Will you loan a significant amount to any of your friends without any written authentication that a loan is indeed being given? As you ponder over the question, remember that businesses face this situation everyday, and the enterprise world  has zeroed in on a solution, a promissory note.


A promissory note is  widely recognized as an essential legal document. In a recent survey of legal professionals, 92%  considered promissory notes to be crucial in establishing a clear financial obligation between parties involved in a loan agreement.


It is considered a formal instrument for documenting and enforcing financial agreements. It is also a written contract between parties involved in a lending or borrowing transaction, outlining the terms, conditions, and obligations related to the debt. These legally binding documents include the borrower’s information and the  lender’s information along with details of the loan. The document provides clarity, protection, and enforceability in case of disputes or default.


Companies may issue promissory notes to secure funds from investors, financial institutions, or even other businesses. These notes outline the principal amount, interest rate, repayment schedule, and any collateral provided as security.


Promissory Note Templates


SlideTeam’s PowerPoint template on promissory note ensures consistency in design, layout, and content, enhancing the visual appeal and readability of the note. .


The slides are 100% customizable and editable. These save your time and effort in creating presentations from scratch, allowing users to focus on the content and ensuring that essential information is  communicated well.


The content-ready nature provides you with a structure for the presentation and a starting point; the editability feature ensures you can tailor it to your audience profile.


Let’s explore these templates now!


Template 1: One-page promissory note for lending money presentation report template

This one-page PPT Template  is a concise and comprehensive document that encapsulates all necessary borrower and lender information and  loan details. It includes names, addresses, and dates of birth of both parties, along with verification details and licenses. The loan information section covers the loan amount, interest rate, loan period, and payment schedule. Don’t forget the vital segment that makes this promissory note valid, the signatures of both parties. This infographic-style presentation template aims to visually represent the information in a clear and engaging manner, ensuring easy understanding and effective communication of the terms and conditions of the loan agreement. If you want to avoid future disputes, this is the promissory note for you. Download now!


One-page promissory note for lending money presentation report infographic ppt pdf document

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Template 2: One-page promissory note for vehicle sale presentation report template

This comprehensive one-page promissory note for a vehicle sale  outlines the terms of a vehicle purchase agreement. It includes a "For Value Received" section to acknowledge the consideration exchanged for the vehicle. The slide also includes details about the vehicle model, manufacturing year, maker and its selling account. The note describes the payment schedule and interest terms in a paragraph format, providing clarity on how the buyer will repay the loan. . The lower segment  of the document includes  buyer and seller information, including names, addresses, and contact details.


Preparing the Vehicle Sales Agreement, a document with significant content, is one of the most trying steps in the trading procedure. Get hold of these excellent vehicle sale agreement templates with samples that are 100% editable.)



One-page promissory note for vehicle sale presentation report infographic ppt pdf document


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Template 3: One-page promissory note for repayment of money presentation report infographic template

This PPT Template illustrates a promissory note for repayment of money in one-page.  It covers details regarding the total loan amount, date, place, installment amounts and interest rates. The note prominently displays the names and relevant information of both the borrower and lender. This one-page format ensures clarity and ease of understanding.  Use this template to facilitate effective communication of the repayment terms between the borrower and lender. Get hold of this template now!



One-page promissory note for repayment of money presentation report infographic ppt pdf document


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Template 4: One-page promissory note for borrowing money presentation report template

The given promissory note for borrowing money is a concise document that outlines the terms of a loan agreement. It includes crucial information such as the borrower's name, address, the principal amount borrowed, and the payment date. There are six terms and conditions that the note reiterates to ensure that the promissory note retains its authority. One is the mention of the geography where the note is signed, and stating explicitly the note’s validity on respective heirs etc.  The document  establishes  the borrower's obligation to repay the loan within the specified time-frame. This one-page presentation report provides a clear and straightforward overview of the loan terms, facilitating effective communication and understanding between the parties involved.

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One-page promissory note for borrowing money presentation report infographic ppt pdf document


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Template 5: One-page promissory note for personal loan presentation report template

This PPT Template includes details such as the installment amount, due date, notice requirements, and execution procedures. This document incorporates multiple choice boxes, offering flexibility for the borrower to select a convenient payment option from the available choices of installments, no installments or no interest payments. At the bottom of the page, there is a signature area that includes the date of signing, along with the names of the lender, borrower, and witness. This document serves as a legally binding agreement, providing clarity and structure for both parties involved in the personal loan transaction. Get it now!


One-page promissory note for personal loan presentation report infographic ppt pdf document


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Template 6: Bi-fold promissory note for borrowing money document report template

This bi-fold PPT Template is pre-designed for presenting the terms of a loan agreement. The document consists of five slides.  It includes vital information such as the names, addresses of the borrower and lender, principal amount, and payment date. Additionally, a contact us page is included  to facilitate communication between the parties. This bi-fold template ensures professionalism, clarity, and ease of understanding, making it a convenient tool for documenting and presenting borrowing arrangements. Get this deck in use now!



Bi-fold promissory note for borrowing money document report pdf ppt template


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Template 7: Bi-fold promissory note for personal loan document report template

This promissory note for a personal loan document report is a versatile and visually appealing PowerPoint template designed to present the terms of a personal loan agreement. This A4 size presentation template  in bi-fold  allows  for a comprehensive display of information. It includes the  installment amount, due date, notice provisions, and execution terms. With plenty of customizable shapes, visuals, and graphics, the template can be tailored to specific industries or personal preferences. Its creative and professional design ensures a visually engaging presentation while effectively communicating the terms of the personal loan. Grab on to this template pile now!


Bi-fold promissory note for personal loan document report pdf ppt template


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Promissory notes: A crucial tool for transparent and enforceable agreements.

Promissory notes play a pivotal role in finance, business, and law. These legally binding documents provide a clear and enforceable framework for debt agreements, ensuring transparency, accountability, and legal protection for  parties involved. Promissory notes are essential tools for companies seeking financing, enabling them to secure short-term funds quickly and establish repayment terms. The importance of a PPT template for promissory notes cannot be overstated. It serves as a valuable tool for creating visually appealing and well-structured presentations, making it easier to convey critical information related to loan agreements. Whether in the corporate world or legal domain, promissory notes provide a structured framework that fosters trust, facilitates financial transactions, and upholds the principles of contractual agreements.


FAQs on promissory notes


What is an example of promissory?


An example of a promissory note in real life can be seen in the context of a personal loan between friends. Let's say X  lends Rs. 20,000 to her friend Y  to help him cover unexpected medical expenses. To ensure clarity and trust in their agreement, they create a promissory note. The note states that Y  promises to repay the loan within six months, with a 5% interest rate applied. It also outlines the monthly repayment schedule. By signing the promissory note, both parties have a documented agreement that provides a sense of security, transparency, and accountability, ensuring that their friendship remains intact while upholding their financial responsibilities.


What is a promissory note in law?


In law, a promissory note is a legally enforceable document that serves as a written promise from one party, known as the issuer or maker, to another party, known as the payee or holder, to pay a specific sum of money by a certain date or upon demand. It outlines the terms and conditions of the debt, including the principal amount, interest rate, repayment schedule, and any other agreed-upon terms. A promissory note  provides a basis for legal recourse in case of default or disputes between the parties involved.

What is the main purpose of a promissory note?


A promissory note serves as a legally binding document that outlines the terms and conditions of a loan or debt agreement between two parties. Its main purpose is to establish a written promise from the borrower to repay a specific amount of money to the lender within a specified time-frame. By documenting the agreement, a promissory note provides clarity and protection for both the borrower and the lender, ensuring that the loan terms are understood and enforceable in case of disputes or legal action.