“Pretend that every single person you meet has a sign around his or her neck that says, ‘Make me feel important.’ Not only will you succeed in sales, you will succeed in life.”

- Mary Kay Ash, American Businesswoman


This quote from May Kay Cosmetics founder captures the essence of the sales process. As leader in presentation design services, SlideTeam has captured this core spirit as the focal point when working on our Sales Training Module that we proudly present to you today. Trainer (s) can download this PPT Deck Course with a click here.


No matter the nature of business, sales is the most crucial part of an organization’s capability to earn a profit, a.k.a the company’s main goal. Not only is sales responsible for revenue generation, it is essential for every other aspect of business operations, including but not limited to market presence, R&D, vendor relationships, job creation, cash flow management, investor confidence, etc. Furthermore, given that how many disciplines sales influences, it is only natural that even people who don’t belong to the sales department are equipped with relevant skills. This is where we come in with exhaustive readymade training courses.


Your company would certainly benefit if Bob in HR were more sales-savvy, for instance, during the job creation process. He needs to sell the position well, after all.


This Sales Training Curriculum delivers comprehensive guidance to all members of your audience or the trainee group, from the novice to the experienced salespeople. Furthermore, the content-ready slides are neither too advanced for the people looking to get into sales nor too simple for those looking to hone their skills.


Why this Sales Training Course?


There are benefits to using this PPT Bundle Sales Training to upskill your employees, whether or not they belong to the sales team. Three of the most significant advantages of this training are listed here:


1. Enhanced Sales Performance: 


Sales training equips employees with advanced techniques, product knowledge, and practical communication skills. This leads to improved sales strategies, better customer engagement, and increased conversion rates. Training empowers sales teams to address objections, tailor pitches, and build rapport, enhancing overall sales performance.


2. Increased Customer Satisfaction: 


Well-trained salespeople can better understand customer needs and provide tailored solutions. This personalized approach increases customer satisfaction as clients feel understood and supported. Satisfied customers are more likely to become repeat buyers and recommend products or services to others, thus fostering long-term relationships and positive word-of-mouth referrals.


3. Confidence and Motivation:


Sales training boosts employees’ self-confidence by providing the tools and knowledge to navigate sales scenarios. This confidence translates into higher motivation levels, as sales professionals feel better equipped to meet challenges. A motivated team is likelier to set and achieve ambitious goals, contributing to a positive work environment and morale.


Comprehensive Curriculum for Sales Training PPT


Comprehensive Curriculum for Sales Training PPT


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Session I: Introduction to Sales Fundamentals


What IS selling? This question might seem naive to even the novice in your audience, but our resource presents an excellent introduction to the profession of sales to create a strong base, for businesses to springboard to greater profitability.


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This session acquaints the trainees with the art of selling and demonstrates what it truly is by busting some myths about being a great salesperson. It delivers knowledge on why salespeople fail, learning to sell how the client wants to buy, and finding out what the client wants. It goes a step further and includes reasons for why a client might not buy from you and how and why you might be losing out on sales to your competition.


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To provide a more hands-on experience, the session includes a tenacity target activity to help the trainees learn how to be persistent with a client. Access this training module to lay the foundation for amazing future salesforce, which, more often that not, gets its way.


Session II: Understanding the Sales Process


With the basics understood, it is time to showcase the sales process. This part of the training introduces the trainees to what a sales process entails and an example of the ideal sales process.


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The SPANCO phases of the sales process are presented: Suspect, Prospect, Approach, Negotiation, Closure, and Order. These slides describe each step in detail before moving on to the procedure for creating one’s own sales process. Finally, a visual flowchart is presented to make the sales process more real.

A major focus of Session II is lead generation, with half the slides dedicated to the process that is its DNA.


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The module presents lead generation, beginning with the basics and moving on to its types, importance, statistics, etc. The process and strategies for lead generation are showcased. Following the process, the focus is shifted to lead management, its processes, and channels. B2B and B2C lead generation are separated, and many more concepts are made available in this PPT Set to convert a hot lead into a loyal client at the click of the download button.


Session III: Understanding Sales Methodologies


The previous two sessions detailed the ‘what’ in sales for the most part.


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In the third session, we discuss the ‘how.’ ‘Methodologies’ represents the many sales techniques you can employ depending on the prospect and the product. Some of the most popular are SPIN Selling, Challenger Sale, N.E.A.T. Selling, MEDDPICC, etc. Each strategy is described in detail within the slides to equip the training with the tools to close a deal, no matter how hard.


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The trainer would then move forward and discuss Consultative Selling and compare it with Traditional Selling. Three essential consultative selling skills are described, and the sale process is explained in great granularity.


Session IV: Opening the Sales Conversation


We kick the hands-on experience into high gear with Session IV. In this course section, the trainees learn how to open the conversation to make a sale. The session begins with the basics, explaining what this means and why it’s essential. The sales prospecting process is introduced and explained with its steps: Research, Outreach, Discovery Call, Educate & Evaluate, and Close.


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A fun detective activity raises interest in learning about sales prospecting methods such as cold email, cold calling, social media, etc. This teaches salespeople to get past the gatekeeper and interact with the decision-maker directly. But this also means learning to handle rejection, which this training module explains. Download it from the link below (we can’t handle rejection, ironically enough).


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The session finishes with a section on having a successful sales conversation and some tips to sharpen the skills needed.


Session V: Discovery Stage in the Sales Process


Session V shines a light on how to stalk your prey; or, in professional terms, find a sales opportunity. But what is it, and how does a contact become an opportunity? Download this course to find out!


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The training here focuses on qualifying a prospect using the BANT Framework: Budget, Authority, Need, and Timeline. The slides help the trainer teach about making selling easier, creating a buyer person, determining customer pain points, etc.


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Access SlideTeam’s Sales Training Courses Here


With our PPT Deck, learn how to create the need for your product, establish credibility, earn people’s trust, and access the best practices to make a buyer persona!


Session VI: Presentation Stage in Sales Process


A presentation makes things much better and easier for both the seller and the (prospective) buyer. This training module takes you through the steps for making your sales presentation. (You can use SlideTeam’s many content-ready and 100% editable templates!) These steps are: Define the Purpose, List Critical Points, and Customize Based on Audience.


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The following slides present what a salesperson should do before a sales presentation, like research the company and client and present your product/service. Four excellent tips for the presentation are also there. Access the slides to benefit!


Comprehensive Curriculum for Sales Training PPT



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Session VII: Closing Stage in the Sales Process


“Coffee is for closers and relaxation, after a job well done, and a deal closed,” and the whole class is getting coffee. But before you can get that cup of joe, first, let’s learn what it is to close a deal, why it’s important, and why sometimes salespeople fail when trying to close. Our training module focuses on things that the trainees can control, such as addressing the buyer's needs and not establishing personal relationships.




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With the traps avoided, let us take a closer look at the many closing techniques, what they are, and when it is appropriate to use each one. These methods include the 1-2-3 Close, Adjournment Close, Affordable Close, Artisan Close, and more.


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Sales is not a one-size-fits-all process. For every situation, there is a technique to deal with it, and we have explained the best ones here in these slides. Available for immediate download!


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Sales also has a need for a bit of reading body language. In this session, we offer signals pointing towards a purchase and why they are important. There are also techniques listed and described regarding responding to these signals to close the deal ultimately.


Session VIII: Objection Handling and Overcoming Resistance


People aren’t always going to say yes, but we knew that going into this. But there are professional approaches to handling objections and overcoming customer resistance. But wait a minute. What is sales objection, what does it look like, its types, and why is it important? Many prudent questions and answers are within these slides.


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We deliver on objections uninterested customers come up with, and the ways to overcome these, such as the four-step approach, deflection, storytelling, etc. These four steps, the two variants in deflection, and more are accessible through the link below! Further slides are dedicated to handling the most common objection types, classic skills to overcome objections, and the psychological triggers to counteract resistance with effective resistance (scarcity, consistency, reward, liking, etc.)


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Session IX: Follow-up Stage in Sales Process


It’s not just about building bridges; it’s also about maintaining them. Follow-ups are how you maintain business with a client and this session dives deep into what that looks like and its importance. This training module has excellent slides with valuable information on why most salespeople avoid following up (a cardinal sin), followed by some insightful statistics on following up.


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How do you follow-up? There are phone calls and texts, emails, and even snail mail and, of course, social media. But in this session, we discuss the ‘how’ of following up and the dos and don’ts for the same. A detailed guide to following-up through emails and phone calls gives you the script and ideas you need to do the job well.


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Session X: After-Sales Stage in the Sales Process


The sale has been made, and you learned how to follow up. Time to close shop and switch off your phone? Right? Wrong! But you knew that too!


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The after-sales stage is crucial as well, and it is important that you follow up after the sale has been made. But what is it and why, and what are its advantages? All the answers are here. A few advantages are to build trust, ward off problems, create goodwill, and more with a quick download of our training courses.


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Also included are tips for an effective after-sales follow-up and seven metrics every salesperson should track. What are they? Download this complete 600-slide training guide to find out!


Session XI: Essential Sales Skills to Internalize


This final session and the main theme of this comprehensive sales training is to upskill your employees (all employees) in sales skills. In this final leg, the trainer will teach the trainees about sales skills, what they are, and their importance. We list the required soft skills in sales, such as active listening, empathy, self-motivation, time management, etc. We also deliver on customer-facing sales skills like storytelling, social skills, customer engagement, and more.


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Access SlideTeam’s Sales Training Courses Here


We complete this session and the training with slides on the core skills that sales personnel require, almost like hands and legs. These include


  1. Product knowledge
  2. Research skills
  3. Strategic prospecting
  4. Lead qualification
  5. Closing skills
  6. Customer success management
  7. Strategic Skilling, and


…you’ll have to download the deck to find the final mystery sales skill!


Comprehensive Curriculum for Sales Training PPT


Access SlideTeam’s Sales Training Courses Here


Sales, as we mentioned earlier in this blog, is an essential skill for all employees, no matter if they belong in the sales department or not. This training module PPT Deck is a culmination of extensive research and dedication from SlideTeam to create the ultimate guide to teach the art of selling to all hose wish to learn (and some for whom it’s mandatory!).


FAQs on Sales Training


What is sales training? 


Sales training equips sales professionals with the skills, knowledge, and techniques to engage with potential customers, understand their needs, and persuade them to purchase. It encompasses strategies to enhance communication, negotiation, and product knowledge, ultimately improving sales performance and revenue generation.


What are the steps in sales training? 


The sales training process generally involves these key steps:


  1. Assessment: Evaluating existing skills and knowledge; Content Creation: Developing training materials and resources.
  2. Delivery: Conducting training sessions through workshops, webinars, or online platforms.
  3. Practice and Role-Play: Simulating sales scenarios for skill application. Feedback and Coaching: Providing constructive feedback and one-on-one guidance.
  4. Assessment of Progress: Measuring improvements in sales performance based on predefined metrics.


What makes a good sales training? 


These factors characterize effective sales training:


  1. Relevance: Tailored to the industry, products, and sales environment.
  2. Engagement: Interactive and participatory sessions that encourage active learning.
  3. Practicality: Focused on real-world scenarios and actionable strategies. Consistency: Continuous reinforcement and skill refinement over time.
  4. Measurement: Clear metrics to track progress and success.
  5. Adaptability: Able to evolve with changing market dynamics and customer behaviors.


How many types of sales training are there?


There are several types of sales training approaches:


  1. Product Training: Focusing on in-depth knowledge about products or services;
  2. Skill-Based Training: Enhancing specific skills such as communication, negotiation, and objection handling;
  3. Onboarding Training: Introducing new hires to company culture, products, and processes;
  4. Sales Methodology Training: Teaching a structured approach to sales, like consultative selling or solution selling;
  5. Technology Training: Familiarizing salespeople with CRM software, sales tools, and digital platforms.
  6. Leadership Training: Developing leadership skills for sales managers and team leaders.