI models, the organization will be able to put safeguards in advance to protect themselves from any threats



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Slide 4: Key Capabilities Required for AI Success

This slide highlights the capabilities required for successfully implementing an AI pilot project. Furthermore, capabilities covered in the slide for AI success are:


  • Technology platform – Requirement of a scalable tech platform that can process a large amount of data
  • Workflow – Need a standard workflow process that outlines each step of the process, from defining to deployment
  • Talent – Need for resources having a deep understanding of statistical techniques
  • Repository – Requirement of a repository containing training data, essential documents, source codes, etc.



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Slide 5: Identifying & Understanding the AI Suitability

To determine whether AI technology is suitable for business operations or not, organizations need to understand its suitability. This slide provides an overview of the five-stage process to identify AI suitability. Furthermore, the stages covered in the slide are as follows:


  • Selection – Enabling the organization to operationalize the right solution
  • Implementation – Solution implementation
  • Integration – Integration of the solution
  • Assessment – Identifying whether AI technology is appropriate to solve major bottlenecks
  • Readiness – Organizational readiness for AI technology



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Slide 6: Stage One – Determining AI Suitability through Problem Assessment

This slide presents stage one of the five-stage process. Consequently, organizations can use it to identify the AI's suitability for their business. Also, the first stage aims to determine whether AI technology is appropriate to solve the significant bottlenecks.


Key elements highlighted in the slide are inputs, outputs, key activities, key participants, etc. Moreover, inputs for determining AI suitability are:


  • AI – Basic overview of AI
  • Business need – Problem statement, use case
  • Governance, risk management & compliance – Company-specific policies

Similarly, one can display key outputs in the slide. Key participants include business executives, stakeholders, program managers, etc. Likewise, key activities mentioned in the slide are as follows:


  • Management – Build AI inventory, capture the need, etc.
  • People – Address user details, workforce readiness, etc.
  • Process – Process mapping, addressing the AI impact, etc.
  • Technology – AI fitness evaluation, etc.
  • Acquisition – Capture solution outcomes, etc.



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Slide 7: Stage One – Assessment Questionnaire for Considering AI Approach

This slide shows an assessment questionnaire that businesses can use to ensure that AI technology is the best fit for their organization. Moreover, it can even assist in meeting business goals. The score criteria for the questionnaire are as follows:


  • Scoring <= 10 represents that the AI approach will have limited applicability & will provide a small return on investment.
  • Scoring > 11 < 15 presents that the AI approach can be typically supported but not considered over traditional approaches in some cases
  • Scoring >= 16 represents that the AI approach will have strong applicability & will give strong ROI

Additionally, some of the questions highlighted in the AI playbook’s slide are as follows:


  • Is the use case addressing the problem to be solved?
  • Is the use aligning with the business goals & desired outcomes?
  • Is there A possibility of bias in the use case?



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Slide 8: Stage One – Questionnaire Results & Key Considerations

This slide displays the assessment questionnaire results and key considerations about AI technology. Furthermore, it also showcases information about the capabilities of the AI approach. Henceforth, some of them are mentioned below:


  • Cloud-first & shared services – Agile service delivery paradigms are more adaptive, with a low entry cost and consistent productivity.
  • Minimal risk – The firm will see a reduction of 25% in risk events post using the AI approach.
  • Incremental gains – Implementing an AI approach within the operations will guarantee a positive return on investment.
  • Enhanced user experience – AI approach will offer a seamless experience to the users, etc.

Also, a critical consideration for questionnaire results is that the AI approach is the appropriate technology solution that will optimize our services and operational delivery.



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Slide 9: Stage Two – Ensuring Organizational Readiness for AI Approach

This slide portrays stage two of the five-stage process. Furthermore, organizations can use it to prepare themselves for AI technology adoption. The objective behind this stage is to prepare organizations for AI technology. Henceforth, key elements included in the slide for ensuring organizational readiness are:


  • Inputs – AI, business, governance, risk management, compliance, etc.
  • Outputs – AI, business compliance, etc.
  • Key participants – Product owners, SMEs, etc.
  • Key activities – Management, people, process, technology, acquisition, etc.

Additionally, one can even illustrate facts for each key activity. Some of the vital elements included in the slide are change management, skills gap identification, gap analysis, current infrastructure, vendor capabilities, the future status of the business, etc.



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Slide 10: Stage Two – Key Considerations for Readiness Phase

Organizations prepare a list of key considerations to ensure that the business is ready for AI technology adoption. This slide provides information on those key considerations that can be used in business. Additionally, for this, enterprises prepare a readiness phase matrix including their description, analysis, and key takeaways.


Consequently, key considerations included in the slide are as follows:


  • Readiness evaluation – Assess people, process & technology readiness for the use cases having the highest improvement scope.
  • Project management approach – Choose the best project management approach that allows all the team to contribute effectively.
  • Performance expectations – Develop performance KPIs, develop realistic requirements for AI capability, etc.
  • User experience



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Slide 11: Stage Two – Organizational Readiness Checklist

This slide showcases a readiness checklist that will assist businesses in identifying & evaluating their readiness level for AI adoption using different questions. Moreover, the checklist includes the following four essential guidelines. Also, they are as follows:


  • Organizational capability to execute the project – Clearly defined use case & problem statement, AI is the best-fit technology to resolve the problem, etc.
  • Risk management – Mitigation plans are already developed to resolve any risk event, establish a legal team to handle compliance or policies-related conflicts, etc.
  • Governance – Project manager is identified & assigned, project management authorities are established, etc.
  • Technology – Assessment of existing infrastructure is done, etc.



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Slide 12: Stage Two – Organizational Readiness Outcomes

This slide displays the results of stage two, the organization’s readiness for AI adoption. Consequently, results covered in the slide are related to:


  • Confirmation about business cases that can be solved with an AI technology
  • Establishment of KPIs & defined outcomes for project success
  • Formation of various authorities to manage policies as well as manage projects effectively
  • Mitigation plan for the risks identified during the evaluation stage
  • Change management plan with communication strategies to address identified risks, etc.



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Slide 13: KPI Dashboard for Tracking Business Performance

To measure business performance post-AI introduction, organizations use a KPI dashboard. Henceforth, this slide presents performance KPIs for various milestones depicting facts and figures for elements like:


  • Performance KPIs – Start date and end date for AI adoption
  • Progress – Pie charts depicting the progress for different milestones
  • Before versus after all implementation (hours) – Bar charts for showcasing before & after the position of AI adoption & tracking performance
  • Risks & issues – Horizontal bar charts illustrating the risks like extreme, high, medium, low, etc.



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Henceforth, it is important to remember that a well-crafted playbook is an essential tool for any business looking for AI transformation.


However, crafting a perfect playbook can be daunting, especially when unfamiliar with the vital guidelines.


That's where our team comes in!


Our skilled researchers have put together 13 slides that will help you draft a compelling AI playbook.


So don't go it alone – let us help you bring your vision to life!


Contact us today!